

Poetry Can Be Grouped:on the Poetic Group Before Tang Dynasty

【作者】 李宜蓬

【导师】 胡大雷;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在孔子的诗学理论中,“兴、观、群、怨”说占有重要地位,它是孔子对于《诗》的社会、文化价值的全面概括,是对《诗》的情感以及政治属性的精辟揭示,是先秦《诗》学的经典理论之一。“诗可以群”是“兴、观、群、怨”说的有机组成部分,着重指出《诗》以其广泛的社会应用,成为社交场合促进群体关系形成的重要条件,这是对于《诗》与社会尤其是群体关系的最简练的概括。本论文主要以历史考察和理论辨析为主要研究方法,深入考察孔子与锺嵘的“诗可以群”理论的产生背景,同时对二者之间的内涵差异进行细致辨析,试图揭示从上古到中古时期诗歌与群体建构之间的文化、政治以及文学关系。具体地说,就是以孔子的“诗可以群”理论为起点,梳理其自先秦到魏晋时期的意义转换,并以魏晋特有的文人群体与创作的关系为基础,提炼出反向的“群可以诗”的概念,最终形成以诗群互动现象为观察角度和逻辑线索的学术研究思路,借以考察从上古《诗》的应用到中古诗的创作的演变历程,挖掘《诗》与诗的政治、文化以及交际功能,并分析诗的生成和演变规律,探讨诗体的衍生定型和诗风趋同变异。全文分为四章,第一章为“诗可以群”的文化内涵,指出“诗可以群”理论既渊源于周代的礼乐文化,也融汇了孔子的礼乐思想和文艺思想,具有丰富而深刻的理论意义。无论是《诗》的文化内涵还是《诗》的社会功能,都浸透了礼乐文化的因素,是周代最有代表性的文化现象之一。“诗可以群”所依托的社会环境,也深刻地反映了礼乐文化的特质,它以春秋时代的宗庙祭祀、朝廷燕飨以及赋诗引诗活动为背景,展示了《诗》在群体交流和群体构建上的重要作用,是对《诗》的文化属性和社会价值的全面而深刻的揭示,具有重要的理论意义,对于后代诗教说的兴起和发展,起到了先导作用。第二章为“诗可以群”的政治倾向,指出在汉代“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”的思想和文化背景下,儒学以及五经成为治国理政的准则和规范,成为士大夫的赖以修身、齐家、治国、平天下的理论基石。因此《诗经》就由文化经典拓展为政治理想,对其内涵的阐释和社会功能的应用越发趋于政治化。汉儒以美刺为《诗》的思想倾向,以诗教和诗谏为其参政议政的理论武器,试图形成君民一体的社会关系,是“诗可以群”的理想和实践在政治领域的深化和发展。第三章为“诗可以群”的意义新变,指出魏晋以后,诗歌逐渐挣脱了《诗》的藩篱,恢复了其原初的表情达意的功能,并以其文雅的形式和简练的语言,成为文人特有的表达方式和交际方式。文人之间,诗酒唱和,互相赠答,实现了情感沟通和社会交际使命,是中古文人社会群体生活的重要内容,也对文人群体的形成,具有重要的推动作用。因此,锺嵘所说的“诗可以群”,就以其崭新的内涵成为中古文人开展文学活动、构建新型群体关系的理论总结。第四章为“诗可以群”的逆向形态,指出在诗群关系中,还存在着与“诗可以群”密切相关,并呈现出逆向作用形态的是“群可以诗”。“群可以诗”,更侧重从创作的角度揭示群体与诗歌的关系,它表明诗并非纯粹的个体情绪反映,而是具有社会性的群体性的文化和文学活动。群体的关系以及群体活动的场合,对诗歌的主题、内容具有决定性的影响;而群体性的诗歌创作,对于诗歌文体的进化与定型,以及诗歌艺术水准的提升,也具有积极意义。本论文的创新点在于揭示孔子与锺嵘的“诗可以群”理论生成的历史语境及其诗学内涵,同时梳理从孔子到锺嵘“诗可以群”理论的承传演变,并揭示汉代“诗可以群”的政治现象,最后提出“诗可以群”还存在着逆向的“群可以诗”,从而为诗群互动现象的研究奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Being one of the classical theories on Poetry, Xing, Guan, Qun, Yuan was of great importance in Confucian poetic theories, which generalized social and cultural values of Poetry and revealed precisely and concisely the emotional and the political properties of Poetry. Organic component of "Xing, Guan, Qun, Yuan","poetry can be grouped" is the briefest generalization of the relationship between Poetry and society, especially groups, due to Poetry’s wide social application, forming the group relationship in social communication.The approach of the dissertation is mainly based on the historical examination and theoretical differentiation and analysis, which examines the background of Confucian and Zhong Rong’s theory "poetry can be grouped" and analyzes in detail the differences of the two, aiming to reveal the cultural, political and literary relationship between the mid-ancient poetry and group construction. To be specific, it starts with Confucian theory "poetry can be grouped", combing the transformation of its connotation from Pre-Qin to Wei and Jin. Based on the relationship between unique Wei scholars and their creation, it extracts the definition of reverse-order "groups can create poetry", which finally establishes the academic approach of the interaction of poetic groups, examines the progress of poetry from Early Ancient to Middle Ancient, probes the political, cultural and social functions of poetry, analyzes the formation and evolution rules of poetry, and studies the fossilization and differences of poetic styles.The dissertation is divided into four chapters. Chapter One, the cultural connotation of "poetry can be grouped", points out that originated in the ritual culture of Zhou Dynasty, the theory "poetry can be grouped" has a rich and profound theoretical meaning, which integrated the ritual, literary and artistic thoughts of Confucius. The cultural connotation and social functions of Poetry, full of ritual factors, is one of the most representative cultural phenomena in Zhou Dynasty. The social environment which "poetry can be grouped" was relied on, reflecting the characteristic of ritual culture, with temple sacrifice, court offering, and creating and evoking poems as its background, demonstrating the importance of Poetry in the group communication and construction of Poetry, revealing the cultural property and social value of poetry, plays a leading role in the rise and development of later theories on poetry.Chapter Two, the political tendency of "poetry can be grouped", points out that in Han Dynasty as a result of "proscribing all non-Confucian schools of thought and espousing Confucianism as the orthodox state ideology", Confucianism and the five classics, the guidelines of governing country and administrating politics, lays the foundation of personality cultivation, family regulation, and state ruling. Thus Poetry extended from cultural classics to political ideal, is more political in interpretation of its connotation and social application of its social functions. Trying to establish a social unity of emperor and people, the scholars in Han’s using Poetry as its theoretical weapon, is the development of ideals and practice in politics of "poetry can be grouped"Chapter Three, the evolution of the connotation of "poetry can be grouped", points out that after Wei and Jin, poems gradually breaking down barriers of Poetry and restoring its functions of expressing emotions and ideas, with its elegant form and concise language, became the specific ways of expression and communication. Between intellectuals, drinking and singing to each other, performing the emotional communication and social interaction, is an important part of mid-ancient social group life, promoting the formation of the group of scholars. Hence Zhong Rong’s "poetry can be grouped", with its new connotation, is the theoretical summary of middle ancient literary activities and new group construction.Chapter Four, the reverse form of "poetry can be grouped", points out that in the relationship of poetic group,"poetry can be grouped" has a correlative reverse form, i.e."group can create poetry"."Group can create poetry" focuses more on the angle of creation, revealing the relationship between groups and poems. It states that poems are not the reflection of personal emotions, but cultural and literary activities of social population. The creation of poems of a group has its active function in evolution and fossilization of styles of poems and promotion of the artistic level of poems.The innovation of the dissertation lies in that it reveals the historical context and poetic connotation of Confucius and Zhong Rong’s "poetry can be grouped", combing the transformation of the theories of Confucius and Zhong Rong, probing the political phenomenon of "poetry can be grouped" in Han Dynasty, finally proposing "poetry can be grouped’"s reverse form "group can create poetry", thus laying the foundation of the study of interaction of poetic groups.

【关键词】 诗可以群群可以诗
【Key words】 poetrygrouppoetry can be groupedgroup can create poetry

