

Research on the Influence of Contradictory Online Reviews on Consumer Purchase Attitudes and Behavior Intention

【作者】 马艳丽

【导师】 胡正明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在线评论是消费者通过在线企业网站(如淘宝网、京东商城、亚马逊、yahoomovie.com)或第三方评论网站(如国内大众点评网、Tripadvisor.com、美国消费者点评网Yelp)发表的所购买产品特点、使用产品的经历和感受的观点。在线评论已经成为消费者购物决策的重要信息来源,评论兼“销售员”的角色影响着消费者网络购物的决策。阅读在线评论成为消费者网络购物的必然步骤,消费者通过阅读在线评论获得关于商品和商家的相关信息。然而评论信息是多样性的,既有正面的评论,也有负面的评论,对一个产品的评论总是有好有坏存在矛盾的现象,消费者该相信哪一方的建议?这些矛盾的评论让消费者产生决策困境。另外根据态度理论的最新研究表明,消费者本身对产品的评价也会同时存在积极和消极现象,消费者也经常存在矛盾态度,当消费者本身对产品评价矛盾时,更需要外界信息辅助决策。一方面是外界信息矛盾,另一方面是消费者本身对产品评价的矛盾,此情境下消费者如何决策呢?现有理论中很少关注到这个问题,但这又是消费者决策过程中经常遇到的问题。因此,准确解析矛盾的在线评论对矛盾的消费者态度和行为的影响,重新理解消费者在网络购物时的态度和行为,更加深入的解释消费者隐蔽的态度变化过程,为企业更好的利用口碑进行营销提供理论支撑,因此具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文研究集中要解决四个主要的关键问题,一是在线评论中是否存在效价矛盾,消费者是否意识到矛盾性在线评论对其态度和行为的影响。本文对该问题的解析是通过对在线评论的实例分析和对消费者深度访谈,在第三章研究;二是矛盾性在线评论情境下,不同矛盾强度的消费者如何分析不同效价的评论信息呢?本问题在第四章研究;三是阅读矛盾的在线评论后,不同矛盾强度的消费者的态度和行为是如何变化的?该问题与第五章研究;最后,面对矛盾性在线评论,矛盾的消费者的态度和行为是更一致还是更不确定?本文研究的理论模型是在线评论(评论效价、正负比例和评价内容)——初始矛盾强度(高、低)——态度(认知、情感和行为意向)。本文在研究中将理论演绎和实证研究方法相结合,采用了多种研究方法,其中主要研究方法有:文献研究方法,通过文献梳理的方法收集和总结了国内外文献,奠定本研究的理论基础;访谈法,深入了解消费者使用在线评论过程及其关注要素的第一手资料;问卷调查法,通过来自实践的消费者的观点,来验证本文提出的假设;统计分析法,用于数据的分析和处理。最后,通过实证分析,得出的主要研究结论如下:1.在线评论中存在矛盾现象,评论的数量、评论内容和评论效价是影响在线评论产生矛盾的主要因素,其中正负效价是导致评论矛盾的核心要素,带有具体内容的评论比简单的评论影响力更大。2.在阅读矛盾的在线评论后,不同初始矛盾态度的消费者的转变不同。高矛盾消费者正面态度显著降低,负面态度变化不显著,正面态度减少的幅度显著大于负面态度增加的幅度,进而矛盾性降低;低矛盾者正面态度变化不显著,但负面态度显著增加,负面态度增加的幅度显著大于正面态度减少的幅度,因而矛盾性增加。3.矛盾性在线评论对消费者态度有非常重要的影响,消费者在阅读评论前后的态度和行为意向发生较大的变化。高矛盾组消费者在阅读评论前与低矛盾组消费者并无差异,但阅读评论后两组之间在态度和行为意向三个维度都具有明显的差异。高矛盾者情感变化较大,其次是认知和意向的变化;低矛盾者对产品的正面认知较高,负面认知较少,因此,购物意向较高,但由于更多关注了负面的评价,因此意向显著的降低,意向变化较大。4.态度和行为一致性,矛盾性越高,态度和行为之间一致性越弱。矛盾强度负向的调节着购物意向,当消费者态度越矛盾时,购买产品的可能性越小,该结论与访谈调查的结果一致。5.评论内容对消费者的影响较大,同只包含简单内容的评论相比,带有更多丰富内容的网络口碑影响力更大。该结论通过与其他研究结果的对比及与第三章对消费者访谈的结果相一致,消费者会详细阅读评论的具体内容,尤其是高质量的评论。本文主要的创新点如下:1.提出矛盾性在线评论的概念,研究构成矛盾性在线评论的要素、类型和矛盾强度形成的机理。不同于现有研究中指出在线评论不同维度分别对消费者态度和行为的影响,本文提出在线评论各个维度之间存在交叉影响,导致消费者决策矛盾。其中,在线评论效价对消费者态度和行为影响最大,正负面效价并存让消费者态度更加矛盾。2.构建矛盾性在线评论(评论效价、评论内容和评论比例)对初始矛盾态度不同消费者的态度和行为影响的理论模型。从矛盾性在线评论视角研究评论对消费者态度和行为意向的影响,将正负面同比例评论同时呈现给消费者,并得出高矛盾者情感和认知变化较大,低矛盾者意向变化较大,高低矛盾者的变化幅度在意向上差异最明显3.研究矛盾性在线评论情境下,消费者态度和行为的一致性问题。得出消费者矛盾态度会显著调节态度和行为的一致性。最后,结合本文得出的研究结论,给企业营销实践提出相关启示和建议,同时对整个研究过程进行总结,指出在研究过程中的不足之处及未来研究的方向。

【Abstract】 This study is based on the background of online consume, reading online review becomes a necessary step to consumer making decision. Consumers through reading online reviews are hoping to get clear information about the goods and businessmen, online reviews play the role of "salesman" influence consumers’ decision making. How accurate analysis the process of consumers using online review and predict consumer attitudes and behavior is the key of word of mouth management. But reviews information is diversified, both including positive comments, and negative ones. Which side should consumers listen to? Paid little attention to the problems in the existing theories, this article mainly concentrated in the study of the problem. Therefore, accurate analytical contradictory online reviews of consumer attitudes and behavior of contradiction, the thorough understanding consumer attitudes and behavior have important theoretical significance and practical significance, this article mainly concentrated in the study of the problem.In this paper, the research is different from one-dimensional attitude of past research, this study from the perspective of binary ambivalent attitude to understand consumer attitudes and behavior in the network shopping. And the paper further explains the changing process of the consumer hidden attitude. The research is benefit for enterprises to make better use of word of mouth.Theoretical framework and the key problems to be solved:In this paper, we study mainly focuses on four issues:(1) Through analyzing the example of online reviews, the paper analysis the conflict problems in online reviews, Whether consumers are aware of online reviews contradictory problems, through in-depth interviews to understand consumer’s perception of contradiction with positive and negative reviews, and the third chapter focuses on the problem in this paper;(2) The contradiction situation, how do intensity of different ambivalent consumers analyze different positive and negative reviews? The fourth chapter focuses on the problems in studies;(3) When consumers face conflicts of online reviews, whether different ambivalent intensity of consumers’ attitudes dimension changes are consistent? And the fifth chapter focuses on the problem;(4) Finally, facing the conflict online reviews, consumer attitudes and behavior are more consistent or not sure? The model of this paper is:online reviews (comment, valence, proportion of positive and negative reviews)-ambivalent intensity (high and low)-attitude (cognitive, affection and behavioral intention).This paper based the research on the combination of theoretical deduction and empirical research, the main research methods are as follows:the method of literature research, Interview method, the questionnaire survey, the statistical analysis.Finally through to the hypothesis validation, the main conclusions are:1. Contradictory phenomena exist in the online review. Nummber, content, and valence of online reviews are the main factors influencing the contradiction and the positive and negative valence is a key element to constitute a contradiction, with the specific content of reviews to matter more than the simple comments.2. After reading contradictory online reviews, the change of different initial attitude is different. High positive attitude significantly reduce contradictions consumers, negative attitudes change was not significant, positive attitude to reduce was significantly greater than negative attitude increase amplitude, and contradiction; Low contradiction positive attitude change was not significant, but negative attitude significantly increased, negative attitudes to increase was significantly greater than the positive attitude to reduce the size of the, and contradiction.3. The contradiction of online reviews has a very important impact on consumer attitudes. Consumer cognition, emotion and behavior tend to be larger changes before and after the reading comments. There is no difference between high group of consumers and low contradictions group of consumers before read reviews. But after reading reviews, there has obvious differences in three dimensions, cognition, emotion and intention between the two groups. In high ambivalent group, emotional change is bigger, the second is the change of cognition and intention; Low ambivalent group is a positive recognition of product is higher, fewer negative cognition, therefore, shopping intention is higher, but due to pay more attention to the negative evaluation, so the intention significantly reduce, intention to change is larger.4. In addition, as for the attitude and behavior consistency, the higher the ambivalent of intensity, the weaker consistency between attitude and behavior. Ambivalence negatively influenced the shopping intention, the higher intensity ambivalence is, the smaller possibility of buying products.5. Reviews content have bigger influence on the consumers, compared with comments containing only simple content, with more rich content of the network word of mouth influence is greater. The conclusion by comparison with other research results more clearly, but also with the third chapter the results of consumer interviews and other research on content is consistent, the specific content of consumers will read comments, especially high quality reviews.In this paper, the main innovation points are as follows:1. Put forward the concept of the online reviews contradiction, and research types and mechanism of the elements of contradiction online reviews. Different from the existing research pointed out that online reviews different dimensions respectively influence on consumers’attitudes and behavior, this paper puts forward the online reviews various dimensions of the influence of the contradiction between, cause consumer decision-making. Especially online reviews the valence is the biggest influence on consumers. When positive and negative reviews coexist, the exist review made consumer attitude more contradictions2. The first time to study from the perspective of the contradiction between online reviews influence on consumer’s attitude and behavioral intention, which is the influence of the negative reviews coexist and its influence on consumer attitudes and behavior intentions. Different from studying positive comments or negative review impact on the influence of consumer attitudes and behavior respectively, this study presented positive and negative reviews to the consumer at the same time, the research under the common effect on positive and negative reviews, consumer attitudes and behavior. This is more in line with consumer real shopping process, because on shopping site, review positive and negative reviews are co-exist at the same time. Different from the traditional one dimensional attitude theory, based on binary ambivalence attitude view, this article studies the consumers in the face of positive and negative reviews at the same time, online reviews this new form of word of mouth on consumers’ positive attitude and negative attitude and the influence of ambivalence.3. The paper demonstrates the ambivalence attitude impact towards consumers using online reviews of attitude-behavioral intention relationship.Management revelation:according to this article conclusion, it is recommended that the network businessmen should put great importance to the online reviews, from how to manage the online reviews, prevent negative reviews, and how to guide the consumers of different intensity of ambivalence gives the concrete marketing strategies. Finally, the paper summarizes the deficiency in the research process in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

