

Research on the Being Digital Protection and Development of Historical Cultural Resources

【作者】 赵东

【导师】 王育济;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 随着近年来数字化技术的迅猛发展,历史文化资源的保护传承与开发利用也越来越多的将其融入,并成为一种比较理想的途径,当前许多国家和地区已经纷纷开展了相关项目研究和探索性尝试。国内许多地区,也纷纷把历史文化资源的保护与开发纳入地域发展规划之中,大力发展历史文化资源数字化。国内外不断进行着数字化技术的历史文化资源保护与开发的探索与应用,其重要作用和前景已日趋显著和宽广在此背景下,本文以历史文化资源极大丰富的陕西省为中心,对数字化方式的历史文化资源保护与开发进行研究,对历史文化资源进行了阐释界定,认知了当前历史文化资源保护与开发所存在的矛盾,探讨了历史文化资源数字化保护与开发的基础理论,陕西历史文化资源数字化保护与开发的必要性与可行性,历史文化资源数字化保护与开发的主体,提出PIPP模式是历史文化资源数字化保护与开发的理想模式以及历史文化资源数字化对文化产业发展的促进。第一章主要是对历史文化资源的概念界定。在考述“历史”、“文化”、“文化资源”基础上,本文认为历史文化资源主要是指人类过去发生的事物及其所产生的影响而成为满足人们精神需求的精神要素以及附着在物质上的精神要素。作为人类社会发展的重要资源,历史文化资源需要得到大力保护与开发。在当前,历史文化资源的保护与开发存在着比较大的矛盾,但是,两者又都不能忽视,既不能一味地开发,也不能一味地保护,必须“在保护中开发,在开发中保护”因此,各种业态的历史文化资源保护与开发的关系都一定要处理好,而数字化方式的保护与开发则在很大程度上能够妥善处理两者之间的关系,并有助于不断促进历史文化资源的保护与开发手段。第二章对历史文化资源数字化保护与开发的相关基础理论进行了阐释与分析。首先,数字化是指将客观事物(信息、信号)抽象,转变为一系列二进制代码,形成“比特”(数字0和1),并对其进行加工、存储、处理、表现、展示和传播的过程。其次,历史文化资源数字化主要包括历史文化资源的数字采集、数字处理、数字考古、数字修复、数字保存、数字管理、数字集成、虚拟现实、数字出版、数字传播等内容。再次,历史文化资源数字化涉及到数字图像处理技术、多媒体技术、数字内容管理与发布技术、3S技术、网络技术等重要技术。文化空间知识可视化理论、信息科学理论等是历史文化资源数字化的重要基础理论。在这些理论基础上出现的三维技术在历史文化资源数字化保护与开发中必不可少。另外,基于三维技术通过计算机对复杂数据进行可视化操作与人机交互的虚拟现实理论与技术可以大大提升历史文化资源保护水平,对文化遗产进行有效展示,极力拓展历史文化资源产业化开发的途径,并使得历史文化资源保护与开发日趋融合为一体。第三章主要围绕陕西省分析了历史文化资源数字化的必要性与可行性。与国内其他省份相比,陕西历史文化资源极大丰富。时代的发展,使得丰富的陕西历史文化资源必须得到大力保护与开发,陕西省在两方面也做出了很大的努力,取得了很大的成就。然而,在历史文化资源保护与开发的实践中,往往存在着难以调和的矛盾。这样,当前“数字化生存”的时代呼唤既能充分提升历史文化资源保护水平又能几乎不破损历史文化资源的数字化保护与开发。历史文化资源数字化保护与开发,是时代发展的趋势。一方面,陕西历史文化资源数字化有着重大的现实意义,在很大程度上能够有效协调保护与开发的矛盾,并有助于宣传地域历史文化,推进文化信息资源共享工程建设并提升文化软实力,以及促进文化产业大发展大繁荣,极具必要性。另一方面,陕西科研力量雄厚,历史文化资源数字化得到了高度重视,并取得了一定成就,陕西历史文化资源数字化有着充分的基础与条件,具备了一定的可行性。第四章对历史文化资源数字化的各类主体进行了分析认知。按照参与性,历史文化资源数字化主体构成表现出明显的多元性,包括研发主体、利用主体和控制主体等。不同主体之间既保持一定的独立性,又相互交织,而且角色又可以重合和转换,并存在着相互影响或制约的关系。研发主体可以分为高校、科研院所、博物馆、图书馆、文化企业、个人等;利用主体可以分为研究型(研究Ⅰ型和研究Ⅱ型)、中介型和一般型三种不同的类型;控制主体则包括国际组织、国家、省内各级政府以及各有关机构等。历史文化资源数字化保护与开发需要这些主体在发挥好本体作用的基础上,与其他主体之间协同努力,共同推进。第五章对陕西历史文化资源数字化中的一些典型案例进行了分析。在诸多主体努力下,陕西历史文化资源数字化保护与已取得了一定的成效。其中,秦始皇兵马俑博物馆是闻名世界的大型遗址博物馆,国家AAAAA(5A)级景点,其数字化过程涉及到文物考古、保护与博物馆收藏、展示以及数字化景区旅游等众多方面。陕西数字博物馆是我国首座省级文物行政管理机构创建、依托全省馆藏文物数据库信息和集观赏性、知识性、互动性为一体的大型综合数字博物馆,标志着陕西博物馆事业发展的辉煌,迈出了陕西历史文化资源数字化跨越性的一步,为国内外数字博物馆建设进行了重要的实践性探索。陕西师范大学袁林教授对古籍数字化做出了重要贡献,在陕西历史文化资源数字化过程中有着特别的意义。作为诞生并飞速发展在数字化时代的著名旅游休闲度假区,曲江新区高度重视历史文化资源的数字化保护、虚拟展示与网络传播,是陕西历史文化资源数字化过程中的重要代表。第六章提出了历史文化资源数字化保护与开发的理想模式——PIPP模式。在历史文化资源数字化保护与开发过程中,存在着政府模式、私人(个人)模式与企业模式三种基本的模式。但是,这三种模式都存在着难以克服的弊端而影响到历史文化资源数字化保护与开发。在实践中,新公共管理理论中的PPP模式也被尝试着运用,体现出了一些优势,但是仍然存在着不足与缺陷。这样,PIPP模式成为了历史文化资源数字化保护与开发一种比较理想的模式。PIPP模式,即公共部门—中间组织—私人部门的合作模式(Public—Intermediary—Private Partnerships),主要是通过中间组织(intermediary)对政府与私人部门者进行组织、沟通与协调,形成三方力量共同推动公共项目运行的一种模式。PIPP模式属于顺应社会发展趋势的新公共管理理论产物,主要是在具体的项目运行中体现其优势,随着社会的发展在大量公共产品与服务的供给中都可以得到应用,作为公共文化产品与服务的历史文化资源数字化保护与开发工程项目对其应用则是一种必然趋势。第七章探讨了历史文化资源数字化对文化产业发展的促进。历史文化资源数字化保护与开发是当前数字化生存与文化大发展的时代产物,极其有利于文化软实力的提升与文化产业发展,而文化产业则又是文化软实力的物化,并可以进一步提升国家与地域文化软实力。通过历史文化资源数字化保护与开发可以促进文化产业发展,文化产业发展是历史文化资源数字化保护与开发的重要成果和显著标志。可以依托专门机构与企业形成文物数字化保护、修复、管理、复仿制等业务的文博产业,成为文化产业新业态。还可以发展以传统历史文化旅游资源为基础,以数字化技术为支持,通过一定的软硬件设备以及网络等渠道为人们提供数字化旅游产品和数字化旅游服务而形成新兴的数字旅游产业。历史文化资源数字化中的数字考古、文物数字修复、数字管理、数字出版、数字展示、数字传播等内涵都是数字化时代媒体产业大发展的重要基础,既是传统媒体传播的技术基础,也是新兴互联网企业不断凝聚“注意力”的重要手段。在文物数字化后,通过利用专业人士取得的成果,动漫游戏创作者们稍加创意和运用一些创作技巧,则很容易开发出一系列文物类动漫短片和小游戏。而用非物质文化遗产数字化成果创制动漫游戏产品,市场不仅仅在于用户、玩家,其重要市场就还在于文化、非遗保护系统“政府买单”以及民俗景区景点强化旅游产品的需求,存在着的巨大商机。通过历史文化资源数字化,可以使广告创意素材来源极为丰富并便捷,即使是“泛专业人士”利用历史文化资源创意、制作相关广告,也会得心应手,有利于广告产业发展大繁荣。

【Abstract】 Nowadays with the rapid development of digital technology, the protection and development of historical cultural resources is more and more be integrated it into, and become a relatively ideal way, many countries and regions have carried out relevant research and exploratory attempt. Many parts of China, also have the protection and development of historical cultural resources into the regional development plan, vigorously develop the historical cultural resources digitization. Domestic and foreign is ongoing exploration and application of the digital technology of protection and development of historical cultural resources, which important role and prospects have become more significant and broad.In this context, with Shaanxi province rich in historical cultural resources as the center, research on the protection and development of historical cultural resources in digital mode, explains the definition of historical cultural resources, awareness of the contradiction of the protection and development of historical cultural resources, discusses the basic theory of digital protection and development of historical cultural resources, necessity and feasibility of the digital protection and development of historical cultural resources in Shaanxi, the main digital protection and development of historical cultural resources, proposes the PIPP mode is the ideal mode of historical cultural resources digitization of cultural industries development.The first chapter is mainly on the definition of the concept of historical cultural resources. On the basis of the test of "history","culture" and "cultural resources", this paper argues that historical cultural resources, mainly refers to the influence of human past things and have become to meet the spiritual elements of people’s spiritual needs and spiritual elements attached to the material. As an important resource for the development of human society, historical cultural resources protection and development should be vigorously. At present, the protection and development of historical cultural resources contradictions exist, but, they can not be ignored, should not blindly development, also can not be protected, must be "the protection of the development, in development and protection". Therefore, the relationship between protection and development of historical cultural resources of various formats of all must handle, and the protection and development of digital mode is largely able to properly handle the relationship between them, and is helpful to promote the protection and development of historical cultural resources.The second chapter is the theory that analysis the digital protection and development of historical cultural resources. Firstly, the digital refers to the objective things (information, signal) abstract, into a series of binary code, forming a "bit"(figures0and1), process and processing, storage, processing, display and communication performance, the. Secondly, historical cultural resources digitization mainly include historical cultural resources of digital collection, digital processing, digital archaeology, digital restoration, digital preservation, digital management, digital integration, virtual reality, digital publishing, digital media content. Again, historical cultural resources digitization involves the important technology of digital image processing technology, multimedia technology, digital content management and distribution technology,3S technology, network technology. The cultural space of knowledge visualization theory, information science theory is an important theory of historical and cultural resources digitization. The essential technology in3D based on these theories in the digital protection of historical and cultural resources and development. In addition, the theory and technology of virtual reality3D technology for interactive visualization and man-machine complex data through the computer can greatly enhance the level of protection of historical cultural resources based on the effective display of cultural heritage, historical cultural resources, to develop ways of industrialization development, and the protection and development of historical cultural resources is becoming more and more integrated into.The third chapter focuses on Shaanxi Province, has analyzed the necessity and feasibility of historical cultural resources digitization. Compared with other domestic provinces, greatly enrich the historical cultural resources in Shaanxi. The development of the times, the historical and cultural resources are rich in Shaanxi must be vigorously development and protection, Shaanxi Province in two aspects also made great efforts, has made great achievements. However, in the practice of protection and development of historical cultural resources, there are often difficult to reconcile the contradictions. So, the current being digital times, it calls for digital protection and development,it can not only enhance the level of protection of historical and cultural resources and almost no damage of the historical cultural resources. Digital protection and development of historical cultural resources, is the development trend of the times. On the one hand, Shaanxi historical cultural resources digitization is of great practical significance, can effectively coordinate the contradiction between protection and development to a great extent, and contribute to the promotion of regional history and culture, promote the construction of cultural information resources sharing project and enhance the cultural soft power, and promote the development of cultural industries prosperity. On the other hand, Shaanxi is strong in scientific research historical cultural resources digitization is a high degree of attention, and has made some achievements, historical cultural resources of Shaanxi digital have a basis and conditions fully, have certain feasibility.The fourth chapter is the analysis of the subject of historical cultural resources digitization. In accordance,with the participation of the subject of historical cultural resources, digital show obvious diversity, including the main R&D, the using subject and control subject. Keep some independence between different subjects, intertwined, and role and can overlap and conversion, and the existence of mutual influence or control. Research and development can be divided into colleges and universities, research institutes, libraries, museums, cultural enterprises, individuals; the main body can be divided into research (study I and study II), medium type and general type three different types; control subjects include international organizations, national, the province at all levels of government and relevant institutions etc.. Digital protection and development of historical cultural resources to these subjects based on play main function, collaborative efforts between other subjects.The fifth chapter analyzed some typical cases of historical cultural resources digitization in Shaanxi. In many subjective efforts, the digital protection of Shaanxi historical cultural resources has achieved some success. Among them, the Terracotta Army museum is the world famous large Ruins Museum, the national5A scenic spots, the digital process involving the protection of cultural relics and Archaeology and Museum, collection, display and digital tourism in many aspects such as. Shaanxi digital museum is China’s first provincial-level cultural relics administration created, based on the collections of cultural relics database information and appreciation, knowledge, interaction as one of the large-scale comprehensive digital museum, marking the Shaanxi museum development of the cause of the brilliant, took the digital across Shaanxi historical cultural resources of the step, explored the practice important for the construction of domestic and foreign digital museum.The sixth chapter puts forward the ideal-the PIPP mode of digital protection and development of historical cultural resources. In the digital protection of historical cultural resources and development process, there is a model of government, private (individual) model and enterprise model three basic models. However, these three models are difficult to overcome disadvantages affect the digital protection and development of historical cultural resources. In practice, the new public management theory in the PPP model are also trying to use, embodies some advantages, but there are still shortcomings and defects. So, PIPP model has become the ideal model of digital protection and development of historical and cultural resources. PIPP mode, namely the public sector-the middle organization and private sector cooperation mode (Public-Intermediary-Private Partnerships), mainly through the middle organization (intermediary) organization, communication and coordination of the government and the private sector, the formation of three forces to jointly promote a mode of public project running. The new public management theory of product PIPP model belongs to conform to the trend of social development, mainly reflected its advantage in the specific project operation, with the development of society can be used in large numbers of public products and services in the supply of public cultural products and services, as a digital protection of historical cultural resources and development of project of its application it is an inevitable trend.The seventh chapter discusses that digital historical cultural resources promotes the culture industries development. Digital protection and development of historical cultural resources is the product of the digital and cultural development times, is conducive to the promotion of soft power of culture and the development of cultural industries, cultural industries and is the materialization of cultural soft power, and can further enhance the soft power of national and regional culture. The protection and development of historical cultural resources can promote the development of cultural industries, the development of cultural industry is an important achievement of digital protection and development of historical cultural resources and significant sign. Specialized agencies and enterprises can rely on the formation of digital preservation of cultural relics, repair, management, copy business cultural industry, cultural industries have become a new industries. Also in the development of traditional historical cultural tourism resources as the foundation, supported by digital technology, through the software and hardware equipment and network channels for people to provide digital tourism products and digital tourism service and the formation of digital tourism industry emerging. Historical cultural resources in digitization of digital archaeology, cultural relic digital restoration, digital management, digital publishing, digital display, digital media content are important foundation for the development of digital media industry era, technology is the base of the traditional media, but also the emerging Internet companies build "an important means of attention". In the digital cultural relics, through the use of professional achievements, animation and game creators with a little creativity and the creative skills, is very easy to develop a series of cultural relics of cartoon and video game. And the use of non material cultural heritage digital results create animation game products, the market is not just the user, game player, its important market lies in the cultural heritage protection system,"the government" and the need to strengthen the folk custom scenic spots of tourism products, the tremendous business there. The historical cultural resources digitization, can make advertising creative material sources are very rich and convenient, even the "Pan professionals" using historical cultural resources, making creative advertising, will be easier, is conducive to the development and prosperity of the advertising industries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

