

Research on Ecological Environment Management of Government in Ecological Civilization Construction of Contemporary China

【作者】 杨启乐

【导师】 齐卫平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界的生态危机愈演愈烈,人类开始反思和调整人类社会的发展方向和价值观。工业文明作为一个曾经受到人类社会追捧的文明体系已经陷入到泥潭中不可自拔,它已经和人类生存和发展的需求相悖而驰,逐步从兴盛走向衰败。把保护生态环境和生态系统当成自身生存和发展的重要部分,人类开始改革工业文明下的经济制度、社会制度,改变人们的生产方式和消费方式。人们要以一种新的价值观,即生态价值观,以人与自然共同可持续发展,兼顾当代人和后代人生存和发展的眼光看待人——自然——社会的相互关系。一种新的适应人类生存和发展的文明体系取而代之,这就是生态文明。它是人类文明发展的最高形式,是全人类共同的价值追求和奋斗目标,也是人类的进步也是开启新文明时代的重要基础。全世界一些发达国家已经在生态文明建设的道路上有所成就,我国面临着原有经济增长模式和生产建设道路导致的严重生态危机,开展生态文明建设迫在眉睫。在中国开展生态文明建设的背景之下,本文主要从政治学的视角,兼顾多元学科、多元角度来探讨和梳理政府的生态环境治理。政府生态环境治理,是政府有效发挥服务、调控、管理等职能,通过其行政权力、政策规划、治理机制依法对生态环境进行保护和改善,实现人与自然的协调可持续发展。政府作为生态环境管理的主要主体,很重要的一点是政府具有人民赋予的行政权,这对于保护环境,解决生态危机,进行生态文明建设都具有其他生态环境治理主体所没有的决定性的优势。政府生态环境治理是当代中国生态文明建设的关键环节,政府在生态环境治理中制定各种经济生态政策,使经济发展的机制和过程绿色化,保证我国特殊历史时期工业文明和生态文明同时建设中社会经济和自然生态能够平衡和可持续发展,进而发展生态型物质文明。无论是生态文明的建设还是政府对生态环境的治理,都是对人类社会的有着积极意义或影响的,反映了人们对生态文明建设及政府生态环境治理的希望和憧憬。而两者相同的价值向度则体现了生态文明建设与政府生态环境治理的内在关系。本文主要研究政府在生态环境过程中制定的环境政策、政府生态环境治理机制的构建与创新及政府生态环境治理责任的构建与完善。首先,环境政策上承环境法和环境规章制度,下接环境管理,是政府生态环境治理的核心内容。环境政策扮演着对现实利益关系进行分配、调整的重要角色。可持续发展的战略思想对我国政府生态管理中环境政策的影响深刻而长远,需要政府正确认识环境保护和经济发展的内在统一关系,认清长远利益和眼前利益。政府生态环境管理作为一个政治过程,实质上要体现现代政府的治理理念,即经济、效率、效益与公平。环境政策作为政府生态环境管理的核心应体现的价值取向是实现经济价值的公平分配和环境正义等社会价值的公平分配。因此,文中从过去的实践中研究和学习外国政府生态环境政策的发展过程,取其精华去其糟粕。从自然环境和社会发展的客观规律出发,以可持续发展战略为指导,坚持经济发展与环境保护并重的原则和价值取向。其次,政府生态环境治理内部不同机制的健全和发展以及相互的配合。政府生态环境治理机制是社会系统机制中的一个组成部分,其中主要包括生态环境决策机制、环境政策执行机制、生态绩效管理机制、生态民主协商机制、生态民主监督机制和生态危机管理机制等重要组成。这些机制本身的运行和相互之间的配合直接或间接地影响着政府生态环境治理的整体功能和效果的有效发挥。如何在现有基础上构建和完善这些管理机制是本文研究的重点。再次,生态环境保护的主要主体是政府,生态环境的恶化和污染事件的发生虽然不是政府行为直接导致的,却也与政府行为有着直接或间接的关系。对政府的环境责任问题的探讨引起了关注。文中指出,进一步明确政府生态环境责任,提高政府生态环境责任意识,从搭建政府生态环境责任的制度框架、政府生态环境责任的问责机制和加强多元合作治理机制等方面构建和完善政府生态环境责任,才能真正为生态文明建设和生态环境的治理和保护提供坚实的基础和保障。最后,本文在理论研究的基础上,再运用实证研究方法,以内蒙古政府对锡林郭勒草原环境治理为个案进行研究。对于当今的中国而言,曾经错失了由农业文明向工业文明转折的良机,致使中华民族由世界领先的国家成为半封建半殖民地的国家,至今还没有完全完成工业文明的历史使命。如今历史又到了一个文明的转型或过渡时期,能否抓住这个机会,彻底解决和改变中国严重的、日益恶化的环境问题,提高政府生态环境治理的能力、效力和保障力是关键。

【Abstract】 With the increasing ecological crisis in today’s society, people have started to rethink and adjust the development orientation and value of the human society. As the civilization system that was once popular with the human society, the industrial civilization has already caught in the mire and could not free itself. It has already been inconsistent with the demands of the human survival and development, and fallen into decay from flourishing. By regarding protecting the ecological environment and system as an important part of their survival and development, human has started to transform the economic system and social system under the industrial civilization, as well as the production and consumption pattern. It is necessary for human to achieve sustainable development with the nature through new value (i.e. ecological value) and give consideration to the survival and development of the contemporary people and future generations to view the relation among the people, nature and society. A new civilization system adapting to the human survival and development replaces it, which is just the ecological civilization, the highest form of the human civilization development, the common value pursuit and struggling objective of the human, the progress of human and an important basis for opening up the era of new civilization. Some developed countries have made achievements in the ecological civilization construction. We are facing the severe ecological crisis resulting from the original economic growth mode and production construction. The launching of ecological civilization construction is around the corner.Under the background of launching the ecological civilization construction in China, this paper discusses and sorts out the status of the ecological environment management of the government mainly from the perspective of politics with the multi-discipline and multiple angles. The ecological environment management of the government refers that the government effectively performs their functions (e.g. service, adjustment, control, management, etc.), protect and improve the ecological environment according to law through its executive power, policy planning and governance mechanism, and realize the sustainable development of the human and nature. As the major subject of the ecological environment management, the government has the executive power endowed by the people, which is a decisive advantage on protecting environment, solving the ecological crisis and conducting the ecological civilization construction that other subjects of ecological environment management do not possess. The ecological environment management of the government is a key link in the ecological civilization construction of the contemporary China. During the ecological management, the government formulates various economic ecological polices, green the mechanism and process of the economic development, ensure the balance and sustainable development of the social economy and natural ecology in the simultaneous construction of the industrial civilization and ecological civilization during he special historical period, and thus develops the ecotype material civilization. The construction of the ecological civilization or the ecological environment management of the government plays a positive role in the human society, which reflects the visions of the people on the ecological civilization construction and ecological environment management of the government. However, the same value dimension of both reflects the internal relationship of the ecological civilization construction and the ecological environment management of the government.This paper mainly studies the environment policy, construction and innovation of the ecological environment management mechanism, construction and improvement of the related responsibility formulated by the government during the process of ecological environment. First of all, the environment policy is focused on the environment law, rules and regulations, and management, which is the core content of the ecological environment management of the government. The environment policy plays a vital role in distributing and adjusting the practical interest relation. The strategic thought of the sustainable development has profound impact on the environment policy in the ecological management of our government. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to correctly understand the internal uniform relationship between the environment protection and economic development, and recognize the long-term interest and immediate interest. As a political process, the ecological environment management of the government should essentially present the governance idea of the government, i.e. economy, efficiency, benefit and fairness. As the core of the ecological environment management, the value orientation presented by the environment policy should be realizing the fair distribution of the economic value, environmental justice and other social value. Therefore, this paper studies the development process of the ecological environment policy of the foreign governments, absorbs the quintessence and discards the dregs. Starting from the objective law of the natural environment and social development, it takes the sustainable development strategy as the guidance and sticks to the principle and value orientation of laying equal stress on the economic development and environment protection. The second one is the improvement and mutual coordination of different internal mechanisms of ecological environment management of the government. This mechanism is a constituent part of the social system mechanism, mainly including decision-making mechanism of the ecological environment, executive mechanism of the environment policy, ecological performance management mechanism, ecological democratic consultation mechanism, ecological crisis management mechanism, etc. The operation and mutual coordination of these mechanisms have direct or indirect influence in the effective performance of the whole function and effect of the management. How to construct and improve these management mechanisms on the current basis is the key point of this research. Finally, the main subject of the ecological environment protection is the government. Although the deterioration of the ecological environment and the occurrence of the pollution are not directly caused by the government action, it still has direct or indirect relation with it. The discussion on the environment responsibility problem of the government has aroused great concern. This paper puts forward that, it is necessary to clarify the ecological environment responsibility of the government, improve the responsibility consciousness, construct and improve the responsibility from establishing the system framework and accountability mechanism, and strengthening the multi-cooperation management mechanism, so that it is possible to provide solid foundation and strong guarantee for managing and protecting the ecological civilization construction and ecological environment. This paper, using the empirical investigation method on the basis of theoretical, makes a comprehensive survey of the current general situation of china’s eco-envrionment governance.then it discusses from the surface to the point, taking Xilingol League administrative in Inner Mongolia as the case to investigate and analyze.As for today’s China, it once missed the good opportunity of turning into industrial civilization from the agricultural civilization, which made China step into a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country from a world-leading one, and also not complete the historical mission of industrial civilization. Nowadays, it has entered into a civilization transition period. It is of great important that whether it can seize this opportunity to completely solve and change the severe and deteriorating environment problem, and improve the ability, effectiveness and guarantee force of the ecological environment management of government.


