
南黄海中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)脂质含量、组成及在度夏期间的生态功能

Lipid Content and Composition of Calanus Sinicus and Its Ecological Function during Oversummering in the Southern Yellow Sea

【作者】 王延清

【导师】 李超伦;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋生态学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 脂质作为构成生物有机体的大分子之一,具有十分重要的生理功能在浮游动物生长代谢过程中,尤其是环境饵料缺乏雌体繁殖早期发育和休眠等关键时期,脂质都扮演着重要的角色本文以中国近海的的浮游动物优势种-中华哲水蚤作为研究对象,首先对其脂质组成的种类和脂肪酸构成情况进行了研究,并且通过与南极桡足类的脂肪酸对比分析了中华哲水蚤脂质的构成特点(第二章)随后,通过对黄海春秋季以及胶州湾中华哲水蚤脂质组成的周年变动进行了研究,讨论了不同脂质的功能作用(第三章)最后,着重对黄海冷水团内度夏的中华哲水蚤的脂质变化过程进行了研究,并对度夏中华哲水蚤脂质的功能作用进行了讨论(第四章)首先,对中华哲水蚤的脂质组成进行了研究通过对不同发育期中华哲水蚤的脂质组成的分析发现,中华哲水蚤的脂质主要由蜡脂磷脂和三酰甘油构成,其中蜡脂和磷脂含量占总脂含量在90%左右,三酰甘油含量较少,约占6%左右中华哲水蚤在C3期已经开始积累蜡脂,并且在C5期时含量最多构成蜡脂的脂肪酸主要是14:016:016:1ω718:1ω918:4ω320:1ω920:5ω322:1ω11和22:6ω3,而磷脂主要的脂肪酸为14:016:018:018:1ω918:4ω320:5ω3和22:6ω3蜡脂和磷脂的脂肪酸构成明显不同,通过分析发现:(1)蜡脂中含有较高的单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA),主要由桡足类的特征脂肪酸20:1和22:1构成;(2)磷脂中的脂肪酸中的多不饱和脂肪酸含量可以达到50%以上,并且主要由DHA构成蜡脂的脂肪醇部分主要由16:020:1和22:1三种长链醇构成其次,脂质组成与含量的季节变化及其功能在2010年11月(秋季)和2011年4月(春季)对采自黄海的中华哲水蚤的脂质组成进行分析,发现黄海春秋季中华哲水蚤的脂质组成存在明显的差异在磷脂含量上,春季的雌体磷脂含量显著高于秋季的雌体;在蜡脂含量上,秋季雌体的蜡脂含量显著高于春季雌体;三酰甘油的含量较少,两个季节没有显著的差异另外,对胶州湾中华哲水蚤雌体脂质含量的周年变动(2012年03月-2013年03月)进行了研究,结果显示,胶州湾雌体中华哲水蚤的磷脂含量在春季达到最大值,在其余月份差别并不明显;蜡脂含量也在春季达到最大值,但在其余月份含量较少结合种群生长状态等背景资料,对脂质各组分的生理功能进行了初步探讨:(1)春季是中华哲水蚤的繁殖活跃季节,雌体此时的磷脂含量全年最高,说明磷脂在中华哲水蚤繁殖活动中具有重要作用;(2)中华哲水蚤以蜡脂作为主要的能量储存方式,其含量变化反映出不同季节中华哲水蚤的能量需求变化;(3)三酰甘油在中华哲水蚤中的含量不高,主要是作为一种短期的能量储备最后,对中华哲水蚤度夏过程中的脂质变化进行了研究通过2011年08月黄东海现场调查航次研究了中华哲水蚤夏季种群的分布和脂质含量,结果表明,夏季在黄海中部以及浙江近岸存在中华哲水蚤的密集分布区域脂质含量结果显示,冷水团内的C5期中华哲水蚤的总脂含量最高(平均43.1μg/ind),浙江近岸雌体的总脂含量(平均24.6μg/ind)和黄海冷水团周边雌体的总脂含量(平均18.2μg/ind)较低,黄海冷水团内的度夏的C5期中华哲水蚤具有明显的能量储存优势通过对度夏前中后时期(2010年11月份2011年6月份和8月份)中华哲水蚤的脂质变化特点进行了研究结果表明,与极区的休眠桡足类不同,中华哲水蚤在度夏休眠过程中消耗了大量脂质,而不是将脂质用于休眠末期的繁殖发育活动在度夏过程中除了蜡脂和三酰甘油外,作为结构性脂质的磷脂也被消耗,可能与中华哲水蚤度夏过程中较高的能量代谢需求有关两种主要的脂质(蜡脂和磷脂)在度夏过程中的消耗方式并不相同,在磷脂消耗过程中,其脂肪酸组成在整个度夏过程中保持不变,而蜡脂中的多不饱和脂肪酸则被选择性的消耗

【Abstract】 As one of the important biological macromolecules, lipids play an importantrole in crucial period of zooplankton life-history like diapause, reproduction andontogeny. However, as an ecologically important copepod species in the shelf watersof the North-west Pacific Ocean, there are few studies concern the lipid of Calanussinicus. The present research studied the lipid content and compositions, as well asthe role of lipid, in Calanus sinicus in the sourthern Yellow Sea.First, we studied the the lipid content and compositions of Calanus sinicus.Samples of Calanus sinicus in different development stages (CIII to Adult) werecollected from the Southern Yellow Sea in spring (April,2011). The results showthat the major lipid components were wax ester and phospholipid, and they togethercontributed about90%to total lipid, while triglyceride accounted for only6%. TheCIII copepodite has been started to accumulate wax ester and CV copepodite shownthe highest content in all development stages. The fatty acid compositions wereanalyzed for the two major lipid classes, wax ester and phospholipid. For wax ester,the dominate fatty acids were14:0,16:0,16:1ω7,18:1ω9,18:4ω3,20:1ω9,20:5ω3,22:1ω11and22:6ω3. For phospholipid, the dominate fatty acids were14:0,16:0,18:0,18:1ω9,18:4ω3,20:5ω3and22:6ω3. The fatty acid compositions ofwax ester and phospholipid show great differences. The fatty acids of wax ester has ahigh percentage of moneunstaturated fatty acis (MUFA) while phospholipid show ahigh content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), with the percentage of more than50%.Second, the roles of the major lipid classes were studied via in situ collectedsamples. We collected samples from the Southern Yellow Sea in autumn (November,2010) and spring (April,2011). The results show that the total lipid content of femaleC. sinicus was about10.6%~12%of dry body mass, while C5stage in spring had ahigher percentage, about17%of dry mass. The role of different lipid classes wasdiscussed as follows:(1) Wax ester served as an important energy deposit. Thefluctuated wax ester content of C. sinicus suggested the different strategies in energyneeds and utilization of different development stages and seasons.(2) Thecoincidence of active reproduction and high content of phospholipid in femaleindicated that phospholipid plays an important role in the egg production of C.sinicus.(3) The composition of TAG was relatively lower than that of wax ester andphospholipid in C. sinicus, but it might work in the transformation of different lipidclasses.Last, as over-summering is important for C. sinicus, we studied the dynamics ofdifferent lipid classes and FAs and their functions during this period. In August2011,the most abundant of C. sinicus was found at the certain regions in the Yellow SeaCold Bottom Waters (YSCBW, water temperature <10oC, ranging from93.3ind/m3to446.9ind/m3, mean,242.6ind/m3). The area near the shore of the East China Seaalso showed an abundant C. sinicus population (range,60.8–148.4ind/m3; mean,91.0ind/m3). The lipid content of C5in the YSCBW was43.1μg/ind, while the lipidcontent of the females in the YSCBW (mean,24.6μg/ind) and at the area near theshore of the East China Sea (mean,18.2μg/ind) was lower than C5in YSCBW. TheC5in the YSCBW can use stored lipid and sustain on a limited food supply duringover-summering, while C. sinicus in other areas require active feeding to surviveduring the summer. To further our understand of lipid dynamics duringover-summering, lipids and FAs of were analysied for samples which were got at thecentral part of Southern Yellow Sea in June, August, and November which areconsidered as the pre-, during-and end-diapause period. The results show that C. sinicus store up lipids (mainly wax ester and phospholipid) against summer. Theyconsumed most of the stored lipid, even some phospholipid, for energy needs duringthe over-summering period. This is different from Calanus spp. in high latitudewhich uses most of their storage lipids for ascent or reproduction needs. In addition,although polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in wax ester exhibited a selectivelyutilization, this selection was unrelated to diapause termination. What is the functionof this selection need further studies.

【关键词】 中华哲水蚤脂质蜡脂磷脂南黄海
【Key words】 Calanus sinicuslipidwax esterphospholipidsouthern Yellow Sea

