

Quality of Life Research in the Context of Harmonious Society Construction

【作者】 曲夏夏

【导师】 邢占军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 政治学理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从国家层面来看,提升民众的生活质量不仅是人类文明发展到今天对“以人为本”价值理念的秉承和彰显,更是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。本文从对生活质量的理解和界定出发,着力解决以下三个问题:第一,为什么构建和谐社会要强调生活质量的提升?第二,从生活质量评价状况来看当前和谐社会构建中存在哪些弊端和问题?第三,在构建和谐社会的实践中如何推动生活质量的全面提升?第一个问题是关于生活质量提升在和谐社会构建中的重要意义,在这一部分里,着力探讨生活质量提升与和谐社会构建有着怎样的理论联系,和谐社会构建的现实又对生活质量提升有着怎样的诉求。从理论上讲,人类社会发展的终极目标是人的自由全面发展,生活质量提升与和谐社会构建都是对人的自由全面发展价值理念的高度契合。社会发展的阶段性目标是满足民众日益增长的物质文化需要,和谐社会同样以满足民众的物质文化需要为目标,而生活质量恰恰是衡量这个目标的有效尺度。从实践上讲,生活质量提升与和谐社会构建具有实践上的一致性,表现在生活质量反映和谐社会六个方面和谐程度,生活质量提升是现阶段社会和谐的基础和目标,生活质量提升促进人的发展和人类幸福,促进社会和谐。生活质量提升与和谐社会构建都是对社会发展现实问题的回应。无论从GDP不是唯一标准来看,还是从生活质量作为社会发展评价尺度的优越性来看,生活质量提升都是一种合理的问题解决之道。第二个问题,生活质量评价现状。以山东省为例,2002年到2008年主客观生活质量状况的研究结果表明:1.尽管客观生活质量呈现加速提升的态势,但是经济生活质量波动频繁;生存环境质量、文化生活质量、社会生活质量在特定年份水平下降;客观生活质量提升速度缓慢;客观生活质量年度差异较大。主要原因在于贫富差距不断扩大、通胀压力仍然存在、消费结构不合理、失业率出现攀升势头、产业发展不均衡;城市环境基础设施建设存在薄弱环节、教育水平在整体提升中有倒退、农村社会保障投入水平较低:政策对客观生活质量的促进效用没有完全发挥出来:以及其他客观生活质量呈现出来的年度特征共同造成了客观生活质量领域里的突出问题。2.主观幸福感存在年度差异;目标价值指数、心态平衡指数、成长进步指数2003年降至最低点;人际适应指数、心理健康指数、社会信心指数水平较低。主要原因在于主观幸福感呈现出的年度特征,即2003年主观幸福感降到最低水平;2006年主观幸福感达到最高水平;2007年主观幸福感小幅下降;2008年主观幸福感小幅回升。几个重要的具体幸福指数表现较差的原因主要有:传统与现代的冲突、社会不公造成人际适应较差;社会变革的负效应、社会不公造成心理健康水平较低;权力失范、基层政府公信力下降、社会不公造成社会信心不足等。3.主观幸福感与客观生活质量发展态势差异非常大,客观生活质量的不断提升并未带来主观幸福感的同步提升,以主观幸福感为代表的主观生活质量在纵向研究的七年间,保持平稳水平,没有明显的上升或者下降,且二者发展趋势上表现出来的差距越来越大。本文分别从经济、政治、社会、心理以及文化的角度进行了探讨。第三个问题,在和谐社会构建进程中寻求生活质量的提升。公平和发展是构建和谐社会的两大基石。生活质量评价暴露出的问题与公平和发展有着密切的联系。公平问题是隐藏在这些具体问题背后的深层次社会矛盾,影响着社会和谐的方方面面。与发达国家种种不公平相比,我国以公平为视角提升生活质量的优势恰恰在于和谐社会的构建。和谐社会以公平为指导,以公平为特征,和谐的社会关系使公平成为可能,也使从公平的视角提升生活质量成为必然选择。此外,发展是解决所有生活质量问题的关键,在发展中寻求生活质量问题的解决,就是对生活质量的提升,就是对和谐社会构建的促进。以生活质量为导向的发展是对人的自由全面发展价值理念的回归。公平和发展是根本问题,只有解决了根本问题,才能实现生活质量的提升,社会才能更加和谐。因此,以公平的视角和发展的理念提升生活质量是必然选择。用到的研究方法主要有二次分析法、案例分析法和规范研究方法。以二次分析的方法对已有的生活质量原始数据进行再分析。以山东省2002年到2008年七年为例,探讨主客观生活质量状况。以规范研究方法探讨生活质量提升与和谐社会构建的关系,探讨生活质量提升的公平视角和发展视角。本研究的学术价值主要体现在:首先,现有对和谐社会的理论探讨,大多集中在为什么要构建和谐社会,和谐社会的基本特征有哪些以及如何构建和谐社会,而和谐社会构建中到底存在哪些影响和制约因素的研究并不多见,尤其是从生活质量研究看和谐社会构建的影响和制约因素的研究显得尤为欠缺。本研究从分析居民生活质量状况入手,探究我国构建社会主义和谐社会的历史进程中存在哪些问题,为中国和谐社会的建构提供一种新的理性分析思路。其次,采用实证研究方法,特别是定量研究技术,遵循科学的研究程序,从生活质量入手对当前我国社会主义和谐社会构建中所面临的一些突出现实问题进行探索、描述与解释,探讨变量之间可能存在的关系,通过数据分析对一些问题的基本特征给予精确的描述,解释与和谐社会有关的一些社会现象之间存在的各种数量关系,是为理论创新提供实证材料,为公共决策提供实证依据。并且,对实证方法的运用,可以弥补和谐社会研究中定量研究不足的现状。再次,学界对生活质量的关注由来已久,对如何提升生活质量却没有形成大规模的讨论,对以公平和发展促进生活质量提升更加缺乏应有的重视。本研究在对如何提升生活质量这个问题求解的过程中,论证以公平和发展促进生活质量提升的理论可行性与现实可操作性,是探讨生活质量与公平和发展两个领域有机联系的尝试,是对如何提升生活质量问题新思路的有益探索。“和谐社会构建中的生活质量问题研究”也具有重要的实践意义。生活质量既是对一个社会中民众总体生活水平的综合描述,也是衡量一个社会整体发展阶段和水平的重要指标。生活质量不仅具有社会发展评价的作用,而且是一个关于幸福的课题。随着我国全面建设小康社会步伐的迈进和构建社会主义和谐社会进程的加快,社会成员的物质生活质量在逐步提高,但感到幸福却越来越困难。本研究提出以公平和发展促进生活质量提升,通过提高社会公平程度、通过发展让人民生活得更加幸福,是具有重要实践价值的研究。本文尝试在以下方面进行创新:第一,大多关于和谐社会的研究都把问题的焦点放在了“什么是和谐社会”、“为什么要构建和谐社会”、以及“如何构建和谐社会”等问题上。本研究着眼于在当前新的历史条件下,在构建和谐社会的历史进程中,存在哪些影响和制约和谐社会构建的因素。以生活质量的角度作为探讨和谐社会构建的切入点,来看构建和谐社会的过程中存在哪些问题,是对和谐社会构建理论及其研究视角的突破;第二,把生活质量放在人类社会发展的过程中,从马克思主义社会发展的终极目标和阶段性目标的意义上,看待生活质量问题和生活质量提升,并且系统探讨生活质量在和谐社会构建中的地位和重要意义,使生活质量本身确定了理论方向和定位,是在生活质量理论领域里的突破;第三,将生活质量领域暴露出的问题归结为公平问题和发展问题,提出以公平和发展促进生活质量提升的视角是崭新的。通过与国外比较,找到我国以公平提升生活质量的优势;将发展视为解决所有生活质量问题的关键,在发展中提升生活质量,提出发展应当以生活质量为导向是具有开创性的。

【Abstract】 Improving the quality of life is not only the highlighting on the "people-oriented" value when human civilization has developed rapidly, but also a necessary requirement to build a socialist harmonious society from the national level. In this paper, it starts from the understanding and defining the item of quality of life, and addresses the following three questions:Firstly, why should we emphasize the improving of the quality of life during building a harmonious society? Secondly, what are the abuses and problems existing in the harmonious society construction through the view of the assessment of quality of life? Thirdly, how to improve the quality of life?The first question is about the important significance of the quality of life during building a harmonious society, which is the theoretical orientation and practical demands of quality of life in the building of a harmonious society. In this part, it focuses on what is the theoretical connection between the improvement of quality of life and building a harmonious society, and what is the actual demand of building harmonious society to enhancing the quality of life.Theoretically, the ultimate goal of human society development is people’s free all-round development; both quality of life improvement and building a harmonious society are highly corresponded to the value of people’s free all-round development. The periodical goal of social development is to meet people’s growing material and cultural needs, which is also the goal of harmonious society, and quality of life is the best measure of the goal. This is the theoretical direction of the quality of life in the construction of a harmonious society.In practice, there is consistence in practice between quality of life improvement and harmonious society construction, quality of life reflects six aspects of the harmonious degree of harmonious society, and quality of life is the foundation and goal of harmonious society at the present stage, not only promotes human development and human welfare, but also promotes social harmony. Both the improvement of quality of life and building a harmonious society are response to social development reality problems.The improvement of quality of life is the reasonable problems solution, whether from the point of that the GDP is not the only standards, or the advantage of quality of life as a social development evaluation scale.The second question is the evaluation of quality of life.Take Shandong province for example,from the year2002to2008, the research results of the subjective and objective quality of life show that:1. Despite the fact that the objective quality of life ascended acceleratingly, the fluctuations of the economic quality of life was frequent obviously; Living environment quality, cultural quality of life, and social quality of life droped in a given year; the improvement Objective quality of life was slow; the annual objective quality of life differences were obvious. The main reason was that the widening gap between rich and poor, the existing inflation pressure, the unreasonable consumption structure, the rising momentum of unemployment rate and unbalanced industrial development; the weaknesses in urban environmental infrastructure construction, the backward of education level in overall ascension, the low level of rural social security input; the utility that policy promoting the objective quality of life was weak; and the annual characteritics that other objective quality of life displayed.2. Annual differences existed in subjective well-being; the index of targeting value, mental balance and growth progress fell to the lowest in2003; the index level of interpersonal adaptation, mental health and social confidence were lower. The main reason was that subjective well-being showed the annual characteristics, namely the level of subjective well-being was lowest in2003, and reached the highest level in2006, and slightly dropped in2007, and rebounded slightly in2008. The reasons that several important specific indexes performancing poor mainly are:traditional and modern conflict, and the poorer interpersonal adaptability caused by social injustice; the negative effects of social changes, and the low level of mental health caused by social injustice; power loss and the decrease of credibility of the local government, and social confidence caused by social injustice, etc.3. The developing momentum difference between subjective well-being and objective quality of life was huge. The improvement of objective quality of life had not carried the improvement of subjective well-being simultaneously. The subjective quality of life represented by subjective well-being in a longitudinal study of seven years maintained a smooth level,no significant increase or decrease,and the gap of development trend was larger and larger. It was interpreted from the economic, political, social,psychological and cultural point respectively.The third question is how to promote the quality of life in the process of building a harmonious society. Social justice and development are the main basement of harmonious society. The problems reflected by the quality of life evaluation are closely related to social justice and development. The problem of justice is deeply hidden behind these specific problems, which inflects every aspects of social harmony. Compared with various inequalities in the developed states, our advantage of improving quality of life in the perspective of justice is the construction of harmonious society. Harmonious society is guided and featured by justice. Harmonious social relationships make it possible for justice which means that improving quality of life in the perspective of justice is an inevitable choice.Besides, development is essential to solving all the problems of quality of life.Seeking the answers of the problems of quality of life in the development actually is to improve quality of life and constructing harmonious society. Development in the guidance of quality of life is the return to the value of man’s free and comprehensive development. Justice and development are the fundamental problems.The solution of these fundamental problems makes it possible to improve the quality of life and build the harmonious society. In a word, improving quality of life in the perspective of justice is an inevitable choice.The main research methods used in this research are secondary analysis, case analysis and normative analysis method.We used secondary analysis method to reanalyze the existing raw data of quality of life.We investigated the quality of life in the example of Shandong province from the year2002to2008.We studied the relationship between improving the quality of life and building a harmonious society, and explored improving quality of life from the justice and development perspective.The academic value of this study is mainly reflected in the following issues. First of all,the existing studies are mainly on the theory of harmonious society which mostly concentrating in the reasons, features and pathway of building of a harmonious society, but there are few research on the influential and restricting factors in the process of building a harmonious society. What is worse, there are fewer researches on this topic in the perspective of quality of life.In this research, based on an analysis of the quality of life, we explore the problems in the historical process of building harmonious society in order to provide a new thought of rational analysis in harmonious society construction.Secondly, based on an analysis of the quality of life, we used the empirical research methods,especially quantitative research technology, followed the scientific research process, explored and explained some evident problems faced by our country during the construction of harmonious society. And then we studied the possible relationships between the variables, gave an accurate description on the basic features of the problems by data analysis, explained the numerical relationships between social phenomenon related to harmonious society. By this way we can provide empirical materials for the theoretical innovation and empirical evidence for the public policy decision.Furthermore,we can make up for the lack of quantitative research in the study of harmonious society.Academic circle has focused on quality of life for a long time.But there has not a large-scale discussion on how to improve the quality of life, studies on improving the quality of life in the perspective of justice and development has not attracted enough attention deserved.In the process of study how to promote the quality of life, this study demonstrated the theoretical feasibility and practical operability of improving quality of life in the perspective of justice and development, which is an organic attempt on the relationship of the two areas.Development and justice are meaningful exploration of how to improve the quality of life.The topic of "quality of life problems research in the process of harmonious society construction" also has important practical significance.Quality of life is not only the comprehensive description on the general living standard in a society, but also an important indicator of whole development stage and level of a society. The quality of life is not only an important evaluation on the function of the social development, but also an item about happiness. In the accelerating pace of China’s construction of a happy society and the process of building a harmonious socialist society, the material quality of social members is improving gradually, but it is more and more difficult for them to be happy. This study suggests that we should promote the quality of life in the perspective of justice and development. People will feel happier if the society developed and became more equal.So this study has an important practical value.This paper tried to make innovations in the following areas.First, most of the researches on the "harmonious society" have put the focus on such topics:"what is a harmonious society","why should we build a harmonious society", and "how to build a harmonious society".This study looked in the new historical conditions, and tried to find out the influential and restricting factors in the historical process of building a harmonious society. We explored the existing problems in the perspective of quality of life,which is a perspective breakthrough of the theory on "building a harmonious society"Second, we put the problem of "quality of life" in the process of human’s social development and view the improvement of quality of life in the perspective of ultimate goal of Marxism social development and progress goal of socialism. Furthermore, we explored the important meaning of quality of life in the process of building a harmonious society, which gives an identification of quality of life, which is a breakthrough in the field of life quality theory.Third, in this study, we attribute the problems exposed by the quality of life field to justice and development problems, and put forward a new perspective of improving the quality of life in the perspective of justice and development. By comparing with foreign countries, we found our advantage of improving the quality of life is the perspective of justice and development, and treated development of our country as the key to solve all the quality of life problems. The view of improving quality of life in the perspective of social justice and development is a pioneering one.

【关键词】 生活质量和谐社会公平发展
【Key words】 Quality of LifeHarmonious SocietyJusticeDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

