

Imbalance and Rectifying

【作者】 杨颖东

【导师】 杨小微;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 我国学校教育正经历着从近代型向现代型转变的时代理想,而一个普遍的现实却是学校持久地陷入在应试教育的强大“漩涡”之中,种种基于国家立场的学校教育改革却又显得困境丛生。理想和现实的这种落差促使我们必须从根源上反思我国学校教育实然价值取向上存在的偏差及这种偏差在日常学校教育实践中的表现和运行机制,以此认识为基础来构建未来的学校教育价值取向,从而促进我国学校教育的健康发展并逐渐稳步完成转型,这是本文研究的核心旨趣。论文第二章力图从理论上确立一种定位教育价值取向偏差的综合性认识立场。柏拉图的《理想国》、卢梭的《爱弥尔》、杜威的《民主主义与教育》被称为教育思想史上的三大“不朽瑰宝”,它们分别代表了三种不同基本立场定位下的教育价值取向类型:即国家本位教育价值取向、个人本位教育价值取向和社会本位教育价值取向。由于这三种类型各有其合理性和局限性,对于人类的教育实践来说,唯有彰显这三者各自的合理性并避免其局限性才能达到一种理想境界。因此,从理论上讲,一种理想的教育价值取向追求应该是不断致力于综合性地满足国家、个人和社会三方面的合理教育价值需求从而无限趋近于一种三元均衡的理想状态。以这种理想状态作为一种理论背景和认识立场,我们可以更加深入地反思学校教育实践在价值取向上存在的偏差并由此合理定位未来调整的方向。基于上一章确立的认识立场,第三章以新中国成立以来具体社会理想的历史变迁为线,以党和政府制定的与学校教育紧密相关的宏观教育政策为载体,对我国学校教育价值取向的整体偏差进行了分析。分析发现,我国的学校教育价值取向从总体上经历了政治革命中心时期国家本位价值取向的基本成型期、经济建设中心时期国家本位价值取向的内涵调整期以及走向科学发展时期国家本位主导、个人本位价值取向初露端倪期这三个不同的阶段。总体来说,我国学校教育价值取向在整体上表现出一种明显的国家本位偏向,它包含着三个方面的基本内容。明晰了我国学校教育价值取向的整体偏差之后,论文第四章进一步反思这种整体偏差在日常学校教育生活中所造成的价值导向偏差。优生评选和班干部选拨构成了我国学生日常学校生活的两条“制度轨道”,它们向所有学生明示着学校教育的价值导向。论文以一种仪式性眼光对这两种制度进行了历史考察和现实分析,由此发现国家本位价值取向正是扎根在这些习焉不察的日常制度实践之中,这些制度深深浸透着国家造就所需精英的强烈渴求,精英与大众的身份分隔构成了我国日常学校教育生活中的一个仪式性主题。本章最后对这种精英主义价值导向分别从社会学、心理学和教育学三种不同的学科视角进行了批判性反思。第五章则从学校组织的日常管理层面反思其中所蕴含的学校教育价值追求偏差,这种偏差集中体现为功利化思维主导下的教育“生产”效率崇拜。本章重点分析了这种效率主义价值追求的实现机制,它主要包括无所不能的政府角色定位、唯上负责的科层组织设计、细微有力的教学活动规训和过多且细的教育效果量化考核四个关键性的“技术环节”。学校教育中的效率崇拜实质是一种工具理性崇拜,它遮蔽了学校作为一种教育性社会组织应有的价值理性,要实现学校教育本质的回归,必须将学会民主生活作为其基本的价值追求。上述考察表明:我国学校教育存在着“整体上的国家本位偏向——学校生活中的精英主义导向——学校管理上的效率主义追求”这样一个明显的“价值取向偏差链”。调整这一“偏差链”的关键在于淡化国家本位,凸显个人本位和社会本位教育价值取向中的合理性,论文从三个方面提出了调整的基本路径。首先,调整的目标路径。现代公民作为一种理想人格集中代表了国家、个体和社会三者的教育价值需求,因此应明确把培养现代公民作为学校教育的核心价值目标,以此淡化国家的精英渴求。其次,调整的制度路径。构建学校教育的公共治理模式,合理定位政府角色,淡化国家权力本位,使国家、个人和社会的教育价值需求都能获得制度上的保障。最后,调整的实践路径。这是指要以民主作为根本价值追求来塑造学校的整体生活形态,防止国家权力对日常学校教育实践的“独霸”,从而使学校教育对促进个人生命成长和社会生活进步的双重本体价值得以不断凸显出来。具体的路径是培育批判型课堂教学文化,创设自治型班级公共生活,构筑互学型的学校共同体。

【Abstract】 Chinese schooling is facing an important task of transforming to modern type in contemporary era, howerver, a widespread reality is that many schools in our country is always influenced strongly by the "swirl" of examination-oriented, at the same time, many school reform plans based-on national need are in trouble. This gap between idea and reality requires that we must reflect rootly the deviation of value orientation of our schooling, and how this deviation is performed and operated in everyday school practice. On the basis of this reflection, we can rebuild value orientation of schooling so as to promote the healthy development of schooling in future, that constitutes the core theme of the article.The second chapter is committed to establish a theoretical "ruler" so that we can measure the deviation of educational value orientation. Plato’s "Republic", Rousseau’s "Emile" and Dewey’s "Democracy and Education" are known as three "immortal treasures" in the history of educational thought. Through analyzing the relevance between their political thought and educational design respectively, we extracted three kinds of idea type about educational value orientation:state-oriented vaule, individual-oriented value and society-oriented value. Sicnce these three different paradigms of value orientation has its own rationality and limitation, for human’s education practice, if we want to achieve an idea state, the only way is to highlight those reasonalble aspects and avoid those limitations. So, we can build an ideal type of educational value orientation as a theoretical "ruler", according to this "ruler", we can measure whether there is the deviation of value orientation in any kind of education practice or not and we can judge what is this kind of deviation of educational value orientation.Guided by the theoretical "ruler" established in previous chapter, the author tried to understand the overall deviation of value orientation of our schooling in the third chapter. For understanding this deviation, the author analysed macro education policies related closely to everyday schooling practice carried out by The Party and the government from the founding of New China to now. It is found that educational value orientation in China experienced generally three different periods:the first phase is molding of state-oriented schooling value in political revolution period, the second phase is adjustment of state-oriented schooling value in economical construction period as well as the horizon of individual-oriented schooling value during the period of begain to pursuit scientifical development in China. In general, the value orientation of schooling in our country is obviously toward state-oriented value which includes three concrete aspects.After clarifying theoretically the overall deviation of value orientation of schooling in our country, the author begin to rethink in further how this deviation influenced value orienation of everyday schooling life. Because eugenic selection and class cadre selection are two important "institutional tracks" which shows the goal of school life to all students and shapes all students’dailiy school life, the article applied a ceremonial vision to analyze the two systems from history and reality. It shows that the deviation of state-oriented schooling value is exactly rooted in these daily institutional practice. The two systems deeply imbued with a strong desire to create the elite state needed, separating the elite from the mass becomes a ritualistic theme in our daily school life. In the final of this chapter, the author criticizes this kind of elitism value orientation of our schooling from three different disciplinary perspectives.The fifth chapter reflect specifically the value orientation deviation inherented in everyday school organization management, this deviation is mainly embodied in cult of efficiency originated from practice of school management in west country, in our country, it performs the cult of administrative execution and product of human resource under the guiding of political and economical utilitarian thinking. The chapter focuses on exploring the implementation mechanism of this value orientation of cult of efficiency in reality, it mainly includes four critical "technical means":omnipotence role of government in administration, strictly hierarchical organization design, disciplining teacher’s activities subtly but powerfully and excessive quantified assessment of teaching effect. In essence, the cult of efficiency in school administration is a cult of tool rationality.it obviously obscured the value rationality of school as a kind of educational organization, if we want to recover the nature of school as an educational organization, we must regard democracy as a basical pursuit of school management.As it shows from previous systematical analysis, there is an obvious "chain of deviation of value orientation", that is from state-oriented schooling value in total to elitism value orientation in daily school life, then to cult of efficiency in school management. Therefore, the key to adjustment and reconstruction of schooling value orientation in out country is to dilute state-oriented value and make sure the decent need of state, individual and society in schooling can be satisfied in educational practice. The article initially proposed three "pivot" as the foundation of adjustment and reconstruction. First, in order to dilute the nation’s desire for cultivating elites, we must make it clear that cultivating modern citizens should be a fundamental goal of schooling because modern citizen as an ideal personality is on behalf of the educational need of state, individual and society. Secondly, constructing the mode of public govermance in schooling, positioning the role of government reasonably, diluting govermnet’s power, so that different value need can be protected in institution. Thirdly, Reshaping school life totally under leading of democracy as fundamental value orientation protecting daily school life from "dominating"of state power. Specific ways includes cultivating critique-based teaching culture, creating autonomous public life in classes and building a mutual learning type of school community.


