

The Study and Dissemination Study of Chinese Popular Novels of Pre-qin Period and Han Dynasties

【作者】 孙玲

【导师】 赵杏根;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以文学艺术与社会机制的动态交互作用为研究切入点,以元明清“先秦两汉题材”通俗小说为研究对象,将相关素材放入编创、传播与接受的文学活动现场进行考察分析,探讨通俗小说的娱乐性、平民性、商品性三大本质特征与社会发展的动态关系。论文对元明清三代先秦两汉题材通俗小说产生的社会基础,递嬗脉络,体裁类型与文化意蕴等作了较为细致的研究解读。绪论部分简要介绍了相关的研究成果、研究现状与可据资料以及研究设想。正文凡三编。第一编为元代“先秦两汉题材”通俗小说:从继承到转型。第一章综合考察了元代通俗小说的传播环境,分析了传播者、传播方式、传播手段以及受众等文学传播要素。第二章探讨了先秦两汉题材平话的创作与传播。特殊的社会制度,深厚的历史传统,求知尚古的心理诉求是平话在这一时期得以产生和流传的主要动因。平话所展现的历史是脱胎于正史,不断俗化的历史,又是自成体系的历史。受众审美趣味又反过来影响到平话的敷衍分寸。第三章通过分析民俗文化与话本小说之间的内在关联,揭示出元代话本小说有着迎合民间审美趣味的倾向,它秉承民间叙事的通俗性,吸收民俗信仰的成分,呈现出鲜明的民间特色。第四章揭示了先秦两汉题材通俗小说与杂剧在题材选取上相互因袭,在艺术手法上相互借鉴,形成一种双向互动的现象。第二编是明代“先秦两汉题材”通俗小说:从新变到繁荣。第一章指出明代通俗小说的传播状况发生较大的改变。逐渐放开的文化政策,持续发展的社会经济,教育和文化的普及以及消费文化的蔚兴等因素为通俗小说的编创与传播提供了较之前代更为广阔的平台。综合考察文学传播过程中的各种要素,可以发现,明代通俗小说的传播队伍不断发展,传播方式渐趋多样,传播手段逐步机制化以及受众范围日益扩大。第二章以明代历史演义中的先秦两汉题材为中心,研究了历史演义形成与传播的动因、历史演义的编创动机和编创方式。第三章集中考察了明代先秦两汉题材的神魔小说。神魔小说是在明代三教融合以及不断世俗化的文化背景中产生与发展的。神魔小说中涵摄了古典神话的思维方式、形象原型以及精神内涵。神魔小说的产生与流行契合了创作者与接受者的普遍审美心理,揭示出人们对鬼神故事的偏爱其实也是对自身局限性的一种心理补偿。第四章梳理了先秦两汉故事题材的拟话本篇目,发现这些小说经过明代文人的加工润色,呈现出了文人化、雅致化的时代特色与鲜明的江南地域特色。第五章选取《七十二朝人物演义》进行个案研究,认为明代通俗小说内蕴着儒家文化,以此自觉承担起社会教化的功能。第三编为清代“先秦两汉题材”通俗小说:从成熟到衰蜕。本编延续之前的研究体例,第一章统观巡视清代通俗小说的创作环境,发现古代通俗小说伴随着清廷的建立、鼎盛与衰退呈现出较为契合的律动状态。就传播要素而言,传播队伍更加专业化,传播媒介更加多样化,受众群体更为普及。第二章以先秦两汉题材历史演义为考察对象,发现基于文学的一般发展规律,清代通俗小说不复明代的发展热度,整体呈现出衰微趋势,这也与更为严厉的统治政策和严谨的学术氛围不无关联。第三章以先秦两汉题材神魔小说为研究中心,发现经历了清初创作的低谷之后,清代中期神魔小说又出现了一次创作高峰。这一时期的神魔小说普遍存在“混类”的现象,续书、仿书占大多数。晚清时期随着西方文化的进入,神魔小说的传统色彩逐渐淡化,折射出新的时代变化。结语归纳先秦两汉文学与文化对通俗小说的影响以及元明清各代先秦两汉题材通俗小说的演变轨迹。

【Abstract】 Taking the Chinese popular novels of “Pre-Qin Period and Han Dynasties” in Yuan, the Ming andthe Qing Dynasties as the research object, this paper starts from the dynamic interaction between theliterature and art and social mechanism, puts the related materials into the edition and creation,dissemination and acceptance of literary activities and then investigates and analyzes it in order toexplore dynamic relationship between the social development and the three basic features of popularnovels, that is, entertainment, common people orientation and commercialization. The paper conductsfurther researches and interpretations on the Chinese popular novels of “Pre-Qin Period and HanDynasties” in Yuan, the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, such as social background that gave birth to thesenovels, the evolution, genre type and the cultural implication of these novels. The introduction partbriefly introduces the related research results, research status and solid data and research ideas.The body consists of three parts. The first part talks about the traditions and changes of popularnovels in the Yuan Dynastycentering on the subject of the Pre-Qin Period and Han dynasties. The firstchapter comprehensively studies the communication environment of popular novels in the YuanDynasty and analyzes the literature transmission elements including distributor, mode of distribution,distribution methods and the audience as well. The second chapter discusses the creation and spread ofPinghua. The main reasons that Pinghua emerged and spread during this period are the special socialsystem, profound historical tradition and the psychological demand for seeking knowledge of theancient times. The history in which Pinghua spread is away from the official history. It is the history ofthe continuous popularization and the history with its own system. The aesthetic taste of the audience inturn influences the sense of propriety of Pinghua. Through the analysis of the inner connection betweenthe folk culture and colloquial stories, the third chapter reveals that colloquial stories in Yuan Dynastyhave the tendency to cater to the folk aesthetic taste, adhere to the popularity of folk narration andabsorb the folk belief, thus showing a distinctive folk features. The fourth chapter reveals the mutualconvention in the theme selection of the popular novels and dramas in Yuan Dynasty and the mutuallearning in the technique of art, which forms a two-way interaction.The second part is about the development and prosperity of popular novels of Ming dynastycentering on the subject of the Pre-Qin Period and Han Dynasties. The first chapter of this part firstlypoints out that the spread of popular novels of Ming dynasty has undertaken a large change. Theelements including the gradually relaxing cultural policy, the social economy with sustainabledevelopment, the popularization of education and culture and the prosperity of the consumption cultureetc, provide broader platform for the creation and dissemination of popular novels. After thecomprehensive investigation of the various elements in the process of literature spread, it can be found that the spread of popular novels of Ming dynasty has been developed, the mode of distribution hasbeen increasingly diversified and become mechanism and the audience scope has been graduallyexpanded. The second chapter, centering on the subject of the Pre-Qin Period and Han Dynasties in thehistorical novels of Ming Dynasty, discusses the reasons why the historical novels have been producedand spread and the creation motivation and creation ways of historical novels. The third chapter in thispart focuses on the survey of Ming Dynasty God evil spirit novels of the subject of the Pre-Qin Periodand Han Dynasties. These novels has emerged and developed in the cultural background of the fusionand gradual secularization of the three religions in Ming Dynasty. The god evil spirit novels contain thethinking patterns, image prototype and the spiritual connotation of classical mythology. The emergenceand the popularization of the god evil spirit novel conforms with the creator’ and recipients’ commonaesthetic psychology and reveals that people’s preference to ghost story is also a kind of psychologicalcompensation for its own limitations. The fourth chapter overviewed the titles of colloquial stories ofthe subject of Pre-Qin Period and Han Dynasties and found out that these novels, after elaboration andpolishing, presents the era characteristics of literati and elegance and the distinct Jiangnan regionalfeatures. The fifth chapter selected Historical Figure of Seventy-two Dynasties as a case for study andconcluded that popular novels of Ming dynasty embodies Confucian culture, thus bearing the functionof social education.The third part concentrates on the maturity and metamorphosis of Chinese ancient popular novelsin the Qing Dynasty, centering on subject of the Pre-Qin Period and Han Dynasties. The first chapter inthis part takes a overall view about the creation of popular novels in Qing Dynasty and found that theancient popular novels presents the more proper rhythmic state with the establishment, prosperity andrecession of the Qing Dynasty. In terms of transmission elements, spread team has become moreprofessional, transmission media more diversified and the audience more popular. The second chapterfound with historical novels as its research subject that the popular novels in Qing Dynasty, based on thegeneral development rule of literature, do not develop heatedly like before but shows a trend of decline,which is definitely related to the strict ruling policy and the rigorous academic atmosphere. The thirdchapter centers on god evil spirit novels, and discovers that after experiencing the low period of thecreation at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the god evil spirit novel in the Qianjia Period appearedanother creation peak. All these novels has the feature of “mixed type”. The continuation and simulationof the books have been a trend. After the introduction of western culture in the late Qing Dynasty,traditional color of god evil spirit novels gradually faded and reflected the new era change.In conclusion, the paper summarizes the influence of the Pre-Qin Period and Han Dynastiesliterature and culture on the popular novels and the evolution path of the Chinese popular novels of“Pre-Qin Period and Han Dynasties” in Yuan, the Ming and the Qing Dynasties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

