

Research on Detecting and Control Key Technologies in Long-distance Slurry Pipeline Transportation

【作者】 何成

【导师】 王耀南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 长距离矿浆管道输送方式具有输送能力大、耕地占用少、不受气候条件限制、节能减排等许多优点。随着对偏远地区矿产资源需求的增加,长距离矿浆管道输送的应用日益广泛。然而矿浆管道输送过程中可能出现淤积、堵塞,严重磨损等问题,矿浆管道输送流速等重要参数的测控是解决上述问题的关键技术。我国已建的长距离矿浆管道输送测控系统多由外国公司提供专有设计与关键技术。现已应用的技术不能确保所有工况下矿浆管道输送流速的准确检测,复杂工况下矿浆管道输送过程的控制水平亟待提高。本论文依托国家科技支撑计划课题《复杂地形矿浆管道输送安全运行关键技术问题研究》,将矿浆管道输送工艺技术与测控技术两个研究领域融合在一起,通过理论分析与试验研究相结合,旨在提供矿浆管道输送系统在复杂工况下准确的智能检测与自动控制的关键技术。主要研究工作与创新点包括以下几个方面:1、分析了长距离复杂地形矿浆管道输送工艺流程及参数,研究了管道输送特性。提出了管道输送过程混杂控制系统框架,分析了输送过程混杂控制中的难点。通过管道输送流速控制各环节的建模,及输送管道动态模型的分析,说明了长距离管道输送流速控制具有非线性、参数时变、多输入、多输出、强耦合的传递延迟特性,提出并建立了连续方式的输送流速控制流程模型。2、通过理论与实验,研究了矿浆管道输送中单一采用电磁流量计检测流速产生虚假数据的原因。确定与提取了与矿浆输送流速相关的特征量:差压波动系数、流量波动系数等,分析其与流速的相关性。提出了一种多传感器数据融合与识别的矿浆流速检测技术。将FCMAC结合AdaBoost应用于流速值的虚假数据识别,提出了改进的AdaBoost-FCMAC识别算法作为虚假数据识别器,根据从多个传感器提取的特征对检测的流速数据进行真假辨别和修正处理。通过试验验证该技术能实现复杂工况下的流速准确实时检测。3、针对工业多泵站管道批量输送方式工况频繁变化的复杂过程,提出了基于复合逆控制的仿人多模态输送流速控制器。分析了仿人多模态控制器从特征辨识到多模态控制输出的映射关系,给出了全工况的推理过程。针对某一特定工况段,分析了管道输送流速调节系统可逆性,采用小波神经网络建立其逆模型,说明了复合逆控制的实现。通过计算机仿真和试验等方式验证了控制器的性能,证明控制结构与算法的有效性。4、研究了具有特殊瞬态特性的带浆停泵再启动过程。为了确保输送系统能从故障后特殊工况下安全启动,分析了启动过程的输送系统各部分启动特性和控制规律。提出了一种智能识别与切换控制的带浆再启动控制方法,经过智能识别诊断,采用预定基准值与调节值相结合,实现了变步长与变增量的阶梯式再启动控制。通过试验基地带浆停泵再启动试验,验证了所研究的方法可确保管道输送系统在长时间停泵后实现安全稳定运行。5、在模拟我国某长距离管线特征建立的复杂地形浆体管道输送试验基地上,开发了工业标准级的基于混杂递阶思想的全工况智能测控系统。测控系统完成了多传感器融合检测与智能控制方法实用化应用;进行矿浆管道输送特性与参数的实验研究,实现了模拟工业化的不同条件下全自动化的多泵矿浆输送测控,验证了提出控制算法的稳定性和鲁棒性。本论文所提出的智能测控技术解决了矿浆管道输送流速准确检测的难题,实现了强干扰及特殊工况下矿浆管道输送的稳定控制,具有创新性与工程实用价值以及推广应用前景。论文最后对主要创新研究成果进行了总结,展望下一步研究工作。

【Abstract】 Long-distance slurry pipeline transportation has many advantages over other transportation technologies, such as larger capacity, less land use, less reliance on climate conditions, more energy saving and reduced emission. With the increase in demand for mineral resource in suburban areas, the need for long-distance slurry pipeline also rises significantly. However, during the slurry pipeline transportation process, sedimentation, blockage and severe wear may easily occur. Accurately detecting and controlling the velocity of the slurry flow is key to solving these problems. At present, most of the established slurry pipeline transportation systems in our country are provided by foreign companies. However, the current technology cannot ensure accurate detection of the slurry flow velocity under all circumstances. In addition, automation control under various complicated conditions needs to be improved. This study is part of the National Science and Technology Support Program Project, titled "Research on the key technologies of the secure operation of slurry pipeline in complex terrains". It focuses on the detection and control issues pertaining to the long-distance slurry pipeline transportation process and aims to provide solutions for the accurate intelligence detection and control of the transportation system under complex conditions. The main findings are summarized below.1. This thesis analyzes the process flows and parameters of the long-distance slurry pipeline, studies the characteristics of slurry pipeline transportation.The key points in the slurry pipeline transportation process control are analyzed, Pipeline transportation process hybrid control system framework is proposed. Through the modeling of each section of pipeline flow control and the dynamic model of pipeline, a continuous way of conveying velocity control of the process model is put forward and set up.The transportation velocity control system of the slurry pipeline is proved to be a transfer delay system with characteristics such as nonlinearity, time varying, multi-input multi-output and strong coupling.2. Through reviewing theories and conducting experiments, the disturbance of using the electromagnetic flow meter to measure flow velocity of the slurry pipeline transportation is analyzed. A detection system of slurry flow velocity based on multi-sensor information integration is developed. The characteristic parameters related to the slurry flow velocity are determined and extracted, such as pressure difference fluctuation factor, flow fluctuation factor and etc. The correlations between these parameters and the slurry flow velocity are analyzed. Based on the features extracted from multiple sensors, AdaBoost is combined with FCMAC to identify the facticity of flow velocity data. An improved AdaBoost-FCMAC recognition algorithm as false data identifier is proposed. The experiment results confirm that this method can achieve accurate and real-time detection of slurry flow velocity under complex operating mode.3. The operating modes of the actual process of the industrial multi-pump station pipeline transportation change very frequently. Hence, human-simulated multi-mode controller structure and algorithm based on the complex inverse control with Application to the flow velocity control for Slurry Pipeline are proposed. The deduction process from feature recognition to total output of human-simulated multi-mode control is presented. The reversibility of the pipeline flow adjustment system is analyzed, and the inverse control model based on wavelet neural network is constructed. The flow velocity complex NPID inverse control is proposed. The results of experiments and simulation have confirmed the high performance of this algorithm, and the validity of the control structure and algorithm.4. The restart technology after slurry pipeline transportation system failure is investigated. In order to ensure the slurry pipeline transportation system can safety re-start from the special working conditions, the start characteristics of transmission system parts and control laws are analyzed. Switching control based on intelligent recognition is designed to meet the requirements of slurry restarting. Through the intelligent recognition and diagnosis of system status, restarting with gain-varying and step-varying by means of switching control is realized by using the combination of expecting standard value and adjustment value. The experiment results show that the automatic restarting of slurry by means of switching control based on intelligent recognition is safe and stable even after a long-term pump-stop.5. On a simulated experimental base of long-distance slurry pipeline transportation in our country, the whole operating mode intelligent measurement and control system of industry standard based on complex step idea is developed. The practical application of the measurement and control system based on multi-sensor fusion and intelligent control method is achieved. The transportation characteristics and parameters of slurry pipeline are studied, and the simulation of automatic multi-pump slurry pipeline transportation control on different industrialization conditions is achieved. The robustness and stability of the proposed method are then verified.The proposed intelligent measurement and control technique in this thesis can resolve the difficulty of accurately detecting the flow velocity of slurry transportation, and achieve stable control under strong disturbance and special operating modes. The findings of this research are innovative and have engineering practical value. There are also good prospects in their extended applications.Finally, the main innovative research results are summarized, and further study directions are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

