

Study on Regional Sports Economy Geographical Arrangement and Structure

【作者】 李亚慰

【导师】 王家宏;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本文以当前长三角地区体育产业、体育经济活动和体育经济市场的管理体制、运作机制和发展策略为研究主线,从经济学、管理学、社会学、体育学和行政法学等视角,并基于①对欧美发达国家体育资源产业化和体育经济、体育产业的理论、实践和法规的文献研究;②对我国体育产业和体育市场的考察,尤其是江浙沪三地若干具有典型代表性的体育产业布局与结构的实证研究;③对长三角地区体育产业产业布局与结构进行整体描述、宏观判断与微观测算。首先,第1章主要论述本文的研究目的意义、文献综述、研究对象与方法,同时提出基本观点与理论假设;第2章进行理论基础的解释说明,并进行概念界定;第3章依照产业分类,并按照“沪、浙、苏”的地区顺序和“体育用品制造业、体育赛事观赏服务业、体育健身休闲服务业、体育旅游休闲服务业与体育彩票业”的产业顺序依次进行分述,并对上述两省一市现有体育资源的产业布局调查和结构特征的基本判断,得出基本结论,指出存在问题;第4章从长三角地区体育产业发展的内外环境的优劣势方面进行阐述,从而对当前及未来一个时期长三角地区体育产业发展进行预判;第5章将根据2010年数据进行产业集聚模型、主导产业模型和城市引力模型及其指数的测算,从微观层面依次判断长三角地区两省一市体育产业的集聚效应、主导产业和城市引力,对其市场集中度、基尼系数、区位熵及技术要素相对密度、规模效应函数、产品收入弹性系数、市场占有率等经济指标进行分别比较与描述,分别测算和推导出上海市、浙江省和江苏省的体育产业布局与结构情况,并推导体育主导产业及体育产业增长极地区,判断相对应的产业发展阶段,同时分析上述各区域体育产业极化效应与扩散效应的强弱情况,随后本章进行长三角地区体育产业增长极“内外环境”的经济学测算,提出建立的区域(城市)或产业发展“引力模型”,最后结合上述集聚效应模型、主导产业模型和城市引力模型进行长三角地区体育产业增长极模型的构建,并就体育产业的布局与结构问题与第3章的宏观情况和经验判断进行对照;在此基础上,本章利用长三角地区各省市未来一个时期2015年(十二五规划末期)预测数据或假设性数据进行运算,测算出十二五末期长三角地区体育产业布局与结构模型,随后对两次模型及其参数进行产业分析,根据各项指标及其差异进行经济学判断,同时利用地理学和空间经济学方法,结合长三角地区具体的地理空间和城市布局情况,预判出长三角地区未来一个时期体育产业的发展状况,包括体育产业布局与结构特征、分支产业和分布地区(城市),该章最后进行长三角地区体育产业布局与结构调整的理论阐述,从各省市体育产业经济指标的变化角度分别描述、解释和讨论体育产业布局与结构;最后,第6章对全文给予总结,结论分为实践性结论和理论性结论两个部分,最后根据结论分别提出政策建议,特别是在体育产业布局与产业结构两个方面进行重点考察与详细说明,主要是利用微观测算的结果,依据产业经济、产业组织、公共政策、产业结构等理论,进行长三角地区体育产业发展趋势推导,对已经或可能存在的体育产业“增长极地区”或“增长极产业”进行产业现状分析、发展趋势预测,最终目的是构建适应我国市场经济体制变革要求并特别适合长三角地区社会与经济整体发展,并衔接国际国内两个市场的体育产业发展路径,提出产业发展策略。

【Abstract】 Firstly, according to the industry classification, and in accordance with the "Shanghai,Zhejiang, Jiangsu" and "the regional sequence of sports goods manufacturing industry,service industry, sports watch sports fitness leisure service industry, sports tourism andleisure service industry and sports lottery industry" the order of the basic judgment; andthen the industrial layout and structure investigation characteristics of the two provincesand one city of existing sports resources based on the study of the Yangtze River Delta,with the main line of sports industry, sports economic activities and sports marketeconomy management system, operation mechanism and development strategy, from theeconomics, management, sociology perspective, sports science and administrative law, andbased on the literature research. On the sports resources industry of developed countries inEurope and America and sports economy, sports industry theory, practice and regulations;the study on our sports industry and sports market, especially empirical researchJiangzhehu three several typical cases of sports industry; industrial layout and structure ofthe sports industry in the Yangtze River Delta region the data calculation, in the fourthchapter, the fifth chapter derivation, calculation are deduced, the Yangtze River Deltaregion sports Industry agglomeration situation, most of the growth characteristics of thebranch of sports industry type and stage of the corresponding and each area (or city) cityenvironment index of the development of the sports industry, and the analysis of theregional sports industry polarization effect and diffusion effect of strength condition,calculates the Yangtze River Delta Economic Area Sports industry growth pole"environment", proposed the establishment of regional (city) or industrial development"gravity model"; in the sixth chapter, research will be conducted on the Yangtze RiverDelta economic model of sports industry layout and structure of the sports industry growthin the Yangtze River Delta, the reality is calculated, the model construction of growth of different sports industry; then in the seventh chapter, according to the Yangtze River Deltaeconomic and social development data in a period of future has been predicted, accordingto possible future a period assumption of data, so as to predict the Yangtze River Deltaregion in a period of future development of the sports industry, including the basicdistribution, branches of industry and distribution area sports industry growth pole the(city), and finally to build prediction and model in the future; and In the eighth chapter ofthe construction of the Yangtze River Delta region sports industrial layout and structuraladjustment theory (paper), and from the "endowment of resources and industrial layout,geographical characteristics and spatial distribution, industry classification and hierarchy,the industrial core and target area, vertical depth and lateral connection, reaction andinteraction, growth pole and set the location area, timing and positioning"8aspects todescribe, explain and argument; in the ninth chapter gives the summary, draw theconclusion, and puts forward policy suggestion. In fourth,5,6,7chapter, will use differentcolor, depth and contour of industrial layout and structure of physical geographycartography, in order to distinguish between different areas and different sports industry isthe industry category and economic weight different, showing the layout and structure ofsports industry in the Yangtze River Delta region in the most intuitive the way.After the establishment of the content, can be estimated from the corresponding dataof the corresponding index, and thus on the Yangtze River Delta area sports industrygrowth pole to form a basic judgment, at the same time analysis of Yangtze River Deltaarea sports industry actual situation, existing problems, opportunities and challenges,especially focuses on the two aspects of industrial layout and industrial structure of sports,the current situation and development tendency forecast to have or may exist in the sportsindustry "growth pole area" or "growth pole" industry, constructing adapt to changes in themarket economic system of our country and is especially suitable for the overalldevelopment of Yangtze River Delta economic and social cohesion, and two internationaland domestic market development path, sports industrial polarization mode and industrydevelopment strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

