

A Study on Puzhou in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 任颖卮

【导师】 刘玉峰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 蒲州大地历史悠久,人杰地灵,相传尧舜曾定都于此。春秋末年,晋国在此划域置县,开启了这方土地上行政建置的历史。战国时期,魏国河东郡的设置,使“河东”一词成为这方土地的新名称。“蒲州”之名始于北周,隋唐时还称“河东郡”或“河中府”,其空间范围基本定格在稷山以南,黄河以东、以北,中条山以西的运城盆地。唐代,蒲州始置于武德元年(618),是唐前期的“六雄州”、“四辅州”之一因其战略地位险要,玄宗开元九年(721)在蒲州置中都,改蒲州为河中府。肃宗乾元三年(760),再次升蒲州为河中府,一直持续到唐朝末年。除蒲州府(河东郡、河中府)外,蒲州还是唐代蒲州总管府、蒲州都督府、河东道采访处置府、河中节度使府的驻地。蒲州士族与唐代政治密切相关。自西魏、北周以来,以裴氏、薛氏、柳氏为代表的蒲州士族一直是关中政权的支持者,他们在唐代隋祚的过程中发挥了重要作用,顺利进入唐初中央政治权力的核心层。有唐一代,裴氏、薛氏、柳氏先后出现了许多贤相名吏,他们为国家统一、政治清明、经济繁荣做出了重大贡献。他们积极与皇室联姻,进一步提升了自身的政治地位。他们还因涉及高宗时的“废王立武”、武后时的“太后还政”、玄宗时的“太平公主党争”等事件在政治上遭受到严重打击,家族发展随政治形势的风云变幻而时兴时衰。唐前期,蒲州人口增长一直呈上升趋势,到天宝末年达到最高峰,安史之乱期间,蒲州人口跌至最低点,战乱之后又有所增长。唐代蒲州人口的变化情况与全国人口的变化情况基本一致,只是增减的幅度稍有不同。从全国范围来看,唐代蒲州的人口密度一直高于全国人口密度的平均值,意味着蒲州的劳动力相对其他北方地区而言是充足的。蒲州农业发达,农副产品丰富,是唐代粮食和土贡的重要基地。蒲州冶金、酿酒、造纸等手工业生产技术在全国占有重要地位,并出现了一批名优产品。安邑、解县两池是全国产量最大的池盐生产基地,其盐利收入是唐中央财政的重要组成部分。蒲州是唐代京城长安的东部屏障,与李唐王朝中央政权的兴衰休戚相关。在全国统一战争中,河东战役的胜利使蒲州成为唐军向东、向北、向南进军作战的稳固后方根据地。安史叛乱期间,河东战役胜利后,蒲州唐军不断向洛阳、长安叛军的侧翼发起进攻,牵制了安史叛军力量,为朝廷军队集中力量反攻、收复两京创造了条件。唐后期平定藩镇过程中,李唐王朝倚重河中镇相继铲除了仆固怀恩、周智光、李希烈等反叛割据势力。唐末农民战争时期,李唐王朝再次凭藉河中府大败农民起义军,挽救政权倾覆于危难之中。唐末藩镇相互兼并征伐中,河中镇成为各藩镇争夺的目标,最终朱全忠取得胜利,控制了两池盐利,进而拥有了取代唐朝、夺取天下的财政基础。唐代蒲州是河东道的文化中心,儒、释、道三教文化异彩纷呈、相互融合发展。蒲州文化的繁荣表现在许多方面,首先是拥有许多声名显赫的文学世家,如“河东三著姓”的河东柳氏、汾阴薛氏和闻喜裴氏以及河东吕氏、张氏等;其次是出现了一大批杰出的文学家,如著名的古文大家柳冕、吕温和柳宗元;诗人有王维、卢纶、耿湋、柳宗元、薛能、司空图、聂夷中等。另外还有著名的史学家柳芳、柳登、柳冕、柳憬、柳提等;艺术家有薛稷、张弘靖、张文规、张彦远等;春秋经学家赵匡等。再次,迁居蒲州或在蒲州为官的文人也留下了许多歌咏蒲州风物的诗文作品,构成了蒲州文化的重要组成部分。最后,蒲州佛教、道教发达,堪称河东道的宗教文化中心,僧道云集、寺观林立,大大丰富了蒲州文化的内容。

【Abstract】 Puzhou boasts beautiful landscape and remarkable talents. Despite the late emergence of the name, the place has a long history as it was believed to be the capital when Emperor Yao and Shun were on the throne. In the last years of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jin Kingdom established a county here, thus ushering in the history of this place as an administrative unit. The establishment of the Hedong (meaning "East of the River") Prefecture in the Warring States Period here made "Hedong" a byword for this place. The name "Puzhou" emerged during the reign of the Northern Zhou Kingdom. In Sui and Tang Dynasties, the place was also named Hedong or Hezhong Prefecture. But the territory of Puzhou in the Tang Dynasty was only the southern half of the Kingdom of Wei during the Warring States Period and half of the Hedong Prefecture in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Compared with the Hedong Perfecture or Puizhou after the Kingdom of Wei and Jin, the territory of Puzhou was almost the same, lying in the Yunchen Basin south of the Jishan Mountain, east and south of the Yellow River, and west of the Zhongtiao Mountain. In the Tang Dynasty, Puzhou became a prefecture in618and was regarded as one of the six strategic prefectures, one of the four adjacent prefectures and one of the100prefectures. In760, Puzhou once again became the capital of the Hezhong Province until the end of the Tang Dynasty.The gentry of Puzhou had very close relations to the politics of the Tang Dynasty. Since the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the gentry represented by clans surnamed Pei, Xue and Liu, being strong supporters of the central regime, had played an important role in the succession of the Tang Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty and become part of the central regime in the early years of that dynasty. They actively sought marriage alliance with the imperial family to elevate their own political status. As they were involved in such political incidents as "impeaching the emperor and pledging loyalty to Empress Wu Zetian" when Emperor Gaozong was in reign,"requesting to give some power to the empress dowager" when Empress Wu was on the throne, and the "party disputes over Princess Taiping" in the period of Emperor Xuanzong, these clans also experienced ups and downs amidst the political changes. When Emperor Xuanzong was in the reign, the Pei Clan was exceptionally prestigious, with Pei Guangting and Pei Yaoqing serving as prime ministers, Pei Youxian serving as the Minister of Industry, Pei Dunfu as the Minister of Law and Justice, Pei Cui as the Minister of Personnel, and Pei Kuan as the Minister of Education and Foreign Affairs. They were the major players on the political stage at that time, contributing their talents during the heyday of the Tang Dynasty.The population of Puzhou continued to rise from the early years to the middle of the Tang Dynasty, reaching its peak during the last years of the reign of Emperor Xuanzong. However, its population plunged to its lowest during the years of the rebellion of An and Shi Clans. Despite some slight increase after the riot, its population stayed at a low level. The population of Puzhou varied basically in line with the general trend across the country, differing only in degrees. It thus can be inferred that the labor forces of Puzhou were no longer that abundant and its economic status as the supply base for the capital had undergone changes.With even land, Puzhou Basin was the granary of China in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. As it lied in the middle of the three capitals and foreign merchants had to commute between Chang’an, Luoyang and Taiyuan via Puzhou, its industry and commerce was rather developed. Anyi and Jiexian were two largest salt production bases, and their income from salt accounted for one third of the country’s total income from salt, thus being an important component of the financial revenue of the central government. To crack down on salt smuggling and safeguard the nation’s revenue from salt, the government had very rigorous laws on these two salt lakes after785when Emperor Dezong came to the throne.Puzhou, providing natural defense for the capital Chang’an on its east, had close bearing on the central regime and national security. In the reunification war, the victory in Hedong Battle made Puzhou an important and solid citadel for the army to fight eastwards, northwards, or southwards. During the rebellion of the An and Shi Clans, the military officials and soldiers launched attacks to the flanks of the Luoyang and Chang’an rebel forces, thus laying a solid foundation for the later counterattacks and recapture of the two capitals. And in the course of suppressing the military governors in outlying prefectures, Puzhou was again used as a base to root out the separatists such as Pugu Huai’en, Zhou Zhiguang and Li Xilie.

【关键词】 唐代蒲州区域史研究
【Key words】 The Tang DynastyPuzhouThe research on Regional History
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】467

