

Words’ Volumes of the Old Wooden Slips of Juyan

【作者】 李瑤

【导师】 馮勝君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 歷史文獻學, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 1930-1931年,西北科学考察团在今内蒙古自治区额济纳河流域调查汉代居延烽燧遗址时发掘采集了大约一万一千多枚简牍,被学术界称为“居延旧简”。这批材料一经发现和公布,就引起国内外学者的高度关注。他们纷纷撰文对汉简上的文字进行研究考释。木简上书写的字形多以汉代隶书为主,间有部分草书。我们在吸收前人研究成果的基础上将其整理成字编的形式,希望能够在一定程度上反映汉简文字的形体特点,以便学术界对汉简文字的进一步研究和讨论。本论文题目为《居延旧简文字编》,共分为两部分。第一部分为“绪论”,第二部分为本论文的主体部分,即“字编”。“绪论”一方面对居延旧简的质材、形制以及它书写的时代、内容加以介绍;另一方面对居延旧简的整理研究情况进行了回顾和总结。同时,我们还对居延汉简著录的图版情况进行了介绍和评价。“字编”分为三部分。第一部分为正编,共十四卷;第二部分为合文;第三部分是附录。本字编的正文部分,见於《说文》者,按大徐本的顺序排列,首列出隶定形体,次为小篆,同一字头下的异体字则给出各自隶定形体并分行排列。《说文》所无之字,按结构分列相应部首之後,并以其隶定形体为字头。无法辨识的文字归於附录。

【Abstract】 In1930-1931,The scientific mission to the Northwest excavated about eleven thousand wooden slips when they were investigating the JuYan beacon site of Han Dynasty In Ejina River of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. They are called’The Old Wooden Slips Of JuYan" by the academic circles. After this batch of materials are found and published,they attract the attention of scholars at home and abroad.The scholars Have written articles about textual research on characters of wooden slips.The characters written on the wooden slips are the Han Dynasty official script in the main,with cursive script partly. We organize into words compiled form on basis of the previous research results,hoping to reflect the characteristics of the form words of Han wooden slips in a certain extent, In order to academia to further study and discussion.This thesis is titled "Words’Volumes Of The Old Wooden Slips Of JuYan ".This paper is devided into two parts.The first part is " introduction", The second part is "words’volumes".On the one hand, the "introduction" is focus on introducing the lumber, shape, the writing time and content of "The Old Wooden Slips Of JuYan";on the other hand, it is a summary about situation of their collection and research.At the same time, we also introduce and give some comments on Chart recording of "The Old Wooden Slips Of JuYan"The"Words’Volumes" is devided into three parts.The first part is main volumes,A total of fourteen volemes;the second part is free morpheme;the third part is addenda.In the main body of the words’volumes,the fonts found in "ShuoWen",arrange according to the order of "DaXu".Firstly list regular script font,secondly script. The variant characters under the same prefix give their separate regular script font and branch. The fonts not found in "ShuoWen", arrange after corresponding radicals by structure and give regular script font as for prefix.Attribute the fonts which we are unable to identify to addenda.

【关键词】 居延舊简简牘说文字编
【Key words】 The Old wooden Slips Of JuYanwooden SlipsShuoWenWords’Volumes
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

