

Study on Adverbs in Yuan Destny Chinese Language Category

【作者】 张晓传

【导师】 唐子恒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 元代汉语是近代汉语的重要组成部分,但相对于其他时代的汉语研究而言,元代汉语研究比较薄弱。本文以元代语料中的副词为研究对象,采用共时描写和历时比较相结合、定性分析和定量统计相结合、系统考察和个案研究相结合的方法,对元代副词的来源、元代副词在近代汉语中的使用状况、元代副词在现代汉语中的沿用状况进行分析描写,总结元代副词的特点,试图勾勒出元代副词的总体面貌,探究副词发展演变的规律,为汉语词汇史发展提供一些资料。本文一共分为五章,主要内容如下:第一章,绪论。本章主要分为四节,第一节研究目的和意义;第二节,研究范围和语料,本文涉及整个汉语史,但重点范围为近代汉语时期。关于语料,本文尽可能全面地选择时代和作者都明确的作品,建立了120多万字的元代作品语料库,几乎涵盖元代所有口语资料;第三节,研究概况,本节对前辈和时贤关于近代汉语副词的研究进行总结概述,指出研究中存在的不足,为本文研究做好铺垫;第四节,研究方法和相关问题说明,本节主要对本文的研究方法和研究方法中的侧重点做出分析,并对文章中的引文条例、标注等相关问题做出说明。第二章,元代副词的分类和来源。本章在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,将元代副词分为:程度副词、范围副词、时间副词、情状方式副词、否定副词和语气副词六类。根据出现的时代不同,把每类副词分为上古中古和近代汉语两个时期,统计不同时期副词在元代副词中所占的比例,观察元代副词在现代汉语中的使用状况。就来源来看,元代各类副词的状况很不相同,有的副词全部来自上古或中古,如轻微度程度副词、类同副词、单纯否定副词等。有的大部分来自上古或中古,如:过去类时间副词、暂且类时间副词、徒然类情状方式副词等。有的则大部分来自近代,如:持续类时间副词、最终类时间副词、暗然公然类情状方式副词等;就发展来看,元代各类副词状况也很不相同,有的副词全部沿用到现代汉语中,如:轻微度程度副词、类同副词、现在类时间副词等。有的大部分沿用到现代汉语中,如:最高度程度副词、逐渐类时间副词、重复类情状方式副词等。有的则少部分沿用到现代汉语中,如:统计类副词、确认强调类语气副词、直接类情状方式副词。总之,一般来自上古或中古的比例越高,稳定性越强,反之亦然;沿用到现代汉语中的比例越高,稳定性越强,反之也亦然。通过比较分析,发现元代副词稳定性比较强。第三章,元代副词在近代汉语中的使用概况。首先,统计元代副词在元代同类词中的使用比率,寻找元代的常用副词。根据元代副词的实际使用状况,我们将常用副词的判定标准定为高于10%,除确认强调类副词之外,每个副词次类都有一个或一个以上的常用副词。其次,统计元代副词在近代汉语各个时期的使用比率,并将这些使用比率进行对比,探究这些副词在近代汉语中的发展变化,了解元代副词在近代汉语中总体概况。各个副词在近代汉语各个时期的使用比率很不相同,有的副词的使用比率在近代汉语时期呈上升趋势,如:颇、十分;有的副词的使用比率在近代汉语各个时期则呈下降趋势,如:方始、忽然;有的副词的使用比率在近代汉语各个时期呈平稳趋势,如:正1、已;但是绝大多数副词的使用比率在近代汉语各个时期发展很不稳定,在某个时期是常用成员,但在其他时期则成为边缘成员,如:元、早;有不少副词的使用比率在元代出现转折,如:也、亦。元代之前“亦”一直是同类词中最常用的成员,但是在元代,“也”的使用比率超过“亦”成为同类词中最常用的成员,这种状况一直延续到现代汉语中,这样的例子还有不少,因此从某种程度上讲,元代是近代汉语向现代汉语发展的重要转折期。总之,通过使用比率的统计,我们可以比较清晰的观察到每个副词在近代汉语中的使用状况,从而对近代汉语副词发展状况有所把握。第四章,元代副词的发展和演变。本章包括四节,第一节,元代常用副词,本节首先对元代常用副词产生的时代进行确定,其次探究元代常用副词产生的机制,再次,探究元代常用副词在近代汉语和现代汉语中的使用状况,从而对元代常用副词的发展演变有所了解。第二节,元代新产生的副词,本节主要从音节数目、构词方式、来源发展三个角度对该类副词进行分析,试图寻找此类副词的特点,探究元代副词的时代特色。第三节,元代多义副词,本节主要对元代副词中具有两个或两个以上副词义项的副词进行分析,试图寻找元代多义副词各个义项之间的关系,并探究各类副词义项之间的演变机制;第四节,元代兼类副词,本节对元代副词中兼类副词的数量、产生时代、各个词类之间的关系进行分析,寻找元代兼类副词的特点,探究兼类形成的原因机制等;第五节,本章小结,通过对元代几种副词的演变研究,我们对副词有以下三点认识:一、元代副词的来源包括以下两种:(一)单纯副词的来源:1.词性转变而来,包括以下几种:由名词转变而来、由动词转变而来、由形容词转变而来、多重转变而来(指某个词经过多次转变之后最终转变为副词)2.结构对应而来,3.转借而来,4.语境吸收而来。(二)合成副词的来源,包括:1.重新分析而来,2.附加而来,3.词性转变而来。二、副词演变的原因、机制包括以下几点:1.使用频率是前提;2.句法位置是关键;3.语义变化是基础;4.隐喻和转喻是机制;5.类推和重新分析是必要环节。三、副词演变中的遗留问题,主要指副词在演变中或多或少的保留着转变之前的意义,这种意义在该词发生转变之后,词义往往变为隐含意义,对该词新的组合和聚合能力产生重大影响。第五章,结论。本章对元代副词进行总结,主要有一下几点:一、元代副词的特点:(一)元代副词数量多、体系完备;(二)元代单音节副词稳定性强,常用率高,双音节副词数量多;(三)元代合成副词数量多,附加式构词活跃。元代单纯副词数量比较少,绝大多数副词为合成词,其中附加式构词异常活跃,几乎所有近代汉语中的副词词缀,在元代都具有很强的构词能力:(四)具有文词体特色的副词增加。杂剧和散曲在元代文献中占有很大的比重,那些元代新产生的副词,很多是元代说唱文体特有的副词,如:子,子是等。二、元代副词发展演变的特点:(一)继承性大于创新性,稳定性大于变化性。元代副词大多数是从前代继承而来,并且大都沿用到现代汉语中;(二)发展不平衡,元代副词不仅不同副词次类发展不平衡,同一次类,内部成员之间发展也不平衡,同一副词内部各个义项发展也不平衡;(三)兼类副词数量多、种类丰富。元代兼类副词共48个,占总数的超过10%,可见数量之多;(四)多义词数量少,词义发展比较稳定。元代多义词仅有23个,相对而言,数量比较少,但是这些多义词发展都比较稳定,绝大部分都沿用到现代汉语中。三、元代副词研究中存在的问题:(一)界限模糊,副词界限的模糊性主要表现在两个方面:第一,同类词之间界限模糊;第二,词与非词界限模糊。(二)来源丰富,元代的副词有的来源于名词、动词、形容词的语法化,有的来源于跨层结构词汇化,有的来源于句法结构的对应,有的来源于语境吸收等等。(三)发展不确定,影响元代副词发展的因素很多,因此元代副词发展的方向和趋势并不十分明显,还需进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Chinese of Yuan dynasty is an important part of modern Chinese,but the research of chinese of Yuan dynasty is very little.This paper takes the adverbs in comprehensive corpus of Yuan dynasty as the object of the research. Its method combines synchronic description and diachronic comparison. Its method combines qualitative analysis and quantitative statistics. Its method also combines system investigation and case study. It analyzes the source of Yuan dynasty adverbs and their use in modern Chinese. It explores the characteristics of Yuan dynasty adverbs. It also tries to outline the whole picture of Yuan dynasty adverbs and explores the evolutionary rule of adverbs to provide some materials for Chinese vocabulary development history.This paper is divided into five chapters. Its main content is as follows:Chapter one is introduction. This chapter is mainly divided into four parts. Part one is research purpose and importance. Part two is research extent and corpus. This paper refers to the whole Chinese history. But the main area is modern Chinese. For corpus, this paper tries to choose the book with specific era and author and build a Yuan dynasty book corpus with1.2million words. The works almost covers all spoken language materials in Yuan dynasty. Part three is review of study. It summarizes the study of predecessors and scholars on modern Chinese adverbs and points out the shortages in research to foreshadow the study of this paper. Part four is research method and related questions description. It mainly analyzes the research method and emphasis of the research method. It also explains the related questions of quotation, rules and label in this paper.Chapter two is classification and source of Yuan dynasty adverbs. This chapter divides Yuan dynasty adverbs into degree adverbs, scope adverbs, time adverbs, manner adverbs, negative adverbs and modal adverbs based on the research achievements of predecessors.Based on the difference of emerging dynasty, adverbs are divided into ancient times and modern times. This chapter gives a statistical analysis of the percentage of adverbs of different times in all Yuan dynasty adverbs and observes the usage of Yuan dynasty adverbs in modern Chinese.Most of them come from the Early Modern Times, such as the adverb in lasting time, the adverb in ultimate time and so on,. From the developing angle, the different kinds of Yuan adverbs is not the same, some of them has lasted to the Modern Chinese, such as slight level adverbs, similar adverbs, current time adverbs, and so on; Some of them has lasted to the Modern Chinese in the most part, such as the highest level adverbs, gradual time adverbs, repeating situation adverbs, and so on; some of them just has a few part has lasted to the Modern Chinese, such asstatistical adverbs, defining emphasis adverbs, direct situation adverbs.Generally speaking, the percentage of the ancient times and the mid-ancient times is higher, its stability is stronger, and vice verse. The percentage of the usage was lasted to Modern Chinese is bigger, the stability is stronger, and vice verse. Through the comparison of these adverbs, we found that the stability of the adverbs in Yuan Dynasty is quite strong.Chapter three is the usage of Yuan dynasty adverbs in modern Chinese. This chapter firstly gives a statistical analysis of usage ratio of Yuan dynasty adverbs in Yuan dynasty and finds out the common use adverbs of Yuan dynasty. According to the practical usage of Yuan Dynasty, we defined the common percentage in usage as level up over10%, out of the defining emphasis adverbs, every sub-kind has one or more than one common adverb. Secondary, after make a statistics of the percentages about the common using adverb in every phrase during the Modern Chinese, then compare these percentages and analysis the changing situation in this period, thus observe the whole situation about the Yuan adverb in the Early Modern Chinese. The usage of adverb is quite different in every phrases during the EarlyModern Chinese, the using percentage of some adverbs were leveled up while some were lowered down, meanwhile, there were some adverbs showed a stable percentage usage situation in these days, but most of adverbs shows a unstable using percentages in different developing phrases. In a certain phrase it is a commom member, but it may become a marginal member in other phrases. The percentage of many adverbs shows a turn in Yuan Dynasty, such as "ye"、"yi".Before Yuan Dynasty "yi" has always been a most common member is the same kind, but in Yuan Dynasty, the using percentage of "ye" has passed "yi" and became the most common member in the same kind. This situation has last to the Early Modern Chinese, and these kind of examples are a lot. Hence, in a certain extent, Yuan Dynasty is an important turning phrase from the Early Modern Chinese to Modern Chinese. Anyway, the statistics of the percentages can help us to observe the using situation about every adverb in the Early Modern Chinese, and we can comprehend the developing situation of the adverbs in the Early Modern Chinese.Chapter four is description and evolution of Yuan dynasty adverbs. This chapter includes four parts. Part one is common use adverbs of Yuan dynasty. This part firstly confirms the generating dynasty of Yuan dynasty common use adverbs and then explores the generating mechanism of Yuan dynasty common use adverbs. Finally, it investigates the usage of Yuan dynasty common use adverbs in modern Chinese to gain some understanding of the evolution of Yuan dynasty common use adverbs. Part two is the latest adverbs that appeared in Yuan dynasty.This part mainly analyzes this type of adverb from three perspective of syllable number,way of word formation and origin. It tries to find the characteristics of this type of adverbs and explores the ear characteristic of Yuan dynasty adverbs. Part three is polysemous adverbs of Yuan dynasty. This part mainly analyzes Yuan dynasty adverbs with two or more than two adverb meanings. It tries to find the relationships between adverb meanings of Yuan dynasty polysemous adverbs. It also investigates the evolving mechanism between the adverb meanings of this type of adverbs. Part four is multifunctional adverbs of Yuan dynasty. This part analyzes the number of Yuan dynasty multifunctional adverbs, generating dynasty of Yuan dynasty multifunctional adverbs and the relationships between word classes. It tries to find the characteristics and generating mechanism of Yuan dynasty multifunctional adverbs. Part five is the chapter summary. This part mainly analyzes the evolving mechanism of several Yuan dynasty adverbs and summarizes the evolving characteristics of Yuan dynasty adverbs. According to the research of the source of adverbs in Yuan dynasty, several findings are suggested as follows:First of all, we could find the evolution rules of the adverbs in Yuan dynasty include the following two kinds:A. The regularity of the source of Single-morpheme Adverb.1. From speech transformation, includes:from nouns, verbs, adjectives, and multiple transformation (awordtransformedinto adverbs through several transformations).2. from structure correspondence;3. Borrowed from other word;4. from language environment assimilation.B. The regularity of the source of Compound adverb:1. from re-analyses;2. from additional words;3. from speech transformation. Secondly, we could also find the remains of the adverbs. Secongdly,the reasons and mechanism of the adverbs development as follows:1. the frequency of the usage is required.2.Syntactic position is a key factor.3.Semantic change is the basic foundation.4.Metaphor and Metonymy are mechanism.5. Analogy and re-analyses are necessary process.Thirdly, the remains of the adverbs evolution means the word more or less remains the meaning before transformation, but this kind of meaning tends to be connotation, and it plays an important role in combination and polymerization of a new word.Chapter five is the conclusion. This chapter mainly summarizes the characteristics of Yuan dynasty adverbs, the evolution characteristics of Yuan dynasty adverbs and existing questions in research of Yuan dynasty adverbs to provide ideas for further research in the future. This chapter summarizes Yuan dynasty adverbs from the following points.The first are characteristics of Yuan dynasty adverbs. There are mainly four characteristics as follows:Firstly, Yuan dynasty adverbs have a large number and a complete system. Secondly, Yuan dynasty single syllable adverbs are stable and have a high usage ratio while Yuan dynasty disyllable adverbs have a large number. Thirdly, Yuan dynasty composite adverbs have a large number and their ability of additional word formation is active. Almost all adverb affixes in modern Chinese have a strong ability of word-formation in Yuan dynasty. Fourthly, the number of adverbs with elegant words increases. Poetic drama and Chinese Sanqu poetry occupy a large proportion in Yuan dynasty literatures. This type of talking and singing literary form has some characteristic adverbs, such as Zi and Zi Shi. Many of those adverbs that emerged in Yuan dynasty at the latest are specific adverbs of talking and singing literary form.The second are the evolutionary characteristics of Yuan dynasty adverbs. There are mainly four characteristics. Firstly, the succession character is bigger than the innovation character and the stability character is bigger than the variability character. Most of the adverbs in Yuan dynasty are inherited from the previous dynasties and are followed by modern Chinese. Secondly, the development of Yuan dynasty adverbs is unbalanced. Not only are the different categories of adverbs unbalanced, but also the development of members of the same category is unbalanced. Development of the different meanings of the same adverb is also unbalanced. Thirdly, multifunctional adverbs have a large number and a rich variety. There are fifty-five multifunctional adverbs in Yuan dynasty, which account for more than ten percent of the whole Yuan dynasty adverbs.Fourthly, the number of ambivalent words is small.There are only twenty-three ambivalent adverbs in Yuan dynasty. However, the development of meanings of adverbs is relatively stable and most of them are used in modern Chinese.The third are the problems existing in research on Yuan Dynasty adverbs.Firstly, the boundary is fuzzy. The fuzziness of adverb boundaries reflects in two aspects.On the one hand, the boundary between adverbs of the same category is fuzzy. On the other hand, the boundary of word development is fuzzy. Secondly, the source of adverbs is rich. Some Yuan dynasty adverbs come from grammaticalization of nouns, verbs and adjectives.Some come from the lexicalization of cross layer structure.Some come from the correspondence of syntactic structure and some come from the absorption of language environment. Thirdly, the development of Yuan dynasty adverbs is uncertain. Many factors influence the development of Yuan dynasty adverbs.Therefore, the direction and trend of Yuan dynasty adverbs are not obvious and needs further research.

【关键词】 元代副词演变发展
【Key words】 Yuan dynastyAdverbsEvolutionDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

