

Research of Female Ethics in the Period of May4th New Culture Movement

【作者】 尹静

【导师】 柴文华;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 中国哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 五四新文化运动时期是妇女自由独立运动的蓬勃发展时期,对中国女性思想的觉醒具有重大的启蒙意义,并且为以后中国的女性解放和发展奠定了基础。本文选取五四新文化运动时期为中国传统伦理思想变革做出积极努力的三个理论流派(新青年派、东方文化派、早期的马克思主义者)的几位代表人物(胡适、周作人、杜亚泉,李大钊、陈独秀)对他们的伦理思想进行梳理,以管窥五四新文化运动时期中国伦理思想变迁的历史道路及现代性反思。全文共三大部分:绪论、正文第一章至第五章、结语。绪论介绍了研究的目的意义、研究的现状、中国传统女性伦理的核心内容、五四新文化运动时期女性伦理的新特征及女性伦理的研究方法。第一章从经济、政治和文化三个方面对五四新文化运动时期女性伦理革命发生的社会背景进行分析。第二章至第四章主要从传统伦理纲常批判、经济独立、教育、贞操观、婚恋观等方面论述五四新文化运动时期新青年派代表人物胡适和周作人、东方文化派代表人物杜亚泉、早期马克思主义代表人物李大钊和陈独秀的女性伦理思想。第五章是对五四新文化运动时期女性伦理思想的现代审视。并从就业、婚姻、教育三个方面对现代社会男女两性的不平等现状进行反思。结语是对论文的总结。

【Abstract】 May4th New Culture Movement is a vigorous period for female liberty andindependent movements, which has a significant enlightenment to chinese women’sawaken. In this thesis, the author chose five representatives (Hu Shi, Zhou Zuoren, DuYaquan, Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu) from three theoretical schools (New youth school,Oriental Culture School, and the early marxist), which made great effort in reformingthe feudal ethnics, and dealing with their ethnical thoughts, to analyze their ethnics, tosee the historical road of China ethnics thoughts in the period of May4th New CultureMovement and modernistic reflection.This dissertati was divided into three parts: introduction, main body (Chapter one-Chapter five) and conclusion. Introduction analyzed the purposes and the significance ofthe study, the core of traditional Chinese Female Ethnics, the main characteristics andresearch approaches of Female Ethnics in the period of May4thNew Culture Movement.Chapter one analyzed social background of Female Ethics revolution from the threeaspects of economy, politics and culture in May4thNew Culture Movement. Fromchapter two to chapter four discussed Female Ethics of New Youth School like Hu Shiand Zhou Zuoren, Oriental Culture School such as Du Yaquan and early Marxnationalists like Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu from the traditional ethical criticism,economic independence, education, chastity view, marriage etc in the period of May4thNew Culture Movement. Chapter five was a modern perspective on Female Ethnics inthe period of May4thNew Culture Movement and reflected inequality status betweenmale and female in modern society from three aspects of employment, marriage andeducation. The conclusion was a summary of this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

