

Roles and Challenges of Academic Women In Kenyan Public Universities


【导师】 闫光才;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本论文使用定性的研究方法,试图分析肯尼亚公立大学的学术女性在教学、研究、发表、领导以及行政方面的角色和挑战。影响学术女性职业选择的因素包括家庭背景、社会经济和职业发展等。其次,笔者分析了学术女性如何拓展职业生涯、探讨了大学文化及其如何满足她们对学校环境及照顾子女等方面的需求。其次,分析了她们面临的工作与家庭冲突以及文化信念等挑战,讨论了她们采取的策略。最后,笔者分析了与此相关的政策以及其如何影响肯尼亚公立大学中性别平等;讨论了,女性主义理论是如何影响研究、性别认同;以及相较于西方,非洲女性主义起源的有效性、针对性和非洲大洲是否拥有独特的女性主义理论等问题。研究表明,家庭背景和社会文化因素在学术女性的教育经历和职业选择中起了非常重要的作用。学术女性遵循不同的职业发展路径,她们中的大多数(89%)最初只是高中老师。几乎没有人一开始就进入学术界。尽管这些学术女性取得了巨大的成就,大学结构也不能很好地支持制度化的工作环境。提及对大学教师发展的支持问题,总体感觉是教师的发展远远没有被关注。尽管大学的高层领导中学术女性所占比例极少,如,校长、副校长和常务副校长中女性比例不到10%,但学术女性参与管理可以推进大学行政与管理公平。有的学术女性发表了20多篇论文。但是由于非洲的研究资金不足以及学术期刊数量少,所以论文发表和研究没有得到足够的重视。鼓励更多女性选择学术职业的指导也不是制度化的,而是比较分散和零星的。最后,学术女性在求知、工作、学术生产以及角色冲突中遇到各种各样的障碍和挑战。她们采取大量的策略来确保她们在家庭和学术角色的平衡。她们采取的主要策略包括时间管理、团队协作和自我实现。国家目前制定了一些政策,但问题有两个方面:一方面是大部分学术女性并没有必须的资格来确保她们在这些职位上有竞争优势;另一个方面,有些男领导希望维持现状。尽管学术女性已经有很好的表现,但她们仍需要在发表、领导、合作以及指导方面更加努力。要采取措施来让更多年轻女性选择学术职业,还要监督政策的运行过程和贯彻落实情况。

【Abstract】 The dissertation uses qualitative case study approach to analyze roles and challenges of women academics in Kenyan public universities in terms of teaching, research and publication, leadership and administration. Factors that encouraged women academics to join academe were also discussed in light of family background, socio-economic and career development. Secondly, it analyzes how they managed to advance through their career. The university culture and how inclusive it is to cater for the needs of these women academics in terms of university culture and availability of child-care services is also discussed. Next, challenges facing these women academics are analyzed in terms of family and work related conflicts, and the influence of cultural beliefs. The strategies that the women academics apply to effectively perform their duties are also discussed.The researcher also traces the historical development of Kenyan education system from the pre-colonial era to the present. This helps to situate the current trend of gender inequality in education in a historical perspective and helps explain that the current inequality is a reflection of the past gender imbalance practices. Finally, gender related policies and how they have influenced gender equity in public universities in Kenya are also analyzed. Feminist theories were analyzed in terms of how they influence research and gender identities, and the validity and pertinence of these theories as they originate from the West in comparison to the African feminism and whether Africa as a continent has feminist theories specific to the characteristics of Africa.The research revealed that family background and socio-cultural factors played a very important role in the choice of these women academics in terms of the way they were socialized through schooling and role models. The women academics followed different paths for career advancement, though majority of them (89%) started their career as teachers in high school. None of them started her first career as an academia. Despite the drastic achievement made by these women academics, the university structure is not very supportive in terms of institutional working environment, though when it comes to support for academic development, there is a mixed reaction with the majority feeling that little is being done as far as faculty staff development is concerned.A nationwide comparative analysis of women academics illustrates that they have minimal representation in administration and management of public universities; with a bare minimal representation in the top most university leadership like Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors and deputy Vice-Chancellors with just less than10%of the total leadership representations. The research revealed that the women academics are actively involved in teaching, research and publication; with some of them having at least a maximum of up to20publications including books and journal articles. Though, there is a general concern among the women academics that publication and research is still not being given the maximum attention it deserves due to lack of funding for research and few African journals where they can publish their work. It also revealed that mentoring is not institutionalized but is rather sporadic. Despite its low prevalence rate, it has encouraged relatively more women to join academia.Lastly, women academics are facing several challenges and barriers like advancing knowledge, work related challenges, research productivity, and role conflicts. They have applied numerous strategies to ensure that they remain relevant both in the family and academic circles. The major strategies they apply include time management, collaboration and self fulfillment. There are laid down policies but the problem are two faceted:first, majority of the women academics do not have the necessary qualifications to enable them effectively have competitive advantage for those posts and secondly, there are some male leaders who want to maintain the status quo.The women academics have made in-roads but they still need to work much harder in terms of publications, leadership, collaboration and mentorship. Measures should be taken to ensure that more young ladies are encouraged to join academia. There should also be laid down procedures of monitoring the existing policies to ensure that they are implemented accordingly. Majority of women academics are lone rangers and are lacking collaborative culture; they therefore need to enhance a collaborative and multi-dimensional approaches with both their male and female colleagues to achieve to the highest of their potentials since they cannot operate in isolation.

【关键词】 学术女性角色挑战策略公立大学肯尼亚
【Key words】 women academicsroleschallengesstrategiespublic universitiesKenya
  • 【分类号】C913.68;G649.424
  • 【下载频次】100

