

CCYL’s Function Positioning:Organizing&Encouraging and Resources Consolidation

【作者】 倪瑾

【导师】 齐卫平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪80年代以来,中国正经历着一场涉及经济、政治、文化等各个社会生活领域的重大历史变革。随着改革的不断深入,社会转型不断加速,原本单一的集体和国家所有制经济结构向多种所有制并存的经济结构转变,传统政府管理模式下的二元社会结构日益受到冲击并逐步走向瓦解,新的社会结构、社会关系开始显现,大量的原来囊括于单位之中的单位人迅速演变为独立的社会人。这些结构性的变化,给中国共产主义青年团的发展及其政治功能的发挥产生了深刻影响。中国共产主义青年团有着悠久的历史,在中国革命、建设和改革的各个时期,发挥着特殊的政治功能,在政治生活中扮演着重要的角色。与此同时,随着改革开放的不断深入和市场经济的发展,一个无以回避的客观现实开始显露:社会群体开始分化,青年群体结构和青年需求呈多元化发展,青年社团大量涌现,青年社会问题日益增多,共青团组织对青年的有效覆盖和在青年中的影响力有所下降。在这种情况下,如何从复杂的客观情势中探寻共青团的发展规律,正确认知共青团的基本功能,成为共青团理论研究过程中必须面对、无以回避的重大现实问题。但是在整个功能体系中,政治功能具有根本性地位和基础性作用。一定意义上讲,只有准确判断和理解共青团的政治功能,才能较好的把握共青团的本质,为共青团的发展奠定扎实的基础。作为一个相对独立的行为主体,共青团自身的特性决定着其政治功能的发挥,并对其发展产生深刻影响。从中国的政治体系来看,共青团的功能发挥又是同中国共产党的发展及运行逻辑紧密联系在一起的。因此,从巩固中国共产党执政合法性的角度看,分析共青团的政治功能也具有较强的现实性。由此,党团关系的分析视角可以看作是新时期研判共青团政治功能的切入口。实践表明,党团关系主要体现于二者在组织资本衔接、组织体系、工作模式等方面具有显见的内生逻辑。基于党团关系的视角,检视客观实践可以发现,在共青团的政治功能体系下,它主要发挥着组织动员和资源整合的功能。这是从其发展历程、职能变迁、现实需要等层面得出的基本结论。为此,本文主要着笔于共青团的组织动员和资源整合这两大政治功能。从组织行为学的角度看,组织的性质对于组织具有内在规定性,直接关系到其功能的发挥。对于共青团而言,尽管它是社会团体,但是其日常的行为逻辑实际上表明,它具备的政治性、公共服务性、群众性和实践性等四大属性。历史是一面镜子,有助于借鉴和参考。自1922年诞生以来,中国共青团始终在中国共产党坚强有力的领导和带领下,不断地完善着自身的政治功能。简约地看,1949年以前,它主要是以政治斗争为主要功能的政党型团体;新中国成立到改革开放前期,它主要是以青年管理为主要功能的准政府型团体;改革开放到新世纪之初,则主要是以公益服务为主要功能的社会型团体;随后至今,则主要是以动员和整合为主要取向的群团组织。透过其政治功能的历史变迁可以看出,党与团的特殊关系是其功能变迁的中轴线,青年特点及需求是其功能变迁的方向标,保持先进性质是其功能变迁的自变量,时代环境的变化是其功能变迁的因变量。一种组织能不能充分发挥它的功能,同其组织结构的基本状态直接相关。一般而言,开放的组织边界和扁平的组织结构,能与外部资源实现有效对接,能实现内部成员之间的真诚沟通,是构成一个有机的组织结构的重要条件。从共青团的成长、发展历史可以看出,它正在逐渐成为一种有机的组织结构,不断释放其组织动员的常态功能。笔者在我市市的实证调研发现,在共青团日渐具备开放性特征的情况下,它组织动员社会力量参与公共事务治理的积极性越来越强,尤其是在社区这一层级,共青团与居民、居委会及社区社会组织等主体开展互动合作的情形异乎常见。我市市共青团开展的“青春创建”活动清晰地说明,组织动员的目标、操作技术和依存环境共同构成共青团组织动员功能的三个基本维度,为什么要组织动员、组织动员什么、如何组织动员则构成共青团组织动员功能的基本运作机制。展开来说,之所以要组织动员,乃是源于两个层面的考虑:一方面,在全能主义政治模式逐渐消退的情况下,面对日益兴起的社会力量和日渐蓬勃的社会参与,共青团自然需要予以积极对接。这是社会发展形势变化后的客观需要。如果不能对这一形势予以有效应对,则会严重制约共青团的成长发展。另一方面,同共青团自身的客观现状直接相关。面对窘迫的成长发展空间,共青团需要“突围”,而要实现顺利“突围”则需要借助外力。所以,它要组织动员其他合适的力量加入到自身的队伍中来。组织动员什么?这则主要是指它组织动员相关的利益群体围绕共同关注的议题展开一致性的行动。如何组织动员?我市市的案例表明,主要表现在制造声势、搭建平台、科层命令和利益诱导四个方面。在各种新型组织不断兴起的时代,共青团如果仅仅依赖于计划体制、行政手段和单纯依托于党政机构建立的结构体系,显然己不适应形势发展的需要。若想发挥其实际影响力,共青团必须要加强同相关组织和机构的联系、沟通与合作,进而整合资源,提升合作能力,增强共青团组织的吸引力和覆盖面。而实践来看,资源整合确实成为共青团发挥政治功能的一个重要内容。一定意义上讲,资源整合是共青团与外部环境发生良性互动的过程和结果。这广泛地体现在共青团与政府、企业、NGO等组织机构的整合互动中。尽管在与这些组织机构进行资源整合的过程中,其主要策略略有不同:有的是通过购买服务,提高政府服务效能,缓解政府和社会的直接矛盾,与政府机构共同开展公共事务治理,有的是利用团属资源与公益慈善组织以项目化的形式合作,形成良性互动合作的关系,有的是把促进企业的改革和发展作为团的工作的出发点和立足点,把团的工作渗透与企业经营发展的各个领域,进而提升共青团工作与企业生存发展的关联度。但是其基本规律是一致的:在资源整合上寻求共同目标,实现互利共赢。既然组织动员和资源整合是共青团的重要政治功能。因此,要从构建健全完善的组织体系、激发合力进发的动员能力、开发行之有效的技术手段、推进共青团行动逻辑的转换、探寻资源整合的社会化机制、提高资源整合的实际效能等方面进一步拓展和提升共青团的这两大功能。

【Abstract】 Since1980s, China has been experiencing a major historical change involving economic, political, cultural and social areas. With the deepening of economic reform and opening up, the social transformation of China will continue to accelerate. The original single style of economic structure with collective and state ownership is changing to the coexistence of many kinds of ownership. The dual social structure managed and maintained by the company and the government was challenged and become collapsed. Large numbers of people from the company are change into the social market. The social structure is re-adjusted and the social relation is re-integrated. There are many diversified bodies which have been divorced from the traditional organization and these structural changes have brought huge challenges to the development of China Communist Youth League (CCYL) and the play of their political roles.China Communist Youth League (CCYL) has a long history and plays special functions and important roles in revolution, construction and reform period of the country. At the same time, an inevitable fact starts to evolve with the ever deepening of opening up and development of market economy that CCYL’s impact and effective coverage on youth has been decreased. More youth communities have evolved and social problems are increasing with diversified society as well as that of structure and demands of youth.Taking this into consideration, it becomes an inevitable key fact for CCYL’s theory studies to make a correct understanding on basic role of CCYL and look for rules of development of CCYL from complicated situation. However, the political role is fundamental and basic in the overall structure. To a certain extent, it is not possible to keep the real nature and lay a solid foundation for CCYL’s development without an accurate analysis and understanding of its political role.As an independent entity, CCYL’s political role is decided and deeply influenced by its nature. From the Chinese political system, the political role of CCYL is closely linked with the development and operation logic of China Communist Party (CCP).Therefore, it is very important to investigate the CCYL’s political role and the angle of CPC-CCYL relationship is a good access to researches of CCYL’s political role in the new era. From the practice, CPC-CCYL relationship has the obvious inner logic on organizational capital connection, organizational structure and work modes.CCYL is playing a role in organizing and integrating resources based on observation of practice and angle of CPC-CCYL relationship. It is a basic conclusion from its development history, change of roles and actual needs. It is a basic conclusion from its development history, change of roles and actual needs. Therefore, the Thesis is mainly focusing on the study of CCYL’s political role in organizing and integration of resources.From the angle of Organizational Behavior, nature of the organization decides the inner rules which will affect the role directly. Although CCYL is a social community, its daily behavior logic shows that it has four features of political, public service, community and practical.History is a mirror which can be used as reference. Since1922when it was born, CCYL has been improving the political function under the strong leadership from CPC. Briefly speaking, it was a political party community with political fight as main function. From1949to the early years of China’s reform and opening up, it was a government-to-be community with main function to manage young people. From reforming and opening up to the early21century, it was a social community with main function of charity service. After that, it was a social community with main focus to motivate and consolidate young people. CCYL’s political function has been changing with the relationship between CPC and CCYL as the central axis, the features and demand of young people as direction, the leading nature as its inner change and the environmental change as its reason.Whether an organization can fully play its role is closely linked with basic status of its organizational structure. Generally speaking, an open organizational border and flat structure is an important condition for effective connection to the external resources and good communication within the organization. From CCYL’s history and growth, it is becoming an organic organization with continuous role of organizing young people. From her research in Nantong, the writer discovered that CCYL has become more active in organizing young people to participate public affairs management with increasing open feature especially at the local community where it is quite common to see cooperation and interactivity between CCYL, residents and residents committee. From the Nantong CCYL’s practice, objective, operation technique and environment are the3dimensions to form the CCYL’s organizing function. Why, how and where should CCYL organize the activities becomes the mechanism of CCYL。To be more specific, there are two reasons for this function:on one hand,CCYL needs to respond actively to the increasing social power while the political model fades away as natural needs from the changed society. Otherwise it will limit the development of CCYL seriously. On the other hand, it is directly related to the actual status of CCYL since they need to break through the awkward situation for further development with external support. Therefore, CCYL needs to encourage other forces to join their organization to take part in some activities based on topics of common interest. How to organize? From the Nantong case study, four areas include promoting the ideas, building the platform, implementing the orders and attracting by benefits.At an era in which various new organizations are emerging, CCYL cannot meet the demand from the developed situation if it relies only on the organizational structure built up based on planning system and administration tools. CCYL has to improve the connection, cooperation and consolidation with other organizations to increase the attraction and coverage. From practice, consolidation of resources has become an important area of CCYL’s political function. To some extent, resource consolidation is the process and result of CCYL’ positive interaction with external environment which exists widely in the interaction of CCYL with governments, business and NGOs. The main strategies are different during the process of resource integration:some from purchasing service to improve effectiveness of government service and ease the direct conflict between government and public thus getting involved in the public affairs management together with government organizations, some by cooperation via charity projects by using CCYL’s resources, some by penetrating all areas of the companies and improving the connection between CCYL and the survival and development of enterprises. But the basic rule is similar to seek win-win result based on resource consolidation.Since organizing and consolidating are the important function of CCYL during social transformation, ways to strengthen the functions like organizational structure completion, ability to form synergy, effective technology tools, logic transfer of CCYL’s action, social system for resource integration as well as improvement of effect on resource integration have to be developed and improved.

  • 【分类号】D297
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