

Research on the Brand Governance Based on Stakeholders

【作者】 王彦勇

【导师】 徐向艺;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界范围内买方市场趋势的持续增强,顾客的自主购买能力逐步提升,公司间竞争的重点从产品转向品牌,构建良好品牌形象成为形成公司核心竞争力的关键。实践证明,利益相关者不但是提升品牌价值的关键资源,还对保障品牌健康发展具有重要作用。因此,以维护利益相关者品牌共建为目的的品牌治理成为当前实现品牌健康与可持续发展的重要手段。在我国,品牌治理获得了突飞猛进的发展,然而值得注意的是,我国品牌治理在演进的过程中,却缺乏良性思考与指导,致使在品牌共建行为中承担不同责任的角色发展失调,短期内能够带动品牌价值提升的利益相关者得到优先发展,而承担监督和约束职能的利益相关者却时常被公司选择性忽略,出现了大量以品牌健康换取短期品牌价值的不良发展模式。这一问题同样困扰着东、西方的学者,并推动品牌治理成为品牌研究领域的前沿与热点。目前品牌治理研究主要集中在三个方面,促使利益相关者参与品牌治理的原因是什么?如何提升利益相关者在品牌治理中的表现?品牌治理的效果又该怎样衡量?带着这三个问题,本文对品牌治理展开研究,以利益相关者参与品牌治理的影响因素为切入点,以品牌治理的深化过程为导向,通过品牌治理融入度衡量品牌治理的实施效果,形成了贯穿品牌治理形成、发展与测量的研究逻辑思路。并通过经济学范式分析、博弈模拟等方法较为系统对品牌治理进行分析,形成本文研究框架,具体步骤如下:首先,对影响利益相关者参与品牌治理的因素进行探索,该类因素是形成品牌治理的基础,也是品牌治理研究的起点。本文在前人研究的基础上,进一步分析了品牌治理的参与机制,将品牌共建过程简化为由公司与利益相关者共同参与的生产过程,将品牌治理视为保障该生产过程的制度,以最优生产与公平分配为线索,通过引入柯布-道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数与心理契约理论构建基于利益相关者的品牌治理参与模型,并推导出利益相关者参与品牌治理活动的心理预期函数。根据利益相关者的心理预期,结合实地访谈的采访结论,最终提取了六个品牌治理参与因素,分别是交流环境、物质激励、品牌情感、活动乐趣、宣传能力以及劳动成本。同时根据分析过程中,利益相关者在品牌治理中诉求的差别,将利益相关者分为备用型、奉献型、权益型与伙伴型四类。其次,在借鉴品牌社群理论研究成果的基础上,创新性提出了品牌治理融入度的概念,将其定义为公司与利益相关者在品牌治理过程中完成自己所承担责任与义务的程度,根据参与者在品牌治理中的融入表现衡量品牌治理的效果。同时加强对品牌共建与治理机制的分析,通过品牌拥有公司与其他利益相关者的动态博弈模拟品牌共建的过程,并针对博弈中的局限与矛盾,提出品牌治理的基本目标与作用,即统一意识形成合作前提,监督惩罚手段作为合作保障,动态、长期博弈实现合作优化。以此为线索,进一步提出品牌治理融入度的三个测量维度,分别为归属意识、监督与维权意识以及可持续发展潜力。利益相关者在品牌治理中的融入程度从本质上决定了品牌治理的实施效果,不仅作为一套反映连续状态的测量指标体系,区分利益相关者能否真正融入品牌治理之中,还同时兼顾了品牌共建过程中的效率与公平。再次,根据基于前人研究的理论分析,引入品牌共建中的认同意识与参与关系两个变量作为深化品牌治理的两条路径。认同感会对参与者的合作心理产生影响,产生喜好、偏向,并依此为基础,加强或减弱利益相关者在品牌治理活动中的表现,进而影响其品牌治理融入度;而合作关系作为调节、修饰参与者间合作的重要因素,直接决定了品牌共建表现与品牌治理的效果,是影响品牌治理融入度的重要因素。另一方面,品牌治理的深化路径也是沟通品牌参与因素与品牌融入度的桥梁,将利益相关者参与品牌治理的影响因素与品牌治理融入度联系起来,实现了品牌治理从参与开始,历经深化过程直到产出效果的完整运行路径,即通过认同意识与参与关系两个变量将品牌治理参与因素的六个测量维度与品牌治理融入度的三个测量维度串联起来。然后,通过访谈与调查问卷获得了较为详实的一手数据,根据对济南BBA车友会、苏州奔驰利星行俱乐部、济南之星奔驰4S店、山东电广文化传媒有限公司和莱芜大众日报社的访谈与预调查编制并纯化了问卷题项,最终回收包括奉献型、权益型与伙伴型三类利益相关者的问卷581份。使用SPSS与AMOS两种软件对数据进行分析与处理,通过探索性与验证性因子分析、相关性检验、结构方程模型、贝氏估计等方法,检验了研究假设,并根据利益相关者的分类对品牌治理的特点做了进一步的分析。另外,根据实证分析结果,对品牌治理机制进行探索,从收益激励与关系激励两个方面对品牌治理的激励机制进行解读,提出品牌治理过程中,关系激励往往比收益激励更有效;从内外部监督的角度分析了品牌治理的监督机制,阐释了只有内外部监督相结合才能确保品牌共建过程的健康;从处于弱势的利益相关者角度解释了品牌治理的约束机制,实现利益相关者对品牌拥有公司的约束。在品牌治理各项机制相互作用的条件下,分析了品牌治理效果形成机理,并通过结合我国品牌发展的具体问题,提出实务层面上品牌治理的具体效果,分别是理顺品牌共建合作脉络、提高品牌发展效率、保障品牌的可持续发展、提升品牌忠诚与建立品牌恶意竞争的防御机制。最终,在理论研究与实证分析的基础上,提出研究结论如下:第一,不同类型的利益相关者在品牌治理中表现存在差异。因此,在实务层面中,品牌拥有公司应因人而异,设置差别化品牌治理政策,从而更高效的吸引利益相关者加入并提高其在品牌治理中的表现。第二,品牌治理参与因素可以通过认同意识与合作关系影响利益相关者对品牌治理的融入度。所以在实践中,公司应在考虑品牌治理参与者构成的基础上,分析品牌治理六种参与因素在融入品牌治理中作用的比重与特点,兼顾交流环境建设与物质奖励,设计合理的投资方案,并以品牌合作活动乐趣为重点,培养品牌情感,同时也应注意降低劳动强度,提高利益相关者参与积极性以及挖掘参与者的宣传能力,正确实现品牌杠杆。另外,通过引入权益型利益相关者加强外部监督与约束,拒绝违规合谋,提升合作者信心建立品牌形象防御机制,抵御未知风险。

【Abstract】 With the continuous enhancement of the buyer’s market situation in the worldwide, the customers’ independent buying ability is lifting gradually and the focus of the competition translates from products to brand. Consequently, to build a reputational brand identification now is becoming the key of cultivating core competitiveness. Practice has proved that stakeholders are not only the operant resource of brand value, but also play a positive role on keeping a healthy branding path. Therefore, brand governance, which is main focus on ensuring brand co-creation with stakeholder, is becoming the most important measure of brand sustainable development.In China, brand governance make a spurt of progress in recent few years, however, there is a trend that the development of brand governance in China lacks of scientific thinking and systemic guidance, which result in imbalance of stakeholders. The companies tend to neglect the stakeholders who take charge to functions of supervision and constraint and not welling to draw them into brand governance process. This phenomenon leads to unhealthy ways of branding, which over focus on short-term value. Both western and eastern are plagued by the problem, and how to build a healthy branding way by brand governance is the most popular frontier of brand research in academia. At present, research on brand governance mainly focuses on three aspects, what is the reason for stakeholders participating in brand governance? How to improve the stakeholders’ performance? How to measure the effect of brand governance?With these three problems, this article research on the operation mechanism of brand governance. Based on the brand governance participation factors, process and engagement, the research logic which runs through the whole process of brand governance has been brought forward. And through the economics analysis, game theory, this research analyzed the conceptual framework of brand governance by steps as follows:First of all, explore the participation factors of brand governance. These factors involve in stimulating stakeholders participate the process of brand governance, which is the fundamental condition for branding co-creation and governance. On the basis of previous studies, we further analyzed the participation mechanism of stakeholders, which help us simplify and classify both brand co-creation and brand governance. Cooperating with Cobb-Douglas production function and theory of psychological contract, a research model of stakeholders’ participation in brand governance has been designed. Finally, according to the expectations of stakeholder,6participation factors has been found, which are communication environment, material incentives, emotional brand, fun of activity, ability for propagation and labor cost. The stakeholders are also divided into four parts, second-string, dedicatory, right focus and partnership focus stakeholders.Secondly, on the basis of brand community theory, innovatively bring forward the conception of brand governance engagement. According to the engagement and performance of stakeholders, the results of brand governance are measured. At the same time to strengthen the analysis of brand co-creation and governance mechanism, the simulation of brand co-creation process was built by introducing a dynamic game theory. Based on the limitations and contradictions, which emerged in simulation process, brand governance engagement has been separated into3dimensions:sense of belonging, awareness of supervision and rights as well as sense of long-term cooperation. The involvement of stakeholders in brand governance not only determines the effects, but also gives consideration to both efficiency and fairness in the process of brand governance.Then, according to the analysis of previous studies, consciousness of identity and partnership are proposed as2paths for deepening the brand governance. Consciousness of identity will affect the psychological factors of participants, which could consequently influence the brand governance engagement. On the other hand, partnership as a regulator will directly determine the performance of stakeholders in the cooperation process. Therefore, consciousness of identity and partnership are the bridge for brand governance participation factors and engagement.Fourthly, the questions in questionnaire are purified by pre-survey on Jinan BBA car club, Suzhou Lixing Benz club, Jinan star Mercedes Benz4s shop, Shandong TV and cultural media Co. and Laiwu Dazhong daily. And then, the research obtained the detailed first-hand data, which includes second-string, dedicatory, right focus and partnership focus stakeholders. All the581copies of questionnaire are analyzed by using the software of SPSS and AMOS. This process involves exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model, Bayesian estimation, which ensure the reliability and validity of research. Finally, based on theoretical research and empirical analysis, the conclusions of this dissertation are as follows. Firstly, the stakeholders with different types have different performance in brand governance. Therefore, in the practical level, the company should differentiate the brand strategy in order to efficiently attract participants and improve their performance. Secondly, the participation factors of brand governance can indirectly influence the brand governance engagement by consciousness of identity and partnership. Thus, from the perspective of practice, the company should analyze the proportion and characteristics of6participation factors during the process of brand governance, take both communication environment and material incentive into account for the sake of promoting the investment strategy. They also need to focus on increasing the fun of brand activities and reducing the labor cost as well as building an emotional brand. In addition, through the introduction of the right-focus stakeholders, which could strengthen the external supervision and restriction of brand governance, has positive effects on cultivating the brand image and building defense mechanism against to the risk.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

