

"Shi-Kan" and the Poetic Creation in1980s

【作者】 钱继云

【导师】 王尧;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 1980年代是当代诗歌复兴与繁荣的时段,作为诗歌界最重要的官方刊物,《诗刊》在此时代的社会文化语境中有着诸多作为,它对八十年代诗歌产生了深刻的影响。八十年代诗歌复兴的前奏在七十年代末便已响起,新时期思想解放运动促使“为文艺正名”的步伐加速。《诗刊》在1979年以“二为”方向、“双百”方针为指导对一己的办刊方针进行了调整,旨在繁荣新诗创作,同时建设新诗创作者的队伍。考察新方针导引下的《诗刊》,其刊发的作品从主题到诗艺都呈现出显著的转型期的表征,从刊物所召集的诗人群体来看,其八十年代主要供稿人的团队也已初步成形。七十年代末《诗刊》的转型之一体现为对原刊于民刊的朦胧诗的转载。刊物在八十年代初的朦胧诗诗潮中扮演了弄潮儿的角色,这种展露峥嵘既体现为对那场声势浩大的关于“朦胧诗”及“三个崛起”论争的发起与积极参与,也表现在作品刊登上对从思想内核到艺术手法都显别于诗歌传统的朦胧诗作的倚重。在新旧两种诗观冲突的梳理中,厘清诗学的以及非诗的因素,就可以解释原本一场以问题讨论为初衷的学术性争鸣何以最终以思想“清污”的运动收场。这其中刊物所暴露出的局限性显然与主流意识形态及文学体制密切相关。朦胧诗潮后,在新生代揭竿而起的浮华背景下,《诗刊》以其敏锐的眼光、良好的品位以及包容的心态,上下求索,沉稳而不失活泛。从诗歌创作到诗评、诗论,从栏目设计、编辑理念到评论文章、理论研讨会,都旨在探索后朦胧时期诗潮的多元化衍生,这种探索的痕迹通过这一时段所刊诗作可得到印证。诗潮之外,作为媒介,《诗刊》通过其“青春诗会”与“刊授学院”两个重要品牌分别对高端的与普通的作者进行引导与塑造,并以“诗歌信箱”、“读者中来”等着眼于读者的栏目使得读、写、编的诗歌观念与审美品位趋于一致与和谐。诗歌传播方面,刊物通过诗朗诵的倡导促进诗歌的共时性传播;同时又藉由诗歌评奖使诗作经典化,以利于其历时性传承。在八十年代诗学的海外资源方面,《诗刊》对欧美诗歌的译介对当代诗人从诗歌理念到表现手法产生了极大影响。此外,对海峡彼岸诗歌的推介还占有《诗刊》的绝对比重,在八十年代此岸对彼岸诗歌的传播全貌中,《诗刊》起到了引领与推助作用,其中体现出台湾诗歌与大陆诗歌中现代派的此消彼长、相互错节的现象。《诗刊》在整个八十年代诗歌美学建构中也颇有建树:对现实主义的倚重、对文化之根的回溯和对抒情传统的持守,体现了刊物在诗歌美学基本原则与结构方面的主张;对短诗、叙事诗以及诗歌语言的探索,体现了刊物在诗歌文体方面的倡导;诗人关于生活与自我的诗思也通过刊物得以表达与呈现。论文前三章以时间为经线,以思潮为关键词,分别论述七十年代末思想解放运动启示下的“为文艺正名”的呼声、朦胧诗潮以及后朦胧时期诗歌潮流的多元化衍生;后三章则分别论述《诗刊》对八十年代诗歌生产与传播的影响、对彼时诗坛重要的诗学资源的引入以及刊物自身在诗歌美学方面的建构等,以显现《诗刊》对八十年代诗歌创作所起的作用。

【Abstract】 The1980s were great years for Chinese contemporary poetry. In such social and cultural context,“Shi-Kan”, as one of the most important official journal, had accomplished a lot to leave a profoundinfluence upon the poetry development in1980s.The revival of1980s’ poetry was actually preluded in the end of1970s, the time a movement ofideological liberation was rising to accelerate the step of “renaming the art and literature”. Based on“two directions” and “two principles” as a guideline in1979,“Shi-Kan” accordingly made someadjustments in its development with an aim to gear up the prosperity of new poetry creation and buildup the array of new poetry creators. Under the new guideline,“Shi-Kan” indicated a remarkabletransformation by the token of the themes and artistry of poems published. It also shaped the formationof major contributors in1980s from the view of the poet group convened by the journal.Reprinting the misty poetry was one of the transformations embodied by Shi-Kan” in the end of1970s. In early1980s, the journal played a pioneer role in the trend of misty poetry and showed itsmagnitude by not only initiating and participating in the storming debate on “Misty Poetry” and “ThreeRises”, but also weighing the thought connotation and art expression of misty poetry published on it.In carding two conflicting views of new and old poetry, a discussion over the clarification of poetics andnon-poetics had made an academic controversy ended up with the ideology of “clean or corruption", inwhich "Shi-Kan” exposed its limitation obviously related to the main stream of ideology and literarysystem. After the trend of misty poetry, the new generation was rising to start a poetry revolution.Under this circumstance,"Shi-Kan” stably and flexibly developed itself with its keen eyes, goodquality and tolerant attitude toward poetic creation, poetic critics, poetic theory, journal design, editingideas, critic articles and seminar, with aim to search for the multiple developments of the poetry trendafter misty poetry.In addition to the poetry trend,"Shi-Kan”, as a medium, had also undertaken the tasks of guidingand molding the high-end and ordinary writers through its two significant trademarks of "Youth PoetryParty" and "Correspondence School" as well as envisaged its reader with the items of "Poetry Mailbox"and "Reader Correspondence". All of which had made the poetic ideas and esthetics reach consensusand harmony in reading, writing and editing. In the aspect of circulating poetry, the journal expeditedthe synchronic dissemination by way of advocating poetry recitation and meantime canonized thepoetry through the mechanics of award to facilitate its diachronic inheritance.As to the resources outside the country in1980s, the translation of poetry from Russia, EasterEurope, Western Europe and America" by Shi-Kan” had exercised a tremendous influence on thecontemporary poets no matter in the poetic ideas or the expressing method. Other than that, theintroduction of poetry from Taiwan was also accounted for an absolute proportion. In the history of newpoetry disseminated from one side of the cross straits to the other,"Shi-Kan" showed its leading and inciting effect and demonstrated the ups and downs phenomena of poetry development between crossstraits.The achievements made by "Shi-Kan" in1980s were in many ways: to embody its views about theprinciple of poetic esthetics and structure through emphasizing realism, retracing cultural root, andpersisting in lyric tradition; to manifest its promotion of poetic cultural system in exploring the poeticlanguage, short poems and narrative poems; to present the poets’ life and express their poetic thoughtsvia the journal.In this paper, the former three chapters focus on time, respectively discussing the opinion of"renaming the art and literature" under the movement of thought liberation in the end of1970s, the trendof misty poetry as well as the multiple developments of the new poetry after misty poetry. The latterthree chapters examine the influence of "Shi-Kan" on the production and dissemination of poetry in1980s, the introduction of important poetry resources from Taiwan, and the poetic esthetics establishedby "Shi-Kan" itself, with aim to display its leading position in poetry development of1980s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【下载频次】451

