

Logic of Justice on the Production of Space-From the Perspective of Reconstruction of Justice and Critique of the Production of Space

【作者】 任政

【导师】 陈忠;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 空间生产不仅是城市空间重组的过程,而且还是社会转型、政治重构的过程。由此,空间生产过程也引发了资本主义社会关系的深层变化。具体而言,资本主义的剥削方式、统治模式以及财富的生产与分配形式都发生了调整。与此同时,空间资源占有与分配的不均、空间权力与权利配置的失衡等问题也造就了新的社会不平等。因而,空间正义主要调整与规范的就是人与人、人与区域、区域与区域在空间生产过程中的空间资源的占有与分配、空间权力与权利的获得与享有之间的关系问题。但是,“空间中事物的生产”转变为“空间的生产”的直接推动者或者背后的根本力量却是资本的空间扩张。因此,空间正义问题的核心是处理空间与资本之间的逻辑关系。所以,问题意识与对话意识、现实意识与批判意识的融合是本论文写作的主要基调。进而言之,空间正义的研究并不是从知识论的立场出发,构建一套空间正义论的完整体系,而是紧紧着眼于资本支配下的空间生产及其问题,围绕空间资本化、空间政治化、空间技术化等核心基点展开叙事。同时,空间正义的批判也不是对空间生产的一种道德化的诉说,而是重在客观揭示与呈现空间生产的内在运行机理、矛盾以及后果。而且,空间生产的批判必须是一种辩证的批判。空间正义评判的标准与依据是事实与价值批判的统一。空间正义的逻辑本质上也是一种历史的逻辑,必须坚持价值逻辑与事实逻辑、主观逻辑与客观逻辑的统一。在行文上,论文的写作遵循了历史叙事与空间叙事并进的叙事手法:一条是以资本创新与空间演变为尺度的历史叙事手法。随着资本的创新,资本的实现形式与形态不断更新。同时,随着资本的塑造与技术的建构,空间的形态以及空间的结构与组织形式也在不断发生变革。因此,随着资本形态与空间形式的相互塑造,空间正义的问题与问题域都在变化,空间正义的建构也必须发生变化。另一条是以资本化空间、政治化空间、信息化空间为图景的空间叙事手法。其根本目的在于使空间压迫与剥削得以立体、全方位呈现。这些空间图景相互交织在一起,既是制约空间正义的综合因素,又共同构筑了空间正义实现的场域。这两条叙事彼此交融,共同构筑了空间正义的具体形态。按照这样的叙事布局,全文由以下四个部分内容构成:首先,空间正义能否作为一个独立范畴,有无言说的必要性,关键取决于何种程度上理解空间、正义以及空间与正义之间内在的逻辑关系。为此,第一部分主要是澄清空间与正义的概念,在此基础上阐释空间与正义之间内在的逻辑关系。空间正义不是概念的臆造,而是空间的正义性与正义的空间性相互融合的产物。空间不仅具有物理性而且具有社会性与历史性。空间的社会性更直接地体现为空间的阶级性。因而,空间的组织形式、结构、意义与功能必然是统治阶级利益的体现。同样,正义也具有多重属性,是多重建构的。正义不仅具有历史性、社会性,而且正义也具有空间性。正义总是一定场域中的正义。正义理论的建构、正义规范的践行都内在包含一个空间维度。因此,空间正义是空间的正义性与正义的空间性双向互动、双向生成的产物。其次,空间正义的建构必须还原历史真实的问题,追问空间正义问题的根源。因此,第二部分主要是立足于资本空间化逻辑阐明空间正义问题的根源及其本质。具体而言,从资本与空间生产的关系出发,具体分析资本如何造就了空间生产,进一步追问资本主义主导下的空间生产如何生产与再生产了社会不平等。进而从对抗资本主义空间生产过程出发,提出推进空间正义的目标与可能性路径。再次,空间生产既是一个空间重组过程,也是一个政治重构过程。因此,随着空间生产的推进,空间资本化与政治化的融合,空间生产不仅塑造了新空间关系而且产生了新的政治关系,对于政治影响深远。由此,空间资本化导致了空间政治日益突显。因此,第三部分从空间政治的视角来分析空间正义问题。空间正义的实现必须由抵抗空间的资本化走向空间政治的反抗。最后,在信息时代,随着空间支配逻辑的转变,流动空间支配了地方空间。空间的生产越来越受制于流动空间。因此,空间正义的建构必然受到流动空间的制约。而且,在现实之中,流动空间仍然在生产与再生产着不平等。流动空间的正义问题也日趋突显。因此,流动空间成为正义建构的新的历史地平线。所以,以地方空间为基础的正义决不能简单照搬到流动空间之中。因此,我们必须根据流动空间的属性,重新定义与建构流动空间正义。

【Abstract】 The production of space is not only a process of urban spatial expansion, but also theprocess of social transformation and change of spatial organization. So, the process ofspatial production also led to deep changes of capitalist social relation. Specifically, theforms of capitalist exploitation, dominant, production and distribution of wealth haveadjusted. Meanwhile, the problems such as the unevenness of possession and distributionof space resources, the imbalance of space power and power distribution all leads to thenew social inequalities. Therefore, spatial justice mainly adjusts and regulates relationshipissues about the possession and distribution of space resources between man and man, manand regional, regional and regional, and achievement and enjoyment of the spatial rightand power during the space production. However, the direct contribution or fundamentalforce of things production in space transform into the production of space is the spatialexpansion of capital. Therefore, the core issue of spatial justice is to deal with therelationship between space and capital. Therefore, the integration of awareness of problemand dialogue, the consciousness of reality and critical is the main tone of writing. So, theresearch on spatial justice is not from the standpoint of knowledge theory to build acomprehensive system of spatial justice, but tightly focuses on spatial production and itsproblems under the domination of capital, expands narrative with the core basis points suchas the capitalization space, politicalize space and technicalization space. At the same time,the criticism of spatial justice is not a kind of moralize telling about spatial production, butemphases on announcing and revealing the inherent operational mechanism, contradictionand consequences of spatial production objectively.Textually, the writing of this essay follows the method of historical narrative andspatial narrative advancing together: one is the historical narrative method based on capitalinnovation and spatial evolution. With the innovation of capital, the realization form andpattern of capital are constantly updating. Meanwhile, with the shape of capital and the construction of technical, the spatial form, spatial structure and organization pattern arealso constantly changing. So, as the mutual shaping of capital pattern and space form, boththe issues and domain of spatial justice are changing, the construction of spatial justicemust also change. Another narrative method is regarding capitalization space, space ofpolitic, informatization space as landscape. Its essential purpose is to enable the oppressionand exploitation of space emerges omni-directionally. The space scenes are intertwinedwith each other; they are not only the comprehensive factors that affecting spatial justice,but also construct the implementation field of space justice together. These two narrativemethods blend with each other and build concrete form of spatial justice together.According to this narration, the full-text consists of the following four parts:First of all, justice, can apace justice be an independent category and has it necessityto speak critically depends on the understanding degree of space, justice, as well as theinherent logic relationship between space and justice. To this end, the first part is mainly toclarify the concept of space and justice, interpret the inherent logic relationship betweenspace and justice on the basis of it. Spatial justice is not the concept of imaginary but theintegration results of space’s justice and justice’s space. Space is not only has the characterof physical, but also has the character of social and historical. The social character of spaceis more directly reflected by social character. Thus, the organization, structure, meaningand function of space must be the embodiment of ruling class’ interests. Similarly, justicealso has multiple properties, and its construction is multiple. Justice not only has thecharacter of historic and social, but it also has space character. Justice must always be thejustice of specific field. The construction of justice theory and the practice of justiceprinciple both intrinsically contain a spatial dimension. Therefore, spatial justice is theinteraction and two-way product of space’s justice character and justice’s space character.Second, spatial justice construction must restore historical real problems and ask theroot of space justice problem. So, the second part illuminates the origin and nature of spacejustice logically based on the space capitalization. In particular, starting from therelationship between capital and space production, analyze how capital creates spaceproduction specifically, further questioning how the capitalist-led space productionproduce and reproduction social inequalities. Then set out from the resist process ofcapitalism space production and make goals and likely path to improve space justice.Again, space production not only a process of space reorganization, but also a process of political reconstruction. Therefore, with the advancement of the space production andthe integration of space capitalization and politicized, space production not only shapesnew spatial relations, but also creates new political relations and has deep impact onpolitical. Therefore, space capitalization leads to increasingly limelight of space politics.Accordingly, the third part analyzes the spatial justice from the perspective of spacepolitical. The realization of space justice must be from the resistance of spacecapitalization to the resistance of space politicized.Finally, in the age of information, with the changes of space dominant logic, mobilespace dominates the local space. Space production is getting more and more subject to themobile space. Therefore, space justice construction will certainly be restricted by mobilespace. And, in reality, the mobile space is still producing and reproducing unequal. Theproblems of mobile space justice are becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, mobilespace becomes new historical horizon of justice construction. So, the justice which basedon local space must not be simply copied to mobile space. We must redefine and constructmobile space justice correspond to properties of mobile space.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期

