

A Study on the Educational Function of the Confucius Institute

【作者】 赵跃

【导师】 宁继鸣;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 语言与文化传播, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自2004年11月21日全球首家孔子学院在韩国首尔成立,孔子学院已走过十年的历程,截至2013年年底,全球已建立440所孔子学院和646个孔子课堂,分布在120个国家(地区)。①随着孔子学院规模的不断扩大,它对世界的影响也日益增强。孔子学院不但是中国对外推广汉语教学的重要机构,也是促进中外文化交流、提升中国国际形象的重要载体,它做为一个以汉语教学和文化传播为主的综合性教育文化交流平台,已成为世界了解中国政治、经济、文化的重要窗口。孔子学院之所以能在短时间内迅速发展,除了日益增长的汉语学习需求,还由于自身定位准确、机制合理,符合当前国际社会环境和教育发展的时代要求。一方面,全球化使不同国家和民族之间教育文化交流日益频繁,各国教育文化不断走向开放与合作,各种新型教育主体、传播形式不断涌现,使人们面对的教育文化环境越来越多元化、国际化。另一方面,随着中国国力增强,国际地位不断提高,国内外了解中国的需求不断上涨,中国需要向世界正确的呈现自己,进而提高自己的国际话语竞争力。孔子学院作为全球化背景下的新型教育跨境合作形式,是时代发展和社会需求相结合的产物。孔子学院以一种主动走出去的态势让世界更好的了解中国,以一种教育合作的方式从事语言教学与文化传播,不但促进了中外教育文化交流,增加了世界教育文化的多样性,还直接影响和冲击了国内外教育体系,推进了各国教育变革。孔子学院不同于一般的语言教学机构,其教学活动的开展肩负了文化传播的重任;孔子学院不同于一般的文化推广机构,它在促进文化交流的同时,有效促进了各国教育的改革发展,增强了教育的开放性和国际化水平。虽然很多中国大学也在做教育国际交流,但大部分是在本土层面进行的,以一种“引进来”的方式,吸引外国教育的介入,而孔子学院是以一种主动“走出去”的方式,积极参与国际层面的教育竞争与合作。这种跨国合作不同于一般的跨国公司,它涉及到意识形态层面,会影响人们的思想观念与思维模式,具有鲜明的教育特性。所以,对孔子学院教育功能进行研究,既是来自于教育改革实践的理论诉求,也是中国教育文化主动走出去,积极融入世界教育文化体系,实现共同发展的现实需要,具有重大的理论和现实意义。本研究借鉴教育传播学和教育生态学的视角,运用基于资源和网络的理论,对孔子学院教育功能问题进行分析。在总结孔子学院教育现状的基础上,分析孔子学院教育功能的内涵,探寻制约孔子学院教育功能实现的主要因素,阐述孔子学院教育功能的实现路径,并为教育功能的进一步优化提出建议。希望通过对这一领域的研究,促进孔子学院教育功能的完善,进一步推动孔子学院的健康、持续发展。本研究试图回答以下几个问题:孔子学院作为一个教育主体在全球化背景下有何特殊性?孔子学院教育功能的体现及它对整个社会产生了哪些影响?孔子学院教育功能的影响机制与实现机制是什么?进一步提升孔子学院教育功能的途径有哪些?围绕上述问题,全文共分7章,各章具体内容如下:第1章,导论,主要介绍研究缘起与意义、理论基础与研究综述、整体思路与研究框架。第2章,孔子学院的教育现状。本章首先分析了孔子学院作为教育主体的必然性与独特性,认为孔子学院作为一个新型教育主体,既是时代与社会发展的必然要求,又有区别于其他教育机构和传播机构的特性。其次,本章梳理、分析了孔子学院目前存在的几种主要类型,认为不同类型的孔子学院教育理念与运转机制不同,它们运用多符号的媒介资源,通过汉语教学、文化交流、汉语与中国文化研究、社区服务等途径开展工作。最后,总结了孔子学院的教育特点,认为地域与理念的双重跨界、社会环境和教育体系的双层嵌入、当地需求与教育形式的多样综合、多主体与多层次的交往合作是其主要特点。第3章,孔子学院教育功能的内涵。孔子学院的教育现状决定了孔子学院的教育功能,本章对孔子学院的教育功能进行界定,分析了孔子学院教育功能的辐射层面,进而从语言技能提升与需求满足、文化传承与跨文化对话、国际理解与国际协作、行业孵化与阶层培育、教育开放与教育合作、制度变革与生态平衡等方面探讨了孔子学院教育功能的体现。第4章,孔子学院教育功能实现的基础。本章认为理念因素、自身因素、合作因素和地区因素是孔子学院教育功能实现的基础要素,在此基础上,进一步从孔子学院对功能取向的定位、对自身教育的完善、与合作主体的互动、与地方政府的博弈等方面分析了孔子学院教育功能实现的制约因素。第5章,孔子学院教育功能实现的路径。本章运用基于资源和网络的理论,重点分析了孔子学院教育网络的构建、运转与影响。在全球化背景下,教育主体要达到教育价值最大化的目的,就要创造全球教育资源整合网络,发挥网络组织在资源整合中的重要作用。孔子学院教育网络的构建是孔子学院教育功能实现的主要路径,本章分析了孔子学院教育网络的层次性及相互关系,探讨了多种合作状态下不同行为主体之间的交互行为特征和效果。本章指出,联动传播是孔子学院教育网络的运转模式,进而探讨了在网络联系少、网络创新能力差的情况下如何对孔子学院教育网络进行维护。最后,本章进一步分析了孔子学院教育网络在竞争优势和传播效应方面的影响。第6章,孔子学院教育功能的优化。本章主要探讨如何提升孔子学院的教育价值,从政府部门、孔子学院总部、孔子学院自身、教育传播者等不同维度提出建议,探索了可持续性的语言文化传播策略。研究认为,政府部门要为孔子学院的良性运转提供法律保障、营造宽松的国际环境;孔子学院总部要为孔子学院的治理改进提供组织保障和制度依据;孔子学院自身需要适应和满足不同学习需求,从教育内容、教育形式、教育环境等方面进行完善;教育传播者需要培养、提升传播素养与传播能力,从而实现有效沟通与交流。第7章,回顾与总结。对本文的主要观点、结论和创新进行总结,提出后续研究方向。

【Abstract】 Since the world’s first Confucius Institute established in Seoul (November21,2004), The Confucius Institute has been through ten years of history. By the end of2013, the world has established440Confucius institutes and646Confucius classrooms, located in120countries (regions). With the expansion of the scale of the Confucius Institute, its impact on the world is also growing.The Confucius Institute is an important carrier to promote Chinese teaching and cultural communication,enhance China’s international image. The Confucius Institute as a comprehensive education and cultural exchange platform, has become an important window of the world to know China’s political, economic and cultural.Confucius Institute has rapid development in a short period of time, in addition to the rising demand of Chinese, also due to its accurate and reasonable mechanisms, conform to the requirements of the international environment and the contemporary education development. On the one hand, globalization makes educational and cultural exchanges among different countries become increasingly frequent. A variety of new educational subjects and communication forms emerging in the world, so that people facing increasingly diverse educational and cultural environment. On the other hand, as China’s national strength growing, international status improving, the demand of understanding China from the world is rising. China needs to present itself to the world in the right way to improve the international discourse.Confucius Institute as a new form of cross-border educational cooperation in the context of globalization, is the product of the times development and social needs.The Confucius Institute initiative to go out to make the world better understanding of China, engaged in language teaching and cultural communication by means of educational cooperation, not only promoting educational and cultural exchanges, increasing the diversity of cultural and education, but also affecting the educational system at home and abroad, promoting the national education reform.Unlike most language teaching institutions, the teaching activities of Confucius Institute shoulder the responsibility of cultural transmission. Unlike other cultural promotion agencies, while promoting cultural exchange, the Confucius Institute effectively promoting the reform and development of national education, enhancing the level of openness and international level of education.Although many Chinese universities are engaged in the international exchange of education, but most are conducted in the local level to attract foreign educational intervention,but the Confucius Institute is in an "go out" approach to actively participate in educational competition and cooperation at the international level. Such cross-border cooperation is different from multinationals, it will affect people’s ideas and thought patterns, with distinct educational characteristics. Therefore, the study on the educational function of the Confucius Institute has great theoretical and practical significance.It is not only the theoretical demands of education reform, but also the need of promoting Chinese education and cultural oppenness, eliminating world cultural barriers, and achieving common development of the world education.We study from the perspective of educational communication and ecological education, use the resources and network-based theory to analysis the educational function of Confucius Institute. In this paper,we Summarizing the Education status of the Confucius Institute, analysising the connotation of the educational function of the Confucius Institute, exploring the main constraints of achieving the educational function of the Confucius Institute, explaining the route to achieve the educational function of the Confucius Institute, and making recommendations to optimize the educational function. This paper aims to promote the improvement of the educational function of the Confucius Institute, to further promote the healthy and sustainable development of the Confucius Institute.This article attempts to answer the following questions:what is the particularity of Confucius Institute as an educational subject in the context of globalization? How does the educational function of Confucius Institute impact the entire society? What are the impact mechanism and implementation mechanism of the educational function of Confucius Institute? How to improve the educational function of the Confucius Institute? Around these issues, the paper is divided into seven chapters, each chapter details are as follows:Chapter1, Introduction. This chapter mainly introduces the origin of questions,the significance of research, the theoretical basis and research review and framework of this thesis.Chapter2, The Education Status of Confucius Institute. This chapter frist analyzes the inevitability and specificity of Confucius Institute as an educational body,and then analyzes several main types of the Confucius Institute currently exist. Different type of Confucius Institute has different educational philosophy and working mechanism, they use multi-media resources, through language teaching, cultural exchanges, Chinese and cultural studies, community service and other ways to work. Finally, this chapter summarizes the characteristics of the Confucius Institute education, which are transnational and cross-concept, multi-subject and multi-level cooperation, integration of diverse local needs and educational forms, double embeddedness of social environment and educational system.Chapter3, The Connotation of Confucius Institute Educational Function. The education status of the Confucius Institute determines the educational function of the Confucius Institute.This chapter first define the educational function of the Confucius Institute, and then analyze the radiation levels of the educational function of the Confucius Institute.Based on the above, This chapter analyzes the exemplification of the Confucius Institute educational function from different aspects, which are language skills upgrading and demand meeting,cultural heritage and intercultural dialogue, international understanding and international cooperation, incubation of new educational subject and social class, education opening and educational cooperation institutional change and ecological balance.Chapter4, The Basis for Achieving the Educational Function of the Confucius Institute. This chapter considers the philosophy factors, the Confucius Institute factors, the cooperation factors and the regional factors are fundamental elements to achieve the educational function of the Confucius Institute. On this basis, further analyzes the constraints to achieve the educational function of the Confucius Institute in terms of the positioning of functional orientation, the improving of educational practice, the interacting with partners and the gaming of the local governments.Chapter5, The Route of Achieving the Educational Function of the Confucius Institute. Based on the use of resources and network theory, this chapter focuses on the construction, operation and influence of the Confucius Institute Education network. In the context of globalization, it is necessary to create a global network of educational resources to maximize the value of education.The construction of the Confucius Institute education network is a major route to achieve the educational function of the Confucius Institute.This chapter analyzes different levels and relationships of the Confucius Institute education network, explores the characteristics and effects of interactions between different actors under a variety of different cooperative state. This chapter presents that the linkage mode of transmission is the operation mode of the Confucius Institute education network, then further discussed the maintenance of the education network under circumstances of less network connection and poor network inovation. Finally, this chapter analyzes the impact of the Confucius Institute education network in terms of competitive advantage and the propagation effects.Chapter6,The Optimization of Confucius Institute Educational Function. This chapter focuses on how to enhance the educational value of the Confucius Institute, give suggestions from the government, the Confucius Institute Headquarters, the Confucius Institute itself, explores the sustainable language and culture communications strategy. The government departments should provide legal protection for the healthy functioning of the Confucius Institute, create a relaxed international environment; the Confucius Institute Headquarters should provide organizational support and institutional basis to improve the governance of the Confucius Institute; the Confucius Institute itself needs to be improved from the content, form and environment of the education,in order to better adapt to and meet the different learning needs.The education communicators should develop and enhance their quality and ability to realize the effective communication and exchanges.Chapter7, Review and Conclusion. This chapter makes a summary of the principle view,conclusion and innovation of this thesis and proposes the future research area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

