

A Study of Deleuze’s Becoming-literature

【作者】 葛跃

【导师】 朱国华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在通过对德勒兹(和瓜塔里)论述文学的著作和材料的细读与梳理,以生成思想为核心,试图比较系统地绘制出德勒兹的文学思想和观念。本文对德勒兹文学理论的构建从两条线索展开,一是通过突破语言的界限,创造语言的新功能实现生成文学创作,二是通过瓦解主体的虚假统一性,不断生成他者进行生成文学创作。最后指出,生成文学创作的前提是明确生成的基础,其次是创造有效的生成通道。同时指明,生成文学没有自己的文学史,具有一定的实用价值和政治意义。本文首先勾勒德勒兹的生平及学术思想轨迹,初步明晰生成思想在他哲学思想中的位置。继而围绕生成思想对国内外的相关研究资料进行梳理,廓清德勒兹文学研究现状,然后阐明本文选题的思路及研究内容,确立从生成角度研究德勒兹文学思想的合理性和可行性。德勒兹明确指出,生成文学的独特性在于文学可以通过创造感觉聚块进行创造,这样的感觉聚块必须是给予人们全新的体验,为人与人、社会和世界之间的思考方式提供新的桥梁。从德勒兹的论述生成文学的材料看,生成文学不是文学创作手法的创制,而是通过文学的方式对强势存在和权力系统不断弱化的结果。语言在具体的应用中,和社会权力形成同构,从而获得表达的合法性。生成文学在文学空间中通过创造新的语言形式和用法,在突破合法语言表达形式的同时,也动摇了与之同构的社会配置,这种新的语言表达形式,形成了弱势文学的独特文学现象,创造了去—物质性的符号世界,配置出一部多样体的文学机器,既构建了一个新的艺术空间,同时也指涉着尚未成形的社会权力形式。在对主体权威性地位的攻击中,生成文学通过生成—动物取消了人类自身的同一性,通过生成—女人动摇了男性中心秩序的合法性,通过不断生成—难以感知者,不断突破人类感知方式的阈限,为世界创造和增添全新的维度。本文的结论是,生成文学是一种全新的文学现象,明确生成的基础是进行生成文学创作的前提,确定生成的通道和策略是生成文学创作的关键。生成文学没有自己的文学史,是一种不合时宜的实用主义文学,它具有潜在的革命性与社会价值。

【Abstract】 This research paper tends to build a systematic framework of Deleuze’s literary thoughts, his thoughts on becoming literature, by scrutinizing and sorting out Delezue’s (and Guattari’s) works on literature. More importantly, becoming is the key theme of Deleuze’s thoughts, so his theory of becoming-literature is focused on constructing a new becoming passage and tries to give full play to its social function and political potential in its own special way and drive the innovations in literary creation and criticism.The text introduces the life of Deleuze and the development of his academic ideas, sketching the main points of his philosophy. What follows are how and why I choose this topic and what is going to be explored in this research, together with a literature review of the relevant studies both in domestic and abroad. Then we discusses the relationships between becoming and literature. It is found that becoming has the preference for contingency and innovations and other features such as anti-history and anti-representation. With language materials, literature has created blocks of sensation, and thus is made becoming by anti-representation and the accidental connection. The form of language is embodied in specific expressions and applications, which indicates that effective forms of expression are approved and supported by social power because social power is reflected and operated in those expression forms. Deleuze describes effective language expressions as the major language and points out that collective assemblage is constructed by this major language and its homogenous social layer. If humans expect to destroy steady social power, the only possible way is to start from the aspect of language, that is, break up the effective language expressions. To put it more specifically, another language should be made out of the strong language to generate confusion inside the strong language and thereby cause the collapse of its isomorphic stability, which will lead to another collective assemblage, a not-yet-emergent one but a would-be one in the future. This new language will not appear in public view in social space, but can find its place in literary space which is relatively free. Under this circumstance, a unique literary phenomenon, minor literature, is understood to be revolutionary and anti-representative.The we expound the relationships between becoming the other and literature. Becoming the other is the dual deconstruction and escape for the metaphysical subject and social identity, then some misunderstandings about becoming-the other have been clarified and further made it explicit that becoming the other does not mean simulation, identification, or evolution, but a kind of real phenomenon. There are three main types of becoming the other:becoming-animal, becoming-woman, and becoming-imperceptible. Becoming-animal in literary space is to demonstrate how humans mangle their subjectivity and make useful efforts to create new life forms. Becoming-woman aims to weaken and overthrow male-chauvinism-centered social orders in which two ways can be found. One is that in concrete situation, the isolation of the male subject has been cracked; the point is to overturn the authority of males and allow the life to show some characteristics of female. Another is that difference of becoming-woman will help women to generate the new type or image of women and thus escape from the rules and disciplines made for women by the male-centered society. The relationship between becoming-woman and literature is presented as such fact that feminists construct diversified woman images consciously in literary space to resist the androcentrism in the dimension of aesthetics. Next, other writers conduct the experiment of becoming-woman unconsciously to construct the unique female world in literary space, a space beyond the male vision. The creative writings of Chen ran and Can xue are taken as the example to probe the aesthetic world generated by female literature to discover the differences. The last part of this chapter is devoted to becoming-imperceptible and literature. Becoming-imperceptible is not how the subject explores and decodes the objective world but what the subject adds to the life and the world, that is, new ideas and vitality brought by a new way of becoming. All the conducts of becoming, in a sense, is becoming-imperceptible. On the one hand, literature becomes the new time mode; on the other hand, literature becomes animal and the woman. And then Stream of Consciousness Novels become the world of minute perception.The last chapter comes to a conclusion from two perspectives. The first part combs the development vein of Deleuze’s thought on becoming-literature and points out that identifying the basis of becoming is the precondition of the creation in becoming-literature. To find the passage of becoming and strategies is the key to the creation in becoming-literature. The three features of becoming-literature are summed up:becoming-literature does not have its own history; becoming-literature is a kind of untimely pragmatism literature; becoming-literature is found to be revolutionary.


