

Research on Energy Storage Subsystem Applied for Distributed Energy System

【作者】 严晓辉

【导师】 陈海生;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(工程热物理研究所) , 工程热物理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济持续快速稳定发展,我国能源消耗总量也在大幅增加。目前,传统的粗放式经济发展模式正面临资源过度消耗的瓶颈,能源产业面临着能源利用效率低、污染严重、结构不合理等问题。因此,我国政府提出了“节约优先、立足国内、多元发展、保护环境、科技创新、深化改革、国际合作、改善民生”的能源发展战略。而分布式供能系统作为先进的供能系统是解决上述问题以及促进能源结构优化、能源供应多元发展的有效措施之一,它符合能源梯级利用理论,是以大电网、大电厂为代表的集中式供能方式的重要补充。此外,储能系统是分布式供能系统的重要组成部分,作为负荷平衡设备和备用电源为分布式供能系统能源供应的安全性和可靠性提供了重要保障。因此,为更好地保持在能源领域的核心竞争力,我国必须加强分布式供能领域相关方向的核心技术研究,以便提高我国整体的能源利用水平,并促进我国能源产业结构的优化调整。办公楼宇分布式供能系统是分布式供能系统的重要组成部分,本文以楼宇电力负荷数据为基础并将储能技术引入办公楼宇分布式供能系统,以便提高系统整体的电能输出稳定性、调度灵活性,同时,解决其系统故障率高等问题。本文主要研究适用于分布式供能系统的储能系统,具体的研究内容包括:(1)基于研究所办公楼的电力负荷数据、反向传播(Back Propagation, BP)神经网络算法和储能系统规模计算模型的储能系统需求研究表明:BP神经网络技术适用于带有储能系统的分布式供能系统的短期电力负荷预测,预测精度达到87.5%;通过设定调峰比例以及储能系统的性能参数,使用储能系统规模需求计算模型可以得到用户的电能需求和储能需求,该方法对于确定适用于分布式供能系统的合理储能需求具有指导意义。(2)根据储能系统技术设计方案确定的系统结构原理,通过对储能系统各部件的数学建模以及PID控制、常规模糊控制和变论域模糊PID控制等控制技术的比较分析,利用Matlab-Simulink软件的函数自编程功能实现的储能系统恒功率输出的自动控制仿真研究表明:变论域模糊PID控制相比较于常规PID控制技术的调节时间更短并且没有超调量,有利于系统实现稳定、快速输出的预期响应要求。(3)设计并完成了液压气压结合的储能试验平台的搭建,并通过最高压力9~18MPa、转速100~800r/min的不同组合工况下系统循环运行的试验研究表明:当储能转速恒定为100r/min,释能转速为400r/min时系统的循环效率(电-电)取得最优值;同时,当储/释能转速分别恒定为100r/min和200r/min,系统循环效率在系统最高压力9~12MPa时随着压力的升高而升高,而在12~18MPa时随着压力的升高而上下波动,最大值为50.72%,最小值为48.98%,平均值在50%左右;液压马达/泵的容积效率随着转速以及蓄能器最高压力的变化而变化是影响系统循环效率的重要因素之一。(4)建立了较完善的储能系统经济及社会效益评估模型,并将其应用于液压气压结合的储能系统可以得到:综合考虑当前经济状况指标、未来亟需的储能产业政策以及其它的模型参数设置,通过计算在不同起始投资补贴比例、辅助效益补贴模式以及调峰比例的情况下的临界经济性评估指标,从而得到系统投资盈利的临界每千瓦成本(功率成本)和每千瓦时成本(容量成本),可以为储能系统投资的决策提供方法指导和数据参考;而量化评估储能系统的节能减排效益很好地体现了给社会带来的定量节能环保价值,对于准确分析储能系统的社会效益具有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Along with the sustained, rapid and steady development of national economy, energy consumption in China also increases significantly. Recently, traditional extensive economic development mode is facing bottleneck problems about energy consumption, in details, i.e., low energy use efficiency, overmany pollutant emissions and greenhouse gases emissions, unreasonable energy structure, etc. Therefore, the government has proposed comprehensive energy policies, the basic contents of which are "giving priority to conservation, relying on domestic resources, encouraging diverse development, protecting the environment, promoting scientific and technologic innovation, deepening reform, expanding international cooperation, and improving the people’s livelihood". Actually, as one of the advanced energy supply systems, distributed energy supply system (DESS) is one of the available solutions to the abovementioned problems, as well as, is the critical reinforcement of the large-scale one because of its graded use of energy. Additionally, energy storage subsystem (ESS) is the key part as the load balance equipment and backup power resource. Also, ESS is necessary for the safety and reliability of DESS operation. Hence, more research on those related technologies will be crucial for maintaining national core competitiveness, improvement of energy utilization efficiency, and the reformation of energy structure.Energy storage technology (EES) is introduced in building distributed energy system (BDES) as a key part of distributed energy system. EES should be a resolution of the problems such as electricity generation instability, high system failure rate. The detailed contents are as follows:(1) Research based on the electricity load data of some office building, back propagation (BP) artificial neural networks (ANN) and energy storage size computation model show that:ANN can work efficiently for the case of DESS with EES, in another word,87.5%of predicted load data is within the acceptable relative error; electricity demand and ESS size can be determined based the ESS size determination model with the given peak load shifting and ESS technology characters. They are of certain directive significance to rational size determination and investment of DESS.(2)Simulation modeling by Matlab-Simulink is on the basis of system mathematical modeling of each part of HAES, as well as the theory analysis of PID control, conventional fuzzy control, and variable-universe fuzzy control. With the need of constant power output, simulation results in terms of the control characters reveal that variable-universe fuzzy control with smaller over shoot and shorter adjusting time is obviously better than PID control.(3)According to the different cases for the pressure from9MPa to18MPa and the hydraulic motor/pump rotation speed beween100revolutions per minute (r/min) and800r/min after the Hydraulic-air energy storage (HAES) experiment test platform is built, the results show that the system cycle efficiency gets the best when the discharge speed is400r/min and100r/min for the charging. When the speeds for charging and discharging are100r/min and200r/min, respectively, the HAES system cycle efficiency increases with the pressure additions for the pressure from9MPa to12MPa; and the one fluctuates between50.72%and48.98%for the pressure from12MPa to18MPa; also, volumetric efficiency varying with hydraulic motor/pump speed and the accumulator pressure is the key factor of HAES system cycle efficiency.(4)Based on the economic and social benefits analysis model, the analysis results for HAES illustrate that the critical cost per kW or kWh are of important directive significance to rational HAES investment, and it is done through the critical cost computation along with the critical economic indexes considering the factors of different subsidization rates of grid assistant service and initial investment, different peak load shifting, and current or future economic conditions; the quantitative analysis of the energy saving and gas emission reductions benefits show the underlying benefits in environment protection of HAES, and it can be a reference method for other cases studying in energy saving and gas emission reductions.

  • 【分类号】TU852;TK019
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】753
  • 攻读期成果

