

The Adjustment and Reform on Application-oriented Undergraduate Education Curriculum

【作者】 陈飞

【导师】 谢安邦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:新建本科院校是我国高等教育大众化阶段快速生长的一支队伍,也是我国应用型本科教育的实施主体。在完成本科教育规范、外延拓展建设等工作后,进入了人才培养模式改革探新时期,期间不免会有诸多困惑。国家在对其存在性认可、专业性指导的基础上,为其创造性的激发带来了动力也带来了挑战。同时,人才市场高级应用型人才缺乏的信息不断被媒体报道,也给应用型本科教育实施主体带来了巨大压力。综合种种,应用型本科人才培养改革势在必行,而作为人才培养的基础环节,应用型本科教育课程的调整和改革首当其冲进入了研究的视野。应用型本科教育课程的调整和改革研究在阐述研究背景、研究综述、概念界定、研究方案等基本问题基础上,从以下几个部分展开了分析:第一部分:应用型本科教育课程研究理论基础。理论基础是研究开展的指引。由于现有资料并没有关于应用型本科教育课程理论基础的直观表述,本文采取种属关系推演方式,从课程和课程编制的基本理论出发,阐述了大学课程与大学课程编制、应用型课程与应用型本科教育课程编制的基本理论问题,奠定了应用型本科教育课程调整与改革的研究基础和研究框架。第二部分:应用型本科教育课程现状调查与分析。本部分从课程政策文件、课程组织实施、课程受众群体以及课程参与企业四个方面展开调查,全面分析了我国应用型本科教育课程现状:了解了应用型本科教育课程规范、课程“生长”环境;调查了应用型高校正在进行的课程改革,分析了可能被忽视的关键问题;开展了受众群体问卷调查,研究了课程实施的效果;对产学合作企业进行了了解,分析了实践教学的基本情况。应用型本科教育课程相关而主体不同的调查有利于信息的相互补充,有利于客观实质问题的把握。第三部分:应用型本科教育课程问题与原因探究。在理论基础研究和课程现状大量调查基础上,应用型本科教育课程存在的问题显而易见。本部分从国家层面的宏观制度和学校层面的微观教学两个角度,分别阐述了现有问题,并就问题存在的原因进行了分析。具体来说,宏观上对于应用型本科教育的稳定发展制度、分类管理落实制度、校企合作制度还存在不足,其原因主要是非正式制度变迁滞后、新建院校特色发展配套制度缺乏、社会系统的条块分割所致;微观上在课程设计基础、课程目标确立、课程实施环节、课程评价方式几个方面存在问题,其原因多存在于传统的课程模式没有取得根本突破、培养体系设计能力有待提高、应用型师资队伍组建乏力等几个方面。第四部分:德国应用型本科教育课程调查与启示。德国应用科学大学是我国现阶段发展应用型本科教育的实践标杆。本部分即以德国应用科学大学的实践为调查对象,从认识应用科学大学出发,介绍了德国应用型本科教育主体和基本情况。随后以机械制造本科专业为例,将纽伦堡应用科学大学和柏林工业大学、我国Y高校进行了课程编制的比较,分析了德国应用型本科教育的本土特色与异域特色,归纳了德国应用型本科教育研究给我们带来的启示,对调整和改革我国应用型本科教育课程提供参考和借鉴。第五部分:应用型本科教育课程调整与改革对策探讨。在问题与原因分析基础上,本部分从两个方面针对性地探讨了应用型本科教育课程调整与改革对策:宏观制度建设上,一是建立应用型本科教育联动发展机制,二是建立应用型本科特色发展机制,三是建立应用型本科产学合作机制。微观课程上,还是强调以“应用能力”为中心改革课程体系,在课程设计上、在课程目标上、在课程实施上、在课程评价上坚持“应用”标准,培养实践能力。结语部分。此部分首先对研究问题进行了归纳。从内容来看,应用型本科教育课程研究问题主要是两个:一是课程建设的分类机制问题,二是课程体系的应用中心问题。以此为线索,此部分对研究内容进行了梳理和总结。其次,对进一步开展研究提出建议。虽然研究具有自身的特点,但是也存在局限,进一步推定研究的开展还需要从课程理论、研究对象、研究方法上多加努力。

【Abstract】 Newly-built universities running undergraduate education, a team of universities growing very fast at the age of popularization of higher education in our country, are the main delivers of the applied undergraduate education. At the completion of the standardization of undergraduate education, and the construction of their extensive expansion, these universities are exploring how to reform their talent cultivation modes, in this process, they will inevitably confront a lot of confusion. On the basis of the recognition by the Country on their existence and the guidance to their profession qualification, the stimulation on their creativity brings momentum to their development, but meanwhile poses a challenge to them. However, the shortage of senior application-oriented talents in the talent market is constantly reported by the media, which in turn puts huge pressure on the undertakers of applied undergraduate education. To sum up, the reform of applied undergraduate talents training is strongly needed, so the adjustment and reform of the curriculum, the base of talents training, should first be put into the vision of researchers.By expounding on the basic problems such as the research background, research review, terminology definition, and research plan, the study of the adjustment and reform of the courses provided by application-oriented undergraduate education is composed of the following several parts:The first part:Theoretical basis on research on the curriculum of application-oriented undergraduate education. Theoretical basis is the guide to research. Due to the lack of direct expression of applied undergraduate education curriculum theoretical basis in existing material, this paper adopted the mode of species relationship deduction, starting from the basic theory of curriculum and curriculum development, this paper expounded the basic theories of the college curriculum and curriculum development, applied undergraduate education curriculum and curriculum development, and laid the curriculum research basis and research framework of the adjustment and reform of applied undergraduate education. The second part:Current situation investigation and analysis of applied undergraduate education curriculum. Investigated from four aspects:curriculum policy document, curriculum implementation, curriculum subject and curriculum involved enterprise, this section comprehensively analyzed the current situation of applied undergraduate education curriculum in our country:understood the applied undergraduate education curriculum standards, curriculum "grow" environment; investigated the ongoing curriculum reform in the applied colleges and universities, analyzed the key problems may be neglected; the subject survey, study the effect of curriculum implementation; To understand cooperative enterprises, analyzed the basic situation of practice. Surveys related to applied undergraduate education but with different subjects are advantageous to the information compensation, are beneficial to the grasp of substantive issues.The third part:Exploration of applied undergraduate education curriculum problems and reasons. Based on theory research and current curriculum investigation, the problems existing in the applied undergraduate education curriculum are obvious. This section, from two aspects of the macroscopic system of national level and the microscopic teaching at the schools’level, expounded the existing problems, and analyzed the reason of the existence of the problems. Specifically, on the macro, system for the steady development of applied undergraduate education, system of classified management, and system of university-enterprise cooperation are insufficient. The main reason why informal institutional change lags is that there are lacks of new university characteristics development supporting system and regional segmentation of social system; On microscopic basis, there are problems in curriculum design, curriculum goal establishment, curriculum implementation, curriculum evaluation, its reason is no breakthrough in traditional mode of curriculum more fundamental, train system design ability needs to improve, applied teachers to form a lack of power.The fourth part:Research and enlightenment of German applied undergraduate education curriculum. German university of applied sciences is the example of the development of applied undergraduate education at the present stage in China. This section takes the practice of the university of applied sciences in Germany as an example, starting from the cognition of the university of applied sciences, and introduces the main conductors of applied undergraduate education and the basic situation in Germany. Then taking machinery manufacturing undergraduate programs as an example, the Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences, Berlin University of Technology, and Y university of China are compared in the aspect of curriculum development. The local and foreign characteristic of German applied undergraduate education is analyzed. The enlightenment of the research on the applied undergraduate education in Germany brought to us is summarized, which will provide reference to the adjustment and reform of the applied undergraduate education curriculum in our country.The fifth part:The adjustment and reform of applied undergraduate education curriculum countermeasures. Based on the problem and reason analysis, this part from two aspects put forward the countermeasures to the adjustment and reform of applied undergraduate education curriculum:macro system construction, first, to establish a mechanism of applied undergraduate education linkage development, second, to set up the mechanism of applied undergraduate specialty development, third, to build a cooperative mechanism of applied undergraduate education. Micro curriculum emphasizes on reform of course system centered in "application ability ", in the curriculum design, on the course target, in the curriculum implementation, adhere to the "application" on the course evaluation standards, cultivation of practical ability.Conclusion:The research put forward two problems on curriculum of application-oriented undergraduate education:the first is mechanism of classified management; the second is application-oriented curriculm system, as the clue, the research contens were summarized. Although research has its own characteristics, it also has the limitations. More efforts need to be made to further constructive research from the perspective of curriculum theory, research objects and research methods.


