

Mode Research of Basin Pollution Control in Developing Regions

【作者】 范金林

【导师】 张波; 张建;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 环境工程, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 流域治污是世界性难题。为治理流域污染,发达国家经历了数百年艰难而漫长的历程。迄今为止,发达国家流域污染问题都是在较高的经济、社会发展水平下逐步解决的。发展中地区多处于工业化、城镇化快速推进的历史阶段,产业结构偏重,经济实力不足,群众生活水平较低。经济社会背景决定了发展中地区不可能简单照搬发达国家的流域治污经验。如何既解决流域污染问题,又保证经济较快发展和社会稳定,是发展中地区必须破解的难题。2003年以来,南水北调东线南四湖流域污染治理历经十余年实践,在流域经济快速增长的背景下,实现了流域水环境质量连续十一年持续改善,走出了一条发展中地区流域治污的新路子。本论文通过对比研究发达国家流域治污经验与南四湖流域污染综合治理实践,构建了适用于发展中地区的“治用保”(Treatment、Recycle、Restoration,简记为TRR)流域治污新模式,为发展中地区在工业化、城镇化快速推进阶段基本解决流域污染问题提供科学依据。论文取得的主要研究成果如下:1.提出了TRR流域污染综合治理模式。TRR模式通过“污染治理”(T)促使污染物排放达到水环境基本接纳的水平,通过“循环利用”(R)最大化减少废水排放,通过“生态保护”(R)提升水环境承载力。该模式通过将TRR模式三部分有机衔接形成了环环相扣的流域治污体系,有助于化解发展中地区的流域治污压力,使发展中地区在工业化、城镇化快速推进阶段基本解决流域污染问题成为可能。2.构建了分阶段逐步加严的流域性水污染物排放标准体系。针对发展中地区突出的结构性污染问题,在不能简单取缔和保护落后的前提下,转而通过分阶段逐步加严的环境标准引导和推动产业结构调整和布局优化。通过从行业性标准向流域性标准逐步过渡,即行业性标准→过渡性标准→流域性标准,最终从实质上取消了高污染行业的排污特权。流域性水污染物排放标准体系通过环境保护倒逼高污染行业主动“转方式、调结构”,为发展中地区的结构性污染治理找到了一条可操作性较强的路径。3.针对发展中地区区域再生水排放标准与区域水体环境质量标准之间的矛盾,以再生水生产、再生水需求、人工湿地接纳能力、调蓄容量、水文条件等为边界条件,建立了区域再生水循环利用体系的统筹构建方法。提出了边界条件统筹平衡模型,为区域再生水截蓄导用工程体系的建设提供了理论指导。区域再生水循环利用体系通过进一步削减污染负荷,在降低流域污染治理压力的同时,也有效缓解了我国北方地区的缺水压力,提升了流域环境生态功能。4.提出了TRR模式中规模化人工湿地的构建方法。通过研发规模化多级串联表面流人工湿地、微量充氧潜流人工湿地等技术,在进一步降低污染负荷的同时有效提升了流域水环境承载力。对南四湖流域TRR模式的总量削减过程进行了分析和评估。流域内“污染治理”(T)、“循环利用”(R)、“生态保护”(R)三个环节对于COD的削减比例分别为22%、31%、47%,氨氮削减比例分别为10%、28%、62%。5.以某小型流域为载体,对TRR模式进行了验证。地埋式生物处理系统出水通过潜流人工湿地和表流人工湿地对污染物进一步降解,实现了主要污染物地表水Ⅲ类水质稳定达标,通过区域内再生水回用实现了水污染物“零排放”。对该小型流域TRR模式的总量削减过程进行了评估。流域内“污染治理”(T)、“循环利用”(R)、“生态保护”(R)三个环节对于总氮的削减比例分别为52%、41%和7%。该研究积累了大量可靠数据,有利于TRR模式进一步推广应用。

【Abstract】 Basin pollution control is a great challenge worldwide. It cost developed countries hundreds of years to tackle basin pollution problem. So far, the basin pollution problem of developed countries is gradually solved under high levels of economic and social development. However, most developing regions are undertaking fast-paced industrialization and urbanization, with heavy industrial structure, low level of economic development and low standard of living. It determines the developing regions are simply unable to adopt the same pollution-management methods undertaken by the developed countries. How to tackle basin pollution problem while maintain rapid economic and social development, is the problem which must be solved in developing regions.After ten years of successful practice from2003, Nansi Lake basin pollution control in the east route of South-North Water Transfer Project developed a new road for basin pollution control in developing regions, while achieved synchronous development of rapidly improved water quality and rapid economic growth in the rapid development stage. This article develops "Treatment, Recycle and "Restoration"(TRR) basin pollution control mode and its theoretical system for developing regions, through in-depth study of the basin pollution control mode in developed countries and Nansi Lake basin pollution control practice. The aim of the study is to provide scientific basis for developing regions to tackle basin pollution in the fast-paced industrialization and urbanization stage.The main results in this article include:1. The article develops TRR basin pollution control mode for developing regions. By "Treatment", the total amount of pollutants are reduced to below the acceptance level of water environmental capacity; by "Recycle" and "Restoration", the pollution load is further reduced and environmental capacity is improved. The three parts of TRR mode link up to form a interlocking water pollution control system. TRR mode effectively releases the pressure caused by the basin pollution, and makes it possible to solve basin pollution problem while maintaining a high speed of industrialization and urbanization.2. Phased tightening of basin pollutant discharge standard system is established in developing regions. According to the structural pollution problems in developing regions, instead of ban and protection, phased tightening of basin pollutant discharge standard is proposed to guide and promote industrial structure adjustment and optimization. The promoting strategy of the basin standard establishment, industry standards development→The transition from industry standards to basin standard→basin standards development, is proposed to remove the privileges of some highly polluting industries gradually. TRR mode finds a new road with great maneuverability to tackle basin pollution problem in developing regions.3. The theory methods of regional reclaimed water resources cycle utilization system is put forward to overcome the contradiction between water pollution discharge standard and the water environmental quality standards. Coordinating theory is developed after boundary conditions of the regional reclaimed water resources cycle utilization system are identified, including reclaimed water production and demand, treatment scale of wetland, storage capacity as well as hydrological conditions. Coordinating theory model of boundary conditions is established to supply scientific basis for the construction of the regional reclaimed water resources cycle utilization system. Regional reclaimed water resources cycle utilization system alleviates the pollution control pressure and water stress in northern China, and enhances the ecological functions of river basin.4. The method of applying large-scale constructed wetlands for improving the water environment capacity of TRR mode is presented. The construction concept of large-scale constructed wetlands including intermittently aerated subsurface flow constructed wetlands, multi-stage constructed wetlands in series is developed to improve the water environment capacity. The control process of total pollutant quantity of Nansi Lake basin is evaluated. The proportion of the "Treatment" for CODCr and NH3-N removal is22%and10%, the proportion of the "Recycle" for CODCr and NH3-N removal is31%and28%, and the proportion of the "Restoration" for CODCr and NH3-N removal is47%and62%.5. With the guidance of TRR mode concept, the application study of TRR pollution control is carried out in a small basin. The effluent of buried biological reaction system further achieves national surface water quality standard III after the purification by surface flow constructed wetlands and surface flow constructed wetlands. The main pollutants in the basin achieved national surface water quality standard III stably and "zero emissions" is achieved in the small basin by regional reclaimed water resources cycle utilization. The control process of total pollutant quantity of the small basin is evaluated. The proportion of the "Treatment" for TN removal is52%, the proportion of the "Recycle" for TN removal is41%, and the proportion of the "Restoration" for TN removal is7%.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

