

Research on Application of Salvaged Materials and Regenerative Materials in the Context of Resource-efficient Landscape

【作者】 戈晓宇

【导师】 李雄;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 产业结构的调整和迅猛的城市化进程导致了建筑垃圾和工业固体废物的大量堆积,从自然界物质能量循环的角度来看,这些废弃物是“错误时间错误地点的资源”。材料是园林建设的物质基础,在资源越发紧缺环境逐渐恶化的当代,园林材料的选用仍然以自然资源为主,园林建设仍然依赖对自然资源大规模高速率的攫取,亟需一种基于我国园林建设现状的切实可行的节材措施,采用废弃物和再生建材作为园林材料能够拓展废弃物循环利用的途径,改变传统建设模式对自然资源的依赖,这是本文研究目的之所在。我国大力发展循环型经济,倡导建立资源节约型、环境友好型社会,节约型园林的提出顺应了时代的主题,为风景园林行业的发展指明了方向。节约型园林要求在不缩小建设规模、不减少建设投资、不降低建设品质的前提下,最大化节约各种资源,减少能源消耗。本文对园林材料应用的现状进行了归纳,并结合节约型园林的内涵提出了园林材料的应用策略。本文将现象学作为研究方法引入废弃物的应用研究之中,将材料本性与真实性的思辨作为研究的出发点,将建构逻辑作为废弃物和再生建材研究的核心内容,拓展了园林材料的理论体系和研究方法,为本文的研究提供了理论的支撑。本文系统地梳理了废弃物和再生建材应用的现状,首先将市政道路工程、建筑工程中对废弃物和再生建材的使用情况进行了研究,总结出其中能够适用于风景园林中的材料和工程技术。接下来通过对中国古典园林中“低材高用”的废弃物营建思想和“瓦爿墙”、“出砖入石”等建造工艺的研究,回溯了废弃物应用的历史。本文归纳了能够适用于园林中的建筑垃圾、工业固体废物和再生建材,对废弃物和再生建材的应用途径和建构逻辑进行了研究,为园林设计和施工提供参考,这也是本文研究的实际意义所在。本文归纳了废弃物和再生建材在应用中具有的节约价值、艺术价值和功能优化价值,结合作者参与的规划设计实践案例对价值的实现方式进行了研究,并采用AHP方法对部分再生建材的应用价值进行了评价,为园林材料评价体系的建立打下了基础。本文提出了以废弃物和再生建材为材料的园林建设实施框架,在园林建设程序的层面上增加了废弃物信息管理系统和基于LCA的园林材料评估程序,既融合了废弃物和再生建材应用的需要,又与我国园林建设的实际情况有较紧密的结合。针对以废弃物和再生建材为材料的园林建设的非常规性,提出了规划设计原则和施工组织策略。以废弃物和再生建材为材料的园林建设实施框架的建立能够在行业政策、信息管理、规划设计和工程实施层面形成对废弃物和再生建材应用的推动力。

【Abstract】 The adjustment of industrial structure and rapid urbanization brought about the accumulation of construction waste and industrial solid waste, from the perspective of the nature circulation of material and energy, these salvaged materials are actually resources which were in wrong time and wrong place. Material is the material basis for the landscape construction, nowadays, resources being increasingly scarce and environment being deteriorating, selection of landscape materials is still given priority to natural resources, construction of landscape architecture relies on obtaining natural resources massively and fleetly all the same, material-saving measures based on the current situation of landscape architecture construction in China are in urgent need, making use of salvaged materials and regenerative materials are able to broaden methods of application of salvaged materials, change the situation that traditional construction mode depend on natural resources, of which is the research purpose of this paper.Circular economy is developed mightily in our country, resource-conservation and environment-profitable society is being advocated, the putting forward of resource-efficient landscape conforms to the theme of the time and points out the direction for the development of landscape architecture. Requirements of resource-efficient landscape are maximizing the saving of resources and reducing energy consumption under the premise of not to reduce the construction scale and construction investment and construction quality. The present situation of the application of landscape materials is carried on the induction, strategy of material application is presented combined with the connotation of resource-efficient landscape in this paper.Phenomenology as the research method is introduced into the research of this paper, speculations of authenticity and nature of material is the starting point of research, the tectonics logic is the core content of the research of salvaged materials and regenerative materials, which broaden the theoretical system of landscape materials and research methods and provide a theoretical support for the research of this paper.The present situation of the application of salvaged materials and regenerative materials is systemized in this paper, first of all, the application of salvaged materials and regenerative materials in municipal road engineering and construction engineering is studied, the materials and engineering technology which could be applied to landscape architecture are summarized. Through the research of construction thought of "low material with high technique" in Chinese classical garden construction with salvaged materials and construction technology of "walls of discarded tiles" and "walls of discarded bricks and stones", this paper summarized the history of the application of salvaged materials.This paper summarizes the construction waste, industrial solid waste and regenerative materials which could be applied to the landscape architecture, the approach and tectonics logic of salvaged materials and regenerative materials are studied, which provide a reference for landscape design and engineering construction, which is also the practical significance of this paper.This paper sums up the conservation value, artistic value and optimization value of salvaged materials and regenerative materials in the application, studied the realization methods of the value in combination with the design practice case which the author was participate in, evaluated the application value of salvaged materials and regenerative materials by making use of the AHP method, which lays the foundation for the establishment of the evaluation system for materials in landscape architecture.This paper has presented an implenmentation frameworks of landscape construction, basing on the use of salvaged materials and regenerative materials as builidng materials. The framewok adds a management system of salvage materials and a landscape material evaluation program based on LCA to the landscape construction procedure, which on one hand applies the need of using salvaged materials and regenerative materials, and on the other hand closely integrated with the actual situation of China’s landscape architecture construction. In addition, the paper has proposed principles for landscape design and strategies for constructional organization focused on the unconventionality of making use of salvaged materials and regenerative materials as landscape materials. The establishment of implenmentation frameworks could form the driving force of applying salvaged materials and regenerative materials to landscape architecture on levels of indusrty policy, information management, planning and design, construction implementation.

  • 【分类号】TU986;X799.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1792
  • 攻读期成果

