

A Study of Marx’s Theory Education Thought and Its Value Research

【作者】 程松涛

【导师】 杨仁忠;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 马克思的理论教育思想是马克思主义理论的有机组成部分。它是无产阶级用来批判资产阶级意识形态,教育和武装无产阶级自身的理论武器,主要是用无产阶级的世界观、人生观和价值观来教育广大受教育者,从而唤醒其无产阶级的阶级意识,并除去资产阶级意识形态之蔽,整合各种社会意识形式以坚定马克思主义信仰,最终实现个人的自由与全面发展。它涵盖了马克思关于理论教育的必要性、教育者与被教育者;理论教育的原则、方法、途径及其特征等内容,是对以往理论教育思想的批判、继承与创新,也是对马克思理论教育活动的实践总结和理论提升。本文以唯物史观为指导,在对马克思的有关原著进行深入研读并借鉴学界已有相关研究成果的基础上,运用文献研究和历史与逻辑相统一等研究方法对马克思理论教育思想的产生与发展、理论教育的基本问题以及教育的原则、方法、途径、特征等因素进行系统性探究,并阐述其价值所在,主要研究了马克思理论教育思想本身的思想性和理论性。在欧洲资本主义发展及其内部矛盾凸显、各种组织和派别之间的思想交锋日趋激烈、无产阶级社会实践逐步深入发展的历史条件下,时代对理论的呼唤尤显迫切。是在这样的历史条件下,马克思积极地借鉴并吸收了前人的理论教育思想,特别是18世纪的法国唯物主义理论教育思想、19世纪的空想社会主义理论教育思想和德国古典哲学的理论教育思想,并结合自身所从事的理论宣传与教育实践形成了马克思理论教育思想。马克思首先对理论教育的必要性、教育者和被教育者进行了论述,最终解决了为什么要教育、由谁教育、教育谁的问题。其中,他把实现无产阶级阶级意识的转变、无产阶级自身解放以及个人的自由与全面发展视为理论教育的必要性所在;同时把无产阶级政党、工人阶级以及无产阶级的理论家和活动家视为理论教育的教育者,相应地把成长中的工人阶级、天然同盟者农民阶级、有所作为的城市小资产阶级以及代表未来的青年一代看作理论教育的被教育者。其次是马克思对理论教育的原则、方法和途径问题的论述。关于理论教育的原则问题,他认为应该坚持理论与实践相结合、思想与利益相一致、理论必须彻底且掌握群众以及立场坚定而明确的原则;在理论教育方法上应坚持理论批判与政治批判、灌输教育与自我教育、榜样树立与典型宣传、长期教育与反复教育相结合;在途径选择上主要通过工人运动、新闻出版和自由报刊、书信交往与著作宣传以及在人际交往中采取灵活多变的教育途径等。再次,文章对马克思理论教育思想的鲜明特征进行了论述。马克思是唯物史观的创立者、践行者,他的理论教育思想必然是对实践的反映,同时也要受到实践的检验,所以实践性是其理论教育思想最为鲜明的特征;同时,作为以意识形态形式存在的马克思理论教育思想有着鲜明的阶级性和批判性特征,所以这一理论教育思想的教育过程就是一个在实践中教育,教育中实践;在批判中教育,在教育中批判的过程。最后,阐述了马克思理论教育思想的价值与意义,主要包含了马克思理论教育思想的理论价值、实践价值和现实启示等内容。首先该思想在开创了理论教育先河的同时丰富与发展了马克思主义理论,还为思想政治教育奠定了理论基础;其次,它揭露了当代资本主义思潮对我们进行西化和分化的图谋,发挥了维护社会主义主流意识形态安全的作用;同时,它在促进社会主义核心价值体系建设和社会主义和谐社会建设等方面都发挥着极其重要的作用;而在现实启示方面,就是对马克思理论教育思想的教育方法、原则和途径在当代理论教育实践中的进一步创新与运用。马克思理论教育思想的教育目的和任务就是通过揭露资产阶级意识形态的虚假性,向人们宣传和普及无产阶级科学的理论思想,并用科学的理论思想去教育广大受教育者,提高他们对社会实践发展的认识水平和逻辑思维能力,通过对主观世界的改造来推动客观世界的改造,以实现人的自由全面发展。

【Abstract】 Marx’s theory education thought is an organic part of marxism theory, it is used to criticize bourgeois ideology of the proletariat, education weapons and armed the proletariat’s own theory. Mainly use the proletarian world outlook, the outlook on life, values education to the masses of educatees, to awaken their proletarian class consciousness, and eliminate all of bourgeois ideology, integration of various forms of social consciousness in a firm marxist belief, finally realize the free and full development of individuals. It covers the necessity of the education of marxist theory, educator and educatee; Theory such as the principles, methods, ways and characteristics of education content, is for the previous theory criticism, inheritance and innovation of education thought, education activities on Marx’s theory of practice and theory. In this paper, guided by the historical materialism, based on the theory of marxist basic disciplines background, in Marx’s original text analysis and draw lessons from educational world related to the existing research results, on the basis of literature research and study on the unity of history and logic method and development of marxism theory education thoughts, the basic issue of education theory and education principles, methods, ways and characteristics of systematic inquiry, and expounds its value, mainly study the marxism theory education thoughts and theoretical thought itself.In Europe, the development of capitalism and its internal contradictions, various groups and factions ideological clash between increasingly fierce, the proletariat gradually in-depth development of historical conditions, social practice actively draw lessons from and absorbing predecessors in Marx’s theory of education thought, especially in the18th century French materialism theory education thought and the utopian socialism of the19th century theory education thought and education theory of German classical philosophy thoughts, on the basis of theory and combine own do propaganda and education practice formed their own theory education thought. Marx first of theoretical education this paper discusses the necessity, the educators and those being educated, finally resolved why education whose problem, who by education, education. Among them, he put to realize the transition of the proletarian class consciousness, their own emancipation of the proletariat, ana personal freedom and comprehensive development as a theory, the necessity of education; At the same time, the working class and the proletarian party of the proletariat theorists and activists as educators of theoretical education and the growth of the working class, natural Allies accordingly the peasant class, as the urban petty bourgeoisie, and represent the future of the youth, as a theory of education is the educator. Followed by marxist principles, methods and approaches of theoretical education is discussed. About the principle of theory education, he thought should adhere to the combination of theory and practice, the combination of thought is consistent with the interests, the theory must be complete and the masses of the master and stand firm and clear principles; On theory education should adhere to the theory of political criticism, criticism and instilling education and ego education, model set up with the typical publicity and education combined with education over and over again for a long time; On the way to choose mainly through workers’ movement, press and publication and free newspapers, letter exchanges and works publicity and adopt flexible education in interpersonal communication way, etc. Again, the article discusses a distinct characteristic of marxism theory education thought. Founder, practitioners of Marx’s historical materialism, his theory is necessarily, responding to the practice of education thought and inspection by the practice, so the practicality is its theoretical education thought is the most distinct characteristic; At the same time, as in marxist theory education of the thought form of ideology, has a distinct class character and critical characteristics, so the theory of education thought education is an education in practice process, in the education practice; Education in the criticism, criticism in the education process.Finally, this paper expounds the value of marxist theory education thought, mainly includes the theory of marxist education thought of the theory of value, the significance and reality guiding sense. At first the idea pioneered the theory education first and enriched and developed the marxist theory, has laid a theoretical foundation for ideological and political education; Second, it revealed the contemporary capitalism to westernization and differentiation of the plot, we played a role of maintaining the socialist mainstream ideology security; At the same time, it in promoting the socialist core value system construction and the construction of socialist harmonious society play an extremely important role in such aspects as; And in reality guiding sense, is actually Marx’s theory of education methods, principles, ways of education thought in the contemporary education theory and practice of innovation and further use.Marx’s theory education thought education purpose and the task is through the falsity of bourgeois ideology, to promote and popularize scientific theory of the proletariat thought, with the scientific theory thought education to the educatees, improve the level of their understanding of the development of social practice and logical thinking ability, through the transformation of the subjective world, changing the objective world in order to realize the all-round development of human freedom.


