

Study on Water Use Patterns of Released Przewalski’s Horse Related to Adaptive Strategy in Arid Enviroment

【作者】 张永军

【导师】 胡德夫;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 新疆普氏野马放归区地处欧亚大陆腹地,属典型的内陆干旱气候区,高温与缺水同季发生,水源成为制约普氏野马放归种群存活、种群增长及扩散的关键因子。因此,放归普氏野马对干旱区水源的利用方式是其重引入项目需优先研究的内容。为此,本研究于2008-2011年间,以卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区内野马野放区域为研究地点,开展了以下研究:(1)采用离子色谱法(IC)和等离子耦合发射光谱法(ICP)测定放归区水源水质的多种元素及离子的浓度;(2)采用红外相机陷阱法,研究普氏野马及同域分布的蒙古野驴对水源地的利用模式;(3)采用称重法和筛滤法,测定普氏野马粪便含水量和粪便颗粒大小,由此分析并得出放归区的水源存在形式、普氏野马对水源的利用模式及适应对策。主要研究结果如下(1)普氏野马放归区存在三种水源类型,即,融雪及降水形成的临时水源、浅层裂隙水溢出形成的永久水源、人工开挖的改造水源。测定这些水源的硝酸根(N03-)、亚硝酸根(N02-)和硫酸根(S042-)、氯(Cl)、氟(F)、硼(B)、铝(A1)钙(Ca)、铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)、钾(K)、镁(Mg)、钼(Mo)、钠(Na)、锂(Ni)、铅(Pb)、锌(Zn)成分,共计18个指标参数,按家畜饮水标准,临时水源的F、Al、Fe严重超标,人工水源与永久水源的Na和S042-严重超标。总体上,三种水源的水质优劣度由高到底呈现为临时水源>人工水源>永久水源。在夏季干旱缺水季节,普氏野马的水源地数量由多至少呈现为人工水源>临时水源>永久水源。普氏野马优先选择低盐的水源,人工水源在维系放归野马的生存上起着至关重要的作用。(2)饮水时间分配及持续时间上,野马夏秋季节的饮水时间多为昼间高温时段,在12:00-16:00为饮水高峰期,而在凌晨3:00-7:00为饮水低谷期;野马的单位饮水持续时间为0.50-45.99min/次,且年间不存在显著差异(p>0.05)(3)野马同域分布的蒙古野驴饮水高峰期在凌晨3:00-5:00,而在昼间9:00~20:00间很少来水源地饮水;其单位饮水持续时间,在2010年平均为5.21mmin/次,2011年为9.40mmin/次,差异极显著;相同月份,野驴的饮水持续时间年间也存在显著变化。放归野马约每隔1.4-2.7天来水源地饮水,间隔时间长于圈养野马但短于蒙古野驴,且在未形成黄泥滩的情况下,野马每月的日饮水事件频次与当月降雨量呈负相关。在夏秋水源相对匮乏的季节,野马与同域分布的野驴虽然利用相同水源,但他们能通过时间生态位分异来减少种间的竞争从而维系共存(4)比较放归普氏野马粪便颗粒大小得出,春季粪便颗粒大小(3.98±0.08mm)显著大于夏季。春季,头马粪便颗粒大小显著高于雌马,但夏、秋季两者无明显差异;比较放归普氏野马的粪便含水量得出,野马粪便含水量(WC)在春(73.17±1.05%)、夏(70.56±0.99%)、秋(68.12±0.79%)三季依次降低,但差异尚不显著。头马的WC在春、夏、秋三季均高于雌马,在春季达极显著差异水平。本研究结果表明,新疆野马放归区的三种水源的水质具一定变化。人工水源增加了野生动物可利用水源的数量,对当地野生动物有着重要的作用。放归野马粪便颗粒大小与粪便含水量的季节变化是它们适应干旱环境的一种指示。因而,水源的改造能使野马和野驴共同获益。研究结果为普氏野马在中国的重引入项目的成功实施提供理论和实践参考依据。

【Abstract】 The releasing area of Przewalski’s horse in Xinjiang locates in the centre part of Eurasia, which belongs to a typical inland arid climate zone, where drought and high temperature occurs at the same time, and water is the key factor related to the survival, population development and dispersion of Przewalski’s horse. So study of water use pattern of Przewalski’s horse is the first priority for the reintroduction project for this species. Therefore, in this study (1) we analyzed the water quality using IC and ICP methods and evaluated the three types of water sources in KNR;(2) we studied water use of Przewalski’s horses by using infrared camera trap method;(3) we analyzed the seasonal variation of mean fecal particle size (MPS) and water content (WC) of Przewalski’s horses by using weighing method and sieve filter method. The main results are as follows:(1) There are three types of water sources in KNR, that is, temporary water source formed by snowmelt and precipitation, the permanent water source formed by shallow fissure water, and artificial water source. Concentrations about18kinds of ion/element(Cl, F, NO33-, NO22-, SO42-, B, Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Zn) were measured, and the results show that, according to water standard of domestic animals, F-、Al、Fe in temporary water source, and Na,SO42-in permanent water source, exceed the standard level seriously. F、SO42-、Na in the three types of water sources exceeded the standard. Generally, the iron/element concentration in temporary water source> in artificial water source> in perpetual water source. During the dry season, the numbers of water sources in KNR are artificial water source> temporary water> perpetual water source. In the three important water sites, Qiaomuxibai and Hongliu are both artificial water sources, and Przewalski’s horses selected Hongliu mostly, but selected Qiaomuxibai least. These results may due to salt content differences between the two water sites, and Przewalski’s horses would prefer to select lower salt water-source. In a word, artificial water source plays a vital role in the survival of released Przewalski’s horses.(2) The MPS of released Przewalski’s horse was significantly higher in spring (3.98±0.08mm) than in summer (3.65±0.05mm). MPS of the stallions was significantly higher than the female horses in the spring, but there were no significant differences in summer and autumn. WC of total horses in spring (73.17±1.05%), summer (70.56±0.99%), and autumn (68.12±0.79%) decreased gradually, but no significant difference was found. WC of stallion was higher than that of the mares in each season, and the difference was significant in the spring. (3) As for water use time and duration of drinking, Przewalski’s horse often drinks during the high temperature of the day, and there is a drink peak between12:00-16:00and a bottom from3:00~7:00; the duration of drink event for horse is0.50to45.99minutes at a time and no significant differences were found between2010(4.67±0.24minutes per time) and2011(5.01±0.23minutes per time). Duration of drink event in the same water-souce was fluctuated in different months in2010, but no signfican difference was found; there were no significant differences about during of drinking time between different water-sources. In dry season, though horses and kulans use the same water sources, but they can lessen interspecific competition and coexist by time niche differentiation.(4) Sympatric kulan has a drink peak between3:00~7:00which happens to be the horse’s drink bottom, and kulan seldom come to water-source for drink during9:00~20:00. The duration of drink event for kulan is5.21±0.29minutes per time in2010and9.40±0.99minutes per time in2010with significant difference. In the same month, duration of drink event for kulan has significant difference from2010to2011. All months except for August in2011, duration of drink event for kulan is much longer than in those of2010, and significant differences were found in June, September and Octomber. Przewalski’s horse came to water sites every1.4to2.7days, which was longer interval than that of pens, but shorter than that of kulan’s. Day frequency of water use per month by horse was negative correlation with the same month precipitation, when rainfall was too low to form temporary water-source.Our study shows that water quality varies in three type water-sources in horses releasing area. Artificial water sources made local wild animal have more water-source to use and plays an important role for them. The seasonal variation of MPS and WC of released horse indicates that they could adapt for arid environment. These results will provide scientific and practical information for successful reintroduction project of Przewalski’s horse in China.


