

【作者】 钱淼

【导师】 王伟;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 农村合作经济的引入与发展使我国摆脱了在“家庭经营”时代向“小农经济”剧烈回归的宿命,是进入新世纪以后我国政府推动下的一次农村经济体制创新。最近几年我国的经济体制改革逐步进入深水区,市场的资源配置作用被解锁,改革开始由政府主导转向市场化引导,而对政策有着较强的依赖性的中国农村合作经济也出现了许多变化。在实践中,农村合作经济涵义已经宽泛化,农村合作经济不断实现着对传统合作经济原则的革新,专业合作之外的多种合作经济形态陆续出现,这种现象被认可并作为新型农业经营体系的多元化的特征。剧烈的环境变迁为中国农村合作经济积累了足够的演进诱因,合作经济的形态也到了要重新考量的时候,一个自适应的进化过程已经开启。农村合作经济形态演进是指其从单纯的专业合作形态向专业合作、股份合作、联合社和“新一代”合作等多种形态复合而成的经济形态变迁的过程。在这个过程中,传统的合作经济在理论层面被不断突破与革新,新的合作经济形态在实践中层出不穷,中国的农村合作经济的定性也因社会各阶层对与其认识的混乱而变得模糊,当前农村合作经济形态演进问题迫切需要学理上的解释。同时现实中越来越多的新类型合作社在农村区域出现,逐渐开始改变原有的农村经济结构和农业生产经营方式,使农村区域环境开始发生变迁。因此,在现阶段认识农村合作经济形态演进问题及其给农村区域环境带来的影响是非常具有现实意义的,本文研究的目的也在于此。本文探讨农村合作经济的形态演进问题,主要分为三个层次,首先是对农村合作经济形态演进现象的发觉与思考,其次是对农村合作经济形态演进问题的本质分析,最后是对农村合作经济形态演进的区域环境效益的探讨,这实际上形成了一条从发现问题到分析问题再到解决问题的研究思路。沿着这样的思路,本文以合作经济理论和新制度经济学等其他相关经济理论为基础,以案例分析、效率分析和关联分析为工具,研究了农村合作经济形态演进动因与演进规律、农村合作经济新形态的创新特征与经营效率的实证以及农村合作经济形态演进对区域环境的影响效果三部分重点内容。首先是对“农村合作经济形态演进动因与演进规律”的研究,包括对形态演进诱因的解释、制度边界的确立和演进路径的探索。其次是对“农村合作经济新形态的创新特征与经营效率的实证”的研究包括对土地股份合作、社区股份合作、“新一代”合作、联合社等新的合作经济形态的制度分析与经营绩效评价,以判断农村合作经济演进的成效。再者是对“农村合作经济形态演进对区域环境的影响效果”的研究,对农村区域环境的外部性的评价,在确定形态演进与农村经济、社会和生态环境的关键影响因素的联系的基础上,提出农村合作经济形态演进与区域环境协同发展的机制。

【Abstract】 The introduction of rural cooperative economic get rid of the fate that China will dramatically return to "peasant economy" in the "family-run" era. It is an innovation in rural economy in the new century, driven by our government. In recent years, China’s economic reform gradually goes into the "deep water", the role of market allocation of resources is unlocked, reforms started by the government led to a market oriented guidance, Chinese rural cooperative economy that has a strong dependence on the policy, have been changing so much. In practice, the implications of rural cooperative economic became broader, Chinese rural cooperative economy continues to achieve significant innovation on the traditional principles of cooperative economy, various forms of cooperative economy that is quite different from the professional form come to pass, this phenomenon has been recognized as new characteristics of new agricultural management system. Dramatic environmental changes accumulated enough incentive to China’s rural cooperative economic evolution, at this time, the form of cooperative economy also need a re-recognition process, in fact, an adaptive evolutionary process has been turned on. The evolution of economic formation of rural cooperative economy is a process that simple professional cooperation form changes into shareholding cooperation,"new generation" of cooperation and cooperatives union.In this process, the traditional principle of cooperative economy is constantly breaking out at the theoretical level, the new cooperative economic forms emerging in practice. China’s rural cooperative economy qualitatively blurred because of people understands confusion as they are in various social strata, the evolution of economic formation of the rural cooperative economy needs a doctrinal urgent explain. While in reality, more and more new types of cooperatives appear in rural areas, gradually change the original rural economy structure and mode of operation of agricultural production, the environment of rural area began to changing. Therefore, at this stage, the understanding of the evolution of rural cooperative economic and is impact on the regional environment is very realistic, and the purpose of this study is also here. This paper explores the evolution of rural cooperative economic forms, mainly divided into three levels, the first is the discovery and thinking form evolution of cooperative phenomena, the second is the analysis of the nature of rural cooperative economics’ form evolution, the third is to explore the benefits to environment that the evolution of Chinese rural cooperative economy brings, this is actually formed a research idea that from the discovery of a problem to analyze the problem and then solve the problem.Along this line of thought, in this paper, based on the theory of cooperation, new institutional economics and other relevant economic theory, use the case analysis, efficiency analysis and correlation analysis tools to make a study on three sections, those are the motivation and the law of evolution, innovative features and operating efficiency of the new rural cooperative economic forms, the impact of evolution on regional environment. The first section is the "motivation and the law of evolution ",it includes interpretation of incentives for evolution, establish of system boundaries and deduce of the evolution path. The second section is "innovative features and operating efficiency of the new rural cooperative economic forms ",it evaluated operating performance of shareholding cooperation,"new generation" of cooperation and cooperatives union to determine the effectiveness of rural cooperative economic evolution. The third section is "the impact of evolution on regional environment", on the basis of the determination the key factors in the rural economy, society and ecology environment linkages, we proposed mechanism in which cooperative economic evolution an rural area environment could have a coordinated development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

