

Study on the Transmission and Inheritance of Intangible Culture Heritage in the Way of Animation

【作者】 陈少峰

【导师】 于海广;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国的非物质文化遗产保护工作正在如火如荼地进行,非遗保护是社会、媒体关注的焦点,也是学术界的研究热点。非物质文化遗产虽然存在的历史已经非常悠久,但是作为遗产被提出、认可并成为保护的对象,则是近期的事情,作为一种遗产类型,非物质文化遗产尚且“年轻”。作为新的研究对象和研究领域,非物质文化遗产研究需要诸多学科的参与,非遗保护措施需要大胆地创新与探索。动漫是现在中国最炙手可热的文化产业行业之一,对动漫的研究大都从动漫产业发展的角度出发。动漫与非物质文化遗产相关的研究,基本上是以动漫产业发展为视角,将非物质文化遗产视作动漫文化资源,探讨如何利用非遗促进中国动漫提升的问题。我们认为,在当代文化环境之中,动漫既是文化产业行业,是一种艺术创作和休闲娱乐方式,更是一种文化传播的媒介,还是能够广泛应用于人们生产与生活之中的视觉影像工具;动漫极富感染力、亲和力,尤其对青少年群体具有天然的吸引力,在某种程度上动漫是与心灵相通的人类共同语言。动漫应该是当代非遗保护的积极参与者,也能够胜任促进非遗传承与传播的任务。因此本文提出,我们应该从非物质文化遗产研究的视角,将动漫视作能够促进非遗传承与传播的途径之一。传播是非物质文化遗产保护的重要措施,传承是非物质文化遗产保护的最终目的,本文认为动漫能够有效促进非物质文化遗产在当代的传承与传播。本文提出非物质文化遗产的动漫化传承与传播的研究命题,在非遗研究和动漫研究已有成果的基础上,主要采用历史研究法、跨学科研究法、文献分析法、个案分析法、实地调查法等对选题进行了系统地论述与研究。论文大致可以分为两个部分。第一部分包括第一章和第二章,主要是对研究命题的背景介绍和对研究命题的必要性与可行性的论证,为后续研究奠定基础、梳理论述逻辑。其中,第一章首先分析了非物质文化遗产在当代的生存困境。在现代化和全球化所带来的社会转型影响之下,非物质文化遗产以口授心传为主的自发式传承难以应对生产生活巨变所带来的冲击,非遗在当代的生存与传承遭遇了前所未有的危机;然后分析了当代非遗的传承条件和传承语境。提出作为人类生活方式的非物质文化遗产,在当代的传承,需要重新建立与当下生活的联系、重新发挥在当代社会中的功能,同时还需要社会传承氛围的培养;并提出传媒文化、视觉文化和文化产业是构成当代非遗传承的主要文化语境,是非遗保护和传承措施的探索研究必须考虑的影响因素;本章在非遗传承条件和传承语境分析的基础上,提出非遗在当代的传承传播方式应该创新,非物质文化遗产的传承与传播需要现代传媒、文化产业和现代教育的参与。本章最后指出,动漫作为艺术创作形式、文化传播工具、文化产业行业、数字影像科技,能够在非物质文化遗产的现代传媒、文化产业和现代教育式传承与传播中发挥积极的作用。第二章首先针对动漫越来越丰富的内涵,提出可以从动漫本体、动漫产业、动漫应用这三个维度来理解当代社会环境中的动漫,并结合这三个维度对动漫进行概述,同时这三个维度也将作为后续研究内容展开的逻辑;然后在分析中国民族动漫的责任与使命的基础上,指出促进非遗的传承与传播是民族动漫的内在使命,从而论证了非遗动漫化传承与传播的必要性;本章还从动漫的开放性角度论证了非遗动漫化传承与传播的可行性,论文指出动漫是一个开放的文化系统,动漫的开放性、包容性和民间性为丰富多样的非遗的动漫转化提供了多元的方式,从而肯定动漫能够作为非遗传承与传播的有效途径。论文的第二部分包括第三、四、五、六章,是本文的主体内容,主要是以动漫的三个维度为逻辑,分别探讨了动漫本体、动漫产业、动漫应用在非物质文化遗产的传承与传播中所能发挥的作用。第三章和第四章从动漫本体的角度,探讨了非物质文化遗产的动漫化表达、传播与接受。其中,第三章探讨了动漫语言如何将非物质文化遗产转化为动漫影像,本章结合动漫作品的构成元素,分别探讨了动漫设计、动漫音乐、动漫故事对非物质文化遗产中的设计元素、音乐元素和民间文学的表达策略,并在分析日本动漫类型创作特点的基础上,尝试性地提出以类型化的创作对相应类别的非物质文化遗产进行表达的方案;第四章主要探讨动漫作品对非物质文化遗产的传播并分析受众对相关动漫作品的接受。通过动漫创作,非物质文化遗产转化为动漫视觉影像,并以动漫作品为载体进入大众传播。论文以传播学的相关理论对非遗动漫的大众传播进行了分析,指出以动漫为载体的传播,能够以文化增殖带来非遗信息的放大、以议程设置引导受众对非遗的关注、作为“第三文化”推动非遗的国际化传播,并以对青少年群体特有的吸引力与说服力优化非遗在动漫受众中的传播效果;本章还提出非遗动漫的接受过程可以分为注意-选择、理解-联想、模仿-实践三个阶段,并逐阶段对受众的非遗动漫接受进行了分析。第五章从动漫产业的维度,探讨动漫产业如何促进非物质文化遗产在当代的传承与传播。本章首先从非遗自身的理论层面和非遗保护的现实需求层面,分析了非物质文化遗产产业化传承的必要性,并提出动漫产业是非遗的产业化传承途径之一;然后本文提出了非物质文化遗产动漫产业化的产业链模型,并以动漫产业链为视角,分析了非物质文化遗产如何进入动漫产业链,并随产业链的延伸而得到传承与传播的过程;本章还从消费认同的角度,提出以动漫消费促进非物质文化遗产的认同建构的观点,并进行了相关研究和分析。第六章从动漫应用的角度,分析动漫创意和动漫技术在非遗的教育式传承与传播中发挥的作用。本章第一部分探讨了动漫在非遗学校教育中的应用,在对非遗教育“从娃娃抓起”进行反思的基础上,分析了动漫在非遗普及教育中的应用;展览是非遗非正式教育的主要方式,本章第二部分在分析非遗展览特点的基础上,探讨了动漫在非遗展览中的作用与应用。结语部分对论文内容进行了总结,在肯定动漫能够有效促进非遗在当代的传承与传播的同时,对非物质文化遗产动漫化的过程中可能存在的风险进行了分析,并尝试性地提出了非遗动漫化应该遵循的原则。总的来说,本论文具有以下几点创新:第一,研究方向的创新。当前学术界关于非物质文化遗产和动漫的关联性研究,以产业发展视野下的研究方向为主,此类研究将非物质文化遗产视为文化资源、动漫产业开发的对象,研究的落脚点在于以非物质文化遗产的资源整合促进动漫产业的发展。而关于非遗保护视野下的非遗动漫化问题是研究的薄弱环节,存在较大的研究空白,而且在此类研究为数不多的文章中,以具体到某一项或某一类非物质文化遗产的微观研究和案例研究为主,缺乏深刻、系统的整体性研究,而且尚无博士学位论文涉足该研究方向。本论文针对学术研究中的薄弱环节与空白领域,以动漫促进非物质文化遗产的传承与传播作为研究方向,具有创新性;第二,研究视角的创新。针对当代动漫日趋丰富的内涵,本文提出应从动漫本体、动漫产业、动漫应用三个维度来理解当代动漫,并以动漫的三个维度为研究视角,构架了本文的主体内容,为条理、全面地探讨动漫促进非遗在当代的传承与传播问题建立了比较合理的论述框架;第三,非物质文化遗产动漫化的一些方案与措施的创新。在非物质文化遗产的动漫化表达方面,本文在分析和借鉴日本动漫类型特点的基础上,创新性地提出以类型化的创作对相应类别的非物质文化遗产进行表达的方案;在非物质文化遗产的动漫产业化传承方面,本文提出了非物质文化遗产动漫产业化的产业链模型,并从“合理利用,传承发展”的角度,提出了一些动漫衍生产品和衍生行业与非遗的结合方式,具有一定的创新意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the work of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage(ICH) is in full swing in our country, and the ICH safeguarding has become to be the focus of the society and the media, as well as academic research topics. Although the history of ICH is very long, but in recent years ICH was put forward and approved and became the object of safeguarding. So, ICH is still "young" as a heritage type.As the new research object and new research area, the research of ICH needs the participation and discussion of many subjects, and the ICH safeguarding needs innovation and exploration.Now, animation is one of the hottest cultural industries in China, and most of the studies on the animation are on the perspective of animation industry development. Studies on animation and ICH are basically from the perspective of animation industry development in which ICH is regarded as culture resources, and these studies mainly discuss the issues of promoting China’s animation industry by the utilization of ICH. I suppose that in contemporary cultural environment, animation is not only the sector of cultural industries, but also a form of artistic creation and entertainment, a medium of cultural transmission, and more,a tool of visual images which can be widely used in people’s life. Animation has a infectivity and affinity, and especially for groups of young people it has a natural attraction.To a certain extent, animation is the common language of humanity and empathy. Animation should be the active participant of ICH safeguarding, and it is also qualified for the task of transmission and inheritance of ICH. So in this essay I suppose that animation should be regarded as a means which can promote the transmission and inheritance of ICH. Transmission is one of the important measures for ICH safeguarding and inheritance is the ultimate objective of ICH safeguarding. This paper maintains that animation can effectively promote the transmission and inheritance of the ICH in contemporary society,and puts forward the proposition" transmission and inheritance of ICH by animation" which is discussed systematically in this paper. On the basic of research results of ICH and animation, this paper used synthetic method to do the research, such as historical research, interdisciplinary research, literature research, case study and field survey.Basically, this papers can be divided into two parts. The first part includes chapter one and two that mainly introduces the background and argues the necessity and feasibility of this proposition which lays the foundation and combs the logic for follow-up study.Chapter one analyzes the survive predicament of ICH in contemporary society first. Under the influence of social transformation brought by modernization and globalization, it is difficult to deal with the impact brought the changes of production and life for the spontaneous inheritance of ICH by oral teaching and memory. Thus, the survival and inheritance of ICH suffers an unprecedented crisis.Then I suppose that ICH, which is living style of human beings, whose inheritance in contemporary society needs re-establishing its links with the contemporary life,and playing its function once again in contemporary society, and cultivating social atmosphere of the inheritance. On the basis of analysis on safeguarding and inheritance of ICH in current context,and the academic research on inheritance of ICH, this chapter also supposes that the ways of transmission and inheritance of ICH should innovate which needs the participation of modern media, culture industries and modern education. At last, this chapter supposes that as a form of artistic creation, a tool of cultural transmission, a sector of culture industries and a technology of digital amaging, animation can play an active role in the transmission and inheritance of ICH.Chapter two firstly supposes that when the animation gets more and more connotations, we can interpret the existing animation in contemporary social environment in three dimensions as noumenon, industry and application. I survey the animation in this three dimendions and they are also used as the logic of my latter study. Then on the analysis of duty and mission of China’s animation, I suppose that transmission and inheritance of ICH is one of our animation’s inner mission.Thus I argue the necessity of transmission and inheritance of ICH by animation. This chapter also argues the feasibility on the analysis of animation’s openness. I suppose that the animation culture’s openness, inclusiveness and folksy character lay a foundation for the transmission and inheritance of ICH by animation. And different dimension of animation can provide multiplex ways and strategies.The second part of this paper is the main body which includes chapter three, four, five and six. This part which based on the logic of animation’s three dimensions, argues the noumenon, industry and application playing what roles in the transmission and inheritance of ICH.Chapter three and four which argue the expression, transmission and acceptance of ICH by animation are discussed in animation noumenon. Chapter three argues how animation language turns the ICH into animation image. With the elements of animation work, this chapter discusses how the animation design, music, story expresses the design element, music element and folk literature of ICH.And on the analysis of the creation characteristic of Japanese animation’s type, I try to put forward some plans of that the creation according to the animation type can expresses the corresponding ICH; Chapter four discusses the transmission of ICH by animation, and analyzes the acceptance of animation works about ICH of audience. By creation,ICH translates to visual images of animation work, and goes in the mass communication with the carrier of animation work. This paper analyzes the mass communication of ICH by animation through the communication theories. I suppose that the transmission with the carrier of animation, can amplify the information of ICH by Cultural Proliferation, guide the audience’s focus on ICH by Agenda Setting, promoting the international dissemination of the ICH as a kind of the "Third Culture" and optimize the communication effects of ICH by special attraction and persuasiveness in youth group. By using the theory of aesthetics, art-reception, effects research of communication, acceptance processes of audiovisual and acceptance psychology, this chapter supposes that ICH animation’s acceptance processes can divide into three stages:noticing-selecting, comprehending-associating and imitating-practicing. And the paper analyzes every stage.Chapter five explores how the animation industry promotes transmission and inheritance of ICH in contemporary society in the dimension of animation industry. I analyze the necessity of the inheritance of ICH by industry on the discussion of theoretical perspective of ICH and demand-side of ICH safeguarding. Then I suppose that animation is one of the inheritance ways by industry. This chapter puts forward the model of industrial chain for ICH animation, and analyzes the way how ICH gets into animation industrial chain and the process of transmission and inheritance with the extension of industrial chain. As the focal point, this chapter argues that animation consumption can promote the construction of ICH identity on the perspective of consumer identity.Chapter six analyzes the roles played by animation creativity and animation technology in ICH’s transmission and inheritance through education on the dimension of animation application. The first part of this chapter discusses the application of animation in ICH’s school education. On the reflection of the suggestion of ICH’s inheritance by children, the paper analyzes animation’s utilization in universal education of ICH. Exhibition is one of the important ways of ICH’s informal education. The second part of this chapter analyzes the characteristics of ICH exhibitions, then discusses the effect and utilization of animation in ICH exhibitions.At the end of this paper, I summarize the paper content. I affirm animation can promote the transmission and inheritance of ICH. At the same time, the paper discusses the possible risks in the process of animation-ization of ICH and tries to put forward the principles should be followed.Generally speaking, there are three innovations of this paper. First, innovation of research field.The research on animation-ization of ICH is mainly in the perspective of industrial development. This perspective regards the ICH as culture resource and object for the animation industry, and aims at the promotion for development of animation industry by resource integration with ICH. The research on animation-ization of ICH with the perspective of ICH safeguarding is weak and has a large research gap. Several articles with this perspective are mainly on microscopic study and case study which discussing one or one kind of specific ICH,and also lacks of profound and systematical study in integrity. It is worthy to point that there is no doctor’s thesis in this research fields. This paper directs against the weak link and research gap. The study on the transmission and inheritance of ICH is innovative; Second, innovation of research perspective. This paper supposes that we should comprehend the contemporary animation in three dimensions as noumenon, industry and application. With the perspective of three dimensions, the paper builds the framework of the main content in which the thesis transmission and inheritance of ICH by animation is argued methodically, clearly and thoroughly; Third, innovation on the plans and measures in animation-ization of ICH.In terms of animation expression of ICH, on the analysis of the creation characteristic of anime’s type, this paper puts forward some plans of that the creation according to the animation type can expresses the corresponding ICH; In terms of inheritance of ICH by animation industry,this paper puts forward the model of industrial chain for ICH animation. To a certain extent,both the plans are innovative.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期

