

Ethics of the Social Novels in the Seventeenth Century

【作者】 沈叶娟

【导师】 赵杏根;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以十七世纪世情小说中复杂的伦理现象为研究对象,以伦理学为切入点,通过对十七世纪世情小说中各种伦理关系的归纳与分析,梳理了在商品经济发展、个体思想解放、明清鼎革易代的社会背景下,中国传统伦理的递嬗。绪论部分介绍了本文的研究对象及范围,对本文所研究的十七世纪世情小说的定义和范围进行了新的界定和划分,介绍了二十世纪以来学界对十七世纪世情小说研究的成果和现状,以及以中国传统伦理为主,部分西方现代伦理概念为辅的研究方法的确立及意义。全文正论部分共五章。第一章从社会个体价值实现方式的角度来研究其伦理意义。通过对贯穿于十七世纪世情小说的教化论的分析,来解析传统儒家济世、为人的个体价值观,以及所折射出的中国传统伦理。同时通过对小说中情、色主旨角力的分析,展现当时社会对个体价值是为人还是娱己的思考。这两大价值体系贯穿了整个十七世纪,并随着社会政治、经济、思想的发展逐渐流变,呈现出了初期、末期两头极端化的发展特点。第二章通过对小说中夫妻、父子、婆媳、兄弟、子侄等人伦关系的解析,阐释了中国传统社会以血缘为基础的亲族伦理的特点,以及在当时社会背景下的新变化。夫妻关系中,二者在宽容与忠贞上的不平等,父子关系中,对儿子责任与义务单方面的强调,都反映了中国亲族伦理对夫权与父权的维护与尊崇。婆媳、兄弟、子侄等人伦关系则呈现出因血缘而产生的由己推人、由近及远的差序格局的特点。同时这些亲族人伦在当时的社会背景下,还不约而同地呈现出了功利化的发展态势。第三章通过对小说中知识分子、商人、妓女、奴仆、侠客、义盗等社会群体与其他群体的交往,以及各个群体生存状态的分析,解析中国传统社会伦理等级性和普适化的特点。通过小说中不同社会群体对自我及他人存在的认知,来展示整个社会对走向公平、公正的努力;通过他们的取与舍、为与不为,来展示整个社会对传统伦理的继承与变革。第四章通过对小说中植物、动物以及环境的描述来探究中国传统社会中的生态伦理。通过小说中人们对植物、动物、环境的态度和作为,分析儒释道三家在中国传统生态伦理上的交融与贡献,尤其是朴素的可持续发展观所蕴含的现代性。第五章探究了十七世纪世情小说伦理传达的方式。通过对小说文本中各种合“礼”或不合“礼”的言行的分析,展现当时社会伦理的变化。本章还通过对小说文本中频频出现的墙、花园、船、金莲和绣鞋、窗户、寺庙等意象蕴含的伦理意义的阐释,解析其在小说文本中进行教化的意义与作用。除此以外,本章还通过对小说语言中人物称谓的选择、社会身份与语言的符合程度、诗词使用程式化的分析,探究了伦理传达方式的多样性。十七世纪世情小说重伦理的特点有社会大环境的影响,更具有很强的人为因素。本文附论部分通过对小说整个创作、传播过程的追踪,分析研究了小说在产生过程中的伦理因素。通过对小说家的创作初衷、出版商的商业化运作、地域的环境影响、整个文坛的创作风气、小说评论家的点评的分析,揭示了十七世情小说伦理化特点显著的成因。本文结论部分分析了当今社会与十七世纪,在个体价值的实现与传统伦理道德的嬗变上的相似之处,通过对隐藏在十七世纪世情小说教化论之下的传统伦理的重新认识,寻求传统伦理中的积极部分在当今社会人生中的新的定位和意义。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the seventeenth century novels about the complex ethical phenomenonfor the study, with ethics as the starting point, through the seventeenth century novels aboutvarious ethical relationship summarized and analyzed in combing the development ofcommodity economy, individual emancipation, the social context Ming Ding Yi Gegeneration, Evolution of Chinese traditional ethics. Introduction section introduces theobject and scope of this article, on the seventeenth-century novels about the study in thispaper the definition and scope of the new definition and division, presented the results ofthe twentieth century scholars of the seventeenth century novels about the study andestablish the status and significance, as well as Chinese traditional ethics-based,supplemented by some Western concepts of modern ethics research methods.On the positive part of the text of chapters. Chapter One way to achieve individualvalue from the social point of view to study the ethical significance. By the seventeenthcentury throughout the world situation novels enlightenment on the analysis of traditionalConfucian tradition of helping to resolve, and his individual values, as well as a reflectionof the Chinese traditional ethics. By analyzing the novel Zhong Qing, color themewrestling show is the social value of the individual man or entertainment has been thinking.These two value systems throughout the entire seventeenth century, and with thedevelopment of social, political, economic, ideological gradually rheology, showing theearly stage of the development of the final two extreme characteristics. The second chapterof the novel by husband and wife, father and son, mother-and daughter, brother, nephewand other human relations analysis, interpretation of the characteristics of Chinesetraditional society based on blood kinship ethics, as well as the new changes in theprevailing social context. Husband and wife relationship, the two inequalities in toleranceand loyalty, and parent-child relationship, the responsibilities and obligations of the son unilateral emphasis reflected the Chinese relatives of the husband and the father of theethical right to maintain and respect. Mother and daughter in the Law, brother, nephew andother human relations are showing by the person who has to push blood generated, fromnear and far differential pattern characteristics. While these relatives of human relations inthe social context, but also invariably showing a utilitarian development. The third chapterof the novel by intellectuals, businessmen, prostitutes, slaves, knight, Pirates and othersocial justice groups and other groups of contacts, as well as the status of various groups ofsurvival analysis, parsing Chinese traditional social and ethical level of the universalcharacteristics. Cognitive novels by different social groups exist for self and others, todemonstrate to a fair and impartial efforts of the entire society; through them to take andcare for and is not to show the entire community of inheritance and transformation oftraditional ethics. The fourth chapter of the novel by plants, animals, and a description ofthe environment to explore traditional Chinese society ecological ethics. People on thenovel by plants, animals, the environment and attitudes as to analyze blend ofConfucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in China and contribution of traditional ecologicalethics, especially the simple concept of sustainable development implies modernity. Thefifth chapter explores the seventeenth century novels about the ethical way to communicate. Through the analysis of various novels together "gift" or substandard "ritual" words anddeeds, to show changes in social ethics at that time. This chapter also throughinterpretation of the ethical significance of the wall appeared frequently in novels, garden,boat, lotus and embroidered, windows, temples and other imagery implied, parses itsconduct enlightenment in the novel text meaning and effect. In addition, this chapter by thetitle character of the novel’s language selection, analysis in line with the degree of socialidentity and language, using stylized poetry explores the diversity of ethical ways tocommunicate.Seventeenth-century novel features heavy ethical world situation has affected thesocial environment, but also has a strong human factors. This paper attached on the part ofthe novel through the entire creation, dissemination process tracking, analysis of the novel in the production process of ethical considerations. Through the novelist’s creative mind,publishers of commercial operation, environmental impact area, the entire creative literaryculture, fiction critic, reviews and analysis of the world situation reveals the seventh novelfeatures Ethical significant causes.This paper analyzes the conclusion of today’s society and the seventeenth century, inthe realization of the value of the individual and the traditional ethics of evolution parallels,by hiding under the seventeenth century novels about enlightenment on the traditionalethics of re-understanding, seek traditional ethics of the positive part of the new locationand meaning of life in today’s society.

【关键词】 世情小说伦理道德教化
【Key words】 social novelsethicsmoralcivilize
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

