

The Transmission History of the Book of Songs in Japan

【作者】 张永平

【导师】 廖群;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 《日本<诗经>传播史》,以实证的精神,从“史”的角度还原《诗经》在日本传播的本貌。本文的切入点为“文学传播”。以“传播学”这一新视角探讨文学问题,是21世纪文学研究发展的一个新增长点,也是传播学理论自身不断成熟和发展的需要。时下学界对于“文学传播”相关讨论热烈,研究成果颇丰,对于国内文学作品传播的个案考察也多有涉及,但是海外中国文学传播个案观照较少,甚至是缺失。而《诗经》作为具有世界影响的文学经典,其在海外的传播关注较少,系统专论少,相关研究有待进一步细化和深入。《诗经》传播学同时又是诗经学研究的重要命题。《诗经》自从成书以来,学习者、运用者、研究者层出不穷,相关著作蔚为大观,其中传播起了非常巨大的作用。文学离不开传播,传播的多样性、有效性使得中国文学积淀深厚,样式众多,日益繁荣,也深深地影响着人们的精神面貌。只有通过对《诗经》的传播进行研究,将其放在具体的时空网络中,才能对《诗经》的形成、演变、影响作出科学合理的解释。本文的理论支点为“文学系统论”。探讨中将文学“创作、传播、接受、再加工”看做一个有机的系统。本研究有别于传统诗经学的微观考证,而是将《诗经》作为人类各种社会活动的一环,进行宏观社会学视域中的新思考。作为文学个体存在的《诗经》,当其传入日本社会这一独特的系统后,厘清其在日本文学史、思想史、文明史中价值体现;探明其与列岛汉诗人、歌人、俳人的文学生命互动过程;追索《诗经》内含的中国文化在扶桑的流播演变、影响与互动,对于发掘中国传统经典的内在价值,弘扬中华文明,提升民族自豪感,推动中国文学作品走出去,无疑具备较大的理论价值与现实意义。本文的讨论的场域为日本。日本是东亚儒家文化圈的典型代表之一,自古以来受大陆文化影响较深。兼具“经学”与“文学”双重特性的《诗经》在日本的传播更具代表性,它是中国传统儒家思想在日本流播与广布的一个缩影,同时又是中国古典诗歌在异域文化中接受的一个典型。通过《诗经》的传播,考察日本这一典型国度,管窥中国古代文学作品在海外的传播历程、传播规律,以文学关涉的社会体系为考察点,以文献研究、文本研究成果为基础,以传播史钩沉为轴心,以文化社会学为指向的跨国《诗经》研究新探索,是论文进行理论分析与探讨的价值归宿。本文针对《诗经》传入日本之后,在各个时代被引用、抄写、刊刻等各种传播情形加以考察与整理,论证过程中结合文献资料与考古新发现,对《诗经》在日本社会系统的具体传播现象进行了梳理,还原了《诗经》在日本传播的本貌。内容上,按照古代、中世、近世、近代的顺序,分析了日本不同时代、不同阶层、不同地域《诗经》传播的特点,总结了《诗经》传播由公家、禅家、儒家等“小众”传播到民间“大众”传播演变的规律。对于传播中的具体问题通过实证考索,得出了一些新见解和基本结论。1.渡海而来的归化人留下了最早的用《诗》记录。(478年,雄略天皇表)2.百济派遣的“五经”博士是一种轮替制,三年一更替,大致轮换13次。3.遣唐使带来了古文经学《毛诗》注本与唐朝传诗学制。4.法师圆尔于1241年入宋,携朱子学相关书目返日,其中《吕氏家塾读诗记》与朱熹《诗集传》关系密切。5.1599年,在退溪学者姜沆协助下,藤原惺窝完成《四书五经倭训》,为日本最早用朱子学观点解释《四书五经》的著作。6.王国维“二重证据法”的形成与东京、京都两所帝国大学的学术思潮有密切关系。7.《毛诗》大序对和歌歌论影响较大,和歌研究学者在提出自己的歌论时,多比照《诗经》。8.《诗经》乐教精神影响了《源氏物语》的音乐观。9.《诗经》创作模式、解诗体例、诗篇解释法在日本文学中均有投影,并以《伊势物语》、《闲吟集》、《古今和歌集》为例进行了分析。10.江户“雅俗文化”形成过程中,《诗经》的“劝善惩恶观”与“人情说”参与了当时文艺思潮的讨论,影响较大。11.《诗经》的传播方式有“口承”、“书承”、“物承”、“体承”多种。此外作为明治时代开辟的学术研究新领域,汉学史、儒学史、经学史、中国文学史中均会有《诗经》相关篇章或纲目,笔者认为这也应该看做《诗经》传播的载体之一。尤其是作为授课教材而使用的中国文学史,其本身就是传授的内容,属于传播体系。虽然中国文学史也属于“书承”,但因其是以单章或者单节,或以专题讲授,并不是全本讲授的特殊性,应该单列为“史承”。作为宏观社会系统的一分子,《诗经》在日本的传播与社会运行紧密地连接在一起。仅仅从美学、艺术学等文学范畴来考察《诗经》的传播是不全面的。通观从古代到近代的《诗经》传播,《诗经》在日本社会体系的不同场域均展示着自己的存在。个人空间、公共领域,商业行为、公益行动,职业活动、余暇休闲,《诗经》在各个场域均有或深或浅的投影。通过写本、印本、报纸、杂志、电子书等各种各样的传播媒体,《诗经》参与社会各个场域的互动,并产生了颇具特色的日本《诗经》现象。《诗经》在日本的传播不是孤立的,而是基于传者、媒介、读者、文艺批评家等连锁活动而展开,其广泛、深入而持久的传播是社会行为各个环节互相作用的结果。这对于中国文学作品走向世界具有重要的启示意义。对于《诗经》在日本的传播,此前尚未有过系统的专著或者专论,本文是从传播角度系统探讨《诗经》在日本流布、演变情况的新尝试,是文学研究新方法在新领域的探索和尝试,对于丰富现代诗经学研究体系也具有贡献意义。论述基于存世文献和考古资料,对于日本《诗经》传播史上诸多问题进行了探讨,并得出了若干新论,发现了很多新课题,为今后继续研究打下了基础。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the Transmission History of the Book of Songs in Japan and will restore it to original state on the positivism.The breakthrough point of this thesis is Literature Communication. It is one position of Literature Study. Nowadays, it is under heated discussion in the academic world which has made good harvest and covers several fields of domestic Chinese Literature Communication. However, it covers little of overseas Chinese Literature Communication, even absent. The Book of Songs is the classics of literature, culture and thoughts which need unearth buried treasures of communication abroad. It is an important proposition on The Book of Songs Communication, too. The learners, reasearchers and users have no ending since the Book of Songs is born. The works are cartloads and housefuls of books, and the communication plays an important role. The literature cannot depart from communication, moreover, the diversity and effectiveness of communication make Chinese Literature accumulated deep, varied and prosperous.It also greatly changed the spirit of the people.Only by studying the communication of the Book of Songs and putting it in the special time-space network, can we give an reasonable explanation for the formation, evolution, influence of this book.The key point and main line is Literature system theory. We treat the creation, dissemination, acceptance, processing of literature as an organized system. The research is different from the microscopic research of the traditional study of the Book of Songs, but makes a new thought in the macro social perspective with the Book of Songs as one of the society’s activities. When the Book of Songs comes into the special society system of Japan, it is as an individual of literature, we need distinguish the value of literature history, ideological history, civilization in Japan, verify the correlations among songster、the author of the Tanka、the author of Haiku,search for the evolution of the inner Chinese culture in the Book of Songs in Japan. There is no doubt that it means a lot in the theoretical value and practical significance.The domain that the paper involves is in Japan. Japan is the archetype of the Confucian cultural circle of East Asia, and gets deep impact from the mainland culture. The Book of Songs has the dual characteristics of learning study of Confucian classics and Literature.and its communication is a microcosm of Chinese traditional Confucian thought widely spread in Japan. The theory pursuit and final value of the paper is that we can have a restricted view with ancient Chinese Literature work’s communication Course and rule. By studying the communication of the Book of Songs and inspecting the special country-Japan, inspecting the literature related to the social system, basing on the document research and research of text, taking the history of communication up and down as the centre stage, giving the new exploration of the Book of Songs to cross-border research in cultural sociology.After the Book of Songs comes into Japan, it is quoted, copied, published and communicated. We inspect and arrange all of that. Combing with the new discovery of Literature and Archaeology, we sort out the specific communication phenomenon in Japan society about the Book of Songs and restore it to original state.Concretely, according to the ancient, medieval, modern, modern order, giving analysis of the communication of the Book of Songs in different times, different classes, different regions in Japan, summarizing the evolution rule of the communication of the Book of Songs from the public, Zen Buddhism, Confucianism and other "niche" to folk "mass". By the empirical study of the problems of the communications, we make several new views and conclusions.1. The naturalized persons of coming over the sea left the earliest record of using the Book of Songs.2. The Five Classic doctor in Paekche is the rotation system,the cycle is3years,and changed almost13times.3. The envoys to the Tang Dynasty brought Mao Poetry and annotated edition educational system of the Book of Songs to Japan4. Master Yuaner came into the Song Dynasty in AD1241and left with books on syusigaku for Japan, one of them,The Lv’s Notes from Reading Book of Songs is inextricably linked with Zhu Xi "shijizhuan"5.In AD1599,with the help of Tuixi scholar Kang hang, Seika Fujiwara finished the work."The Four Books Japanese training". It is the first book to explain The Four Books with Zhuzi’s idea.6.The form of Wang Guowei Twice Evidences is inextricably linked with the Academic trend of thought in Tokyo Imperial University, Kyoto Imperial University7. Preface Major to Mao Poetry has great influence on an essay on waka poems, when researchers on waka proposed their theories after referring to the Book of Songs8.Music education spirit of the Book of Songs gives influence on the Tale of the Genji views of music.9. The writing、Solution of poem style and working out the meaning of the Book of Songs have influences on Japanese literature, and made textual distinguish by taking Tales of Ise, Kanginshu, Kokin-wakashu as example.10.The elegant worldly culture establishment in yedo, the Poetic justice view and Humanity theory involved the Literature thought and had great influences.11. The communication ways of the Book of Songs are oral tradition, propagation by books, propagation by a thing, propagation with the body. However,as the new field of Meiji Era, the Book of Songs is included in History of Chinese classics, History of Confucianism, History of Keisho in Confucianism, History of Chinese Literature,and we think it should be one of the communication carriers.Especially as the teaching materials and the usage of China literary history, its content belongs to the communication system. Although History of Chinese Literature also belongs to "the book bearing", it is a single chapter or section, or in lectures, special and not all teaching, should list as" Propagation by history".As a part of social system,"the Book of Songs" communications are closely linked with social operation in Japan. It is not comprehensive that only from the aesthetics, art and literature to study the spread of "the Book of Songs".View from ancient times to modern "poetry", the Book of Songs exists in different field of Japanese society system. Personal space, public areas, commercial behavior, public welfare activities, occupation activities, leisure time, the Book of Songs have deep or shallow projection in various fields, the Book of Songs participate in every social field by the manuscripts, printed, newspapers, magazines, books and other kinds of media, and have a distinctive Japanese the Book of Songs phenomenon. The Book of Songs which spreads in Japan is not isolated, but based on the transmission, media, readers, literary critics chain activities,and so on.The wide, deep and lasting spread is the result of the interaction from all aspects of social behavior. This have important implications for the China Modern Literature to go to the world.This paper opens up a new world of academic significance in the Book of Songs History, before this it has no such books, monographs, and this thesis is the first work from the point of the Book of Songs Communication History in Japan. This thesis is Based on the discussion of documents and archaeological findings, several case studies that are in suspense "the Book of Songs" communication in Japan are analyzed. By that,we draw some new conclusions, found a lot of new topics and lay the foundation for the future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

