

Research on the Subsistence of Peiligang Period in North China

【作者】 吴文婉

【导师】 栾丰实; 赵志军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 生业经济是研究古代社会的一项重要内容,裴李岗时代是史前社会经济从采集狩猎过渡并发展到农业生产这一漫长历程中重要的一环,分析探讨裴李岗时代的生业经济模式将有助于我们进一步认识农业起源与发展进程。本文的研究目的是系统梳理和分析裴李岗时代中国北方生业经济研究成果,重点探讨北方不同区域内/间生业模式及其之间的异同和原因,以期更好地了解这一时期中国北方低水平食物生产的特点。在此基础上,对世界范围内(以西亚为例)低水平食物生产模式进行宏观考察,寻找中国本土早期食物生产的发展模式和特点。本文可分为四大部分:一、立题本文第一章和第二章。第一章为本文绪论,提出本文的研究问题,回顾相关学术史,梳理已有研究成果,介绍本研究采用的理论、方法及主要内容等。第二章介绍研究区自然环境与考古学文化概况,为本研究的另一项基础信息。生业经济是研究人类社会的一项重要内容,纵观中外早期社会生业经济研究成果可以发现,囿于材料丰度的差异和研究理念及方法的不同,目前大多数对我国北方裴李岗时代生业经济的研究是相对割裂独立的,缺乏统一的宏观考察,这与全球范围内几大农业起源中心、甚至南方稻作农业研究相比是不足的。近年来,动植物考古等多种新方法在多个考古遗址中的开展斩获了一批重要的新发现,使进一步认识中国北方早期的生业经济模式成为可能。基于此,我们运用植物考古学的研究方法对数个遗址进行个案分析,同时结合动物遗存和生产工具的考古发现,借鉴聚落与环境考古研究成果以及国际上关于农业起源与发展的经典理论框架,由点到面地考察我国北方裴李岗时代的生业经济模式。二、解题本文第三章至第七章,包括单个遗址植物考古个案研究和单个文化生业经济模式的考察两个层次。第三章为后李文化生业经济研究。张马屯和西河遗址的大遗存个案研究揭示了它们以数十种野生植物为主的植物性食物结构,采集经济仍保持主导地位;同时还发现了初期的栽培植物,张马屯先民种植黍和粟,西河遗址可能以水稻具优势。六吉庄子遗址发现了丰富的禾草类植物淀粉粒。分析结果显示对野生动植物资源的广谱利用是后李文化诸聚落的共同特点。后李文化已经出现了粟类植物的栽培和驯化,是人类适应性生业经济转变的一个方面,西河和月庄遗址可能还栽培了水稻。在后李文化发展过程中,栽培植物在人类食谱中的比重逐步上升,但始终未超过野生植物。后李文化先民可能已经饲养家猪,但家猪的驯化还处于初始阶段,这一时期家猪与野猪在形态上差别不明显,提供的肉食在先民动物蛋白摄入量中所占比重有限。狗也是人类驯养的对象之一,但它们更可能作为人类狩猎活动的得力助手,而非完全是人类食用的对象。相反,各遗址内均出土了数量较多、种属繁杂的野生动物遗存为诸聚落的先民提供了60%以上的肉食供给。第四章为兴隆洼文化生业经济研究。查海和塔布敖包遗址的淀粉粒分析结果显示禾草类植物具有明显优势,其中部分淀粉颗粒来自包括粟、黍在类的粟类植物,另外小麦族植物淀粉粒的频现值得关注。这些淀粉粒组合暗示了当时人类对禾本科植物广泛且趋向强化的开发利用,植物栽培已经存在,同时对块茎类和坚果类以及其他野生禾草植物的采集利用也是人类植食的获取方式。兴隆洼文化动植物遗存的发现并不丰富,仅有的材料显示攫取野生动植物资源是兴隆洼文化聚落生业经济中重要的环节。这一时期先民采集食用的植物种类是广谱的,明确的栽培植物来自兴隆沟遗址的黍。大型野生动物在兴隆洼文化先民的肉食中占据的比例很低,中小型哺乳动物可能为人类主要的肉食来源。目前兴隆洼文化遗址中并未发现明确的驯化动物遗存,但却有饲养家猪的线索。整体而言,兴隆洼文化食物生产的规模并不太大,先民食物的来源主要依赖于野生资源,特别是资源丰富的聚落。采集狩猎经济是兴隆洼文化聚落共同的生计活动,渔猎在个别聚落中也被采纳作为补充,食物生产的贡献有限。兴隆洼文化聚落多处于生态过渡地带,资源的多样性和差异性明显,这在不同聚落的生计中也有一定反映。第五章为裴李岗文化生业经济研究。目前的考古发掘与研究显示裴李岗文化至少可分为南北两大类型。裴李岗类型的相关发现较少,就目前的材料来看,采集野生植物资源是这个时期所有聚落共同的选择,这种生计活动应占据了最重要且最大的比重。裴李岗类型栽培的植物以粟、黍为主,实物证据来自坞罗西坡和府店东遗址的炭化粟,它们填补了裴李岗文化粟作农业实物证据的空白,但极有限的数量限制了现阶段对种植规模和食谱贡献量的评估。多个遗址微体遗存或早年零星报道都支持了粟类作物在裴李岗类型的大多数遗址中普遍存在。唐户遗址则是黍、稻混作的模式。裴李岗类型遗址的动物遗存以野生动物更丰富,但与贾湖类型相比,裴李岗类型先民食用的肉食动物种类较少。以贾湖遗址为代表的贾湖类型考古发现丰富,采集渔猎这种传统的攫取性经济是贾湖聚落十分依赖的生计模式;同时,更丰富多样的自然资源促使这种生计方式在很长时间内都占据了重要地位。贾湖类型已经出现了明确的植物栽培和家畜饲养等食物生产活动。明确的栽培植物是水稻,与裴李岗类型迥然不同。水稻遗存的多样性表明它们处于栽培的初期。贾湖的家猪是目前北方地区最早的实证。尽管食物生产的水平和规模逐步提高,但其在人类食谱中的比重始终处于辅助位置。裴李岗文化不同类型聚落既采取了普遍适用的采集渔猎生业方式,同时也因地制宜地通过栽培植物和驯养动物来增加和稳定食物供应。地理位置(以纬度为主)所致环境和资源的差异可能是造成两大类型不同生业经济模式的主要原因。第六章为大地湾—老官台文化生业经济研究。大地湾文化多个遗址动植物遗存信息量差异很大。明确的栽培植物是数量极少的黍,炭化黍在形态和大小上已脱离了完全野生的状态,表明当时人类已经对其进行了栽培和初步驯化。这一时期一系列考古遗址极少见植物遗存或反映了植物栽培和驯化等农业生产活动的水平较低。哺乳动物、鸟类、鱼类和软体动物等野生动物是当时人类肉食的最主要来源,其中滨河聚落对水生资源的获取更多。总体而言,大地湾—老官台文化时期人类在很大程度上还依赖于野生动物资源。同时,先民已经开始饲养猪、狗等家畜,同位素分析显示这种行为在大地湾一期时期就已存在,且在稍晚时期已经成为人类肉食的主要来源。目前材料显示当时先民饲养的家畜很可能是在东方成功驯化后引入的。进一步结合生产工具分析发现,此时期人类的整体生业经济模式以采集和狩猎活动为主,明确的农业生产在大多数遗址中都已经存在但规模有限。第七章为磁山—北福地文化生业经济研究。由于目前的考古证据匮乏,我们仅能从磁山、北福地等几个遗址零星的考古发现和研究成果来进行初步考察。磁山—北福地文化的先民应该拥有较广谱的食物结构。他们的植物性食物包括了黍、粟和其他野生植物,肉食蛋白则来自哺乳动物、鸟类、龟鳖类、鱼类和蚌类五大类。这一时期人类仍然依赖于从自然界中攫取野生资源,在生业模式上表现为传统采集渔猎模式。野生物种的丰富程度和生产工具的分类百分比显示攫取性经济始终占据了磁山—北福地先民生计中最重要的部分。值得关注的是以磁山遗址为代表的文化群体或许可能在10ka BP开始已经进行植物栽培和驯化以及家畜饲养等食物生产活动,这需要更多确定的年代数据支撑。我们对磁山遗址窖穴储藏量仍存疑,且生产工具分析表明磁山遗址的农业生产活动始终没有超过50%的比重。磁山—北福地文化先民食物生产的水平与规模是有限的。鉴于遗址间生物遗存的发现并不丰富并且差距很大,以磁山为重点所得到的认识尚无法代表这一时期人类生业经济模式的全部。三、破题本文第八章,内容包括对中国北方裴李岗时代生业经济的综合考察和北方低水平食物生产阶段的分析与评估。在对不同地区生业经济微观和宏观认识的基础上,借鉴国内外关于早期人类采集狩猎经济向农业经济发展的研究,特别是理论和典型案例分析,探讨这一时期北方地区生业经济的发展进程。在单个聚落、文化生业经济的分析基础上,我们对北方五支考古学文化生业经济进行横向对比,研究结果表明:采集渔猎经济在裴李岗时代始终占据了主导地位。食物生产行为已经明确存在,初期的植物栽培和动物驯养是北方各地先民进行食物生产的主要内容,但生产性所得食物对人类食谱的贡献有限。食物生产活动虽然日渐频繁和愈发重要,但始终处于一个食物补充的辅助地位,以栽培植物和饲养家畜为主体内容的食物生产所得在当时人类食谱中的贡献并未超过50%,属于低水平食物生产阶段。以驯化物的存在为界,或可将中国北方的低水平食物生产划分为为两大阶段。旧石器时代末期—前裴李岗时代属于无驯化物的低水平食物生产阶段;进入裴李岗时代属于有驯化物的低水平食物生产阶段。而囿于材料的局限,目前尚无法对裴李岗时代再进一步明确的细分,不同文化群体进行食物生产可能有早晚之分,但差距应不大。更新世末期开始,华北先民可能率先开始食物生产实践。至裴李岗时代,食物生产行为在北方地区已是普遍现象,但这种生产性经济在当时的生业经济中不占有重要地位,从量化角度来评估,其在人类社会经济中的贡献较低。影响社会经济方式转变的因素有自然和人为两方面,自然条件和环境气候的变化激发了社会经济方式从采集狩猎向农业生产的转变,全新世的气候波动进一步强化了食物生产。某些地区强流动性的采集狩猎群体的社会结构有助于社会经济方式发生转变,这种模式在大地湾文化中表现得更突出。中国北方经历了数千年的低水平食物生产阶段,但与西亚地区相比,这个地区向食物生产的转变可能较西亚地区晚了近一千年,同时以大地湾文化为例,这个过程来得更迅速和紧凑。四、结题本文第九章,点明中国北方裴李岗时代生业经济处于低水平食物生产阶段的整体特征与所处发展阶段,阐释裴李岗时代生业经济研究对中国、乃至世界范围内农业起源与发展研究的重要意义。此外指出本文是十分初步的工作,对史前社会经济方式的演变及其背后的动力与机制,以及聚落形态和意识形态等人类社会的其他方面对生计方式转变作出的响应和变化等问题,都需要更多考古发现和进一步深入的相关研究工作。

【Abstract】 As an essential content of ancient society research, the subsistence of Peiligang Period play an important role in our understanding of the history of society economy from hunting-gathering to agriculture. This thesis attempts to analyze the survival strategy of Peiligang Period in several eraes of North China and explore the regional similarities or differences. On the basic of above results and the comparative study between North China and East Asia, we should get a better understanding of the low-level food production in North China.This dissertaiton contains four parts as following:Part Ⅰ:Subject selecting (Chapter land Chapter2).Chapter1, Introduction. One part of this chapter illustrate the reason why I chose this topic and the purpose of my research, introduce the related term, theories and methodology. The other part momorized the history of discoveries and reaserches of early subsistence both domestic and abroad.Chapter2, Environmental and archaeological background, which is another important fundamental message for the study.Part Ⅱ:Problem solving (Chapter3-Chapter7).Chapter3, The research of the subsistence of Houli Culture.Macro-plant case studies on Zhangmatun and Xihe site show that gathtering were dominant in these settlements while preliminary cultivation (millets in Zhangmatun site and rice in Xihe site) have been carried out. Aboundant grass starch grains are extracted from stone-tools of Liujizhuangzi site. The data we have show that the widely exploitation of wild plants and animals was the common strategy of Houli settlements. Cultivation of millets by Zhangmatun and Xiaojingshan site and rice by Xihe and Yuezhang site was the adoptional change of the subsistence of human. Livestocks of Houli Culture is pig and dog. The former have been domesticated in some settelments without obvious domesctic traits and the latter was more used as assistant for hunting. The contribution of domesticated plants and animals did not surpassed the wild species though they were increaed through the process of Houli Culture. In contrast, wildlife resources made a greater contribution to the diet of Houli inhabitants.Chapter4, The research of the subsistence of Xinglongwa Culture.Some stone-tools from Chahai and Tabu’aobao site were subjected to the residue analyses. These case studies display that the starch grains from grass-plants, including millets, Triticeae and Paniceae grasses, have a significant advantage over the other species. The assemble of starch grains suggest a widely and intensive exploitation and use of Poaceae plant by humam, which became further to encourage millets-cultivation and domestication. What’s more, gathering tubers and nuts and other wild-grasses were important supplement for plant-diet of Xinglongwa people. Animal-re ma ins are rare, but combined with abondant tools together, they shows that hunting was the most important content of the survival strategy of Xinglongwa Culture. In a word, the recipe of Xinglongwa people is so broad-spectrum, which has broomcorn millet as cultivated crop and pig and dog as livestock. Xinglongwa settletments have started food production, but in a rather limited scale. The major food they comsumed was still wildlife, and these contributed most protein and energy to the inhabitants. The transitional ecosystem of Xinglongwa settlements cause the diversity and otherness of resources which has some kind of impact on the subsistence of different settlements.Chapter5, the research of the subsistence of Peiligang Culture.According to archaeological evidences, there are at least two type of Peiligang Culture. A small number of data up to date suggest that hunting-gathering strategy was the common sellected and most important in the subsistence of Peiligang-type on the northern half of the distribution area. Millets have been cultivated and in the process of domestication, but is hard to evaluate its contribution to human and the farming scale as the macro-material are very scarce. However, high probability of the micro-millets remains and information from many early reports support the popularity of millets in Peiligang-type. Wild-life overcome livestocks in variety and provide the main meat-food for people.Compared with Peiligang-type, archaeological data of Jiahu-type on the southern half of the cultural distribution area are much richer. Our analyses show that hunting-gathering-fishing was dominant in Jiahu site, which the typical site of Jiahu-type. Thanks to the envrionmental advantage and diverse natural resources, this traditional strategy was continued and be an important role of the subsistence of Jiahu-type in a long time. Rice, which has preliminary domestic trait, is the only cultivated plant of Jiahu people. Pig from Jiahu site is one of the earliest domestication evidences in China. In sum, the proportion of food production in the subsistence growing step by step through the process of the development of settlement, but always in a supplementary place.Chapter6, the research of the subsistence of Dadiwan-Laoguantai Culture.Datas of plant and animal remains vary widely among different sites of Dadiwan-Laoguantai culture. Few broomcorn millets with domestic trait from Dadiwan site sopport the early plant cultivation and domestication of the settlement. However, the lack of plant remains in other sites of this area indicate a low level and much small scale of plant-food production. In contrast, Various mammals, birds, fishes and mollusks group together as a broad-spectrum meat-recipe, which wild-life species have a outstanding status. Isotope analyses of human and animal bone of Dadiwan site document the feeding of domestic pig and dog which origined from eastern China. These livestocks display a leading role in the meat contribution to human at the late stage of Dadiwan-Laoguantai culture. Before then, food production in most settlement still in low level with a limited scale.Chapter7, the research of the subsistence of Cishan-Beifudi Culture.Few available data from several sporadic sites illustrate that Cishan-Beifudi people has a quite broad-spectrum recipe which consist of millets and other wild-plant as plant-food and mammals, birds, fishes, mollusks and turtles as meat-food. Hunting-gathering-fishing strategy take up the major part throughout the Cishan-Beifudi culture reflected by various wild species and some certain production tool assemblage. Cishan people have cultivated millets and domesticated pig no later than8ka BP, even may as early as lOka BP. The nature and reserve of many huge pits of Cishan site are still questionable. What’s more, farm tools do not have the advantage in the tool assemblage from beginning to the end of Cishan culture. The food production of Cishan-Beifudi community was in a low-level and a limited scale based on aboved information.Part Ⅲ:Cracking the problem (Chapter8).Chapter8, comprehensive investigation of the subsistence of Peiligang Peirod in North China.In this chapter, we make comprehensive analyses of the subsistence of Peiligang Period of different areas in North China, with the purpose to explore the interregional characteristic, interrelation and the development process of the low-level food production phase.In this critical phase from hunting-gathering to farming, the common choice of the subsistence by different area of North China is a hunting-gathering and agriculture mixed survival strategy. Food production, including plant-cultivation and animal feeding and domestication, still maintains a low-level condition throughout this long period. The human society of Peiligang Period can be put into the second phase of low-level food production which has domestic species. More datas are needed for us to further divide different phase/settlement/community of (within) the Peiligang-time remians.Humans in North China Plain and its surroundings started on food production as early as Terminal Pleistocene, and this innovative strategy was wide-spread at Peiligang Age in North China. Several essential elements, both natural and human factor (environment, climate change and social structure), play a tremendous role in the change of social economy pattern. Compared with East Asia, the shift from hunting-gathering-fishing to farming in North China might one thousand years later, but more fast-paced throughout the process of low-level food production.Part IV:Concluding (Chapter9).In this part, we summarized the characteristic of low-level food production of Peiligang Periond in North China and point out the significance of this study to the research of the origin and development of agriculture both at home and abroad. Meanwhile, some important questions, such as the driving force of the change of survival strategy and the respond of other factors of human society to this social economic reform, are still open issues and need more evidences as well as further analyses.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

