

Study on Integrated Simulation Methodology and Technology for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

【作者】 何桃

【导师】 吴宜灿; 龙鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 核科学与技术, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 如何准确预知核与辐射环境下从业人员受到的辐射剂量,尽量降低核与辐射危害一直是辐射防护领域关注的重要问题。仿真科学将理论和实验研究连接起来,己被广泛应用于计算机模拟核与辐射环境下应用方案的设计、评估和优化,其分析过程一般表现为跨平台、跨领域、多用户协作之间的迭代优化。随着网络与通信、高性能计算、虚拟现实、可视化等信息技术的快速发展,为从整体行为上高保真集成仿真核与辐射环境下的作业过程、高效开展核设计和分析提供了可能。本文在此背景下结合当前相关先进信息技术与理论,就如何高保真模拟核与辐射环境下作业过程、尽可能降低职业辐照剂量等相关问题展开了系统深入地研究。主要工作以及创新点描述如下:1)在充分调研国内外研究现状的基础上,系统分析了核与辐射安全集成仿真需求,结合当前先进信息技术,构建了一套支持多种服务模式、基于组件技术的面向核与辐射安全集成仿真的层次化、模块化系统架构,提供了作业方案交互设计、仿真和分析、人员剂量管理、虚拟培训等多种服务需求的集成仿真解决方案;2)提出并发展了基于自适应八叉树与视锥体裁剪技术的大规模复杂场景实时渲染方法和基于GPU的不规则数据场与任意几何体叠加可视化方法,从简化渲染数据量、避免数据规则化处理等多个环节对耦合辐射数据场的大规模复杂仿真场景交互式渲染过程进行了优化,提高了仿真场景渲染的效率解决了大规模复杂仿真场景难以在单机上实时渲染的问题;3)在上述研究基础上,完成了核与辐射安全集成仿真系统RVIS2.0系统的设计与开发,为从整体行为上高保真集成仿真核与辐射环境下的作业过程,高效保障“知剂量”优化决策提供了可能。在国际合作框架协议支持下,将RVIS2.0应用于国际热核聚变实验堆ITER极向场线圈PF4维修剂量的仿真与分析中,给出了优化的屏蔽和维修方案,对辅助ITER维修优化具有积极意义。

【Abstract】 How to predict radiation dose of staff and reduce the radiation harm is one of the key issues of radiation protection. Simulation technology which connects theory and experimental study has been widely used in planing, evaluation and optimization of radiation-related activities. With the development of modern information technologies, such as, network and communication, high-performance computing, virtual simulation and visualization in scientific computing, high fidelity simulation of the operation process in nuclear and radiation environment and efficient development of nuclear technologies have been widely studied.In this thesis, a systematic and deep study on how to achieve high fidelity simulation of the operation process in nuclear facilities repair and reduce occupational irradiation dose as much as possible, has been conducted by applying the advanced information technologies. Main work and innovations are as follows:1) Based on the deep investigation of existing nuclear and radiation safety simulation approaches and system, a component based multi-layer framework for nuclear and radiation safety integrated simulation has been prensented. In this framework, the component technology and hybrid service mode coupling with C/S and B/S approaches were adopted. And requirements on scheme’s interaction design and simulation analysis, scheme and worker’s historical dose remote management, virtual operating and training and so on, are well satisfied in this framework.2) According to the requirement on real-time rendering of large scale complex scenes in stand-alone device, an octree based real-time rendering method has been presented. The method optimizes the data field and model simulation scene visualization process. Meanwhile, according to the needs of superimposed visualization of irregular data field and model, the author develops the large irregular data field visualization method and the model superposition based on programmable GPU. The method avoids data regularization operation and improves the efficiency of real-time rendering of simulation data.3) Giving consideration to easy use, excellent expansibility and high fidelity comprehensive simulation, an integrated system RVIS has been developed and applied to the evaluation and optimization of ITER PF4coil maintenance, the simulation result received ITER organization recognition. And this proposed method and system provide a useful approach to guide the analysis and optimization of ITER maintenance.


