

Sun Yat-sen Thought Study

【作者】 陈尧

【导师】 魏义霞;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 中国哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 孙中山是中国民主革命的先驱者,在发动辛亥革命的同时,也留下了宝贵的精神财富,引领了后人的思想空间。与其他思想家不同的是,孙中山的整体思想是建立在哲学基础之上的,以进化论和生元说一以贯之,启蒙了国民视野的同时也奠定了救亡的理论基础。他的进化论与认识论相结合,促进了知行的转型;与道德观念相结合,建立起自由、平等、博爱的社会伦理关系;与社会历史观相结合,产生了独特的民生史观;与文化思想相结合,形成了开放式的学习态度。他的生元说也发挥了积极的作用,不但肯定了无神论的思想,而且还论证了人类意识的起源,放大了精神的作用。他以哲学思想为根基,建立了庞大精深的思想体系,目的是建立新型的资产阶级民主共和国,实现中国突驾式的发展,以稳固屹立于世界民族之林。本文旨在通过梳理孙中山的道德思想、文化思想、宗教思想和政治思想等各个领域,透视进化论和生元说在其整体思想中所发挥积极作用,挖掘辛亥革命推翻封建专制统治的历史意义,寻找人的精神在建构民国时所体现出的能动性,进而探究孙中山为了实现中国梦的伟大复兴而付出的诸多努力。

【Abstract】 Sun yat-sen as the pioneer of China’s democratic revolution, who launched the Xinhai revolution, has left a precious spiritual wealth, and had led to future generations’thinking space at the same time. Unlike other thinkers, Sun yat-sen based his overallthought on a philosophical foundation consisting of evolution and Sheng Yuan theory;he had laid a theoretical foundation for national salvation as well as enlightened nationalvision.When his evolution theory was combined with the Epistemology, it promoted thetransformation of Knowledge and Action’s view; with the moral concept, it establishedthe social ethics relation of free, equality and fraternity; with the concept of socialhistory, it produced a unique history the people’s livelihood; with the culture, it formedthe open learning attitude. His Sheng Yuan theory also played a positive role, not onlyaffirmed the atheism thoughts, but also demonstrated the origin of human consciousness,enlarged the role of the spirit. He established a huge and profound ideological system ona philosophical basis, aiming at establishing a new bourgeois democratic republic,realizing the Tu jia type development, in order to find a position for our nation in theworld.The purpose of this presentation is to analyze Sun yat-sen’s moral, cultural,religious and political thoughts, survey evolution and Sheng Yuan theory that played anactive role in his ideas as a whole, mined Xin Hai revolution that overthrew the feudalautocratic rule of historical significance, searched for the human spirit’s autonomy in theconstruction of the republic of China, and explored the many efforts of Sun yat-sen tothe great rejuvenation Chinese dream.

【关键词】 孙中山哲学革命政治中国梦
【Key words】 Sun yat-senPhilosophyRevolutionPoliticsChinese dream
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

