

The International Congress of Historical Sciences and the Centennial China1900-2010

【作者】 孟德楷

【导师】 王育济; 郑群; 张友臣;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 1900年至1923年,欧洲历史学家先后在西欧主要国家的首都组织了5次规模较大(每次千人左右)的“国际历史科学大会”(The International Congress of Historical Sciences),分别为巴黎(1900年)、罗马(1903年)、柏林(1908年)、伦敦(1913年)、布鲁塞尔(1923年)。就是在布鲁塞尔举行的第5届大会上,议决设立从属于“国联”(国际联盟,联合国的前身)的常规机构——国际历史科学委员会(The International Committee of Historical Sciences),简称“国际史学会”,组织每五年一届的大会,并处理其他日常工作。国际历史科学委员会成立后,连续组织了第6届(奥斯陆,1928年)、第7届(华沙,1933年)、第8届(苏黎世,1938年)大会。第二次世界大战期间,大会没能正常举行。战后,国际史学会于1950年在巴黎召开了第9届大会,并成为联合国教科文组织下属成员(总部设在洛桑,秘书处设在巴黎)。此后,大会每5年一届如期举办,每届参会的历史学家都在2000人左右。其中以第13届大会(莫斯科,1970年)规模最大(3305人参会)。前苏联齐赫文斯基院士曾参加过第11届至16届大会,他说:“历届历史科学大会都对世界政治形势极为敏感。举办大会的东道国也会对大会发生影响。例如1970年在莫斯科的第13届大会是以纪念列宁诞辰一百周年为标志的;而1975年在旧金山举行的第14届大会则突出美国建国200周年和美国经验。……第16届大会(1985年),联邦德国总统魏茨泽克在致辞时,突出的是‘德国统一’和‘全德意志精神’。”由此也可以看出大会的多元与包容。就大会主体而言,它在促进不同民族、不同国家、不同意识形态的“相互理解”方面进行了人所周知的努力,并取得了及其显著的效果,它也因此而享有“史学奥林匹克”的盛誉。二国际历史科学大会与中国关系演变的历史是中国现代学术史上内容丰富而过程曲折的一幕内容。晚清学人对肇始于1900年的“万国史学大会”即有关注;民国年间,先是陈训慈、向达等青年学子,后是朱希祖、傅斯年、顾颉刚、袁同礼、姚从吾、刘崇鋐、蒋廷黻、胡适等史学中坚,以及蔡元培、罗家伦、梅贻琦、何炳松、王世杰等学、政两界的领袖,均以“主动的姿态”致力于中国史学组织的建设,以接轨国际;又均以“积极的姿态”致力于中国与国际历史学会,以及中国与“国际历史科学大会”的互通;1938年抗战爆发的危难之际,中国政府排除诸难,在傅斯年、顾颉刚、蒋廷黻和胡适之间几经斟酌,指派胡适代表中国参会,并完成了中国加入国际历史学会的工作。1940年代国际历史科学大会因“二战”而中断,但中国国内史学界仍关注并讨论以往历届“大会的主旨”和国际史学的趋势;1950至1970年代,中国与国际史学大会的官方联系虽然中断,但在中苏友好、中苏对立,以及东西方“冷战”的大格局下,中国史学界却并未中断对国际历史科学大会,尤其是苏联参会的关注;“文革”结束和1978年底中国改革开放格局的形成,以及胡乔木、刘大年、季羡林、戴逸、张椿年、张海鹏等一批学界领袖的扎实推动,最终完成了中国史学融入国际的进程:自1980年以来,中国史学会代表团参加了第15届,以及此后的历届大会,直至2010年,在阿姆斯特丹的第21届大会上,通过了第22届大会2015年在中国山东大学举办的议案。与其他国际组织不同,100多年来,国际历史科学大会始终对中国、对中国史学界、对中国历史文化怀有真诚的敬重和热情的期待。1937年国际历史学会会长、剑桥大学教授田波烈访华期间,曾以“一生最伟大的时刻”期待中国加入国际历史学会;国际历史学会主席埃德曼、柯卡,秘书长阿维勒夫人等享誉国际的史学家都是中国融入大会的真诚推动者。中国与国际历史科学大会的历史,就是中国与世界、中国史学与国际史学相互交融的历史,更是一部极具讨论价值的当代学术史。本文梳理了近百年来中国与大会相互交融的基本线索,讨论了其中的每一个重要节点,以及每一个节点上的重要人物和事件,以图“回溯”或“复现”一段完备的历史。二本文在系统梳理国际历史科学大会发展史实和中国与大会关系演变状况的基础之上,主要讨论了四方面的问题。第一,探讨国际历史科学大会的形成机制,研究其组织结构和学术范式的演变。国际学术组织是国际共同体,国际历史科学大会是历史学家自己的国际组织,是全球史学家的学术共同体,享有“史学奥林匹克”的盛誉。第14届国际历史科学委员会主席埃德曼说:“今天,国际历史科学大会已成为历史学科不可或缺的成分。”国际历史科学大会的变化在很大程度上折射了19世纪末以来世界历史的变迁和全球人文社会科学在认识论和方法论方面的嬗变。大会从一个纯粹西欧和美国学者参与的组织发展为一个全球性的组织,大会的范式也经历了新旧更替的巨变。在大会成立之初,支配史学家头脑的是历史主义思想,研究对象主要是民族国家的政治史,写作方法是叙事。今天参加大会的史学家讨论全球史,历史学日益社会科学化,历史分析成为主流的表达方式。第二,从国际学术界层面,研究作为学术共同体的中国史学组织的的演进情况。中国近代学术共同体制度是西方的舶来品。1905年,中国学人对“柏林史学大会”的宗旨及其组织就予以关注。1920年,“南高学派”的青年学生成立史地研究会,其首要的努力目标,就是推动组建中国史学会,以利于中国参与国际学术交流。1923年,青年学子向达译自《美国历史评论》长文《不鲁舍拉第五次万国史学大会》及“译者附志”,是由本文首次使用的一篇重要文献,在近代学术交流史和史学组织发展史中有重要地位。1929年,中国史学会筹建的动机同样缘于1928年在挪威首都奥斯陆召开的国际历史科学大会的“具体刺激”。1980年,中国史学会恢复工作当年,就以观察员身份参加了第15届国际历史科学大会,1982年正式成为会员。此后,1995年和2010年两次提出申办大会。考察国际历史科学大会与中国关系的演变,有助于我们从中国历史学界参与国际交流层面上认知中国史学组织的自身演变过程和特点。第三,以国际历史科学大会观照中国史学理论与方法的流变。晚清以降,中国遭遇“千年未有之变局”。西学东渐,中国本土的传统学问受到了最明显的冲击。相较于自然科学领域,历史学是中国传统固有之学问,中国发达的史学自有一套成熟的处理资料的方法和表达的形式,因此,史学方法的自我变革在时间上迟了一波。自民初至今,中国学人一直都密切关注国际历史科学大会在选题和方法论方面的变化,自觉从国外的新方法中汲取灵感和启发,“以预世界之流”。20世纪20年代以后,中国各大学创办的《史地学报》、《历史教育》、《史学消息》和《现代史学》等杂志,都积极报道国际历史科学大会的活动、相关的史学选题和学术方法等,自觉寻求方法论上的启示。新中国成立至1978年,中国史学虽然在相对封闭的环境下进行研究,但对苏联史学家历届参会的关注,也促进了中国马克思主义史学方法的思考;而改革开放之后,中国史学家走出国门,眼界大开,治史理念和方法得以丰富。外国史学流派和方法通过各种途径输入中国并产生日益重要的影响力,其中最集中的途径还是史学大会。参加历次大会的中国学者中都有人记录和分析了史学大会的情况,其中最集中的则又是对国际史学理论和方法进展的报道。第四,中国与国际历史科学大会关系史是在微观层面上研究全球化历程的极佳个案。从起源上说,国际史学大会本身就是全球化进程在历史学的学术研究和学术组织层面的反映。就演进来看,大会起初是一个欧美性质的组织,其成分和议题不断扩张,中国加入和申办的经历本身就是全球化进程的一个个案情况,值得从全球史入手解读。中国对大会的期待和参与当然有着自己的民族诉求。作为历史大国,中国学者们除学习国外同行之外,更要展示自身的追求和取得的成绩,以期在世界讲坛上获得应有的话语表达。而史学又总是以这样那样的方式昭示着国家的兴衰,因而中国与史学大会的关联,又成为近百年来几代学人念兹在兹的“邦国大计”。在第一次世界大战之后,中国成为战胜国,首次跻身近代大国之列,这也成为中国以大国身份加入国际史学大会的直接动机;1938年,傅斯年在阐释中国参加大会的动因时,更是明言:“此会系‘国联’所主持,是一郑重国际学术会议,未可轻视。且其中包括近代外交史、远东史,此皆日本人指鹿为马,混淆视听之处,吾国不可略也。”这也说明,只有融入国际,才可以真正捍卫中国的权益。1980年之后,中国再度以“和平大国崛起”的姿态成为国际历史学会会员国,及至2010年在阿姆斯特丹大会上成功申办了2015年大会,成为100多年来,大会第一次在亚洲国家举行的东道主,中国与国际历史科学大会的关系掀开了新的一页。这是继中国成功主办北京奥运会和上海世博会之后,将在中国举办的又一次国际盛会。主办国际历史科学大会对中国文化发展具有世界性的战略意义,是中国全球化进程中的一个重要文化节点。

【Abstract】 IFrom1900to1923, the European historians held five large International Congresses of Historical Sciences at the main countries’capitals,1900Paris Congress,1903Rome Congress,1908Berlin Congress,1913London Congress and1923Brussels Congress. There were approximate1000participants for each congress. It was at Brussels Congress, the attendees decided to found a permanent institution, the International Congress of Historical Sciences (ICHS), who is responsible for organizing the quinquennial congresses and dealing with the daily works. Then ICHS organized19286th Oslo Congress,19337th Warsaw Congress and19338th Zurich Congress.The Second World War interrupted the Congress process. After the war, the9th Congress was held at Paris in1950, and became a member of International Council for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS) under the UNESCO. The quinquennial congress continues regularly.After WWII, the numbers of the participants are around2000. The largest number is3305, which appeared at197013th Moscow Congress. Tikhvinsky, the late member of Soviet Academy attended the Congresses from the11th to the16th one. He said,"The past Congresses were all very sensitive to the world political situations. The host countries influenced the congresses too. For example, the mark of the197013th Moscow Congress was to commemorate the100th anniversary of the birth of Lenin, while at the197614th San Francisco Congress, the200th anniversary of the founding of USA and the American experience were underlined. At198516th Congress, the Federal Germany President Weizsacker layed stress in his speech on the Unity of Germany and Germanism." Therefore, the Congress is abundant in its tolerance and pluralism.The Congress has devoted itself to the mutual understanding among the people from different ethnic groups, nations and ideologies and performed very well. As a result, it has a reputation of "Historians’Olympics"IIThe evolution of the relationship between the International Congress of Historical Sciences and China is an important issue in modern Chinese academic history.Dating back to late Qing Dynasty, the Congress had caught the attention of Chinese scholars. In the period of the Republic of China, much efforts had been made by persons from three groups to found the associations of Chinese historians to meet the need from the international communication. The first group consisted of the young students such as Chen Xunci and Xiang Da. And the second one consisted of the well known historians, such as Zhu Xizu, Fu Sinian, Gu Jiegang, Yuan Tongli, Yao Congwu, Liu Chongxuan, Jiang Tingfu and Hu Shi, who were the backbone of the Chinese historians at that time. The second group was followed by the next one, the leaders in academia and government. Cai Yuanpei, Luo Jialun, Mei Yiqi, He Bingsong and Wang Shijie were the prominent ones among them. All these persons held an active attitude toward the international communications.In1938, the hard time in Anti-Japanese War, despite of the difficulties, the Chinese government sent Hu Shi as the representative to attend the Zurich Congress, meanwhile, China became a member of ICHS. During the negotiation process, Fu Sinian, Gu Jiegang, Jiang Tingfu and Hu Shi had made much contributions to achieve the target. In1940s, the Congress was interrupted by WWII, but the Chinese historians kept on examining the Congress themes and mainstream of the international historiography. From1950s to1970s, China’s official relation with the Congress was broken off. In the varied circumstances of Cold War, Sino-Soviet friendship and Sino-Soviet conflict, the historians of the People’s Republic of China had not quited watching the Congress issues, esp. the Soviet historians’presence at the Congress. Since the end of Cultural Revolution, thanks to the China’s reform and openirg up policy and the efforts from Hu Qiaomu, Liu Danian, Ji Xianlin, Dai Yi, Zhang Chunnian, Zhang Haipeng and other leaders of Chinese historians, the Chinese history research integrated into the international academia. Since1980, the delegations of Chinese historians attended all of the Congresses. At2010Amsterdam21st Congress, the China’s invitation to the22nd Congress was approved. The next Congress will be held at Shandong University in2015.Compared with other international organizations, the Congress have always cherished China, Chinese history academia and Chinese culture. It always has confidant expectation from China. In1937, the ICHS president, Cambridge professor Harold Temperley visited China to push China to join ICHS. He expressed his sincere hope in this way,"If China joined ICHS, it would be the greatest moment in my whole life." As internationally well-known historians, the presidents of ICHS, Erdmann, Cocka and the general secretary, Mrs Ahrweiler were ardent promoters who pushed China integrated into the international academia.The evolution of the relationship between the International Congress of Historical Sciences and China is a history of China and the world interrelated, a history of Chinese history research and the international history research interrelated. It is also a valuable history of scholarship.The dissertation examines the key issues in the mainstream of the relationship history between China and the Congress in the past hundred years. On the basis od discussing the important events and figures, it aims to portray the particular academic history.ⅢOn the basis of figuring out the historical facts of the International Congress and the relationship between China and Congress, the dissertation studies four major questions.Firstly, the dissertation studies the evolvement of the Congress system, especially evolution of its organizational structure and its paradigm. The International Congress of Historical Sciences is a global community of the historians and enjoys a reputation of "Historians Olympics". Erdmann, the former president of the Congress says,"Today, the Congress is an inescapable element of a living science."To a large extent, the evolution of the Congress has reflected the changes both in world history and epistemology and methodology of the humanities and social sciences since the end of19th century. At the very beginning, all the participants were from Europe and America. Now it is a global organization. The historicism, which narrated the political history of nation states, has given its way to the scientific method, which analyzing the global history.Secondly, the evolution of the Chinese academic communities, the associations of Chinese historians, have been examined from the international perspective. The academic institution was a wholely new phenomenon in early modern China. In1920, the students of Nanking Higher Normal School organized a society in history and geography, aiming to set up the Association of Chinese Historians to attend the international conference.In January1929, as a result of the stimulation from1928Oslo Congress, two different Associations of Chinese Historians were set up in Nanjing and Beijing separately. After the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese Historians Association restored in1980. In the same year, it attended the15th Congress as a observer. It became a member of ICSH in1982. In1995and2010, the Chinese National Association sent the invitation to held the Congress twice and got a success in2010.Mr. Zhang Haipeng, the president of Chinese Association of Historians thought one of the most important achievements of his association is having attended and invited the Congresses.Thirdly, the evolvement of the theory and methodology in China has been examined from the Congresses’perspective. From the late Qing Dynasty on, China has undergone a fundamental changes. The modern western knowledge has swept all the Chinese traditional knowledge in many disciplines. Compared with the natural sciences, history was late to change its methodology. As a indigenous discipline, the history had developed into a mature stage. So it was hard to innovate in history field.But from the beginning of the Republic of China, the Chinese history scholars have followed the interests of the Historical Congresses and sought the inspiration from the Congresses. In1920s and1930s, they reported many news from the Congresses in the indigenous journals.From1949to1978, the Chinese historians did their research in a closed environment, but they still kept half an eye on the Congress. After1978, more and more Chinese scholars went abroad and have broadened their views. Their theory and methodology have been enriched greatly. The western methodology has been imported into China from many ways. The Congress is the most important one. After attending the Congress, the Chinese historians have written many articles to introduce the history studies progress in western countries, focusing on the methodology.Fourthly, the relationship between China and the Congress is a detailed case in globalization studies. The origin of the Congress is a reflection of globalization progress in history discipline. The Congress developed from a sheer European organization to a global one. During the progress, China’s participation and invitation is a detailed case deserving examination. From1990s, the global history came to the stage. The China’s attending experience is a part of the global history.China is not only satisfied at getting a membership, but has her own pursuit. As an ancient and great country, China should speak at the international arena to show her own performance. For the Chinese historians, they always have been assumed the obligation to win a higher status in the Congress. China was one of the winners of WWI, being absent from the Congress was not matched to her status. So in1920s and1930s, the leading historians, such as Hu Shi, Zhu Xizu, Fu Sinian and Gu Jiegang, were very active in organizing the Chinese National Historian Association to get a membership from ICSH.Holding the2015Congress will write a new chapter in the relationship between China and the Congress.The22nd Congress, after the successfully-held Beijing Olympics, will again be an opportunity to show the long history and deep culture of China and its recent economic and cultural booming to the world. It will be a platform to show the different histories and cultures from all over the world. For China, holding the22nd Congress has an internationally strategic significance and will be a cultural highlight.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期
  • 【分类号】K15
  • 【下载频次】1130

