

The Study on the Kuomintang in the Enemy Occupied Area of North China

【作者】 刘志鹏

【导师】 徐畅;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国国民党作为一个拥有百年历史的政党,在中国近代历史上产生过重要影响。关于国民党在华北的党务活动最早可上溯至同盟会时期,此时国民党以一个革命党的身份出现在华北这一君主专制基础浓厚的地区。民国初建,由于华北这一原清政府统治的核心区域军阀势力雄厚,南方革命军始终未能进入,国民党仅有少数人潜伏活动,党务影响薄弱。伴随着北伐的胜利,国民党于1928年底逐步建立起中国历史上第一个全国性的政党政权,“党治”体制确立,华北地方党部由秘密逐步转向公开。然而20世纪30年代上半期华北的政治社会环境,却又迫使地方党部由公开转向秘密。国民党党部在华北昙花一现的过程,反映了全面抗战爆发前党部在与华北各地方实力派及日本势力角逐中的边缘化境地,也是国民党弱势“以党治国”在华北地方社会实践中的尴尬现状。完备的组织系统是国民党进行政党领导的重要前提,而战前由于日本的压力和地方实力派的抵制,国民党在华北的各级党部基本陷入停顿。抗战初期国民党中央决定恢复华北各级党部。经1938年4月国民党临全大会及五届四中全会之决议,华北沦陷区各级党务机构纷纷重建。但是不同于大后方的国统区党部,华北沦陷区各省党部在沦陷区特殊环境下不断迁徙流动,成为流动的省党部。严格说来,国民党党务组织只有省县两级党部,为加强华北沦陷区党部在地方抗战中的领导,国民党中央指示各省依军事地势及交通等情形,实行党务分区制,以解决省与县之间存在的脱钩现象,同时还致力于完善各级县党部组织。抗战时期,华北沦陷区省、区、县三级党务机构的建立与完善是其领导华北沦陷区党务的重要组织前提。由于地处沦陷区域的特殊环境,华北地区国民党党员的吸纳机制和党员群体的构成形态不同于国民党统治的大后方。在国民党中央及各方努力下,沦陷区党员数量曾一度增长,但由于取消了预备党员制度,党员的吸收没有经过预备期的考察和甄审,直接发展为正式党员,致使党员素质下滑,加剧了国民党在沦陷区基层党组织的涣散无力,以致于国民党在沦陷区只能依靠地方党部委员群体支撑着党务在地方基层的发展。然而华北沦陷区形势错综复杂,处于日伪、地方势力及中共等多方杂处的境域,党务运作异常艰难。战时国民党山东省党部委员群体,在国民党中央的派任与管理下,蛰伏于山东敌后担负发展党务及领导抗战建国的工作,为抗日御侮作出了一定的贡献。但是最终受恶劣环境、本身素质及内外纷争等因素的影响,国民党党务工作推进缓慢无力,不仅无法抵御日伪的进攻,就连自身的生存都难以保障。华北沦陷区国民党的训练、宣传及经费管理构成了国民党党务运作的重要内容。鉴于华北沦陷区特殊的环境及国民党组织机构的流动性,沦陷区人员的教育及训练,除国民党中央所属训练团轮流调训外,还专门在战区筹设中央训练团分团就近训练,华北各战区及省市亦根据自身沦陷区的实际情形,相应成立各级训练机关训练党务干部及国民党党员。抗战初期,国民党的宣传工作十分脆弱,加上日军的打击,愈益潜伏不张。随着抗战相持阶段的到来,国民党开始逐步恢复华北地区的宣传工作,在建立省县各级党务宣传机构的基础上,采取多种宣传途径进行宣传。华北党务经费由国民党中央直接划拨与分配,这些经费对于党务活动的开展起了重要的推动作用,但也存在汇转困难、紧缺与管理不善的弊端。华北沦陷区国民党党政、党军、党团之间的关系,反映了华北党部在地方社会中所扮演的角色。华北沦陷区地方党政关系发展基本态势在表面上是党政分开到党政领导一元化的过程,具体到各地情形也多有不同,但实际上地方党权难以撼动地方政权,战区及沦陷区的党政纠纷二直未曾中断。党军关系体现在军队党务与政工机构的设置与实际运行上。抗战军兴,国民党中央开始重设政治部与军队特别党部,同时党务由军队政工兼办,党军关系仍然是“以军统党”的形态。三民主义青年团直属于国民党中央,团务即是党务。华北沦陷区特殊政治生态下的三青团在发展组织、争取青年、普及教育等方面进行过一定的努力,但却一直停滞不前,难以取得实质性的进展。而且其与地方党部既有某种联系,又有组织人事上的冲突,反映了国民党中央派系斗争在华北地方上的延伸。华北沦陷区国民党对外的党务活动还表现在与日伪、中共、民众等势力或力量的关系处理上。全面抗战爆发后,华北沦陷区国民党针对日伪的军事打击、情报调查、策反活动及思想清肃方面取得了一定的效果,给予日本侵略者及各地伪组织一定程度的抗击,但是由于主客观方面的原因其对日伪的打击程度与国民党当初的设想还存在很大差距。抗战初期国共的合作抗日在很多方面都卓有成效。随着抗战相持阶段的到来,国民党对待党外政治团体,尤其是共产党的态度上发生了变化,屡屡挑起反共摩擦,在华北沦陷区对中共态度起伏较大。此外,国民党在华北沦陷区建立各种民运机构,组织和训练农民、工人、妇女、青年等民众团体,并发动和指导民众在敌后进行破坏、情报、劳军等活动,这些对取得民族抗战的胜利起到了积极的作用。然而由于其党务运作的薄弱性、动员程度的不平衡性和指导思想的反共性,逐渐被华北民众所抛弃。战时平津党务系统的运作,展现了华北沦陷区国民党城市党务的拓展。抗战期间,平津党务系统渐次恢复,处于沦陷区的党务人员借助天津租界及秘密技术潜伏活动,处境备极艰危。虽然组织松懈、党务人员附逆等不良情形所在多见,但也有许多党务人员能不计危险、奋力完成各种工作。新建的天津党部依托于天津租界为掩护,其负责下的民运工作取得了一定的效果。华北党政军联合办事处是以国民党原设于天津英法租界和由华北其他地区移于英法租界的单位为班底,联合平、冀、绥、察、热、鲁等日占区的机构而设立的一个隐蔽性的联合组织,直属于国民党中央秘书处,主负华北沦陷区国民党党政军的联络与协助。总之,华北沦陷区的国民党代表了国民党地方党务中一个特殊的形态,其组织运作具有鲜明的时代特征及地域特点。因应抗战需要,国民党在党务组织,党员吸纳,干部选拔,日常的训练、宣传与经费管理,处理政党内派系间、党军间、政党间及与民众的关系方面都进行了相应的调整,为其在狭促的沦陷区环境的发展赢得了一定的政治空间,这对于争取抗战的胜利发挥了积极的作用。但国民党在沦陷区的种种失利,除了局势艰危之外,也是国民党自身固有弊端合乎逻辑的发展的结果。

【Abstract】 The Kuomintang (KMT) is a political party with a long history and great influence in modern Chinese history. The KMT party activities in North China can be traced back to the period of Tong Meng Hui when the KMT was a revolutionary party in North China being full of strong autocratic monarchy. The KMT with only a few latent activities had weak effect on the Republic of China in the beginning, due to the strong warlords kept on the north which was the original rule region of the Qing government and the vacancy of the southern revolutionary army. The first national party regime was established by the end of1928with the victory of the northern expedition. The KMT established "party rule" system and promoted local party headquarters in North China openly. However, the local Party headquarters changed from open activity to underground work on the first half of the1930’s because of the political and social environment of North China. The short-lived headquarters of the KMT in North China, not only presents the state of the KMT "party state" in North China, but also reflects the marginalization of the party headquarters in North China between the competing with the local powers and Japan forces before the war of resistance against Japan.The complete organization system is an important premise of the Kuomintang’s carrying out party leadership. The KMT Party headquarters at all levels in North China basically came to a standstill pre-war because of Japan’s pressure and the boycott of local strength. At the beginning of the war the KMT Central Committee decided to resume party headquarters of all levels, and to launch party activities in North China. Party organizations of all levels in enemy-occupied area in North China had resumed the establishment in1938April under the guidance of the KMT temporary congress and the fourth plenary session of fifth central committee. But provincial party headquarters in the enemy-occupied area of North China is different from that in the rear, and they became peripatetic because of constant migration under special environment in enemy-occupied areas. Strictly speaking, the KMT Party organizations only have two levels:province and county. Under the instructions of the KMT Central Committee every province implemented party zoning according to the military topography and traffic situation in order to strengthen the leadership of the party headquarters and to resist against Japan in enemy-occupied area in North China. All that solved the decoupling between province and county, and improved the county party headquarters organizations at all levels. During the war of resistance against Japan, establishing and perfecting the party organizations of province, region, county, was an important premise of organization for the party leading in enemy-occupied area in North China, and they together became an important framework of the Kuomintang organization network.The levy and constitution form of Party members were different from the rear because of the special environment in the enemy-occupied area in North China. Despite the increase of Party members because of supervising of the KMT Central Committee, the Party member quality declined which even more seriously threatened the party organization at the basic level in the occupied areas. Because the Kuomintang cancelled the probationary Party member collection system, which means that someone can be directly developed as card-carrying member without inspection and examination in preparatory period. The KMT only relied on local Party committee to support the development of the party in enemy-occupied area which was different from what’s in the rear. However, due to the situation was perplexing The party runs with great difficulties in the enemy-occupied areas of North China. Under the appointment and management of the KMT Central Committee, the KMT committee group of Shandong Province made certain contribution to the Anti-Japanese aggression on wartime, which was dormant in Shandong to develop Party work and to lead the Anti Japanese War. The K M T pushed work forward slowly and weakly because of bad environment, decline of quality domestic and foreign wars and so on. Thus, it not only had not the ability of resisting various attacks, but also had difficulty in surviving.The training, publicity and fund management of the KMT constituted important parts of party operation in enemy occupied-area of North China. In view of special environment and fluidity of the KMT organization in enemy-occupied area in North China, the KMT Central committee specifically established the sub-group of Central Training Corps, along with the KMT Central Training Corps training personnel in occupied areas. The K M T of North China established corresponding organizations training party cadre and member according to their own objective conditions in the enemy-occupied area, which formed a distinctive feature. At the beginning of the resistance, the propaganda work of the KMT had been very weak, plus Japanese attack, so it become necessary to stop the lurk. With the arrival of the stalemate, the KMT began to hold its ground and pay attention to the propaganda work in North China. The KMT adopted various ways to propaganda on the basis of establishing propaganda institutions of province and county. Party funds undoubtedly became the important guarantee of party development at wartime. Sources and controlling of party funds in the enemy-occupied area in North China became an important factor influencing the KMT party activities.A review on the relationship among the party, the government, the army, the league in the enemy-occupied area of North China further outlined the role that the KMT headquarters of North China played at local. As the resistance began, the local system of party and government being separated had numerous contradictions, and it could hardly cope with the complicated anti-Japanese war situations especially in enemy-occupied areas. As to the relationship between the party and government, the KMT proposed that the government was under command of the party in central committee; the party and government were connected with each other at the provincial level and certain cities; government and the party were mixed at the county-level. Under the principle, the local departments of the party and the government in special environment had different relationship form between the party and the government in enemy-occupied area of North China. The party and political work of the army was an important part of the Kuomintang party affairs in enemy-occupied area of North China, which was presented in the form of the relationship between party and government. Along with the anti-Japanese War, the KMT Central Committee began to reset the political department and military special party. At the same time the party work of the army was handled by political workers. The relationship between the party and government became special in enemy occupied area of North China. Youth League of Three Principles of the People, part of the KMT, directly subordinated to the KMT central committee, so the league affairs were party affairs. The Youth League made great efforts to develop organization and to win over the youth and to emphasize education in enemy-occupied area of North China, but the Youth League was always in the state of preparation. The Youth League had both some connection and conflict in personnel with the local Party headquarters, it became the extension of factional struggle of the Kuomintang Central committee.The external party activities of the KMT in enemy-occupied area of North China included military political work with Japanese-Puppet government, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the masses. After the breakout of Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang in the enemy-occupied area of North China took a number of measures to crack down on the Japanese aggressors and all puppet organization. Achievements have been made in military strikes, intelligence investigation, counterespionage activities and ideological purges. However, due to the subjective and objective reasons, the result against Japanese-Puppet government was not effective as the KMT Expected. At the beginning of the war, the KMT openly cooperated with the CPC and achieved some success in the Anti-Japanese War. With the arrival of stalemate of the anti-Japanese war, the KMT changed its attitude towards other political groups especially to CPC, which resulted in some conflictions with some serious ones in north of China till the victory of the anti-Japanese war. In addition, the K M T established various organizations of popular movement in the enemy-occupied area of North China, and organized and trained farmers, workers, women, youth and other groups. The KMT launched and guided public movement to destroy, investigate and cheer up troops in the rear. All the above had played a positive role for victory of the national war. However, due to the weakness of the party works, unbalance of mobilization and anti-communist of its principle, the Kuomintang was gradually abandoned by the people of North china.The operation of Peiping-Tientsin party system showed the extension of city party work of the KMT in enemy-occupied area of North China. During the Anti-Japanese War, Peiping-Tientsin party system gradually restored. Party officials in Peiping-Tientsin worked secretly with the help of Tianjin concession and secret technology, and they were in great danger. Despite of dangerous factors of environment, subjective compromise of Party officials, plus to many problems of party affairs, the operation of party work inevitably occurred many problems. There were also many party members who strived to do all kinds of work regardless of danger. One of the important contents of Tientsin party activities was leading popular movements. Due to the existence of foreign concession, the Kuomintang Party officials sneaked into leading various work in spite of the fall of Tientsin. Especially in the middle of the war, Li Guiting, one of Tientsin municipal Party committees was in charge of the popular work of Tientsin Party, which was an important content of Tianjin municipal Party activities. It is worth mentioning that he joint office of party, governmental and military in North China was established, which was mainly composed of the KMT agency in the British and French concession of Tianjin. The joint office combined with the institutions of Peiping, Hebei, Suiyuan, Chahaer, Rehe, Shandong and other institutions in Japan-occupied areas, and it was a united covert organization. The joint office was directly subordinate to the KMT Central Committee Secretariat, and it was mainly responsible for communication and assistance to the party, governmental and military of the KMT in enemy-occupied area of North China.In conclusion, the KMT in North China has distinct characteristics of the times and region during Anti-Japanese war. For againsting the Japanese invaders, KMT adjusted policies of party organization, party hunting, cadre selection, daily training, advocacy and fund management, handling intra-party factions in the party between the military,political parties and the public. These measures promoted the development of KMT and victory of the war.In addition to the difficult situation in the crisis, the reason for failure of KMT’s defeat in the occupied areas is KMT’s own inherent drawbacks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

