

On the Core Comparative Advantage of China’s Cultural Industry with a Fundamental Strategy to Participate in Global Competition

【作者】 赵咏

【导师】 崔大庸;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文的基本观点与研究价值本文的基本观点是:基于中高级文化劳动力要素的核心比较优势是中国文化产业发展的原动力,开掘和利用这一优势是其参与国际竞争的根本战略。在比较优势学说“合理内核”的基础上,通过对文化劳动要素的层析细分找到最核心的优质劳动要素——中高级文化人才,探讨中国文化产业核心比较优势的形成机理、实现机制和作用模式。深入研究和准确把握这一核心比较优势,是中国文化产业构建理论基础和制定国际竞争战略的需要,将决定中国作为文化大国崛起的前途和命运。本文从以下四个方面探讨了文化产业的核心比较优势理论模型和实际应用问题。一、从比较优势理论中创新出核心比较优势论以劳动价值论为基础的比较优势理论具有“合理内核”,但李嘉图在劳动要素同质化的假定条件下推导的比较优势是粗放型的。若对劳动要素结构进行细分,可以发现不同层次的劳动力具有不同的素质。区分低级劳动与高级劳动、简单劳动与复杂劳动,造就了两种不同来源、不同特性的比较优势。中国真正的比较优势并不是基于大量廉价的普通劳动力(尽管这也是一种极其深厚的比较优势),而是基于中高级形态的劳动力,后者不仅绝对量大,而且价廉质优。有别于植根普通劳动要素之上的第一种比较优势,可以将基于中高级劳动力的比较优势称为“第二种比较优势”,即“核心比较优势”。随着优势权重的消长和主次地位的转化,中高级劳动要素由隐性变量上升为显性变量,新的比较优势跃居主导地位,成为核心比较优势。区分两种不同的比较优势具有重大的理论意义和现实意义,促使人们自觉主动地去辨识、发现、挖掘和培育核心比较优势,并促使老优势向新优势转化和升级。文化劳动者以脑力劳动或智力劳动为主,文化要素通过这种特殊的创造性的劳动形式,密集地凝结到有形或无形的文化产品或服务中,对文化产品或服务的价值形成(包括文化价值和经济价值)起着决定性的作用。本文分析了文化劳动要素的特性、文化劳动的特殊形态以及文化劳动的价值创造过程与结果,有助于人们明瞭基于文化劳动要素(尤其是高级文化劳动要素)的核心比较优势的形成机理。李嘉图比较优势理论的若干假定条件蕴含着比较优势的因子,每破除一个假定便能发见和演绎出一种新的比较优势。我们打破了李嘉图关于一国内部劳动力同质化的假定,对劳动要素细分出其优质、精华部分,据此构建更具时代特征的“核心比较优势理论”。哈佛教授波特提出的“竞争优势论”及其“钻石”模型并不能挑战“比较优势论”的主导地位,国内某些学者提出的“比较利益陷阱论”、“逆比较优势论”和“赶超战略”试图从动态发展的角度否定“比较优势论”,也未能脱离李嘉图的理论框架。二、评析比较优势决定因素多元化理论再论核心比较优势论的决定因素通过对比较优势学说发展史的回顾,剖析了西方学者在改变李嘉图模型有关假定条件的情况下所提出的要素禀赋、科技进步、产品差异和规模经济等比较优势的决定因素,比较优势成因的多元化并不能否定劳动要素在比较优势形成中的基础性地位,反而凸显出优质劳动要素在核心比较优势形成中的主导性作用。优质高级劳动要素是一切新形态比较优势的出发点和归宿,它是研发要素的载体,技术要素的人格化,产品差异和规模经济的实现者,最终体现为劳动力本身素质的高级化及其产出的优质化。中国文化产业必须坚持以优质文化劳动要素为主体和核心来打造自己的核心比较优势,切换精神生产和文化产业发展的原动力。中国的中高级文化人才具有质素优秀、绝对人数多和相对价格低廉的基本特征,他们的脑力和智力劳动会更加密集地注入和凝结到文化产品或服务中去,自由的精神生产必将结出文化和经济的硕果。文化劳动力要素的优质性和高级程度决定着文化产业比较优势的根本性质。本文批判了当前文化产业理论界常见的各种“见物不见人”的拜物教观点,如“自然禀赋崇拜”、“资本崇拜”、“科技崇拜”,独缺人的因素,特别是人的文化、智力和道德因素。我们赋予自己的学术使命就是要正本溯源,重新回归人本,讲求“人本崇拜”。三、文化产业发展规律与核心比较优势基于对比较优势理论以及马克思关于劳动价值论与精神生产理论精髓的再认识,本文对文化产业研究的缘起、发展及演变进行梳理和归纳,重点考察了国内外对文化产业概念具有代表性的定义和界定,归纳分析了世界特别是中国文化产业的发展历程及其发展规律,发现如果仅从文化商品和文化产业的外部特征去界定文化产业,因研究立场和视角的不同,必然是概念纷呈,莫衷一是。本文从劳动价值本体论的角度,对文化产业形成的内在特征进行分析,论证了文化产业和文化劳动的本质内涵,透过各种国际贸易理论和竞争理论的迷雾,本文揭示出文化劳动要素是文化产业比较优势的根本决定因素,中国文化产业比较优势的核心要素在于高级文化劳动要素。四、全球化背景下的中国文化产业与奋发图强的根本战略选择本文对经济和文化全球化背景下中国文化产业的竞争力状况进行了比较研究,发现制约中国文化产业发展的最主要因素在于劳动要素,人才是决定中国文化产业发展的关键所在,中高级人才决定着中国文化产业参与国际竞争的成败。通过考察中国文化产业的人才现状,本文对中国高级文化劳动要素的生成机制进行了初步探索。要依据文化产业发展对人才资源的需求,对未来具有发展潜力的行业提前布局,培养人才。为此,本文分别探讨了国际化人才生成机制、复合型人才生成机制、快速培养和聚集尖端人才机制。结束语本文主要的研究方法是抽象分析法。通过对劳动要素的细分,抽象出了中高级劳动要素这一独立的、显性的、内生的经济变量,据此建立了有别于李嘉图比较优势理论的核心比较优势理论。理论的创新本应采取定性分析和定量分析相结合的科学方法,由于缺乏精准的、连续性的统计数据,本文的缺憾在于定量分析之不足。本文的创新之处与特点:在李嘉图比较优势理论的“合理内核”的基础上,以劳动要素的异质化取代其同质化的假定,通过对劳动要素的层析和细分,创建了以中高级劳动要素为基础的第二种比较优势理论,即“核心比较优势理论”,并运用这一理论分析中国文化产业基于中高级文化劳动要素所产生的核心比较优势,为中国文化产业参与国际竞争的战略定位提供了理论依据。将比较优势的粗放式分析上升到精细化分析,重新回归人本,回归一元化和本体论的劳动价值论,为构建“核心比较优势理论”奠定了坚实基础。对本文提出的核心比较优势理论继续展开研究,还有很大的探索空间,如深化范畴研究,强化定量研究,细化实证研究。目前从这三个方面继续研究受到中国文化产业发展进程的制约。随着中国文化产业的进一步发展,在实践的推动下,文化产业核心比较优势的理论探索将更加深入。

【Abstract】 Basic viewpoints and research value of this dissertationBasic point-the core of comparative advantage, based on advanced cultural labor factors, is the motive force of the development of Chinese cultural industry. How to develop and use this advantage is a key to the basic strategy of Chinese cultural industry in international competition. On basis of the’reasonable kernel’of the comparative advantage theory, this study focuses on finding out the core of the quality labor element through analysis of cultural labor factors——senior personnel, and also on investigating the formation mechanism of the core of comparative advantage of the Chinese cultural industry.Examining and grasping this core of comparative advantage are primarily for serving the need for Chinese cultural industry to build theoretical foundation and formulate its competition strategy which will decide somehow the future and destiny of China as a great cultural country in the world.1."Reasonable kernel" of the Ricardian theory and the core of comparative advantage of Chinese cultural industry.The Ricardian theory is built on a base of labor value theory, and this is the "reasonable kernel" of the theory of comparative advantage. But Recardo’s comparative advantage, deducted under assumption of labor element homogenization, is extensive. If labor element structure is to be subdivided, we can find that different labor has different qualities. Distinguishing of lower and senior labor, simple and intricate, creates two comparative advantages of different sources and characteristics. The actual comparative advantage of China is now no longer based on a large number of cheap ordinary labor (although this is still a very strong comparative advantage), but based on the senior form of labor which is not only of absolute large amount but also comparatively cheap and of high quality. Unlike the first kind of comparative advantage rooted in ordinary labor element, the comparative advantage based of advanced labor can be called "second kind of comparative advantage", namely in this article "the core of comparative advantage". With the growth and decline of the advantage weight, and the conversion of primary and secondary position, senior labor elements rise from latent variable to dominant variable. A new comparative advantage is in dominant position and becomes the core of comparative advantage. Distinguishing the two kinds comparative advantage has primary theory and realistic meanings, encouraging people consciously to identify, to discover, to excavate and to cultivate the core comparative advantage, and make the old advantage transform, upgrade to a new advantage.Cultural workers are mainly mental workers of intellectual labors. Cultural elements in this special creative labor form, intensively condensed to tangible or intangible cultural products and services, playing a decisive role in the value formation of products and services (including cultural and economic value). This article analyses the characteristics of the cultural labor elements, the special form of cultural labor and the process and results of the creation of cultural labor value helping people understand the formation mechanism of the core of comparative advantage based on cultural labor elements, especially advanced cultural labor factors.Some assumed conditions of Ricardian theory of comparative advantage contains factor of comparative advantage. With each putative, we can actually find and deduce a new comparative advantage. Replacing Ricardo’s internal labor homogeneity assumption within one country, we subdivide the quality and essence of labor elements and construct "the theory of core of comparative advantage" with more characteristics of our time.’The competitive advantage theory" and’diamond model’that raised by Harvard professor Michael Potter does not challenge the dominant position of "comparative advantage"."Comparative advantage trap","Inverse theory of comparative advantage" and "catching up strategy" brought forward by some domestic scholars in China were used to negate "comparative advantage theory" from the angle of dynamic development, yet they do not go beyond Ricardo’s theoretical framework.2. Determinant factors of the comparative advantage of cultural industry.Through a review of the development of the comparative advantage theory, analyses the determinant factors of comparative advantage proposed by western scholars at changing the assumptions of Ricardo’s model under the condition of factor endowments, technology advances, products differentiation, scale economy, etc. The diversity of causes of the comparative advantage does not negate the basic position of labor elements in the formation of comparative advantage, yet highlights the leading role of quality labor element in the formation of core of the comparative advantage.High quality labor element is the starting point and destination of all new forms of comparative advantage. It is the carrier of research and development, the developer of humanization of technical elements, products differentiation and scale economy. Finally it embodies the advanced change of labor’s quality and output quality. Chinese cultural industry must persist in high quality of cultural elements of labor as the main part and core and build its own core comparative advantage as well as change the motive power of spiritual production and cultural industry development.China’s senior cultural talents possess the basic characteristics of excellent quality, absolute numbers and relatively low price. Their mental and intellectual work will inject and condense intensively into cultural products and services; free spiritual production will lead to great cultural and economic achievements. The quality and advanced level of cultural labor element determines the fundamental nature of cultural industry comparative advantage.This dissertation also criticizes all kinds of fetishism ideas among the current cultural industry theory circle and even among the whole society, such as "natural talent worship","capital worship","science and technology worship", those are short of nothing but human factor, especially human’s cultural, intellectual and moral factors. Our academic mission is to trace the origin, return to humanism and stress on "the worship".3. Cultural industry and cultural labor elements:the essence and relationshipBased on re-exploration of comparative advantage theory, Karl Marx’s essence of labor value theory and spiritual production theory, this article tries to sort and summarizes the origin, development and evolution of cultural industry, meanwhile considers and discusses mainly the representative definition on cultural industry concepts both home and abroad. If we define the cultural industry only from the external features of cultural products and industry, then opinions must be widely divided because of different positions and perspectives.This article analysis the inner characteristics of the formation of cultural industry from the angle of labor value ontology, it raises the concept of "culture-concentrated industry" which reflects accurately the essential connotation that cultural labor value determines the cultural industry. This concept conforms to the current development and requirements of cultural industry. Through all the mist of various international trade theory and competition theory, this paper reveals that cultural labor element is the fundamental determinant for comparative advantage of cultural industry. The core element of the comparative advantage of Chinese cultural industry is the advanced cultural labor elements.4. Based on sorting and summarizing the world’s and Chinese cultural industries, this article also studies comparatively the competitiveness of Chinese cultural industry under the background of economic globalization and realizes the main factor restricting development of Chinese cultural industry is the labor element. Human is the key element which determines the success and failure of the development of Chinese cultural industry. It was based on the ranking of the key element of competency in talent need; priority should be given to the development of the talent for industry that requires high knowledge and competency. It is required to plan the talents development based on the market demanding of the human resources. Thus, this article is study the area of the development of international talents, compound talents. The study was also focused on the import of expatriate talents to China and accelerates the talent in high demand. The research also studies the different level of talents and how to improve the developing system of entry level talent.Abstract analysis study is used in the dissertation. Through the analysis of the element of talent, the study concluded that the intermediate and/or high-end talent is one of the economic variables which are independent, visible and endogenous. The deficiency of this study is lack of quantitative analysis and accurate consecutive statistical analysis.The distinguishing feature of this dissertation:The analysis of element for different level of talents created the second comparable theory based on the intermediate and high-end talents. The theory is used to analysis the talent development in China. It provided the foundation of the strategic decision on for Chinese talent development in the international talent development competition. It also provided the foundation of the "core of comparative advantage theory "on the analysis of returned to the centralization of global system and technology.It is recommended that the core of comparative advantage theory that this article used to be further studied and researched. Quantitative data and sample analysis are highly recommended. At the present time, there is limitation in the area mentioned above. With the development of Chinese culture industry, deeper analysis and practical research can be completed for the core comparative advantage theory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期
  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1899

