

A Study on the Development of Teachers’ rights in Modern Time

【作者】 汪明帅

【导师】 胡惠闵;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着教师专业发展研究重心由“外”向“内”转移,以及教育法学对教师权利相关议题的逐步关注,对教师权利展开系统研究显得尤为迫切。祈望对教师权利展开系统研究,需要本着“挖掘教师权利近代传统”这一原则,将教师权利问题置于近代这一时代背景,从清末、民国前期、民国后期这三个时间段展开。在教师权利实现过程中,“国家-教育”关系下的教师权利空间、教师法律地位、法定教师权利以及实践中的教师权利这四级因素构成了前后相续且影响与被影响的关系。实践中教师权利,取决于政策法规中的教师权利,而政策法规中的教师权利,又受制于教师法律地位的影响,教师法律地位,说到底又与“国家-教育”关系下教师权利空间息息相关。基于教师权利“四级分析框架”,从教学内容决定权、组织结社权和惩戒权三个方面对近代教师权利变迁的系统考察发现,从清末到1949半个多世纪的历程,经历了几次政权的更迭,多届政府的交替,在不同的历史阶段,教师权利呈现出不同的样貌,展示了教师权利从无到有、从被动到主动、从关注生存到注重发展这样一个不断深化的过程,构成了一副斑斓的近代教师权利画卷。由于“国家-教育”关系下教师权利空间在清末、民国前期和民国后期这三个时间段的侧重点各异,教师法律地位的取向也有所不同,使得法定教师权利的尺度在不同时间段也有所不同。其间,政府试图控制教育的努力一直没有停止过。在政府试图控制教育的情况下,教师维护权利意识不断增强,维权的行为不断升级,从而使得法定教师权利和实践中的教师权利之间存在着较大的剪刀差。需要强调的是,作为法律概念,探讨权利必须有其法律依据,法律依据的论证有助于体现其合法性;权利的发展与社会的发展是互动的,需要将对教师权利的考察放置于社会发展这一大背景下。另外,教师权利关注的是“教师”的权利,还得将教师权利放置于教师专业发展的语脉下,从教师本身出发来审视教师权利,激发教师专业自主权,关注教师职业道德。要切实保障教师权利,需要在对“国家-教育”关系下教师权利空间进行分析的基础上,明晰教师法律地位,进而根据教师法律地位,确定法定教师权利。在确定法定教师权利的同时,需要完善相关政策法规,提升法制的针对性和操作性,尤其需要从教师个体维权以及组织维权的角度关注实践中的维权举措。

【Abstract】 The facts of the outside-to-inside transfer of the research focus of teachers’ professional development and the increasing attention attached to teacher rights-related subjects by the science of educational law make the systematic study on the rights of teachers appear particularly urgent. In order to conduct this study, it’s necessary to follow the principle of "exploring the modern traditions of teachers’ rights" and place it in the context of modern times from three distinct time periods: end of Qing Dynasty, early period of the Republic of China and later period of the Republic of China.In the actualization of teachers’ rights, there are four sequenced and mutually-influencing issues:scope of teachers’ rights within the "state-education" relationship, teachers’ legal status, teachers’ rights by law and teachers’ rights in practice. Specifically speaking, teachers’ rights in practice depends on teachers’ rights by law with the latter determined by the legal status of teachers which is itself, in essence, closely related to the scope of teachers’rights within the "state-education" relationship.Based on this "four-level" analytical framework of teachers’ rights, this dissertation systematically investigates the development of teachers’rights in modern times from the perspectives of decision-making rights over teaching contents, rights of association and disciplinary rights. It’s maintained that teachers’ rights, in more than half a century (from the end of Qing Dynasty to the year of1949) when regime change and government realigning occur several times, present itself in different ways over different historical stages. On the colorful scroll of modern teachers’ rights, it can be clearly identified that teachers’ rights, non-existent before that time, grow steadily from passively to actively with importance attached from existence to development. Due to the difference in the focus of the scope of teachers’ rights within the "state-education" relationship over three distinct time periods (the end of Qing Dynasty, early and later period of the Republic of China) and in the orientation of teachers’ legal status, the measurement of rights entitled to teachers by law is accordingly different. During those time periods, incessant efforts are made by the government to control the education, which strengthens teachers’ awareness of defending their own rights and escalates their activities in pursuing this. Consequently, the discrepancy between teachers’ rights by law and teachers’ rights in practice is broadened.What needs to be emphasized is that the discussion of right which is a legal term has to be legally justified. The demonstration of the legal basis of right helps to legitimize it. As the development of right is inseparable from that of society, it is of necessity to place the discussion of right under the context of social development. In addition, what teachers’ rights stress is the right of teachers, which indicates that the discussion of teachers’ rights needs to integrate itself with teachers’professional development, examining teachers’ rights, promoting teachers’ autonomy and ethics all from the view of teacher themselves. The guarantee of teachers’ rights requires the analysis of the scope of teachers’ rights, then the clarification of teachers’ legal status, and finally the identification of rights entitled to teachers by law. In order to achieve this, relevant policies and their implementability and purposefulness have to be improved. Special attention must be paid to the fact that the defendence of rights in practice should be sought from the perspectives of both individual and organizational dimension.

  • 【分类号】D929;D922.16;G451
  • 【下载频次】764

