

Starch Accumulation and Enzymes Activities for Starch Synthesis in Sorghum Grains

【作者】 依兵

【导师】 黄瑞冬;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 淀粉是高粱子粒的主要成分,高粱子粒淀粉的含量及直链淀粉与支链淀粉的比例决定着高粱子粒的品质,并对子粒的出米率、适口性及酿造等方面有重要影响。本研究以不同淀粉含量高粱品种为试材,通过田间试验、盆栽试验和实验室分析,研究子粒淀粉积累规律及相关合成酶活性,明确不同子粒淀粉含量高粱生理生化特性,探讨高淀粉高粱子粒淀粉合成相关酶作用机制,为今后更好地应用高淀粉高粱种质资源、培育适合于市场及社会需求的高淀粉高粱新品种提供理论依据。试验取得以下主要研究结果:1.对27份不同粒用高粱品种试验研究结果表明,高粱淀粉产量与生物产量、千粒重、穗粒数极显著正相关。淀粉产量与收获指数、N积累量、K积累量显著正相关。单株子粒产量与生物产量、收获指数、穗粒数极显著正相关。单株子粒产量与千粒重、K积累量呈显著正相关。淀粉含量与穗粒数呈显著负,与千粒重呈显著正相关。由此可以说明,较高的生物量是高淀粉产量的保证,提高收获指数可以增加淀粉产量。穗粒数与淀粉产量、单株子粒产量具有较高的正相关系数,适当的提高穗粒数可能会对高粱子粒产量和淀粉产量有所提高。但穗粒数的增加会对淀粉含量产生影响,这可能是由于粒数的增多,会对粒重和子粒大小产生影响的缘故。因此,在保证较高淀粉含量的前提下,适当增加穗粒数可以有效的提高子粒产量和淀粉产量。通过对淀粉产量和淀粉含量进行聚类分析,筛选出高淀粉产量、高淀粉含量品种锦杂105、铁杂11号和铁杂17号,高淀粉产量、低淀粉含量品种晋杂23号、辽杂11号。2.对高淀粉含量高粱铁杂17号和低淀粉含量高粱辽杂11号的淀粉积累特征及相关淀粉酶活性差异的结果表明,高粱子粒淀粉积累量随开花后天数呈“S型”曲线变化。铁杂17号的淀粉积累量高于辽杂11号。铁杂17号具有相对较长的积累时间,达到最大积累速率的时间早于辽杂11号,并且淀粉积累速率也较高。铁杂17号子粒中蔗糖合成酶(SS)、蔗糖磷酸化酶(SPS)、腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(ADPGPase)、尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UDPGPase)、结合态淀粉合成酶(GBSS)活性均高于辽杂11号,ADPGPase、GBSS活性差异极显著。淀粉积累前期辽杂11号子粒中可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、淀粉分支酶(SBE)活性高于铁杂17号,而中后期相反。辽杂11号子粒中DBE活性始终高于铁杂17号。相关分析结果说明,SS、ADPGPase、UDPGPase、 GBSS对直链淀粉的积累过程具有一定的催化作用,而SS、ADPGPase、UDPGPase、SSS、 SBE、淀粉去分支酶(DBE)在支链淀粉的合成过程中起调节作用。3.开花期干旱胁迫对不同淀粉含量高粱子粒淀粉含量、淀粉产量与子粒产量相关性状具有一定影响。试验结果表明,辽杂11号和铁杂17号的子粒淀粉含量及其组分有较大差异,支链淀粉含量的多少,主要影响着总淀粉含量的高低。开花期干旱处理,使总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量、支链淀粉含量降低。开花期干旱处理对不同品种的影响程度不同。综合数据来看,铁杂17号淀粉含量及其组分受开花期干旱胁迫处理的影响大于辽杂11号。开花期干旱胁迫对高粱子粒的淀粉产量、子粒产量及其相关性状的影响较为严重,并且不同年份,不同品种受影响的程度各不相同。4.开花期干旱处理降低了淀粉含量和淀粉产量,可能是由于淀粉积累过程中开花期干旱抑制了淀粉合成相关酶活性,进而影响到了淀粉的积累。因此,通过盆栽种植方式,在开花期水分胁迫条件下研究两个淀粉含量不同高粱品种(高淀粉品种铁杂17号和低淀粉品种辽杂11号)子粒淀粉积累规律和相关合成酶活性的差异。开花期干旱胁迫条件下,总淀粉积累量、直链淀粉积累量和支链淀粉积累量在子粒灌浆中后期均呈减少趋势;最大淀粉积累速率和平均积累速率降低;子粒淀粉积累持续时间缩短,达到最大积累速率时间提前;子粒淀粉积累过程中,淀粉合成相关酶活性均受到不同程度的影响。高淀粉品种铁杂17号的淀粉积累受干旱胁迫影响大于低淀粉品种辽杂11号。开花期干旱胁迫,不同程度地抑制了高粱淀粉合成相关酶活性,进而对高粱子粒淀粉的积累产生不同程度的影响。不同高粱品种和不同淀粉组分对开花期干旱胁迫的响应也不相同。5.灌浆期干旱处理,降低了高粱子粒的淀粉含量、淀粉产量、单株子粒产量和千粒重,使穗粒数略有减少。灌浆期干旱使高粱子粒淀粉最大积累量降低,淀粉积累的持续时间缩短,淀粉最大积累速率有所增加。就直链淀粉而言,辽杂11号受影响较大,而对铁杂17号的影响较小。灌浆期干旱处理,对支链淀粉积累的影响较大。综合来看,辽杂11号的淀粉积累受灌浆期干旱处理的影响大于铁杂17号。辽杂11号子粒中ADPGPase活性,在整个淀粉积累过程中受灌浆期干旱影响较大,而铁杂17号在淀粉积累前期受影响较大。灌浆期干旱对辽杂11号子粒中SSS、GBSS活性的抑制程度大于铁杂17号。铁杂17号子粒中SBE活性受灌浆期干旱影响降低幅度大于辽杂11号。

【Abstract】 Sorghum is one of the major cereal crops. Sorghum has wide adaptability, with the characteristics of drought and water-logging, saline-alkali and barren resistance, etc. Starch is the major component of sorghum grain. Sorghum grain starch content and the ratio of amylase and amylopectin relate to grain yield and quality and also have great influences on grain milling rate, palatability and brewing efficiency. This study used different sorghum varieties as testing materials to study the difference of starch content, grain starch accumulation regulation and the related synthesis enzyme activities, for confirming sorghum physiological and biochemical characteristics with different grain starch content, and the starch synthesis enzyme mechanism of sorghum with high starch content. The main results were as follows:1. Study results of27hybrids showed, starch yield differs significantly from different sort grain starch content, there was a significant positive correlation between starch yield and biomass, harvest index,1000-seed weight, grain amount, N, K accumulation. And there was significantly negative correlation between total starch content, amylopectin content and grain amount. Thus the higher biomass was to ensure a higher starch production, improvement of harvest index may increase the starch production. There was a higher positive correlation coefficient between grain amount and starch content, grain yield per plant, appropriate improving of grain amount might improved sorghum grain yield and starch production. But grain amount’s increasing will affect the starch content, this could be due to the increasing of grain amount might caused grain weight and grain size’s effect. Therefore, under the premise to ensure a higher starch content, to appropriate increase grain amount can effectively improve the grain yield and starch production.By clustering analysis of starch yield and starch content, to filter out the higher starch yield and starch content variety of Jinza105, Tieza11, Tieza17, and higher starch yield with lower starch content variety of Jinza23, Liaoza11.2. Results showed that sorghum grain starch accumulation appears’S’curve with days amount after flowering from starch accumulation characteristics and related amylase activity discrepancy of sorghum Tieza17which was the higher starch content and sorghum Liaoza11which was lower starch content. Tieza17’s starch accumulation was higher Liaoza11’s. Tieza 17had a relatively longer accumulation timing, the time to reach the maximum accumulation rate is earlier than Liaoza11and accumulation rate was also higher. The SS, SPS, ADPGPase, UDPGPase, GBSS activity in Tieza11grain were higher than Liaoza11, ADPGPase、GBSS activity discrepancy was significant. At earlier stage of starch accumulation, the SSS, SBE activity in Liaoza11grain was higher than Tieza17, but on the contrary at mid-late stage. The DBE activity of Liaoza11was always higher than Tieza17. The relative analysis results showed that the SS, ADPGPase, UDPGPase, GBSS activity will had some impaction to amylose starch accumulation, but the SS, ADPGPase, UDPGPase, SSS, SBE, DBE activity will affect the synthesis of amylopectin.3. Drought stress during flowering stage had some impact to sorghum with different starch content grain starch accumulation, starch yield and yield-related traits. The results showed that both Liaoza11and Tieza17’s grain starch content and its composition had quite difference, the quantity of total starch content was mainly affected by amylopectin content. Drought treatment during flowering decreased the total starch content, amylase content, amylopectin content. Level of drought treatment’s affection during flowering was different from different variety Through comprehensive date, Tieza17’s starch content and the affection of its composition by drought stress during flowering was higher than Liaoza11. The affection of sorghum grain starch yield, production and its related traits by drought stress during flowering was more seriously, and the level of affection differs from different years and varieties.4. Under drought stress during flowering, total starch accumulation, amylase accumulation and amylopectin accumulation appeared trend of decreasing at mid-late starge of grain filling, and the maximum starch accumulation rate and mean accumulation rage were reduced, grain starch accumulation duration was shorten, the time to reach the maximum accumulation rate was earlier. Starch synthesis activity were subject to different degree of impact during grain starch accumulation, the impact of Tieza17’s starch accumulation by drought stress was bigger than Liaoza11. The drought stress during flowering inhibits sorghum starch synthesis activity for different degrees, and cause different degrees of impact on the sorghum grain starch accumulation. The response to drought stress during flowering was also different from different varieties of sorghum and starch composition.5. Drought stress during filling stage declined the sorghum grain starch content, starch yield, yield per plant and1000-seed-weight, made the ear grain number slightly reduce. Starch accumulation quantity and the duration of starch accumulation was reduced, starch maximum accumulation rate was increased by drought stress during filling stage. In terms of amylose, Liaoza11affected was relatively serious, and had less effect on the Tieza17. Amylopectin accumulation was more influenced by drought stress during filling stage. All together, drought stress during filling stage influence on Liaoza11’s starch accumulation was more than Tieza17’s.ADPGPase activity of Liaoza11in the process of starch accumulation, was seriously influenced by filling stage drought, and Tieza17’s affected at the early stage of starch accumulation. Drought stress during filling stage was reduced the activity of SSS and GBSS, but the inhibition of SSS and GBSS activity of Liaoza11is greater than Tieza17. Tieza17’s SBE activity affected by drought stress during filling stage was greater than that of Liaoza11.

【关键词】 高粱干旱胁迫淀粉积累酶活性
【Key words】 SorghumDrought stressStarch accumulationEnzyme activity

