

Study on the Political Situation of Jiangdong Area in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 曹建刚

【导师】 张金龙;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文所要考察的“江东”地域是睿宗、玄宗年间开始存在的包括宣州在内的江南东道这一监察区域、地理区域,安史之乱爆发后常分置浙西、浙东、宣歙、福建等四道,大致包括今苏南、皖南、沪、浙、闽。该地域位于我国东南部长江下游南岸,濒临东海,北与淮南道隔江相望,南达博平岭南缘、韩江流域,西与江南西道大致以皖南丘陵西南缘-武夷山脉一线为界,是一个相对完整和独立的区域。安史之乱爆发后的一个半世纪里,作为当时中央政府财赋的主要来源之一,该地域的稳定与繁荣对唐代政治、经济格局均具有重要而深远的影响。唐朝末年,黄巢率部转战江南,打破了该地域的势力平衡,造成唐王朝统治秩序的混乱,给唐王朝以致命一击,“江东”地域自此陷入混乱,而断绝了财赋来源的李唐王朝也日趋衰弱。在中国古代经济重心南移过程中,该地域也扮演着举足轻重的角色。在唐代以后的漫长历史过程中,不管政治、经济、军事形势如何风云变幻,经济重心再未北归,以迄于今。近年来,学术界对唐代区域史研究的逐步深入,与“江东”地域有关的研究成果也不断涌现,而具体到“江东”地域的政局,则主要集中于具体事件、历史人物等的研究,尚缺乏全面系统的研究。本文将以唐代“江东”地域为考察对象,以传世文献和碑刻资料为基础史料,结合今人研究成果,通过传统的历史考证,追本溯源,对唐代“江东”地域的行政区划、行政组织、行政长官,以及地方政治、军事事件进行考察,探讨在此期间内“江东”地域的发展进程、政治军事局势和社会状态;通过对该地域及其军政长官在政局中所处的位置、发挥的作用及其与各方面的关系等问题,探索“江东”地域政治局势变化的内在规律,展现唐代“江东”地域不同侧面的特征与风貌。在研究的方法上,结合政治学、历史地理学、统计学、社会学等相关学科的理论,以专题研究的方式,图表分析与数据统计的方法,客观论证本文的内容,还原历史真实。全文共分为六章,包括“江东”地域的地理环境与经济交通状况,行政区划沿革,地方军政组织与军政长官考察,各时期地域政局考察。第一章概述唐代“江东”地域的自然环境、经济交通状况。该地域除长江、太湖水系和钱塘江、曹娥江水系冲积淤积成的长江三角洲南岸低地平原及其他大河流的谷旁冲积平原外,其余地区大都是低山和丘陵。气候温热潮湿,植被良好,土壤在精耕细作培育下逐渐由涂泥向水稻土转变。吴越平原、丹阳圩田区等地区延续东吴魏晋南朝的发展势头,徽州则发展经济作物,闽浙丘陵也逐渐开发。交通以水路为主,陆路为辅,北路、西路、南路各有数条交通线,东路有海路。第二章根据正史地理志、州郡志、郡国志中的相关记载,并参考古今学界的相关研究成果,考察唐及其之前王朝“江东”地域的行政区划。该地域县级行政单位相对稳定,秦汉增幅较小,东吴着力开发之下,析置较多,南朝地方行政区划冗乱,不便详究。杨隋平陈之后,大加整顿,炀帝省并力度最大。唐初单位较少,随着经济增长,人口增殖,析置众多,开元、天宝以后数量基本稳定。统县行政单位较为繁复,唐代基本以州统县,天宝元年曾改州为郡,乾元元年改回。道,初为监察范围,安史之乱后成为实际上的凌驾于州之上的一级行政单位,“江东”地域分置浙西、浙东、福建、宣歙等道,浙西、浙东、宣歙三道时有分合。第三章考察唐代“江东”地域地方军政组织与军政长官。唐代地方行政组织为州(郡)县两级,长官为刺史(太守)、县令。军事长官有(大)都督,安史之乱后,节度使、观察使成为实际上的地方军政长官。唐代安史之乱后的“藩镇”可以有两种理解:其一,地方军事区与行政区相结合的“道”;其二,“道”的长官。其长官,雄藩重镇之藩镇指的是节度使,普通“道”之藩镇指的是观察使。节度使、观察使等都是使职,其官署称为使府、幕府。其僚属有文职僚佐和武职军将。安史乱后,藩镇长官俱总揽一道之行政、监察、军事、财政等大权。藩帅考察涉及籍贯、出身与迁转。从籍贯上来说,“江东”四道藩帅多出自于关内、河南、江南、河北与河东诸道。从入仕途径上来说,可考的一百零四位藩帅中有七十七人为进士,近四分之三。其他地方长官均为迁转的主要来源与去向。第四章分段研究各时期“江东”地域政局。从“江东”地域行政长官及其统治出发,探讨中央朝廷对“江东”的统治和管理,探讨地方行政长官对中央和地方政局的影响。通过分析唐代“江东”地域发生的政治事件,探索该地域政治局势的发展变化。唐初“江东”地域为沈法兴、李子通、杜伏威等先后占据,辅公祏反唐失败后,唐中央在该地区采取多种措施加强统治。安史之乱中,“江东”地域是朝廷的战略后方,乱后又被大肆掠夺,引发袁晁、方清、陈庄等反抗,朝廷加强控制之余,不忘削弱“江东”兵力。兵力的减少,剥削的加剧使“江东”处于爆发前的萌动状态,裘甫起义揭开了“江东”地域战乱的序幕。黄巢大军扫过,“江东”不再受朝廷控制,进入军阀混战时期。

【Abstract】 The Jiangdong area studied in this thesis, located in the southeast of the Yangtze River south bank of the East China Sea, the north nearby Huainan Dao across the river, the south nearby Bopingling on edge of Hanjiang River, the east arrive sea, the south-west arrive Jiangnanxi Dao largely hilly southwestern edge-Wuyishan pulse line as the boundary. Its jurisdiction to roughly23.6to32.3degrees north latitude,115.6east longitude to123degree range, including the current southern, southern Anhui, Zhejiang and the whole territory, Shanghai, Fujian territory. The region is located in the economically developed Yangtze River Delta economic zone, and the Little City with a West Coast Economic Zone, location, superior natural conditions, a solid economic foundation, institutional environment and good strong overall competitiveness in the socialist modernization as a whole has a very important strategic position. Rebellion broke out after a half century, the area most of the time set western Zhejiang, eastern Zhejiang, Xuanshe, Fujian four observations so that, as the central government was the largest source of money given the geographical stability and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty economic, political structure have important and far-reaching impact. In ancient China during the economic center of gravity southward, the region also plays a pivotal role in the Southern Song Dynasty is on this basis to achieve political center of gravity southward. In the Tang Dynasty, the long course of history, regardless of political, economic and military situation how changing economic center of gravity and then did not go north, until today. In recent years, the academic research for Tang Military gradually shift certain region of investigation, the issue of lack of Jiangdong comprehensive system. This paper will examine the object Tang Jiangdong Fan town as to the basis of the existing historical data through traditional historical research, trace the origin, Tang Jiangdong Fan on the town administration, personnel, and their relationship with the Council to inspect, investigate Jiangdong region during this period of development, through the fan handsome office during and after research, expand its association with the Council, and in the political discussion and Koto Zhu Military and political situation in the position, role and its relations with the various aspects of the problem, to show some aspects of the late Tang Dynasty Koto geographical features. In research methods, combined with political science, history geography, statistics, sociology and other related disciplines theory, case studies approach chart analysis and data statistical methods to objectively demonstrate the content of this article to address the history of unexplored predecessors or, though, but not perfect place to explore the greatest possible restore the historical truth. The text is divided into six chapters, including the geographical environment and economic conditions of the Jiangdong area, the history of administrative divisions, the study of the local government’s organization and the magistrate of the local government and anemy, the study of political situation in each period.Chapter I introduces the natural environment and economic conditions of Jiangdong area in the Tang Dynasty. The region except the Yangtze River, Tai Lake and Qiantang River, Cao’e River silt into the river system south of Yangtze River Delta and other large lowland plain beside the river valley flood plains, the rest are mostly low mountains and hills. Hilly areas are the source of water, River Lake Branch clouds, coastal winding coastline, mountain basin, river valleys, lakes and coastal areas around the vast plains, harbors many small islands dotted. Warm humid climate, good vegetation, soil under the intensive cultivation of rice gradually from painted clay soil to shift. Wuyue Ping Yuan, Wei Danyang Lakes region continued momentum of development, Huizhou then develop cash crops, Fujian and Zhejiang hills gradually developed, population growth and distribution and similar economic situation. The transport gives priority in waterway, supplemented by land route. There are severl routes at the north, the west and the south.Chapter II investigates the history of administrative divisions, combine the record of geography text in the historical book and the latest related research in academic circles. County-level administrative units remained relatively stable, Han dynasty smaller increase, Soochow focus on the development under the additions are more Southern local administrative divisions redundant chaos, unable to detailed studies, the Yang regime eliminates the Chen regime, the big plus consolidation, especially Emperor Yang provincial and greatest efforts, Tang Dynasty fewer units, as economic growth, population growth, split more stable since the mid-number. County administrative units more complicated system, basic to the State Commission Tang County, Tianbao the first year was to the state for the county in the Qianyuan. Dao, seted up as a monitoring range at the first, became prevail over state administrative units after the rebellion of An-Shi. The Jiangdong Area then divided into the Zhexi Dao, the Fujian Dao, the Xuanshe Dao.Chapter III recearches the local government’s organization and the magistrate of the local government and military officeres. The local government’s organization of the Tang Dynasty divided into Zhou an Xian. The magistrate of the local government is Cishi and Xianling. Military executive is the observation that by the job evolved functions of the monitor only one, but due to historical reasons and the cases and all defenses, such as the degree of support to master one of the administrative, monitoring, military, financial and other powers. No products rank, end of the world is still preserved Tang Dynasty Officer and the central charge in the form of rank in the form of a certain doctor, calibration Central Mouguan, and a provincial governor, charge and disposition of certain Du. Observe the civilian Liaozuo have Fushi, send away, judge, secretary in charge, pushing officer, inspector, Ya push, played into the government, etc. there are known Mashi Army, Mashi, vice Mashi are Yu Hou, ten will, lieutenant and so on. Resreaching from the birth of the magistrate of the local government and military officeres, there are77scholars, almost75%of all.Chapter IV resreach the political situation in each period. The rebellionof An-shi broke out, and the Yellow River Basin brutally poisoned, at war behind Koto received much attention, creating chaos in the south blocked at Sui, Yong Wang supported in the reign prepared to compete in the South as the foundation of Suzong lingwu emperor, but eventually Suzong win. Soon, Liu marginalized exhibition shuaibing south JAC, put down the rebellion in the process, Jiangdong been greatly damaged. Famine shortage of soldiers in succession, the court for the northern war has intensified plundered money-making, leading to rebellion and Fang Qing Yuan Chao, chenzhuang revolted. After20years of restoration, Jiangdong regional economic conditions improve, Han Huang in the town called on the Navy Jiedushi any strong fan. Li Qi rebellion, prompting the court to take safeguard measures, western Zhejiang Road from the court relied on the financial Fu, military-type Military money given output into pure land. Tang Dynasty, the imperial court cruel exploitation aroused people’s resistance, fur just after the chaos,the court strengthened the military strength of Jiangdong area, but the governor does not control these armed, Wang Xianzhi, Huang Chao was chaos on the occasion of the Central Plains, Jiangdong area arrogance soldiers first since the rebellion. Huang Chao army sweep from Jiangdong Area, then this region is out of the central authority’s control.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

