

Research on Lingnan School of Painting

【作者】 黄国乐

【导师】 胡大雷;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究目的是在岭南文化的大背景下,全面考察岭南绘画集团的特点和意义。通过对岭南绘画集团的研究,来了解岭南绘画集团在岭南美术形成独特的风格面貌的历史发展过程中起到何种作用。本文研究的地域范围是岭南地区。由于历代行政区划的变动,现在提及岭南,特指广东、广西和海南三省区,本文的研究范围就是这三省区的古代绘画集团,古代岭南经济文化发展的重心在两广,因此绘画艺术的活动又以两广为主要区域,其中广州与桂林两地为核心。集团,指为了共同的利益或目的而组织起来的团体。所谓绘画集团,指由画家和热爱绘画的社会人士所组成的团体,除了画家之外,主要还包括文人、官员、富商与道释。一般来说,绘画集团的组成有三种情况,第一种是结社,具有明确的目的、宗旨与纲领;第二种是较为松散的团体,随意性强;第三种则是后人追认的。本文的研究包括以上三种。本文研究的时间范围主要是十八、十九世纪。岭南绘画集团的繁荣,集中在清中后期。这也是中国社会产生重大变革的历史时期。清政府由兴盛走向衰亡、鸦片战争的爆发、农民起义和民间反清组织运动此起彼伏、被迫与外国通商往来等等因素,使得岭南文化具有独特的地位,绘画的发展也不例外。本文的研究方法是在岭南古代文人、画家留下的大量著述与诗文中,以及各种方志、史料、文献中,筛选出有关于绘画的部分,进行较全面的梳理,运用点面结合、纵横交织、历史辩证、文献考证与逻辑分析相结合的方法,对岭南古代绘画发展的概况和成就、岭南古代画家和画家群体以及岭南古代绘画理论这三方面进行深入研究,来揭示岭南古代绘画发展的规律,把握岭南古代绘画与中原绘画的异同,岭南古代绘画对传统绘画的继承和发展,岭南古代绘画与当代绘画的联系,岭南古代绘画与西方绘画的联系,以及岭南古代绘画独特艺术风格形成的各方面原因。明清时期,是我国传统文人画发展的巅峰,传统文人画占据了画坛的主流。但是传统文人画到清中后期逐步走向没落,主要原因是仿古泥古、缺乏创新,但岭南绘画却能别开生面、独树一帜,不仅继承了中原绘画的优良传统,还因创新展现出独特的艺术风格和生机勃勃的面貌。形成岭南绘画的独特风格与面貌的原因有很多。岭南自然资源的丰富多彩是岭南画家创作的源泉,温润的神山秀水孕育了一批杰出的画家,岭南绘画集团的成员彼此之间关系密切,互相交游往来,频繁举行各种书画雅集,这些活动方式多样,常把书画与诗词的创作相结合,把书画的收藏、鉴赏与学习相结合。在这些活动中,艺术家们共同观摩鉴赏书画,共同创作实践,在相互的切磋、‘交流中促进了画技的进步、艺术修养的提高以及艺术视野的开阔。他们创作出许多具有岭南特色的优秀作品,展现出岭南绘画继承传统又勇于创新、关注现实、形神兼备、雅俗共赏的艺术特色。这些成就离不开画家们的努力,也离不开热爱绘画艺术的社会各界人士的帮助与支持,离不开岭南文化与中原文化、世界文化的交流与融合。岭南绘画集团中的成员皆为富有才华的名流才俊,他们之间的交往不仅使个人的艺术修养得到了提高,还促进了当地画家整体水平的提高,也促进了不同区域之间文化艺术的交流和传播,对岭南绘画的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。本文的研究内容总的来说,是综合研究、全面考察古代岭南绘画集团的形成发展和绘画集团成员的艺术贡献。从历史发展的角度追溯源流,对重要的具有代表性的人物进行个案研究,考察其家世、生平、思想、交游、著述等情况,分析其艺术理想与主张、艺术作品的特色和影响、艺术师承和传统文化、地域文化、时代特点、社会思潮对其创作的影响。关于岭南古代绘画集团的研究,目前国内外尚属空白。历史上研究岭南古代绘画的著述并不多,主要集中在对单个画家的研究,除了对某些有家族关系和师承关系的绘画团体有简单交代之外,大多数画家只有寥寥数语,对于彼此间的联系更是很少涉及。这些成果为后人的研究提供了宝贵的线索,但也存在叙述内容简单化、研究范围粗浅化的问题。本论文的创新点有三:1、将岭南绘画集团放在历史环境下进行全面系统地考察,分析归纳岭南绘画集团的特点和意义,从而揭示古代岭南绘画发展的规律。2、对具有代表性的人物作全面深入地研究,分析其艺术理论、艺术作品、艺术风格,总结归纳艺术家各方面的成就对岭南绘画发展的影响。3、对人物与人物之间,人物与社会之间的各种联系进行梳理,总结归纳出艺术家之间的联系对促进艺术家个人的艺术水平和提高艺术修养的作用,进而以点带面,总结出岭南绘画集团对岭南绘画的促进与推动作用。对于研究岭南绘画发展来说,本课题具有重要的学术价值、理论意义和现实意义,对完善人们对岭南古代绘画和相关问题的认识,能起到重要的作用,并具有可持续性。这一历史时期意义重大,如没有此阶段的孕育、积累和发展,也就没有后来岭南画派的形成与丰硕的成果。

【Abstract】 By studying the Lingnan School of Painting, this paper aims at understanding the role it played in the historical development of the art of Lingnan.The study focuses on the Lingnan region, referring in particular to provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan, with Guangzhou and Guilin as the core areas for painting activities.The so-called School of Painting refers to a group of people formed by painters and those who are passionate about painting in society, including literary intellectuals, officials, wealthy merchants, as well as Buddhist monks and Taoist priests.The study mainly concerns the eighteenth century and the nineteenth century, which witnessed revolutionary changes in Chinese society. A variety of reasons ensured the unique position of Lingnan culture, and painting is no exception.The research method in this thesis includes screening for the part related to Lingnan ancient paintings from ancient writings, poetry and various historical documents, and then conducting an in-depth research of Lingnan paintings from three aspects-general introduction and achievements, painters and artist groups, and painting theories.Due to the lack of innovation, traditional literati paintings gradually declined in the late Qing Dynasty. However, Lingnan painting not only inherited the tradition of literati paintings but also showed a unique style and vitality for many reasons. Abundant natural resources were the source of the artists, the sacred mountains and rivers gave birth to a large number of outstanding artists. They frequently held calligraphy and painting gatherings, and creatively combined the production of painting, calligraphy and poetry as well as combining painting collection, appreciation and learning, thus resulting in a great variety of excellent works, which displayed the artistic characteristics of Lingnan painting, like tolerance, diversity, absorption, care for reality, and innovation. These achievements could not have been made without the efforts of artists and the support of the community that loved painting, and were also inseparable from the communication and blending of different cultures. These celebrities and talents have made an indelible contribution to the development of Lingnan Art.Till now, there has been no research on the ancient Lingnan School of Painting both at home and abroad. Historically, there were only limited writings and studies on ancient Lingnan paintings, mainly focusing on the study of individual painters. These results provide valuable clues for researches of later generations, but they are dogged by the simplicity and superficiality in the studies.The innovation of this paper is threefold:1. It conducts a comprehensive and systematic study on Lingnan School of Painting, revealing the law of development of ancient Lingnan paintings.2. It carries out a full, in-depth study on representative figures, analyzing their art theories, works, styles, and their impacts on the development of Lingnan Art.3. It intends to sort out the contacts among people, between people and society, so as to examine the role of these linkages in improving painters’artistic culture and promoting the development of Lingnan Art.The subject has important academic value, theoretical and-practical significance in the research on Lingnan Art. If it wasn’t this stage of gestation, accumulation and development, there would be no such fruitful achievements of the Lingnan School of Painting afterwards.

【关键词】 岭南古代文人画绘画集团
【Key words】 LingnanAncient timesLiterati paintingsSchool of Painting

