

Research on Users’ Information System Usage Behavior Based on Dual-Factor Perspective

【作者】 周蕊

【导师】 戚桂杰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的飞速发展和日益广泛的应用,用户能否充分有效的使用信息技术,直接决定信息技术在企业中的潜力发挥的程度,即用户对于信息技术的使用情况是企业基于信息技术的投资绩效的关键决定因素,可以说信息技术对于组织影响的驱动力,不是来自信息技术投资,而是来源于信息技术的实际使用。因此,企业在信息技术上的投入最终能否获得收益,取决于信息技术用户的有效使用。在管理信息系统研究领域,用户行为是重要的研究主题。没有用户的积极采纳和持续使用,管理信息系统将不会给企业带来任何的绩效。如何有效管理用户对信息系统的抵制,促进用户使用信息系统,一直是企业管理者和学者们长久关注的问题。目前,关于“用户信息系统使用行为”相对成熟的理论研究成果主要集中在用户接受、用户持续使用和用户抵制三方面,出现了技术接受模型,期望确认模型,抵制三因素理论等代表性的经典理论。但是,在用户行为研究中,一直将用户的积极使用(如接受、持续使用)和消极抵制视为独立的研究主题,鲜有研究关注两者的整合问题。本研究认为,根据信息系统使用的双因素理论,应当将推动因素和抵制因素同时纳入用户使用行为的影响因素中,探究双因素对用户使用行为的影响机理。本研究采用双因素视角,将信息系统用户行为研究中的用户接受理论、用户持续使用理论和用户抵制理论进行了整合,并借用消费者行为学中的感知风险理论、创新抗拒理论和社会心理学中的自我感知理论、感知失调理论,提出感知风险是使用前阶段的导致抵制改变的因素,感知威胁是使用后阶段导致抵制改变的因素,并将感知风险划分感知时间风险、感知技术风险、、感知社会心理风险和感知信誉风险四个维度,将感知威胁划分为感知权力变化、感知成本-收益变化和感知组织文化变化三个维度。研究在信息系统使用的不同阶段,影响用户使用行为的因素以及行为演化机理,构建了基于双因素视角的用户信息系统使用行为模型。本研究深入探讨了以下三个问题:(1)信息系统使用过程中的不同阶段,关于推动用户接受及持续使用的因素的研究已有成熟的结论,但是关于在不同阶段用户抵制的原因的研究,未有系统的结论,本研究试图对这一问题做一下探究。(2)双因素通过何种路径,对用户信息系统使用行为产生影响?(3)用户接受系统后的初步使用与持续使用之间是否存在联系?即用户信息系统使用行为是否存在分阶段演化机理?本研究通过对某信托公司使用管理信息系统187位用户的实证研究,对上述问题进行了分析,并得到如下主要结论:(1)感知风险、感知威胁分别是信息系统使用阶段中,使用前阶段(pre-usage stage)和使用后阶段(post-usage stage)中导致抵制的关键认知因素;(2)在上述两个阶段中,双因素(即抵制因素和推动因素)同时对用户的使用行为产生影响,“抵制改变”这一抵制因素对用户的信息系统使用行为产生消极影响,“感知有用”这一推动因素对用户的使用行为产生积极影响;抵制因素对推动因素也会产生偏移影响,即“抵制改变”对“感知有用”产生负面影响;(3)确认对感知威胁有直接影响,确认程度高会降低用户对新系统应用带来的威胁程度的感知。(4)使用阶段的使用行为对使用后的确认有正向影响,因此,可以将用户使用信息系统的不同阶段联系起来,以延续性的视角看待用户的信息系统使用行为。本研究的创新点主要有以下三点:第一,本研究根据信息系统使用的双因素理论,研究信息系统使用行为,将信息系统用户积极行为(接受行为,持续使用行为)研究与消极行为(抵制行为)研究进行了整合研究。在扩展用户行为研究视角,更真实地研究用户复杂的心理和行为方面,本研究做了积极的尝试。第二,本研究基于社会心理学中的自我感知理论、感知失调理论,将信息系统使用过程中的不同阶段联系起来,以延续性视角的看待用户信息系统使用行为的发展变化,形成行为演化路径模型,为信息系统使用行为的研究提供了理论上的补充。第三,本研究基于消费者行为学和信息系统抵制理论的研究成果,提出感知风险、感知威胁分别是使用前、后两个阶段中导致“抵制改变”的主观感知,为信息系统抵制行为研究中对抵制原因的分阶段细化研究提供了较好的参考。在本研究的最后部分,对于研究的局限性和不足进行了剖析,并提出下一步的研究展望。希望下一步能深入探讨“用户自身因素”、“组织强制因素”等调节变量对主观感知和意图之间关系的调节作用,以及不同阶段的主观感知之间的相关性,并进一步扩展研究的层面。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development and increasingly wider applications of information technology, whether users can use information technology efficiently determines the potentials that the information technology can fulfill in companies. That is to say, the condition of users’information technology usage is the key factor in determining companies’investment performance of the information technology. The driving force of information technology on organizational influence comes from the actual usage instead of the investment of information technology. Therefore, users’effective usage of information technology determines wether companies can gain profit from investment.In the research field of MIS, the most important research topic is the users’ behavior. The management information system will bring no benefits to the enterprises without the positive adoption and continuous usage by the users. How to manage the users’resistance effectively and encourage users to use the information system has been a long-term concern by the business managers and the scholars. At present, the relatively mature theoretical research achievements on "users’IS usage behavior" are: users’acceptance, user’s continuous usage and users’resistance. Moreover, some representative and classical theories have been arisen such as Technology Acceptance Model, Expectation-Confirmation Model and Three Factors of Resistance Theory. However, among the researches of users’behavior, users’positive usage (e.g acceptance and continuous usage) and users’negative resistance have been both regarded as independent research topics with seldom researches pay attention to the integration between them. In this research, according to the dual factor perspective of IS usage, both positive and negative factors should be considered within the research of the factors of users’usage behavior. Then, the influential mechanism of these two factors to users’usage behavior will be explored.This research integrates the users’ acceptance theory, users’continuous usage theory and users’resistance theory among the research of IS users’behavior from a dual-factor perspective. This research also takes advantage of other theories such as the Perceived Risk Theory of Consumer Behavior, the Innovative Resistance Theory, the Self-perception Theory and the Cognitive Dissonance Theory of Social Psychology and put forward that the perceived risks is the factor leading to resistance to change in pre-usage stage and the perceived threats is the factor leading to resistance in the post-usage stage. This research divides the perceived risks into four dimensions: perceived time risk, perceived technology risk, perceived social psychology risk and perceived credit risk., and divides the perceived threat into three dimensions:perceived power change, perceived cost-benefit change and perceived organizational culture change. It explores the influencing factors and evolution mechanism of users’usage behavior and establish the users’IS behavior model based on a dual factor perspective.This research discusses the following three research questions in depth:(1) Mature research conclusions concerning the factors that lead to the users’acceptance and continuous usage in different IS usage stage have been achieved. However, none systematic research conclusions have been made on the reasons of users’resistance in different stages. This research attempts to make a tentative study on this point.(2)How do the two factors influence the users’IS usage behavior?(3) Is there any connection between users’ initial usage and continuous usage after the acceptance of system? Is there any staged evolution mechanism of users’IS usage behavior?This research has analyzed the above questions through empirical research on187users that take advantage of MIS in a trust company. The following main conclusions have been achieved:(1) Perceived risks and perceived threats are the two key factors that lead to resistance in the pre-usage stage and post-usage stage respectively.(2) In the above two stages, the two factors (inhibitors and enablers) have impacts on users’IT usage behavior simultaneously. The resistant factor, that is,"resistance to change" factor has a negative influence on users’IS usage behavior; while the positive factor, that is, the "perceived usefulness" has a positive influence. Moreover, the negative factor has an out-of-line influence on the positive factor, that is, the "resistance to change" has a negative influence on the "perceived usefulness".(3) The confirmation of perceived threats has a direct impact. A higher degree of confirmation reduces users’ perception of threats from the new system usage.(4) The usage behaviors in usage stage have positive impacts on the confirmation in post-usage stage. Therefore, different stages of users’IS usage behavior can be connected. Behavior of users’IS usage can be studied from a sustained perspective.There are three innovative points of this research: First, it studies the behavior of IS usage from a dual factor perspective which builds a bridge between the researches of IS users’positive behavior (acceptance behavior, continuous usage behavior) and the researches of IS users’negative behavior (resistance behavior). It’s an integrated research on the two seemingly conflict questions in the study of users’behavior. This research makes a positive attempt on expanding the research perspectives and have a more actual research on users’complex psychology.Second, this research integrates different stages of IS usage behavior based on the Self-perception Theory and the Perception Disorder Theory of Social Psychology. It studies the changes and developments of users’IS usage behavior from a continuous perspective. It forms a model of behavior evolutions and provides a complement of the theories of IS usage behavior.Third, this research proposes that the perceptive risks and perceptive threats are the subjective perceptions that lead to "resistance to change" in the pre-usage stage and post-usage stage separately based on the research findings of Consumer Behavior and IS resistance theory. This research provides a valuable reference for a more-refined and staged study of the resistance causes of IS resistance behavior.In the last part of this research, limitations and gaps are analyzed and expectations are also put forward. The moderating functions of moderating variables such as "users’ own factor","organizational constraints" on the relationship between subjective perception and intentions are expected to be discussed deeply in further studies. The correlation of subjective perceptions of different stages is also expected in further studies. The research field can be broadened.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】C931.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】614
  • 攻读期成果

