

Personality Characteristics and Growth Mechanism of Excellent Teacher

【作者】 周春良

【导师】 戚业国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。优质的教育依赖卓越的教师,只有建立一支高水平、高度专业化的卓越教师队伍,才能造就优质的教育,才能培养一大批优秀人才。因此,开展针对卓越教师的研究,对于提升我国教师队伍整体素质具有重大的现实意义。已有关于卓越教师的研究主要集中在卓越教师的含义、素质结构、影响因素、培养途径、国际比较等几个方面,形成了较为丰富的研究成果。不过,已有研究也存在几点不足:一是在内容上缺少关于卓越教师个性特征的整体研究和卓越教师成长的历程研究;二是在方法上多以思辨式的理论研究为主,实证基础上的研究较为薄弱;三是在研究深度上多停留在陈述观点、列举事实、呈现策略,缺少立足实践的客观理性分析。本研究是以特级教师为样本针对卓越教师个性特征与成长机制的实证研究,希冀在上述三个方面有所突破。卓越教师是教师队伍中最优秀的群体,但究竟哪些教师是卓越教师,无论在理论界还是实践领域都未有定论,本研究就对这个问题进行实证研究。为了让研究更有说服力,我们采用实证方式,以现实中的特级教师作为卓越教师的载体进行研究。因为特级教师是官方认可且人们公认的优秀教师群体,特级教师属于卓越教师,但卓越教师不一定是特级教师。以特级教师为样本具有一定的现实合理性,本研究基于S市163位特级教师的调查开展研究。在研究方法上,本研究以实证研究方法为主,如问卷、访谈等;以质性研究方法为辅,如生活史研究、因素分析等方法。在研究思路上,首先基于已有研究成果和时代发展对教师提出的新要求,制定关于卓越教师的研究设计,如设计问卷、编制访谈提纲、提炼卓越教师的基本特征等;然后实施研究计划,收集、整理研究数据和资料,获得关于卓越教师个性特征和成长机制的研究结论;最后基于研究结论,通过分析现实中关于卓越教师培养培育的途径和策略,提出卓越教师培养培育的基本策略和促进广大教师成长为卓越教师的政策建议。本研究发现,卓越教师的成长是一个多种因素共同作用的复杂过程。其中,个性特征和成长机制是两个最重要的特征,个性特征具体表现为人格特征和专业特征,专业特征又细分为专业理解、专业知识、专业情感、专业行为;成长机制具体表现为发展阶段、成长影响因素、成长动力等。教师的人格特征在一定程度上决定了该教师成为卓越教师的潜力和可能性,具备这些特征——稳定、成熟、责任心强、独立、执著、认真、好强固执等——的教师更容易成长为卓越教师。因此,在教师资格认证过程中,增加教师人格检测环节,遴选更多具备这些潜质的人进入教师队伍,将对卓越教师的大批出现具有一定的促进作用。在影响卓越教师成长的众多因素中,教师文化、重要他人、关键事件等是非常重要的,校长领导方式对于卓越教师发展与对于普通教师发展的作用之间不存在显著差异。在卓越教师发展的动力来源方面,“自我实现”的需要是最核心的,职业成就感和幸福感是维持这一动力的重要因素。这将在根本上纠正现实中教师培训的一个不当认识——即卓越教师是通过一系列培训活动而成长起来的。现实中的培训活动对于卓越教师的成长具有一定的促进作用,但起决定性作用的是其内在的自主追求。只有着眼于激发教师自主发展的内在动力的教师培育策略才能够真正促进普通教师成长为卓越教师。因此,本研究尝试从文化引领、组织协调、制度建设、项目推动、教师培训等维度提出了卓越教师培育培养的基本策略,并提供相应的政策建议:坚持选拔与培养并重培养卓越教师;教育思想与观念引领卓越教师发展;尊重教学风格、坚持卓越教师自主发展;注重交流,在相互学习中提升;完善机制制度,提供展示平台;以卓越教师发展引领教师专业化提升。

【Abstract】 In the process of comprehensively constructing well-off society and promoting the modernization, human resources become an important factor to accelerate the process. School education is carrying the dream of eager to accept the high level of education for personal development, also carrying the dream of our country from populous country to human resources powerful country. Excellent talents depends on the quality of education, quality education depends on excellent teachers. Only by establishing a high level, highly specialized excellent teachers, the high quality education and a large number of talented people will come true. Therefore, it is of great realistic significance to carry out the study of excellent teachers, to promote the quality of teachers in our country.Existing researches on excellent teachers are mainly focus on the meaning of excellent teachers, quality structure, influence factors, training methods, international comparison, etc. It has formed the comparatively abundant research results. However, the existing research also exists some deficiencies:1) In the content, it is the lack of characteristic and growth course research about excellent teachers;2) On the way, there are more speculative types of theoretical study than types of practical study;3) On the depth, it is to stay in the list stating opinions, facts, presents the strategy, lack of objective and rational analysis based on the practice. This study focuses on the sample special-class teacher to obtain excellent teachers’ personality traits and growth mechanism by the way of empirical research. We hope to break through the above three aspects.Excellent teachers are the best group of teachers, this is accepted. But there is on standard for judging who is an excellent teacher, no matter in the fields of theory and practice. In order to study the excellent teacher empirically, we need real teachers group as carrier of excellent teacher. This study chooses special-class teachers as carrier. Because of that special-class teacher is recognized by government and society. Special-class teacher belongs to the excellent teacher, but excellent teacher doesn’t have to be special-class teacher. A convenience sample of special-class teacher has a certain practical rationality. This study is based on163special-class teachers of S city for survey and research.On the research methods, this study is given priority to the empirical research methods, such as questionnaires, interviews, etc. The qualitative research methods are complementary, such as life history research, factor analysis method, etc. On the research idea, first of all, based on the existing research results and development and new requirements to teachers, we make the design of excellent teachers, such as designing questionnaire, preparing the interview outline, refining the basic characteristics of excellent teachers, etc. Then we act the study plan, collect, sort out the data and information, and obtain about the conclusion of personality traits and growth mechanism about excellent teachers. Based on the research conclusion, by analyzing the real ways and strategies about teacher training, we put forward the basic strategies and policy recommendations for cultivating and promoting ordinary teachers to grow up to be excellent teachers.This study finds that the growth of excellent teachers is a complex process of interaction of many kinds of factors. Among them, the personality characteristics and growth mechanism are the two most important factors. Personality characteristics are embodied in personality and professional characteristics. Professional characteristics are including of professional understanding, professional knowledge, professional emotion, and professional behavior. Growth mechanism is including of development stages, growth factors, growth power, etc. We also find that teachers’ personality traits are important potential factors, to a certain extent, to determine a teacher become an excellent teacher. Teacher who has these characteristics-such as stable, mature, sense of responsibility, independent, persistent, earnest, strong tenacity, is likely to grow up to be an excellent teacher.Therefore, in the process of teachers’ qualification certification, it has a certain significance to create the teachers’ personality test, for selecting more people who has the potential to enter the teachers, for a large number of excellent teachers appear. In the many of growth factors, teacher culture, important others, critical incident are very important. The principal leadership is equally important for ordinary and excellent teachers. In terms of source of the power, the need of "self-actualization" is the core, professional sense of accomplishment and happiness are important factors to maintain this momentum. This will fundamentally correct real improper idea that teacher training can make excellent teachers. Real training activities have a certain role in promoting the growth of excellent teachers, but the decisive role is from its inherent independent pursuit. Only to arouse teachers’ independent development intrinsic motivation, teachers’ cultivation strategies can really promote ordinary teachers to grow up to be excellent teachers.Therefore, this study tries to put forward the basic strategy about cultivation of excellent teachers, through the way of culture leading, coordinate, system construction, project promotion, teacher training, etc. It also provides the corresponding policy recommendations:equally adhere to the selection and cultivation of excellent teachers; leading the growth of excellent teachers through education thoughts and ideas; respect for the teaching style, adhere to the excellent teachers’ autonomous development; pay attention to communication and learning from each other; improving the system of mechanism, providing display platform; leading the promotion of teachers’ professionalization development through the growth of excellent teachers.


