

The Study on Coilege Students’ Legal Education from the Perspective of Civil Consciousness Cultivation

【作者】 蔡卫忠

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国现代化进程的不断推进,公民意识的价值得到提升并发挥了日益显著的重要作用。提高大学生的公民意识,是我国民主政治建设的基础工程,也是大学生法律教育的重要内容。党的十七大报告在社会主义民主政治的论述中,第一次明确提出了“加强公民意识教育,树立社会主义民主法治、自由平等、公平正义理念”的重要论断,将公民意识的重要性提到了一个前所未有的高度。本文以公民意识养成为视角,系统梳理了公民意识养成与大学生法律教育的概念、相互关系等理论基础,通过对大学生法律教育与公民意识养成进行全面、系统、历史、比较的考察,在借鉴国外大学生法律教育在公民意识养成过程中的经验基础上,对大学生法律教育的主体建设、内容和途径等进行了较为深入地研究。首先着重阐明了公民意识养成视阈下的大学生法律教育问题研究这一课题的研究缘起、研究意义、研究现状和研究方法,为本论文的研究提供指向。以公民意识养成为视角的大学生法律教育问题研究体现了时代价值,是建设社会主义法治国家的内在要求,契合了大学生法律课程的教学需要,是构建适合中国特点的大学生法律教育体系的需要,是促进大学生成才的需要,是做好大学生思想政治工作的需要,是构建和维护和谐校园的需要。正文部分包括以下几个方面的内容:大学生法律教育与公民意识养成的基本问题。首先界定大学生法律教育与公民意识养成的概念,本文的大学生法律教育是指对高等院校非法律专业的大学生进行的以法律基本知识、国家颁布的法律、法规和校规、校纪等为主要内容,以提高大学生的法律素质为目标的教育实践活动的总称,属于广义的思想政治教育工作范畴。通过对公民概念的历史梳理,公民意识概念的法律解读,进而将公民意识养成的涵义理解为培养社会成员的公民意识,就是培养其与民主政治和法治社会发展相适应的公民意识并使之成为合格公民的实践过程。本文所研究的公民意识养成限于大学生的公民意识养成。界定大学生法律教育与公民意识养成的概念涵义,同时对二者与相关概念的关系进行分析,为后面探讨二者的关系、明确大学生法律教育在公民意识养成中的重要作用打下基础。大学生法律教育与公民意识养成的关系。主要阐述了大学生法律教育与公民意识养成之间的哲学基础、法理基础和政治基础以及二者之间互为手段与目的、相互依存、相互影响的关系。以公民意识养成为目标使大学生法律教育的内容更加贴近生活,更利于大学生在实践中潜移默化接受。二者是联系密切的范畴,大学生法律教育与公民意识养成在目标、内容、途径等方面是有机统一的。大学生法律教育与公民意识养成的历史考察。我国的大学生法律教育与公民意识养成经历了并不平坦的发展历程,与西方法治发达国家相比,我国的法治建设起步较晚,真正意义上的法律教育与公民意识养成实际上始于改革开放以后。改革以后,中国的法制建设有了重大转机,重新确认了法律在国家和社会生活中的重要地位,高校大学生法律教育也进入了新的发展阶段。自1949年建国以来,我国的大学生法律教育与公民意识养成大体上可分为四个阶段,一是大学生法律教育衰落阶段;二是大学生法律常识教育阶段,三是大学生法律意识教育阶段,四是大学生法律素质教育阶段。伴随着大学生法律教育的四个阶段,公民意识养成也经历了从缺失、觉醒到深化的过程。公民意识养成视阈下的大学生法律教育问题及成因分析。目前高校大学生的法律教育就其发展而言是符合社会发展潮流的,高校能够充分认识到对大学生法律教育与公民意识养成的重要性。但是,由于受种种因素的影响,当前大学生法律教育教学从对公民意识养成的认识到教学内容和教学方法都存在诸多问题,使公民意识养成在法律教学中没有得到很好落实。究其原因,包括偏狭的教育理念、传统文化中的负面因素、基础教育阶段不重视公民意识培养以及我国传统行政化的教育制度和体制。国外大学生法律教育在公民意识养成过程中的经验借鉴。通过对美国、英国、德国、日本和新加坡五个国家大学生法律教育和公民意识养成渠道和方式进行比较研究,发现西方国家大学生的公民意识养成并不仅仅停留在书本上,而是贯穿于日常生活之中。宗教活动以及志愿者服务活动直接影响了高校大学生的公民意识的培养。反观我国,高校大学生的公民意识教育多数都是涉及德育方面的教育,主要通过理论或者抽象概念的灌输,而不重视甚至忽视他们自身的社会参与和社会实践。公民意识的养成不单单是对其自身法律赋予的权利的了解,也包括了公民突破对个体自身水平的限制,积极参与社会化管理活动的过程。公民意识养成视域下大学生法律教育的主体建设。教师是法律教育主体,通过对大学生法律教育主体的自身素质建设、大学生法律教育主体的培养和优秀法律教育者的引进三个方面的讨论,认为只有发挥教师的主体性,才能对学生进行有的放矢的引导和指导。以公民意识养成为目标的大学生法律教育,必然要求教育者担负传播法律精神、培育公民意识的重任,决定了作为教育主体的教师必然要加强自身建设,应对新的挑战。公民意识养成视阈下大学生法律教育的内容。提出了大学生法律教育在内容增加宪法教育、法律意识教育、纪律教育和实践教育。大学生法律教育的内容是根据法律教育的目标确定的,它决定着法律教育的实施效果,是实现法律教育目标和任务的重要保证。法律教育内容是广泛而具体的,是随着时代和社会要求及具体对象的变化而变化的。公民意识养成视阈下大学生法律教育的途径和方法。在大学法律教育中,所有教育内容的更新,最后都要依靠法律教育途径和方法来加以实现。科学有效的途径和方法将会大大促进学生公民意识的增强,最终实现高校法律教育的育人目标。就大学这一相对于社会具有一定特性的环境而言,大学生法律教育的途径和方法可以分为课堂内、课堂外两个方面。最后,总结本文观点与明确下一步研究方向。详细论述了本论文的三个创新点:其一,分析角度独特。现有的研究资料显示,从公民意识视角出发,系统探讨大学生法律教育与公民意识养成的研究成果尚不多见。本论文将“公民意识养成视阈下的大学生法律教育”作为专门的讨论方向,希望能有所创新。其二,研究内容有创新。本研究以当代大学生的法律教育和公民意识养成现状为背景,从公民意识养成出发提供大学生法律教育的新视野,力图实现大学生法律教育和公民意识养成的“双赢”。其中重点关注了大学生法律教育、公民意识养成的社会历史条件,并结合国外的多个国家的情况进行了比较借鉴,认为科技发展和全球化等因素直接影响大学生的公民意识培养,进而融入到高校大学生法律教育的过程中,这在以往的研究中鲜有提及。其三,研究结论有新意。本研究在立足于我国大学生法律教育和公民意识养成的历史考察和现实依据,对大学生法律教育和公民意识养成进行辨析和界定,提出了公民意识养成视阈下的大学生法律教育的主体建设、内容、和途径与方法的设想。提出大学生法律教育不仅要提高教师的素质,而且还要拓展教育主体的范畴,将法律实践领域的专家引入到大学生法律教育系统中来,以提高法律教育的真实性、生动性和时效性。

【Abstract】 With the progress of the modernization of China, the value and importance of civil consciousness is becoming increasingly important.Strengthening the civil consciousness of college students is not only a basic project during the new period of the construction of socialist democratic politics, but also the important content of College Students’ legal education. In the Report of the Seventeenth Party Congress on the socialist democratic politics,"strengthening civic education, setting up the ideas of the democratic rule of law of socialism,, freedom and equality, equity and justice" is put forward clearly for the first time. The citizen consciousness reaches an unprecedented height.This dissertation, systematically analyzes the theoretical basis of legal education of univeristy students from the perspective of civil consciousness, and explores the importance of the legal education to the cultivation of civic awareness as a goal. Through conducting a comprehensive, systematic, historical and comparative investigation on the relationship between university students’legal education and civic consciousness, this dissertation made an in-depth study on the subject construction, content and approaches of the legal education on the basis of borrowing experiences of application of legal education to civic consciousness in foreign countries.Firstly, this dissertation focus on the origins, importance and methods on the issues of university students’legal education from the angle of cultivating citizen awareness, which providea direction for this research. The research has several goals:to meet the students’needs in contemporary educational system; to help establish socialist country under the rule of law; to enhance "ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis" for effective teaching; to improve the quality of university students; and to maintain a hamonious campus.The body includes the following aspects:The basic issues of legal education and the cultivation of citizen consciousness. Defining legal education and the cultivation of citizen consciousness are important. Legal education for university students in this dissertation refers to educational activities provided for non law-majored university students with basic knowledge of national laws and regulations, school rules and regulations as the main content in order to improve the legal quality of university students, which is a board view of ideological and political education. Through analyzing the concept of citizenship and civil consciousness, cultivating civil consciousness is defined as teaching citizens civil consciousness, that is, to train citizens to adapt to the development of democratic politics and legal society and to be well-educated. The cultivation of citizen awareness is focused on university student. Defining the concept of univeristy students’ legal education and civic consciousness, and the relationship between the two and related concepts laid foundation for further study on the relationship and to clear the importance of legal education in the cultivation of university students’ civil awareness.The relationship between university students’ legal education and civic awareness. This dissertation discusses the philosophical, legal and political basis on the relationship between legal education and civic consciousness of university students. University students should have citizen consciousness, which is to meet the requirement of socialist market economy, the development of democratic politics and spiritual civilization construction. Civil consciousness, rights and obligation consciousness, social morality consciousness, democracy and the-rule-of-law consciousness and so on are all included in university students legal education. The cultivation of civic awareness is to make legal education more close to students’ life as our goal and more conducive to university students in practice. The two are closely related, that is, consistency on the goals, content and approaches theory of cultivation of legal education and civic awareness.Historical investigation on legal education and cultivation of citizen consciousness. The development of legal education and the cultivation of citizen consciousness in our country was not smooth, and compared with western developed country under the rule of law, the legal construction in China started late. The true legal education and cultivation of civic awareness actually started after the reform and opening up. After the reform, the construction of legal system had a significant turn, to confirm the important position of law in the society and nation. In the meantime legal education has entered a new stage of development since1949, which generally can be divided into four stages: legal education decline; legal common knowledge education; legal consciousness education; and legal quality-oriented education. Along with the four stages of legal education, civic awareness has experienced from declining,awakening to deepening..The analysis of issues and causes of legal education for university students from the angle of civic awareness. At present, the developing legal education for university students is in line with the trend of social development, and the universities can fully realize the importance of legal education for university students and cultivation of civic awareness. However, due to various influence, there are many issues in the current legal education ranging from the cultivaiton of civic awareness to teaching contents and methodology, making the citizen awareness in the legal education not well implemented. The reasons are:narrow concept of education, the conservative factors in traditional culture, administrative system of education and not much attention on the cultivation of civic education in the stage of basic education.The experience of legal education in the cultivation of civic consciousness. Through comparing legal education for university students and approaches of civic awareness cultivation in USA, Britain, Germany, Japan and Singapore five countries, we identify that western citizen awareness is not only the words in books, but through their daily life. Religious activities and volunteering activities have direct and important role in the cultivation of civic awareness of university students. In contrast, the citizen consciousness education in China is mainly conducted in the moral category, with more teaching knowledge and value, and less practic and activities. The cultivation of citizen consciousness is not only the legal form of citizenship, but requires citizens to have sufficient capacity actively participating in social management.The subject construction legal education for university students on the purpose for cultivating citizen consciousness. Through quality-oriented construction on legal education for university students, cultivation of ideas as legal subject and introducing excellent legal instructors, we think that the instructors are teaching subject and only instructors could meet students’needs for legal education.. The legal education on the purpose of cultivation of civic consciousness for university students is determined by that legal educators spread legal spirits and cultive students’civic consciousness. This determines that legal educators need to meet the requirements of qualified legal education such as strengthen self-construction and confront new challenges.The content of legal education for university students from the perspective of civic awareness. Constitution education, legal awareness education, discipline education and practical education are proposed to add in legal education. The content of legal education for university students various according to the target of legal education, which determines the effect of the implementation of legal education to guarantee the complishment of the goals and tasks of legal education. Legal education is extensive and specific, changing over the time, social requirements and the specific objects.The approaches and means of legal education from the perspective of cultivation of civic awareness for university students. In university legal education, all the updates of educational content ultimately rely on approaches and means of legal education to be implemented. Scientific and effective approaches and means could enhance civic awareness of university students greatly, achieving the goal of educating people in tertiary education. As to university which relates to society as certain characteristics of the environment, the approaches and means of legal education can be divided in two ways, inside and outside the classroom.Finally, the overall description of the dissertation make the main conclusions and the next research direction clear. The innovation of this dissertation lies in three aspects: First, new research perspective. At present there is few that the theorists analyze the research results of legal education and the cultivation of civic awareness from the perspective of citizen consciousness. This dissertation mainly discusses "legal education based on the cultivation of citizen awareness for university students", and try to make a breakthrough. Second, innovation in research content. This study aims at difficulties that legal education is facing, from the cultivation of citizen awareness to provide new horizon for legal education, achieving a win-win result of the two. The focus is on the legal education for university students and the social historical conditions of civic awareness. We compared and refered a number of situation in other countries and that modern technology and globalization play roles in developing civic awareness of university students, and the latest combined with legal education.Third, innovation in conclusion of the study. This study is based on the historical experience and realistic evidence of legal education and civic awareness, discriminating and defining the legal education and cultivation of citizen consciousness. In the meantime, this dissertation puts forward the subject construction, content, approaches and means in legal education from the angle of civic awareness. The legal education not only requires to improve the quality of teachers, but also to expand the education subject bringing the experts in the field of legal practice into legal education system for university students, in order to improve the reality, vividness and timeliness of legal education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】D90-4;G641
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2353
  • 攻读期成果

