

Application of Data Analysis in Cost-Efficient Manngement of Pollution Control

【作者】 张睿

【导师】 曾建雄; 江鸿;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 环境工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 大到全球生态、小至菌群活动,环境问题具有与生俱来的复杂性。复杂系统的信息寄存于数据当中,在环境信息大量涌现的趋势下,数据思维是处理问题的必由之路。本文以复杂的污染控制与资源化系统为研究对象,以数据分析为工具,通过具体的污染控制与资源化议题,研究了数据分析方法在环境领域的应用。文中分别总结了复杂系统的研究方法、完善系统数据的粗糙集理论、多目标评价等数据分析方法,并将以上数据分析与模拟技术应用于具体的污染控制与资源化实践,对复杂环境系统的能耗与效率进行了优化。主要结论有:1.以活性污泥法废水处理工艺作为复杂系统的实例,应用多目标决策方法,实现了多项水质指标同步优化,并进一步将操作成本纳入优化目标。同时,用神经网络算法解决了多目标优化研究中的瓶颈,从而能够灵活的根据出水需求调控工艺参数。2.以河流清淤作为粗糙集的实例,应用数据挖掘算法,在不增加数据采集量的基础上,实施了智能清淤方案,为精确清淤提供理论依据,避免传统清淤工作造成的底栖生态破坏,显著降低清淤成本。3.以有机废弃物热解技术为研究实例,开展生命周期评价。构建了生物质从生产到热解及产物的二次利用的完整过程。从环境、能源、经济的角度提出最合适的生物质利用方案,即将生物油用于燃烧,生物碳用作土壤修复剂。4.通过对两种污水处理工艺(AAO和倒置AAO工艺)的比较,应用数理统计方法,建立清晰、简洁、直观的模型,分析结果表明倒置AAO工艺在除磷效果和适应性上较好,但在脱氮效果和稳定性不如AAO工艺。最后,文章展望了大数据分析的新思维将要给环境领域带来的变革趋势。

【Abstract】 Data usually are used to record the inherent uncertainty and complexity of environement issues. However, when enormous amount of data carry innumerable information about environment to us, data analysis has become an important approach to solve these environmental problems.This dissertation took complex system about pollution control and resource recovery as the research object, data analysis as tool, and a series of pollution control and resource recovery issues as instances. It focused on how to apply data analysis for solving the environmental problems. First, it gave an overview of the theories for complex system, rough set, assessment, and mathematical statistics, respectively. Then, following problems were solved based on those theories:1. Took the activated sludge process as an example of environmental complex system, established multi-objective optimization method for optimizing both treatment cost and multiple effluent quality indexes in a wastewater treatment plant. Artificial neural network was introduced to determine the set of decision factors according to expectation, thus more precise optimization was enabled.2. Took the environmental dredging as an example of rough set, established the intelligent dredging method. This precise dredging method avoided the adverse effect on the benthic environment caused by traditional dredging, and could save the operational cost and subsequent disposal cost of the dredged polluted sediments.3. Took the waste biomass pyrolysis as an example of information extraction, using life cycle assessment to find out the influences of pyrolysis and different use of its products on environment, energy and economy. The best scheme was proposed to take bio-oil as fuel and biochar as soil restoration agent.4. Took the comparison of two wastewater treatment processes (AAO and inverted AAO process) as an example of data characteristic, using statistics method to find out the optimum operation conditions. It was found that inverted AAO process performed better in phosphorus removal and adaptability, but worse in nitrogen removal and stability compared to AAO process.


