

Study on Optical System of Simultaneous and Complete Polarization Imaging

【作者】 贺虎成

【导师】 沈为民;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 光学工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 偏振成像仪可以识别常规手段难以探测的目标,降低杂乱背景的影响,在复杂的辐射环境中检测出有用的信息,增强目标探测与识别能力。本文研究,设计和研制出用于目标探测和识别的分孔径同时偏振成像系统,该系统可望用作侦查飞机、卫星、导引头等载荷。本文开展了如下工作:第一章阐明本文的研究课题、研究意义等,介绍了偏振成像光学系统的应用领域和国内外研究近况,概述本文研究内容。第二章介绍光的偏振特性及其定量描述方法,给出偏振成像系统模型和成像原理,比较分析现有偏振成像方法。根据实际应用需求,提出了无中继的分孔径同时偏振成像系统,该系统由共孔径镜头组和四个偏心分孔径子系统组成,具有结构紧凑、完全Stokes矢量同时成像等特点。第三章提出用光学传递矩阵(OTM),评价偏振成像光学系统成像质量和分析其偏振测量误差的方法,推导和举例分析了OTM、偏振测量误差与系统参数间关系。OTM不仅可以表示每个偏振通道的成像质量,还可以描述不同偏振通道之间的串扰。第四章根据信噪比等要求和近轴成像理论,确定光学系统的视场角、工作波段焦距和孔径等基本参数。给出二组、三组两种分孔径偏心成像系统的结构形式和近轴成像特性。运用赛德耳初级像差和空间光线传递公式,导出并分析此类偏心分孔径光学系统的初级像差公式、PW表达式与像差特性。第五章基于导出的PW关系式,给出其初始结构参数的计算方法和结果。给出两种分孔径偏心成像光学系统的优化设计结果和成像质量评价,表明设计得到的成像系统成像质量好、满足性能指标要求。给出光学系统的公差优化分配结果,基于误差传递公式和导出的偏振测量误差公式,分析和给出系统偏振测量允差与偏振元件制造、装调误差之间的关系。第六章报导分孔径偏振成像镜头的研制及结果。介绍了镜头光机结构设计、装调方法与结果,测量了其焦距和光学传递函数等基本性能参数。基于偏振成像镜头,构建了同时、完全Stokes偏振成像样机,利用非偏振光、线偏振光、椭圆偏振光目标和自然景物目标,试验其偏振成像性能。通过图像处理,获取了目标完全Stokes矢量图、偏振度图及偏振角度图,取得了与理论预期相符的成像试验结果。第七章总结全文工作,概括创新点及不足,提出下一步工作建议。

【Abstract】 Polarization imagers are able to identify the target that may be difficult toconventional ones. They can reduce the influence of stray background and complexenvironment and enhance capability of target detection and recognition. Thedissertation researches a new type of simultaneous polarization imaging optical systemwith divided aperture, and its prototype is designed and manufactured, which isexpected to be used as airborne and spaceborne payload. The main contributions aresummarized as follows:The issue and significance of the dissertation is put forward in the first chapter.The application fields and research progress of polarization imaging systems arebriefly summarized. The main contents of dissertation are outlined.In second chapter, polarization characteristics of light and its quantitativecharacterization method is introduced. Modeling and imaging principle of generalpolarization imaging system are described. Existing polarization imaging methods arecompared and analyzed. According to requirements for practical usage, anaperture-divided simultaneous polarization imaging system without relay lens isproposed, which is consists of an aperture shared lens group and four aperture-dividedlens groups. It is capable of simultaneous complete Stokes vector imaging withcompact configuration.In third chapter, an optical transfer matrix (OTM) method is proposed to eveluatethe imaging quality in polarization imaging system and to analyze its polarizationmeasurement errors. The relationship of their OTM and polarization measurementerrors to their parameters is derived and analyzed with examples. OTM can describe not only imaging quality of each polarization channels but also the crosstalk betweendifferent channels.In fourth chapter, the basic parameters, including field angle of view, workingwavelength band, effective focal length, and relative aperture of the optical system tobe developed, are determined from its signal-to-noise ratio requirements and paraxialimaging theory. Two layouts of such aperture-divided imaging systems, consisting oftwo groups of lenses and three groups of lenses respectively, are suggested, and theirparaxial imaging properties are analyzed. Based on primary aberration of on-axis lensand transfer relations of skew rays, their primary aberration formula andcharacteristics and corresponding PW representation are derived and analyzed.In fifth chapter, method and result for determination of their initial structuralparameters is given based on the derived PW representations. Optimization design andimaging quality of both types of aperture-divided decenterd imaging systems arereported. It is shown that the designed lenses and their imaging quality meet therequired performance. Their tollerance is analyzed and its allocation optimized. Therelationship of polarization measurement tolerance to manufacture, assembly andalignment tolerances of polarization components is derived and analyzed from errortransfer formula and the derived polarization measurement error formulas.In sixth chapter, the manufacture process and result of aperture-dividedpolarization imaging optical system is reported. The optomechanical structure isdesigned. After alignment, the focal length and the OTF are measured. Thesimultaneous complete Stokes polarization imaging prototype is builted with thedeveloped lens and a CCD detector. Imaging experiments for unpolarized, linearlypolarized, elliptically polarized targets and natural objects is accomplished,respectively, in order to validate its polarization imaging performance. CompleteStokes vector, polarization degree and polarization angle images of these targets areachieved through processing the obtained four-channel images. Imaging experimentalresults are consistent with our design and theoretical expectations. In the last chapter, the main work and the innovative points of this dissertation aresummarized, and the further work is prospected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

