

Propel China to Realize the Ideality of National Self-reliance

【作者】 伊丽娜

【导师】 魏义霞;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 中国哲学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 中国近代的民族危机实质上是一场文化危机。在近代,西方列强强行打开古老的封建帝制的中国大门,中国被迫走上现代化的道路。伴随着中国社会整个政治、经济的结构转型,中国文化的转型乃是历史发展的必然趋势。中国近代的仁人志士们在强烈的民族危机的刺激下,先后掀起了挽救民族危亡的各种爱国运动。在这个过程中,维新派思想家们逐渐意识到中华民族的衰弱乃是由于中国传统文化的弊端造成的,他们认为中华民族要想在世界民族之林能够自立、自强,必须变革我们自己民族的传统文化,使其能够顺应整个社会政治、经济的转型而转型。于是,历史的发展使得中国近代的文化革新运动在戊戌维新时期登上了历史舞台,成为中国历史近代化的重要组成部分。中国近代的文化革新运动由戊戌维新时期发轫,到五四时期走向高潮。在这个过程中,梁启超是近代文化革新运动发轫时期的主帅,他对引导和推动这场文化革命运动做出了卓越的历史贡献。他先后首次提倡“诗界革命”、“小说界革命”、“道德革命”的口号,并率先在这些领域开展了各种文化革新运动。同时,他分别是这些思想文化领域革新运动的主将。他在文学领域、道德领域、教育领域,史学等领域提出的一系列文化革新的目标、宗旨和施行方针,同时又及时将这些意见付诸实践,直接推动了这些领域的文化变革,推动了中国社会的近代化发展和中国文化的近代化发展。他是中国传统文化的批判者,也是中国文化未来走向的设计者。他以新的立场、观点、方法对中国传统文化作了符合时代要求的清理、批判,并适宜地、理性地提出新文化构建的原则。他的文化革新思想是五四新文化运动的源泉,是中国近代文化革新运动的重要组成部分,不但起到了巨大的思想启蒙的作用,而且促进了人的近代化发展,对于化解民族危机,“化陋邦为新国”,使中华民族实现民族自强的理想起到了一定的助推作用。同时对当前的文化建设,对我们实现中华民族的伟大复兴,实现中华文化的再现新机具有重要的理论指导和现实意义。

【Abstract】 The national crisis of modern China is essentially a crisis of culture. In the modern era,Chinese old gate of feudal monarchy was opened compulsively by western powers so that China isforced to go on modern roads. Along with transition of political and economic structure in the wholesociety, the changing of Chinese culture becomes the irresistible trend in the process of historicaldevelopment. Simulated by the strong feeling of national crisis, quantities of people with lofty idealstook part in patriotic campaigns for redeeming the whole country one after another. In this process,the reformers realized gradually that the recession of Chinese nation is mainly because of thedrawbacks in Chinese conventional culture. They hold that China has to change its national cultureto adapt to the transition of political and economic structure; only in this way can China win a placein this powerful world. Cultural innovation thereupon went up on the historical stage namely theHundred Days of Reform and became an important part of Chinese modern history. The innovationfirst started in the time of Hundred Days of Reform and then reached its climax during the period ofMay4thMovement. As the main character in this period, Liang Qichao played an important role inleading and pushing on the development of cultural innovation movement. It was him who first putforward the slogans of “Poetry Revolution”,”Revolution in Fiction” and “Innovation of Morality”and carried on various cultural innovations initiatively in those fields. Meanwhile, he was the mostoutstanding leader of the movement in the spheres of the ideology and culture. Liang put forward aseries of goals, purposes and implementation policies in the areas of literature, ideology, educationand historiography. Furthermore, he carried out those ideas at once and then put them into practice.What he had done actually pushed the development of cultural innovation, Chinese modernizationand Chinese culture. There is no doubt that he is the detractor against the conventional culture andthe designer of Chinese future culture. With his new point of view he made a rational criticism onChinese traditional culture in order to can meet the demands of the society and present new rules tobuild fresh culture suitably. His cultural reform thoughts are the headspring of May4thMovement,important components of cultural innovation in Chinese modern society. Just like enlightenment thoughts, his thoughts promoted the development of modernization and also played an important rolein resolving the national crisis; propel China to realize the ideality of national self-reliance.Moreover, it has theoretical guidance and reality meanings to current cultural construction, to realizethe great rejuvenation of China and to representation of Chinese culture.

【关键词】 梁启超文化革新新国
【Key words】 Liang QichaoCultureInnovationNew countries
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

