

The Study on Contemporary Relationship between Mongolia, Tibetan and Han Nationality in Haixi of Qinghai

【作者】 李世勇

【导师】 徐黎丽;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代,民族关系作为一种特殊而重要的社会关系,已成为国家政治稳定、边疆安全的重要变量。不仅如此,民族关系及其问题还是世界冲突与纷争的重要根源之一,是世界大国实现其国际战略所借重的重要工具。近年来,我国西北边疆地区民族问题十分突出,对国家政治生活产生了重大影响,日益受到社会普遍关注。因此,深入研究西北地区民族关系,对于构建社会主义和谐社会,实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重要的现实意义。本文以青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州蒙藏汉民族关系为研究视角,对海西民族关系发展的历史、现状及影响民族关系的政治、经济、文化等因素进行了梳理和分析,在此基础上对西北多民族聚居区民族关系发展的一般规律进行探讨和总结,并对构建和谐民族关系提出了相应的政策建议。民族是人类存在的基本形式。由于自然地理环境等诸多因素决定了不同地域的民族形成了不同的民族文化,而文化是民族之根,内化为民族的集体意识,规定着民族的基本特点。民族之间的差异主要体现在民族文化方面,在当今阶级斗争和意识形态日益失去政治号召力的时代,文化正成为形成社会凝聚力的核心因素。因此,从长远来看,积极构建我国多民族国家各民族共同文化是民族关系和谐发展的基础。同时,民族之间存在的较大的发展差距是影响民族关系和谐发展的直接原因。经济发展不平衡在民族地区带来了消极的政治后果,成为影响西北边疆地区民族关系和谐发展最重的要因素。从现代民族国家建构视野来看,我国民族国家建构尚未彻底完成,特别是构成民族国家核心的中华民族未能发挥应有的民族整合作用,民族(族群)认同与国家认同之间的冲突是边疆民族危机产生的深层次原因。普遍认为,要实现民族关系和谐发展,就要大力发展民族地区社会生产力,缩小区域发展差距。但发展民族地区生产力最重要的并不是单一地给予少数民族地区大量的资金援助以及照顾性政策,而是着眼于对民族地区当地居民自身发展能力的提升。具体而言,就是要在民族地区正在实施的工业化过程中,充分保证当地群众的工业化主体地位,创造条件使其更多地参与到现代化工业生产中,从而在民族地区的工业化、城镇化、市场化过程中促进少数民族传统生计方式的现代化变迁;促进民族地区社会结构的现代化转型;实现少数民族人的现代化以及少数民族文化的现代化。要不断完善民族地方治理结构和治理方式,重视和创新少数民族干部政策,发挥少数民族干部在民族关系和谐发展中的积极作用。同时,在中华民族伟大复兴过程中,不断丰富“各民族共创中华”的当代内涵,赋予其新的共同历史任务,不断激发少数民族的主人翁精神,在共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展中增强国家认同意识。此外,国家在坚持民族区域自治、文化多元并存基本政策的同时,必须充分认识到国家认同对多民族国家的重要意义。因此,应进一步协调民族认同与国家认同之间的关系,大力加强国家认同培育,构建统一的现代民族国家的公民身份。

【Abstract】 The ethnic relations as a kind of special and important social relations are important variables influencing political stability in the country. In today’s world, Ethnic relations and its problems is not only one of the important causes of conflict and war between countries and regions, but also an important tool of world powers to implement the international strategy. In recent years, Ethnic problems in the northwest frontier region of China has become a prominent issue of common concern to the state and society, and has produced important influence on political stability, border security.In this paper, we see the relationship between Mongolia, Tibetan and Han nationality in the Mongolia Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Haixi of Qinghai Province as the research angle of view, reviews and analyzes the history, status and influence factors of political, economic, cultural and ethnic relations of the Haixi ethnic relations, based on this study we summary the northwest area of minority ethnic relations development general rules. At the same time, according to the theory of ethnic relations, we put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the construction of Haixi ethnic relations.Nationality is the basic form of human existence. The natural geographical environment and many other factors determine the different regions of people formed the different national culture. And culture is the root of a nation. Ethnical differences are mainly embodied in the national culture. Today class struggle and ideology is losing political appeal. The core factor of culture becomes the formation of social cohesion, appeal. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, actively build a common culture of all nationalities is the basis for the harmonious development of ethnic relations. At the same time, the huge development gap between the nationalities is the direct cause of the harmonious development of ethnic relations. The imbalance of economic development in the minority areas has brought serious political consequences, and it has become the most important factor to the ethnic relations harmonious development on border area in the northwest. From the modern nation state building perspective, China’s national construction has not been completed. Especially the national core of the Chinese nation has failed to play the role of ethnic integration due. The conflict between ethnic (ethnic group) identity and national identity is the deep reason of frontier crisis. Therefore, In order to realize the harmonious development of ethnic relations, we must vigorously develop social productive forces of Ethnic Area. The most important thing is not to give local national capital investment as well as a large number of care policies and so on, but fully guarantee the national mass industrial dominant position in the process of industrialization in ethnic areas, and create conditions make more people involved in industrial production, and benefit from it. Thus realize the modern transition of traditional means of livelihood of ethnic minorities in the process of industrialization, and realize the national minority people’s modernization and the modernization of national culture. Lay the economic, cultural foundation for the construction of various ethnic common cultural. At the same time, in the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must constantly enrich contemporary connotation of "All ethnic groups create the Chinese ", give the new common historical mission, constantly stimulate minority master spirit, and enhance the sense of national identity in the development of the common prosperity and struggle. In addition, it is necessary to improve Local governance mode, attention and innovation minority cadres policy, bring minority cadres into play a positive role in the harmonious development of ethnic relations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

