

On Foreign Literature Study in Republican Period

【作者】 杨克敏

【导师】 陈建华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 从学科建设的角度看,一门学科的发展与成熟离不开对其学术史的追溯。相对于中国古代文学、现代文学,外国文学界对自身学术史的梳理工作明显是缓慢而滞后的。从现有的、为数不多的外国文学学术史论著可以看出,民国时期的外国文学研究并没有进入有些学者的学术视野。有的将其从外国文学学术史中一笔抹杀,有的将其作为附件并入该时期的翻译活动中。对于外国文学这门学科来说,这样的学术史显然是不完整的,还有待于完善。基于此,本文将民国时期的外国文学研究作为独立的考察对象,以若干重要文学期刊——《新青年》、《小说月报》、《现代》、《西洋文学》、《民族文学》、《时与潮文艺》为经线,以中国现代社会的话语嬗变为纬线,在经纬交织中呈现民国时期外国文学研究的总体风貌,及其在中国百年外国文学学术史上的地位与意义。本论文的主体部分由六章构成:第一章主要以梁启超、林纾、王国维为例,梳理外国文学研究在晚清的原初状态,以此作为引入本论题的铺垫。在晚清科学救国的国家话语下,梁启超在《清议报》上以日本政治小说为依托,宣传维新变法思想,标志着外国文学作为话语对象在中国学界的首次登场,这预示着中国的外国文学研究不可避免地带有社会功利色彩。王国维在《教育世界》上撰写的外国作家传记,既代表了中国百年外国文学学术史中的传记研究模式,也体现了独立于国家话语之外的个人美学话语在外国文学研究中的运用。民国时期的外国文学研究与其有着精神血脉上的延续,尤以民初孙毓修《欧美小说丛谈》最为明显。第二章分析一九一○年代中后期,在启蒙思想话语下,《新青年》对于民国时期外国文学研究的理论意义。从陈独秀的《现代欧洲文艺史谭》、胡适的《易卜生主义》、周作人的《人的文学》等文章可以看出,《新青年》将外国文学作为批评话语,在外国文学中寻求思想革命与文学革命的的突破点。由此,进化文学史观、写实主义、欧洲中心主义成为民国时期外国文学研究的主调。其中,周作人倡导“人”的文学观念,使外国文学研究话语从晚清时期的“国家”话语向“人”的话语转变。由此,俄国文学与弱小民族文学研究,因为“人”的话语获得生机。所以,本章认为,《新青年》在一定程度上是民国时期外国文学研究的理论策源地。第三章主要以《小说月报》为例,梳理一九二○年代外国文学研究的概貌。在文学革命话语下,《小说月报》直承《新青年》的衣钵,成为继《新青年》之后该时段中国外国文学研究的重要阵地。《小说月报》将俄国文学与弱小民族文学作为文学“为人生”的主要支撑,进一步落实了“人”的话语在外国文学研究中的运用。由此,形成了以十九世纪现实主义文学为中心、以俄国与弱小民族为代表的被压迫民族文学为主导的外国文学研究模式。此种研究模式代表着一九二○年代中国主流学界的外国文学观,成为建国后外国文学研究的优良传统,毛泽东称为之“鲁迅方向”。同时,对于二十世纪现代主义文学的“现实主义式”的认识也在这里埋下了伏笔。第四章主要以《文学》、《现代》等刊物为例,梳理在多元话语并置下,一九三○年代外国文学研究的概貌。随着民族矛盾的激化,中国文学界的话语由“文学革命”转向“革命文学”,外国文学研究的总体环境与西方人道主义传统发生断裂,战后新兴文学与尖端文学构建了此时外国文学研究的秩序。其中,《拓荒者》、《萌芽》等左翼刊物将苏联、日本的无产阶级革命文学作为主要研究对象。与此相对,李健吾之于福楼拜、叶公超之于艾略特等经典作家研究的出现,则显示了一九三○年代革命阶级视角之外,学理层面上外国文学研究的实绩。《现代》这份具有左翼与自由主义双重视角的“非同人”刊物,以“现代”意识绘制了世界文学的图景。此外,《文学》关于“文学遗产”的争论,使莎士比亚成为研究热点。第五章主要以《西洋文学》、《民族文学》等刊物为例,梳理在解放区、沦陷区、国统区的不同话语背景下,一九四○年代外国文学研究的概貌。周立波在解放区鲁迅艺术学院的外国文学讲稿,预示了出《讲话》精神的要领;《西洋文学》在沦陷区的刊发,成为战争年代处于孤岛上人们重要的精神慰藉;国统区的《战国策》、《民族文学》力主战时文化重建,以叔本华、尼采学说为主要话语,倾力易卜生、歌德等的研究,则凸显了国统区另类的外国文学研究;《时与潮文艺》展示了学院派研究的特征,是此时段外国文学研究成果最为丰富而集中的一个刊物。第六章主要从总体上分析民国学人对外国文学研究探讨。在民国文学期刊刊载的论文中,我们可以看到民国学者不但对外国作家、作品、文学现象等有着独到的见解,并且能够高屋建瓴地对外国文学研究本体进行理性的判断和思考。九二○年代,茅盾与郭沫若关于外国文学介绍与研究的争论,使外国文学研究的合法地位得以确立。一九三○至一九四○年代,“怎样研究西洋文学”引起学者们的广泛关注。总的看来,此时的外国文学研究不仅仅只是停留在普及外国文学常识的启蒙阶段,而且已经进入了学术研究的层面。

【Abstract】 Viewing from the course construction perspective, we think that a discipline cannot develop well and become mature without the track of its academic history. Compared with the studies in Chinese ancient and modern literature, the track of the academic history of foreign literature lags behind. Considering the current but few academic history works of foreign literature concerned in China, we find that the studies of foreign literature in Republic are neglected by scholars. Some scholars totally negate it from the academic history of foreign literature. Others classify it as a part of translation of foreign literature. Obviously, the treatment of academic history is incomplete for the discipline of foreign literature and need to be improved.In view of the above-mentioned reasons, the dissertation takes the foreign literature research in Republic for consideration, treating some important literature periodicals, such as "New Youth","Novel Monthly","Modern","Foreign Literature","National Literature","Time and Tide Literature", as longitude, and the change of discourse in China modern society as latitude. The dissertation will draw an overall style of foreign literature in Republic with the help of the two lines and shows its status and significance of the Chinese foreign literature research in these hundred years. The body of the dissertation consists of six chapters:Chapter One, mainly considering Liang Qichao, Lin Shu and Wang Guowei, makes an overview of foreign literature studies in the late Qing Dynasty, which paves a way for latter discussion. Under the national discourse of saving the nation through science in the late Qing Dynasty, Liang Qichao publishesapanese political novels in "Qingyi Newspaper" and broadcasts he ideology of political reform, which marks the debut of foreign literature as a subject of discourse in China, and it also indicates that the Chinese foreign literature studies are inevitably influenced by social utilitarianism. Wang Guowei’s papers of foreign writers’ biography published in the "Education World" not only represent biographical research mode of China foreign literature studies in the past century, but reflects the first appearance of the individual aesthetic discourse in the study of foreign literature which is beyond the national discourse. The introduction and research of foreign literature in Republic has a close connection in its spirit and blood with the studies in the late Qing Dynasty. Sun Yuxiu’s "European and American novels" of the early Republic is the case in point.Chapter Two takes "New Youth" as an example to analyze theoretical meaning of the foreign literature study in Republican period."New Youth", taking foreign literature as a critical discourse, tries to seek a breakthrough point for the ideological revolution and literary revolution, which can be found easily in the papers published on it from Chen Duxiu’s "Modern European Literature History", Hu Shi’s "Ibsen" and Zhou Zuoren’s "Human Literature". Thus the evolution of literary history, realism and Euro-centrism become main tune in that period. Among them, Zhou Zuoren’s literary concept of "human" makes the great turn for foreign literature discourse from national discourse to man’s discourse. The study of Russian literature and the literature of small and weak nations gain vitality because of humanitarian discourse. Therefore, the chapter holds that to some extent the "New Youth" is the theoretical source of foreign literature in Republican period.Chapter Three, taking "Novel Monthly" as an example, makes an overview of the foreign literature study of1920s. In the discourse of literary revolution,"Novels Monthly", imitating "New Youth" directly, becomes an important battle field for the study of Chinese foreign literature of that period."Novel Monthly" regards Russian literature and literature of small and weak nations as its main support of "literature for life", puts the humanitarian discourse into practice in the study of foreign literature, and thus forms its center of19th century realism and its foreign literature study mode which pays special attention to Russian literature and the literature of small and weak nations. This research mode represents the concept of foreign literature study among Chinese scholars in the1920s, and also becomes the fine tradition of introduction and research of foreign literature in new China which is called "Lu Xun Direction" by Mao Zedong. At the same time it also foreshadows the "realism" understanding of modern literature in twentieth century.Chapter Four, mainly taking "Literature" and "Modern" as examples, makes an overview of foreign literature research in the1930s. With the intensification of national conflicts between China and Japan, Chinese literary discourse shifts from the "literary revolution" to "revolutionary literature". The total environment of foreign literature study divides from western humanitarian tradition, and new literature after the Second World War and the top literature build the order of foreign literature study. Among these, left-wing publications, such as "Pioneer" and "sprout", take the world proletarian literature of the Soviet Union and Japan as their main research targets. In contrast, the researches of classic writers, such as Ye Gongchao’s study of T. S. Eliot and Li Jianwu’s study of Flaubert, suggest the achievements of foreign literature research in academic level, which are beyond the revolutionary and class perspectives in1930s. The magazine "Modern" which has double perspectives of left-wing and liberalism draws a picture of world literature. In addition, the debate about "literary heritage" in the magazine "Literature" makes Shakespeare research a hot topic.Chapter Five, mainly taking "Western Literature" and "National Literature" as examples, tries to summarize foreign literature studies under liberated districts, the enemy occupied areas and Kuomintang-rule areas respectively in1940s. Zhou Libo’s lecture of foreign literature in Lu Xun Art College of liberated districts indicates the spirit of Mao Zedong’s "Speech in Yanan Forum on Literature and Art". The publication of "Western Literature" becomes one of the most important spiritual comforts in enemy occupied area. The two magazines,"The Warring States" and "National Literature", strongly advocate cultural reconstruction in the wartime. They take Schopenhauer’s and Nietzsche’s theory as the main discourse, and make endeavor research on Ibsen and Goethe, which highlights the different foreign literature research in Kuomintang-rule areas, while the magazine "Time and Tide Literature" shows the characteristics of the school academic research, and becomes the richest and concentrated publication of that time.Chapter Six mainly analyzes the whole foreign literature studies of the scholars in Republican period. In literary journal papers published in Republican period, we can find that the scholars of that age not only have a unique perspective on foreign writers, works and literary phenomenon, but have rational thinking and judgment on the ontology of foreign literature study from a commanding height. The debate of the introduction and research of foreign literature between Mao Dun and Guo Moruo in1920s has legalized the status of foreign literature study. The discussion of "How to Study Western Literature" in1930-1940s arouses the great attention among great scholars. In general, foreign literature studies at that time not only stay in the stage of Enlightenment of introducing the common sense of foreign literature, but have entered the academic research level.


