

A Study on Multi-level Structure of Singapore Ethnic Governance

【作者】 范磊

【导师】 杨鲁慧;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 族群共同体的出现是人的社会性发展的必然产物,当有着不同的肤色、文化以及经济与政治理念的族群接触之后,相应的对立与冲突、依赖与合作、同化与融合就会接踵而至。不同的族群即使托庇于同一的政治共同体内,由于族群异质性消融的不完全性,族群之间以及族群与国家之间的利益竞争、权力博弈、规范调适和认同角力都会成为多元族群国家不可避免的常态性存在。21世纪曾被认为是族群政治消亡的时代,但是事实证明,族群政治在当今世界的影响也许比历史上任何一个时期都更加引人注目。如何减少甚至避免多元族群之间的张力,以和平方式推动族群之间的磨合与包容,使有着较大异质性的人类群体和谐相处,是人类社会自诞生至今就始终存在和需要解决的问题。新加坡可谓是先天不足最为典型的国家。不过,虽然它有着有限的幅员、多元的族群和复杂的地缘环境,但是却因其出色的治理能力赢得了与其先天条件不相称的巨大影响力。自1965年独立建国以来,新加坡国家治理层面的一个重要议题就是如何处理族群关系。虽然是华人为主体的社会,但是却身处马来国家的包围中,加上长期以来形成的包括多元族群结构、多样化语言和多种宗教与文化并存的社会形态,使新加坡在几乎是被迫的独立后,面临着生存、治理与发展方面的极大考验。执政的人民行动党通过制定平等多元的族群政策和建立完善的相关配套制度等具体的因应措施,以相对平等公平的权力分配,减少了国家与社会资源的内耗,缓和了族群关系并化解了族群矛盾,这种由国家主导的“多元一体”模式使新加坡成为东南亚多元族群社会和谐发展的典范。在多元族群国家中,族群与国家是一对并生却又有着内在结构性张力的变量。国家可能会从既有族群中,以人口占最多数或者最强势的族群作为国家认同的对象,但是这种同化政策往往引起其他族群的反对;也可能借助国家公共权力来主导和推动重新塑造一个新的认同取向,从而产生多元平等的族群整合政策,而如何在国家整体及多元族群之间寻求稳定及发展则考验着各国政府的智慧。新加坡政府并未将占本国人口绝对多数的华人族群作为国民的认同对象,而是重新建构出一个中性的“新加坡人”概念,对这一概念的建构与认同不会让少数族群感到压力和有被剥夺感。各族群在族群意识的基础上,透过政府的积极主导,逐渐塑造出“新加坡人”的国族认同、国家意识和共同价值观。论文中尝试对新加坡这个具有代表性的多元族群国家的多层族群治理模式进行研究,深入分析在这个充斥着内外族群压力的高异质性国家,如何有效地解决了族群与国家之间存在的结构性张力,建构出一个多元族群国家体系中族群和谐与社会稳定的奇迹。同时希望据此建立一个解释框架,来解析现代多元族群国家如何架构和管理其族群关系,维护国家团结与稳定发展。在该框架中,基于利益、规范与认同三个关键性变量的族群多层治理模式以及族群和谐与社会稳定构成一组因果变量关系,族群治理的发展与族群和谐的实现是一个从族群身份到国家公民身份、从族群认同到国家认同、从族群规范到国家规范、从族群利益到国家利益,在消解族群与国家之间结构性张力的基础上实现和谐稳定的动态的国家建构过程,是一个通过持续的社会化将多元整合为一体的相对稳定结构的过程。在多元族群国家中,能否处理好族群内部、族群之间以及族群与国家之间的利益分配将影响甚至决定着族群关系乃至整个社会与国家的稳定,利益必然地被视为是推动族群与国家关系发展的基本出发点。在新加坡这个多元族群社会,利益维度的族群治理充分发挥了国家的主导性作用。国家通过政策引领与制度规约,通过国家层面的治理结构来主导新加坡族群关系与社会和谐的发展。而随着公共治理社会化取向的不断提升,有着典型社会性角色特征的族群在利益维度的族群治理中则扮演了主体性的角色。经济利益的满足以及自身的经济地位是形成不同的族群态度的基础,所以提升少数族群和经济上处于弱势的族群参与经济发展的能力,优化国家经济结构中的多元族群参与能力是解决族群张力的重要途径。作为新加坡族群多层治理的基础层面,基层组织体系涵盖了族群和社区等多个层面,在培育族群和谐、消解族群与国家的利益张力过程中发挥着基础性的作用。作为人类对自身行为的集体期望和预期的一种呈现,规范在人类社会的发展中起到了规制行为体行为以及确保行为体发展方向的重要作用。多元族群国家中不可避免地会面对如何化解族群规范与国家规范之间结构性张力的问题。新加坡各族群都曾经力图以本族群的价值规范来推动国家规范建设,希望借助国家的力量实现单纯依靠族群难以实现的政治目标。这种意图和行为给新加坡的族际整合与国家建构造成了较大的冲击。而国家在多个层面有效的族群治理推动着族群与族群之间以及族群与国家之间在规范维度的结构性张力持续弱化,使国家规范成为高于族群规范的上位规范体系,再次体现了国家主导的族群治理特征。但是新加坡并没有否定各族群的价值体系以及规范的合法性存在。在诸如宗教信仰、宗法制度、世俗国家建设以及注重家庭在社区互动中的基础性作用等方面都确保了特定族群的自主权与包容性。同时国家通过制定共同价值观的形式为整个社会建构起同一的价值规范体系,通过这一全国性共有价值规范的确立来构筑国家意识形态,最终巩固了多元族群国家的规范基础。近50年来新加坡并没有因为族群间的规范歧异而爆发有规模的冲突的事实充分说明了族群规范与国家规范之间的调适与相融已经成为这个多元族群国家发展的主流。认同作为一个关系性与过程性的概念,强调的是共同体内部的个体之间以及自我与他者之间的持续的社会化互动,在多元族群国家框架下,族群认同与国家认同虽然先天地存在结构性张力,但是两者之间并非不可调和,如果存在有效的治理两者甚至可以相互促进。新加坡各族群的族群认同随着殖民统治的持续逐渐培养起来,在二战时期得到激励和强化,随之在战后的民族主义运动中得以爆发。这种多元的次国家认同必将会与新生的国家认同产生矛盾,造成难以避免的结构性认同张力。独立建国以后,几十年的族群治理进程有效缓解了族群与国家之间的认同张力,推动了“新加坡人”国家认同的建构。最终在由国家主导,族群与社区积极参与的族群多层治理结构中,上位的国民身份取代原有的族群身份成为首要的认同选项。不过,随着新移民的涌入,新加坡的国民融合与认同张力的纾解再次面临新的挑战。总的来看,族群平等政策是新加坡族际整合与国家建构的基础以及族群治理进程得以顺利进行的基本前提,社会化多层治理的形式逐渐淡化了族群的政治色彩,最终通过在利益、规范和认同三个面向以及国家、族群与社区三个层面的多层治理,使族群与族群之间以及族群与国家之间所存在的结构性张力得以纾解,实现了新加坡的族群和谐与社会稳定。概括起来,新加坡的族群治理主要呈现出以下几个特点:多元共存是基调;多层治理是路径;实用主义是导向;和谐稳定是目标;均衡发展是关键,国家主导是保障。

【Abstract】 The emergence of ethnic groups, the human communities, is the inevitable product of social development. Even if different ethnic groups have been sheltered by the unitary political community, due to the incomplete ablation of ethnic heterogeneity, the competition of interests, the bargaining of power and the wrestle of cultures between ethnic groups and states will become the inevitable normal existence in the multi-ethnic countries. How to reduce or even avoid the tension between ethnic groups and state with significant heterogeneity and to promote their adjustment and tolerance in a peaceful manner are the problems which have existed since the birth of human society and continued to exist until nowadays with the development of human society. All the countries are seeking an effective approach to handle the ethnic relationships and maintain the social stability as well as regional and global peace and security, hoping that the "clash of civilizations" will not be staged factually.In the country with diverse ethnic groups, the diversity of the ethnic community and the uniqueness of the national political community has always been a widespread and irreversible social reality. As the same multi-ethnic society, why are there serious ethnic conflicts and social unrest in some countries while in other countries the ethnic relationships are very harmonious, the politics steady and the economic prosperous? What is the root of the conflicts and what are the causes of the harmony? For these multi-ethnic societies, is there any universal ethnic governance model to solve the ethnic issues? There are many factors that affect social stability, but for a multi-ethnic country, the influence of ethnic politics on political stability is obvious.The formation of multi-ethnic society is the process of binging different ethnic groups into a single political community and constructing the same citizenship. However, various ethnic groups have different identity to their nation and the inter-ethnic heterogeneity is quite obvious, which give birth to the dual tension between ethnic groups and their state. What the multi-ethnic states face is how to solve "ethnic diversity" within the framework of the "political unity", control and remove the dual tension, shape ethnic groups’ loyalty to their country and transform the ethnic identity into national identity. To settle this issue, it is essential to explore profoundly and systematically the typical ethnic governance mode of multi-ethnic countries and generalize the universality of the governance model of the multi-ethnic countries from the’distinctiveness of typical countries. Based on the above, this thesis selects Singapore’s ethnic governance and political stability as a research model.Since its founding in1965, an important issue at the national governance level of Singapore is how to handle its ethnic relationships. Although a small country, Singapore has been filled with the "civilization fault lines" which Huntington proposed in his "clash of civilizations". According to the status of the domestic ethnic politics after the independence of the nation, the ruling People’s Action Party developed the equal multi-ethnic policies and improved the supporting systems with other specific measures to ease ethnic relationships and resolve ethnic contradictions. Therefore, Singapore has become a model of social development with diverse ethnic groups in Southeast Asia. Singapore’s success has sparked the concerns and thinking about its model of development in the academic field. Most scholars agree that Singapore has made brilliant achievements in ethnic governance and political stability and give a reference to the similar multi-ethnic society to deal with similar issues.Structural Dual tension between ethnic groups and the state is a chronic disease has long been plaguing the multi-ethnic country’s political stability and social security. Although different countries have quite different ethnic relations and policies and the success of one country’s ethnic policy may not be suitable for the others, exploring the deep-seated reasons for the success can help us to gain useful insights. As a typical representative of harmonious ethnic relationships and stable society, Singapore is very worthy of study. On the one hand, we can explore the intrinsic relationship between ethnic politics and its political and social development; on the other hand, we can summarize the important experience and existing problems of ethnic governance and social development in Singapore, thus providing valuable references for us, another multi-ethnic country, to handle our ethnic relationships as well as for a better perception of the ethnic politics in Singapore and Southeast Asia.This thesis tries to place the ethnic governance and nation building in an analytical framework so as to study the ethnic governance model of Singapore, a typical representative one with multi-ethnic groups, and make an in-depth analysis of how the country has settled the binary tension between ethnic groups and state and thus achieved ethnic harmony and common prosperity, economic development and prosperity as well as national unity and political stability. Within this framework, the ethnic governance and political stability form two variables with causal relationship, the development of ethnic governance and the achievement of political stability is a dynamic process of nation building on the basis of relieving the dual tension between the ethnic groups and the state which will undergo from ethnic identity to national citizenship, from ethnic interests to national interests and from ethnic norms to national norms.Based on the analysis above, this thesis put forward the following basic hypotheses: First, in the multi-ethnic country, ethnic issue is a significant variable that affect the country’s political development and stability, while the dual tension between ethnic groups and the state is the basic cause of ethnic conflicts and political turmoil in a country. The country’s political stability depends largely on the development of the relationship between ethnic groups and the state. Second, the tension between ethnic groups and their state is mainly reflected in three aspects, that is, the identity tension, the interests tension and the norms tension. Settlement of the dual tension between ethnic groups and the state can contribute to political stability of a country, and thus construct a causal variable relationship between the ethnic-state relations and political stability of the country. Third, the ethnic governance mode of Singapore has effectively solved the dual tension between ethnic groups and the state and maintained the country’s political stability. Thereby Singapore becomes a model in governing a multi-ethnic country.Overall, the Singapore government put the policy of ethnic equality as the basis of inter-ethnic integration and nation-building in the governance process, and to weaken the political overtones gradually by the multi-level governance of ethnic relations. Then by the multi-level governance which act on three dimensions of interest, norm and identity, and three levels of nation, ethnicity and community to resolve the structural tension between the ethnic groups or the ethnic groups and the nation, and then achieve the ethnic harmony and social stability in Singapore. In summary, the ethnic governance of Singapore has presented the following characteristics:pluralistic coexistence is the key tone, multi-level governance is the basic path, pragmatism is specific direction, harmony and stability is the ultimate goal, balanced development is the key point, and the state dominated is the fundamental guarantee.

【关键词】 新加坡族群政治多层治理利益规范认同
【Key words】 SingaporeEthnic PoliticsMulti-level GovernanceInterestNormIdentity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

